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My Daughter's Boyfriend Pt. 01

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A white married woman falls for her daughter’s black BF.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 03/16/2024
Created 12/02/2023
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Chapter 1

When I look back I realised that what happened was inevitable, it was like a perfect set of circumstances came together and changed not only my life but all those I cared most deeply about. It shouldn't have ended the way it did, but it did. Do I have any regrets? Yes, the way it ended. But what happened prior to that? God, no! I look back at what I did and what I experienced and it still sends shivers down my spine!

So if you'll indulge me, I'll set the scene. I was 45, married with 2 kids. A son aged 21 in his final year at college and an 18 year old daughter just about to go to college. The same college that their father went to which was a long family tradition on his side. I also went to the same college but on a tennis scholarship. It's where I met my future husband. He was from a wealthy family and obviously went straight to work for the family law firm. Some people may have looked at this and said it was only because he was the son of the boss. In fact he was a rather good lawyer whose progress was mainly down to his intellect and hard work. And of course that brought substantial rewards.

His family were at first a bit hesitant when he introduced me to them. I think they'd always had plans for him to marry into another wealthy family rather than someone who needed a scholarship to go to college but I think my promise of a professional tennis career when I finished college kind of dazzled them and they accepted me. My husband was crazy about me and insisted we got married. I was a bit hesitant as I was only 21 but agreed on condition that we put off having kids so I could focus on my tennis career. He was fine with that as he needed all his energy to prove himself in his father's law firm and long nights with a crying baby wouldn't help that! So it was all looking great!

My tennis career on the pro circuit took a bit of time to get going but eventually the results started to come and I was ranked in the world top 20. I was super happy as you have no idea just how competitive it is and my husband's family were not shy in letting everyone know about the 'famous tennis pro' their son was married to!

Of course being a professional athlete I was super fit. 5'8, a very toned firm 140lbs with low body fat and great endurance. I was naturally blonde from my parents Swedish heritage, with big blue eyes and thankfully, for an athlete, small A cup breasts. My husband always told me how beautiful I was and that I turned heads anywhere I went! I wasn't so sure in my younger years and wanted to be known for my tennis and not my looks. There are plenty of players like that whom I sure I don't need to name!

So everything was going great until a game on grass. There had been some light rain and the surface was a bit damp but deemed playable. I was fine with that until I slid reaching to return serve and felt my knee literally explode. I crumpled to the floor in complete agony. It was my cruciate ligament. Despite surgery, months of rehab and physio it was just never the same and although I tried to come back I just couldn't compete at the same level as before. I was heart broken as I plummeted down the rankings and in the end I knew it was over. At 22 I was on the tennis scrap heap and had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life!

Chapter 2

Fast forward over 20 years and I found myself turning 45. Where had my life gone? After my career ended there was no reason to not have kids and after a couple of years of trying I finally had Brad and then 3 years later, Cindy. They completely changed me and my whole life was focused on being the best Mom and supportive wife I could be! I was surprised at just how satisfying I found this as I never thought that this is what I would end up being! Of course I was still beautiful and quickly got my figure back after each child was born.

I could tell my husband was super proud of me when I had to go to the endless boring, tedious law firm dinners and balls. He always told me I was the 'hottest wife' at those events which I kinda liked and more so as I got older and noticed the other wives getting younger and younger compared to me. I often caught guys checking me out but this may have been because I was the 'tennis player with the successful career cut cruelly short' rather than being physically attractive to them. But still it gave me a frisson of excitement to think that maybe I could still cut it with women 10-20 years younger than me!

Of course I'd had 'offers' from other men throughout my marriage but I'd always been faithful to my husband. He provided me with everything I needed and I'll always be so grateful for his support as I tried to come back from my injury. In any case bringing up 2 kids was a full time job and I wouldn't have had time for anything on the side!

However, with our daughter about to fly the nest and head to college I wondered what I would do with my new found 'freedom'. My husband was still working very long hours, often out of town on business and it started to take a toll on him. He wasn't getting any younger and although I asked him to dial it down a bit he continued to work all hours. As he was always tired our sex life dwindled to nothing despite my efforts. It wasn't helped by his new found obsession with golf which seemed to consume all his time when he wasn't at work.

To celebrate Cindy going off to college we held a BBQ at our house and invited family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Cindy brought her new boyfriend, Marcus, who she had been seeing for a couple of months and seemed to be really into. I was a bit concerned and hoped it wouldn't mean her not wanting to go to college but she was level headed enough not to jeopardize her future for a guy she'd only know for a couple of months.

I'll never ever forget the first time I saw Marcus. I think I knew from that moment that what would happen was inevitable and we were both powerless to stop it. He was 6'2", beautiful dark black skin, 200lbs of solid muscle, deep dark brown eyes, soooo handsome with a brilliant white smile and dreadlocks that hung to his shoulders that totally accentuated his Caribbean heritage. He certainly turned heads as one of the only three black people at the BBQ, all friends of Cindy!

"Mom, this is Marcus," beamed Cindy as she introduced us. I took his hand to shake it, incredibly conscious of his skin colour against mine and the way it engulfed my white hand. Our eyes met and I knew instantly what he was thinking which came from long experience.

"Delighted to meet you at last, Marcus," I said with a slight tremble in my voice as I felt my cheeks flush red. "Oh my, it's sooo hot today isn't it?" I said as I fanned my face to try to cover up my ridiculous thoughts about him. He was 18 and my daughter's boyfriend for God's sake!

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am," he said in reply and I could have sworn I detected the faintest squeeze on my hand as our fingers slowly parted. Cindy was looking round for her father and dragged Marcus away without giving me another glance but Marcus did look over his shoulder at me as he walked away and I felt something in my stomach that I'd not felt for years!

Most of the rest of the afternoon passed in a daze for me as I was still reeling from the effect that a barely 30 second meeting with my daughter's boyfriend had had on me. I replayed it over and over in my mind, eventually convincing myself that I was being ridiculous. He was over 25 years younger than me and I was sure that it was all unreciprocated wishful thinking on my part.

Towards the end of the afternoon I saw Marcus standing on his own and feeling guilty about that I walked over and said "Enjoying the party?"

"Oh yes, ma'am, you have a beautiful house and man, in this weather I wish we had a pool like that," he said.

"Well, of course you're welcome to use it anytime you like. Just let me know and you can come over. It hardly gets any use these days,"I said.

"Seriously? That would be amazing," he said obviously intending to take me up on my casual offer. "Let me Bluetooth you my number," he said as he took out his cell phone, pressed a few buttons and I felt my phone vibrate.

"Great,"' I said smiling, "Come over anytime but just let me know beforehand," I said casually as I walked slowly away to my beckoning husband, my heart pounding at the just the thought of Marcus' number in my phone!

Chapter 3

We drove Cindy to college the next day as planned and there were tears on all sides as we left. My little girl all grown up and flying the nest. Although I suspected she would come back regularly if not to see her parents, then to see Marcus and I must say I couldn't blame her! A few days passed and then one evening my cell buzzed and it was a text from Marcus asking if he could use the pool tomorrow!!! My husband had flown to New York on business that morning and would be gone all week.

I had my regular Tuesday lunch the next day with other women from the neighborhood which were always rather tiresome affairs and if truth be told it was just a chance for some of them to show off their latest shopping purchases but I had to keep up appearances and so it meant making the effort to look good. That was something which I could do easily!

Of course I replied to Marcus but held on for an hour as it wouldn't have looked right to reply instantly. I said I needed to leave by midday and he said he'd be there by 11.45 which worked well for me. Why was my stomach doing somersaults at the very thought of seeing him again, let alone being in the house all alone with him?

The next day I got up early to start to get ready for the lunch. I needed to make sure I looked perfect as I knew that's exactly what all the other women would be doing and although we were all 'friends' I knew exactly how competitive and bitchy they could be and would take any opportunity to score points. It was pathetic, I know, but welcome to the world of idle, rich women with nothing better to do!

I'd been for my weekly manicure the previous day and was glad I'd chosen the brightest red polish they had. It would go nicely with my lipstick and be a real contrast against the short tight white dress I'd already decided to wear. It was an off the shoulder number and so needed a strapless bra but in this heat it would bring some welcome coolness on my skin. I'd also had the salon redo my false eyelashes and had chosen a dark smokey eye shadow with a hint of red glitter that looked looked so glamorous! Matching white 4 inch heels, handbag, silver/diamond drop earrings, and a diamond necklace finished the look. Of course my silver wedding ring and big diamond antique engagement ring (which I know was the envy of all the others) was prominent as always! I'd taken almost an hour to style my hair as it had gone wrong the first time so I had to rewash it and do it again and it looked great. Long loose light blonde curls falling over my shoulders and framing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought 'not bad for 45!'

Then it struck me as I realised that Marcus would see me like this when he arrived before I left! OMFG! I would look sooooo white and wealthy and privileged. Dressed up to the nines, dripping with diamonds to go out for lunch on Tuesday. He would think how shallow and vacuous I was! Never mind the contrast against his dark black skin. OMG! why did that thought excite me so much? I almost texted and told him I couldn't let him use the pool but before I could he texted to tell me he was on his way! I almost went to get changed to tone things down but I couldn't turn up to lunch not dressed to impress or feign illness to get out if it as I'd already confirmed I was going this morning! I would just have to roll with it!

Chapter 4

At exactly 11.45 I heard a car crunch over the gravel drive and moments later a ring on the door bell. I quickly checked myself out in the mirror before walking to the door, my heels clicking on the parquet flooring and opening to see a smiling Marcus in shorts and vest top standing there smiling. "Hey, come on in," I said not failing to notice again just how well built and muscular he was. Not too over the top but a proper athlete's build and as an ex-athlete I knew how much hard work had gone into his physique.

"Are you sure this is OK?" he asked as he walked slowly past me.

"Of course," I said and told him to go on through to the pool. "I need to leave shortly but help yourself to anything in the house such as food, sodas, beer or anything at all," I said before realising how that could be interpreted. He grinned at me and I blushed (again) as I knew he was checking me out. He was a guy after all and obviously had a thing for white blondes as he was seeing my daughter. I smiled at him but internally it made me feel so good to have a guy like him appreciating me. I thought to myself why my husband didn't do that a bit more often?

I told him to have fun and then walked slowly to the front door, I looked over my shoulder as I left and saw that he was still standing there. OMG, he must have been watching me as I swung my hips just a little more than usual. Was I subconsciously putting on a little show for him? Did I hope he was watching as I purposely walked so slowly? Had I subconsciously decided to dress all in white to heighten the contrast between us? The rich white blonde MILF teasing her daughter's hot young black boyfriend? What was I hoping for? I'd never been unfaithful in my life! I quickly tried to put the thought out of my mind but my cheeks were flushed red as I struggled to do so!

Chapter 5

Lunch was as tedious as expected and I was just waiting for it to end. It was distracting enough at times but I always found my mind drifting back to the pool and the thought of Marcus laid by it drinking a soda letting that beautiful dark black skin soak up the sun. I had a couple of cocktails and felt a bit tipsy as I drove back. It was only a 10 minute drive and I was confident it would be ok as I was well known in town and my husband's generous donations to local police charities would no doubt be taken into account if I was pulled over.

Thankfully I arrived home without incident and called out to Marcus as I walked out to the pool. Sure enough he was stripped to the waist and laid out in damp shorts sipping on a beer and playing on his phone. He looked like a black God as I took my sunglasses off to be polite but also to get a better look at his body. I think I also wanted him to look into my big defined blue eyes. "Having fun," I asked as he looked up at the click of my heels on the poolside.

"It's so awesome," he said smiling and taking his sunglasses off to look up at me.

"I need a drink after that boring lunch," I said and walked back inside to fix myself a Cosmopolitan. I put it all in the shaker but then after finishing it I struggled to pull it apart and walked back out to ask for help. Marcus opened it effortlessly, grinning as he did so and handed it back to me. "I made enough for two. Want some," I said as I stood looking down at him. "I know you're not old enough but I won't tell if you won't." I said laughing.

"Sure, sounds fun," he said laughing and I walked to the kitchen and returned with 2 glasses.

I poured them out and sat on a chair by the table, my long legs crossed and pointing towards him as he remained laid on the lounger. 'Cheers' I said raising my glass to him and he reciprocated.

"Very nice,"he said as he sipped and looked over at me. "Just like everything else here," he said slowly.

"You mean, the Cosmo?' I said cheekily.

"As I said, that and everything else here," he intoned in his deep voice as I felt his eyes all over me.

"I'm glad you think so," I purred and recrossed my legs slowly. OMFG! I was flirting shamelessly with an 18 black guy, my daughter's boyfriend no less, and he was flirting right back at me with a confidence that belied his years. Surely I wasn't that drunk already and imagining things? My mind was racing now! How many white women had he been with? How many women my age? I'm sure he wasn't short of offers! I started to feel guilty about having these thoughts about my daughter's boyfriend but the cocktails were kicking in and my recent sexual frustration was seeking an outlet.

I had to change the subject. "So I know Cindy's only been gone a few days but are you missing her?' I asked.

"Of course, she's so beautiful and makes me very happy," he said smiling.

I must have been a bit drunk as I can't believe that I said, "I'm sure she does but what does it take to keep a guy like you happy?"'

He grinned and said "Well, she needs to be here to do that. I hope she'll be coming home for the weekend a lot as I have, erm, needs," as he sipped his Cosmo and looked over at me.

"And if she doesn't come home for weekends, what will you do about your 'needs'?" I asked becoming protective of my daughter all of a sudden.

"I have ex-es, Cindy has plenty of hot friends. I'm sure you get the picture," he said. I was shocked by how brazen and open he was that he would cheat on my daughter. I knew that if he did cheat on her with a girl from his age group Cindy would know about it really quickly. Teenage girls are super competitive when it comes to guys and are always happy to get one over even on those girls they call friends. I know I was a teenage girl once! The last thing I wanted was for that to affect her studies or even worse have her quit college to keep this guy. I know that may sound extreme but when an 18 yesr old girl falls for someone, they fall very hard and can do some really dumb things!

An idea started to crystallize in my alcohol addled mind. Something that may cover all the bases. I crossed my long toned legs slowly and let my dress ride up higher which instantly drew his eye. "Maybe we can come to an arrangement which satisfies everyone's 'needs' and also protects Cindy. I'm sure you'd hate to break her heart as much as I'd hate to see it broken?" I said in my most seductive voice.

"Of course' he said as he licked his lips slowly, checking me out without even trying to hide it.

At this point I should have thrown him out and told my daughter what an asshole he was. It may have taken her some time to believe me but she would have in the end. However, his arrogance just made me want him even more! Oh fuck, he was only 18 and my head was spinning thinking about how he would be able to fuck all night long, get hard over and over and over again. I couldn't take my eyes off his amazing hard, muscled, black body and subconsciously licked my bright red lips as I did so. I'd never been with a black guy before and of course knew all the rumours about how big they were and I was becoming desperate to find out for myself.

The 4th cocktail had really kicked in and I stood up and it was almost like an out of body experience as I heard myself say, "Well, why don't you let me take care of your 'needs' in Cindy's absence? The only condition is that it remains our secret. If it ever gets out I'm sure some of my husband's more 'edgy' clients would quite happily shut your mouth permanently in exchange for a few months free legal advice. Deal?"

"Deal," he said instantly and went to shake my hand. Instead, I took it and placed it on my ass. I felt him squeeze it as I kissed him deeply, unable to stop the small moan of pleasure escaping my mouth as I ran my red nails over his muscular back

"I hope you don't have any plans for the rest of the afternoon," I moaned as I led him by the hand into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom I shared with my husband.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

i dont read lies

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

While the sex in this chapter was minimal as to actual contact, it was the sexual energy that had me edging myself in anticipation. On to chapter 2 but before that I'm rating this effort an easy 5!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hot but I kinda feel sorry for her daughter and husband.

FarmerRon1955FarmerRon19556 months ago

Very hot beginning, definitely worth it to me to give it 5 stars. Even though there wasn't really any sexual activity in it, the anticipation got me, shall we say, REALLY EXCITED!!! I'm turned on very much reading of white wives who, being neglected by their wealthy husbands, turn to extra-marital affairs to fulfill their needs. An extra turn on is when she is wearing and flashing her expensive wedding and engagement rings!! Bring on part 2!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The whole first chapter and nothing really happened. Too long just to introduce the white mom and the black stud. We all know what's gonna happen. He's gonna fuck her once and the old whore will just go nuts for it. Throw in a little reluctance. Sure she fucks him but is ashamed for cheating when it's over. And involve sonny/brother in this affair. Have him direct some of the action. Have him rat out his mom to his dad. But instead of flipping out, dear old dad presents some scenarios to son.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Really……leave us hanging like this. Hurry up with the next chapter. I love it when wives cheat. Especially with black men. Hopefully there is a huge pregnancy risk involved. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another story theme beat to death. Don't new writers have any imagination?

lovesweetpussylovesweetpussy6 months ago

This is a great start. Anxiously waiting for the next part. Written as if its coming from a true personal experience!

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