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New Wife Gets Blacked

Story Info
Danielle meets a group of black men on her honeymoon.
12.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/16/2023
Created 07/19/2022
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All people in this story are over 18 years of age.

There are offensive and racist words used in this, if that is a trigger for you then do not read. They are not meant to offend, only for the pleasure of the story.

If you want a part 2, please comment!


My name is Danielle, I'm 24 and I have just gotten married to the love of my life. Simon is a year older than me and is amazing! He is the only man that I've ever been with. He may not be the biggest or the strongest man, but he spoils me immensely and does everything in his power to make me happy.

I know we are young, but when you know, you know. He proposed to me last year and I was so happy to say yes! We have just had a fairly small wedding, but he has paid for us to go to Jamaica for our honeymoon! Simon has a successful job working in sales, whilst I work as an admin, Simon brings home most of the money for our household.

Now a little about myself, I am 5 foot 5, I am sort of short and thick. Not fat at all, I go the gym at least 4 times a week! I have size D boobs which Simon loves and long blonde hair. I would consider myself a solid 8 out of 10 and get a lot of men hitting on me, but I am loyal to my now husband!

As soon as we got to our hotel I was in awe, it was a large resort and we planned on two weeks of relaxing. All-inclusive so the drinks and food kept getting served whilst we just stayed in the resort by the pool and soaked in the sun.

Day Four of The Honeymoon

The first three days were amazing, we sunbathed so that I gained a bit of a tan, I was fairly pale so had to wear a lot of sunscreen.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I asked Simon who was reading a book in the sun bed next to me.

Looking over he said.

"Should we try out the steak place tonight?"

Our resort had 6 different restaurants and I wanted to try everyone before we left.

The resort was pretty busy, filled with families and other couples. But there was one group of lads who seemed to have come on a lad's holiday. I thought it was weird them staying at a resort like this to just drink and party. But Simon and I were still young, so we were planning on making friends with them one night and having a bit of a party.

This group of lads, I should tell you. Were all black. Not that there was anything wrong with that, I just didn't have any black friends myself.

So, we got all dressed up, I wore a white skirt and white top, Simon was in black shorts and a white shirt as well. I had my make up done and did my hair straight.

The steak was AMAZING! Best that I've ever had.

Afterwards we headed to a bar and had a few drinks. After about 4 gin and lemonades we saw the group of lads come in. There was 6 of them in total, all dressed nicely and came bursting in loud and clearly already drunk.

We were planning on going and say hi, but they actually came to us first.

One of them, a tall black man who wore a black baggy shirt and shorts came up to us and said.

"Hey! Are you two having a nice holiday?"

I didn't realise they were all English as well. Sounding as though they were from the London area.

"Hi mate," Simon replied, "Having a great time. What about you lot?"

The man stayed on his feet and said.

"Yes having a great time. Come and join us for a drink if you want?"

We both said yes, grabbed our drinks and headed over.

I had learnt this first man's name was Leon.

"So where are you two from?" One of the men asked.

"We are from Manchester, we're here on our honeymoon." Simon told them.

Suddenly a tray full of shots appeared on the table.

"Oh yes about time!" One of the guys shouted out.

"You two are having shots, right? Need to celebrate the wedding!" One said.

I looked at Simon and smiled, thinking why not have a bit of fun while we are here.

Well things started getting a little fussy after that, we had about 5 shots more and I had a few more gin and lemonades. But these lads were clearly big drinkers and could handle it better than us.

Simon was pretty much falling asleep on a chair whilst I was speaking to Leon.

"So how come you are all here?" I drunkenly asked him, this was when I realised how muscly he was. His arms were huge!!

"We just came for a bit of fun, and a bit of action." He said cheekily with a wink.

"Oh really?" I asked back, "I'm surprised at a family resort like this you would get much action?"

"You'd be surprised." He said smiling at me.

Every now and again I would feel him place his hand onto my forearm or onto my shoulder. His skin was so smooth and dark, I could tell I was getting turned on. But Simon was not going to be in any state to have sex.

Around 30 minutes later I told the lads.

"Right, I should get Simon to bed. Don't think he can handle it!"

The guys all laughed and agreed with me, Leon then said to me.

"I will help you take him; you might need some help carrying him up!"

I appreciated the offer as I would indeed struggle getting Simon up the three flights of stairs to our room.

"Thank you that would be great." I told him.

Then hugging each of them to say bye and agreeing to meet up tomorrow.

Leon was great, he pretty much carried Simon by himself to our room.

Unlocking the door, he helped guide Simon in and placed him onto the bed.

"He's going to have a sore head tomorrow!" I laughed as Leon got up from laying him down.

"Oh yeah, he definitely is! You seem alright though?" He asked.

I didn't feel too drunk, I obviously knew I was slurring a little and not walking in a straight line, but I wasn't too bad.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, "Thank you again for helping me."

Walking Leon to the door, he really towered over me, at least a foot taller!

As I leant to open the door handle, I was shocked when I felt his big strong hands grabbing my hips and pushing me against the wall!

Oh no! What is he doing?!

Suddenly his lips planted onto mine, his big, soft lips were pressed against mine. My eyes were solid open as I looked at this big black man kissing me.

I don't know if it was the alcohol, or the horniness. But without meaning to, I closed my eyes and kissed back!

His hands remained on my hips, firmly holding me against the wall as I felt his lips leave and come back to me, this time slightly open and I knew he was trying to let his tongue into my mouth.

I wasn't thinking, instinctively I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue in. I felt it running against mine as I pushed my tongue back against his. Kissing only the second person in my life.

"Mmmm." I quietly moaned into his mouth as he kissed me for only a few seconds.

Then I remembered where I was! I was kissing black man whilst my husband was passed out only a few feet away!

I opened my eyes and pushed him off, he released me with ease and was just smiling at me.

"See you tomorrow love." He said, opening the door and leaving.

What have I just done?

I just cheated on my husband! We have only been married for a month! And I just kissed a black man!

I undressed and lay next to Simon who was snoring in the bed, my head was a mess. I felt so guilty, so ashamed, so.......horny!!

But pushing those thoughts to the side I turned off the lights and did my best to fall asleep!

Day Five of the Honeymoon

I barely slept, all night thinking of what I should do. Should I tell Simon? No why should I, there's no reason he needs to know! I was drunk and Leon took advantage of that, I didn't even want it!!

"Ow, my head." I heard being groaned from Simon next to me.

"Let me get you some water." I said, jumping out of bed and getting him a glass which he gulped down in a matter of seconds.

"What happened last night?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Just a lot of drinking!" I said, committed to not telling him anything of the truth!

"Those lads were fun weren't they? we should hang out with them again."

Oh no! I couldn't see them again, but how could I get out of it without him knowing something was wrong!

I was barely able to speak to Simon, every time I did I just felt guilty!

We got dressed, went for breakfast and then went to sunbathe again.

A few hours in the sun I was finally relaxing, when a shadow suddenly covered me. Opening my eyes, I was shocked to see Leon stood over me.

"Hey guys, how you doing?" Simon asked from next to me.

My heart was racing, I could barely stay still in panic. This could be it, this could ruin my marriage right at the start.

Leon just smiled at me and said.

"We're good. How're you feeling?"

"Rough!" Simon replied.

There were only 3 of the guys stood around us, I didn't speak at all and just tried to stop making eye contact with Leon. When I didn't make eye contact, I caught myself staring at his body! He was so ripped, a solid 6 pax and big muscles!

"We are having a few drinks again tonight if you want to join us around 8pm?" Leon said staring at me.

I was conscious that I was just in a skimpy white bikini that definitely gave him a good view of my boobs and toned body.

"Yes definitely!" Simon said which made my heart sink!

Later on that night I was getting ready with Simon again.

"Maybe we should just stay on our own tonight, not meet up with them?" I asked Simon, hoping he would agree.

"No let's meet them, they were fun!" Simon said whilst doing his hair.

If only he knew what they were like, I just needed to control myself and stay away from Leon. I can do this.

Walking into the bar later, the lads were already there and drinking, they cheered as we entered.

"Here they are! Here have a shot!" One of the lands, Jeremy, said handing us both a shot.

Here we go again!

A few shots later and I had loosened up a bit, I could actually speak and started to enjoy myself.

That was until I felt Leon put his arm around my back and lean in close and whisper to me.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself darling?"

I looked up and Simon was playing pool with some of the other lads.

"Erm, yeah I am thanks." I said awkwardly.

"I thought after last night that you wouldn't show." He said again, leaning closer to my face so I could feel the warmth off of him.

"What do you mean after last night?" I said, hoping if I played it off as not remembering then he may let it go.

I turned to look and he was just smiling at me, inches from my face. I was worried he was going to kiss me again but he just walked off and chatted to more of his mates.

I was chatting to Jeremy and another one called Carl and doing more drinking games.

Simon was playing cards with a few of the others, and it was actually turning into a good night.

"I need to pee." I said, excusing myself from the table and heading to the bathroom.

Once I was done, I washed my hands and left the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed, I turned around and felt some hands on me again, pushing me against the wall.

I was drunk and confused by the quick movement, once my eyes had focused I saw Leon again smiling at me with his hands on my body.

"W..What are you doing?" I asked.

"You trying to act like you don't remember last night." He said smiling at me.

I should've pushed his hands off me, but something inside stopped me from doing so.

"I don't remember most of last night. Please, let's go back." I pleaded with him.

But his grip remained firm on my hips.

"Let me remind you then." He quickly said and then I felt it again, his big soft lips against mine.

I tried to moan to get him off me, but his lips remained firmly planted onto me.

Then the same feeling as last night came to me, having such a big, strong man holding onto me, planting his lips onto mine. My inner struggle crumbled, I closed my eyes and again accepted the kiss.

Kissing him back, once again allowing his tongue to enter my mouth and rub against mine.

This wasn't the quick kiss like last night, I was fully making out with this big, black man while my husband was in the other room. It's like I didn't care about being caught.

Instead, I started roaming my hands around his back, touching his big arms and feeling his smooth, dark skin.

As we carried on making out, his hands left my hips and I felt his hands trace along my skin on my stomach, suddenly his palm was gripping onto my right boob.

"Mmmmm." I moaned into his mouth as this black man was groping me in a position that I could easily get caught.

But I didn't care, feeling him squeezing my boobs just turned me on more and my hands gripped hold of him as I kissed him harder.

His hands went lower and grabbed my juicy arse, then I felt his fingertips tracing on my thigh.

"Mmmmm." I moaned again into Leon's mouth as his hand slowly went up my skirt.

Without thinking I slightly opened my legs, inviting this man to keep taking his hand higher.

As soon as I felt his fingers touch the outside of my thong, above my pussy I moaned out in pleasure.

I couldn't help myself, it felt too good.

His hand pulled my thong to one side and before I knew it, I was stood there while Leon slid a finger all the way into my dripping wet pussy.

"Fuuuckkk." I whispered into his mouth as he slowly brought his finger in and out of my pussy.

"Mmmm." I kept moaning as he picked up the pace of fingering me, any thoughts of Simon were completely out of my head as I could feel my orgasm building.

"You like that?" He said between kissing me.

"Please don't stop." I moaned back.

I can't believe I was in such an open place getting fingered by this man and loving it. My pussy was soaking his finger as he carried on going in and out of me.

"Oh fuck." I moaned louder than I intended. My orgasm was about to burst through me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Cum for me." Leon said.

"MMmmm fuuuckkkkk." I moan louder, pulling him in for a hard kiss to control my moans as a huge orgasm shook through me.

My legs were shaking as his finger kept going knuckle deep in me, cumming all over his finger.

It took a while, but my orgasm faded and I was panting, holding onto Leon's strong arms for support.

"Good girl." He whispered, kissing me again and then turned around and left me there on my own.

I had to compose myself, pulling my skirt back lower and brushing my hair to my sides. The orgasm still having little waves in my body I needed a minute before returning to the room.

As I entered the bar, I saw all the lads, including Simon all playing drinking games with a deck of cards.

"Hey hun, you've been gone a while?" Simon asked as I approached the table.

My mind was a mess and just looking at him made me feel so guilty about what has just happened.

"Sorry." I just whispered before taking a seat next to him.

After about 10 minutes of them playing cards, Simon asked in his drunken state.

"So guys, you're here to get some action? Any luck as of yet?"

Oh Simon will you shut the fuck up!! I thought to myself.

I instantly looked at Leon with my eyes wide open, he was just smiling back at me. He then spoke in confidence to the group.

"Yeah, I've fingered a girl here. I'm sure I will get lucky soon enough!"

I can't believe he just said that! I was not going to have sex with him! I can't believe he would be so open talking about it!

"I wish you luck mate!" Simon said. I instantly spun my head and stared at him. Just in time to hear Leon say.

"Oh, I appreciate it, mate."

I couldn't believe this! Simon and unknowingly wished good luck to this black man to fuck his wife!!

"Simon, I'm going to bed!" I said, I needed air and to get away from all of this.

"Okay hun, I will be up shortly if that's okay?" Simon said which I said was fine.

As I stood up, Leon asked.

"Need me to walk you back?"

"NO!" I shouted louder than I expected and quickly walked off.

Once I was back into my room, I lay on the bed and shouted at myself.

How could I do that?! I just cheated on Simon, and willingly! I didn't push back or anything! I just let him finger me! I need to get a hold on this now!!

Day Six of the Honeymoon

Simon must have come back late, he didn't wake me up when het came it and I slept right through to the morning.

Waking up, I hoped that last night was a dream, but I know that wasn't true. I still don't know how it happened. I needed a way to stay away from those lads today, so I said to Simon.

"Hey hun, I'm thinking of getting a massage and having a spa day."

Hoping being in the spa would keep me away from Leon and his mates.

"That's a good idea, why don't you go ahead. I need some more sleep and I will meet you later?" Simon said.

"Sounds good." I replied.

"I love you." Simon told me.

I just looked at him, he was so amazing and the guilt was heavily crushing me.

"I love you too." I told him.

I went straight for a massage, had a nice older woman rubbing my entire body and I was completely relaxed by the end of it.

I went to get my nails done and then had a facial.

By the end I felt amazing, all of my troubles seemed to escape from my body and I felt perfectly at peace.

I've drank a lot the last few days, so I decided to go for a steam to try and sweat all of the alcohol out of my system.

So, I put on a black bikini that had thong bottoms, hung my towel outside of the steam room and stepped in.

"Ahhhhhhh." I moaned out as I sat down, this is what I needed. Complete relaxing.

I stayed in there for about 15 minutes when the door opened and shut again.

My eyes were closed and enjoying the relaxing, I opened to see who has joined me and all the relaxing in my body quickly left my body to see Leon sat on the other bench in the steam room in just a towel!


"Hey Danielle. You got off pretty quick last night?" Leon said with a smirk.

"Please don't speak to me. Last night should never have happened!" I shot back, not wanting to look at his toned body.

"You didn't say that when I was fingering you until you came?" He said.

I looked back with my mouth open in shock of what he just said.

"I can't believe you just said that! You are so disrespectful! I am married!" I argued.

"You didn't care about being married last night." He said, his stupid smirk pissing me off more.

"Well don't you worry. It won't happen again!" I told him, crossing my arms in defiance.

He didn't speak then.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I turned to see what he was doing, again my eyes shot open in shock!

Leon was sat there, eyes closed, but his towel was no longer covering him and his big, black cock was out.

I couldn't believe it, even soft it was huge! A lot bigger than Simon's!

How could someone's cock be that big?

Still not looking at me, I watched as Leon started grabbing his cock and I watched as it grew in size. It just kept getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, it stopped, it had to be 8inches and really thick, Leon had his hand wrapped around it but I could see his fingertips couldn't touch around it.

"You like what you see?" He said laughing, pulling me out of my trance.

"Can you put that away please!" I argued.

"You've been staring at my cock for a while now. I think you know that you don't want me to put it away!" He said so confidently.

I know he is right, I was staring at his cock. But who couldn't stare at that monster?

"Please Leon, please put it away?" I asked, worried that I won't be able to control myself.

I looked into his eyes and he was still smirking at me, he just replied.

"Are you sure? You seem to be enjoying staring at my big, black cock?"

"I...I... erm," No more words left my mouth, I couldn't take my eyes off his huge cock and I couldn't think.

Suddenly, Leon stood up, his cock bouncing below him, pointing straight at me. Without saying a word he stepped closer to me.


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