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My Descent into Slavery Ch. 05

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Beth continues making progress under Sahar's regimen.
11.5k words

Part 5 of the 27 part series

Updated 04/22/2024
Created 12/09/2021
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Beth continues under Sahar's strict regimen while Roberta helps protect them. Beth finally earns getting her cunt licked again, plus learns what Sahar was waiting for in order to lick hers. This chapter contains harsh spankings, oral and lesbian sex and masturbating. There are no STD's or COVID in my fantasy world. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for his editorial assistance.

My Descent into Slavery and Eventual Resurrection,

Ch 5 - Progress

I slept well that night, a dreamless sleep, perhaps the first I'd had in the dark rooms. We had breakfast with Roberta before she went to sleep. Roberta watched as I got my first one hundred swat spanking. I nearly begged. It was hard, Sahar not sparing me because it was a whole hundred. I was at the point of pleading when she stopped. I so wanted to feel a warm, wet tongue licking my pussy to orgasm, and I almost lost it on the first spanking. I knew the next two would be even harder.

"Very good," Sahar said. "If you can get through the next two, both Roberta and I will lick you, since it will be a special occasion. After that, you're down to one orgasm again. I suppose Roberta and I will take turns giving it to you if you earn more."

Roberta went to bed and Sahar and I started running. Running for two hours, followed by swimming for three hours, Sahar moving beside me, watching. I was exhausted when I waded ashore.

To keep from disturbing Roberta, Sahar gave me my spanking far from the shelter, so the loud smacks of her hand striking my ass and the caterwauling didn't wake her.

Before striking me, Sahar warned me. "You're very tired right now. That makes you more susceptible to begging because you're too tired to think, to concentrate. You'll resort to your conditioning easier. I want you to concentrate, yet allow yourself to drift to your subspace. You can do this, Beth. I know you can. It's only a little pain. It doesn't last and you're not being harmed."

I nodded and draped myself over her lap. Concentrate. Keep thinking of my reward. Forget about the pain.

It began. Smack, smack, smack, cracking smartly over my buns. I kept a mental count, so I'd know how close I was. Around ninety, I was struggling, ready to beg. I got mad instead. I wanted someone to love me.

"You fucking cunt," I shouted. "Spank me, you shit, get it over with."

When it was over, Sahar was smiling at me. "Finally, a little fire. I have hope for you, Beth Wilson. One more spanking today."

She kissed me, a quick peck and then sent me running to feed the fire. She arrived after me to cook our lunch. After lunch, I was in the makeshift gym in what would have been the dining room.

"Pull ups, push ups, rope climbing, heavy bag. I want you to rotate through them constantly until your arms won't work anymore."

I started. She worked alongside of me for an hour, then pushed me, spanking my ass a couple times if I wasn't putting in the effort. It reached the point I couldn't raise my arms over my head. She let me stop for twenty minutes, masturbating in front of me while I rested, then started me out again. My arms were quivering before Sahar let me stop. Since I couldn't work on my upper body anymore, she sent me running again, running alongside me, swatting me if I slowed down.

"Get your ass in gear."

Eventually, I collapsed in the sand, totally drained. Sahar hoisted me over her shoulder and walked me back to our shelter, eventually dumping me on the ground. Roberta was making supper.

"Go wash off," Sahar said. "You stink. If I finally get to lick you tonight, I want you fresh."

I hurried down to the water and washed myself as best I could. I was looking forward to tonight so much. We ate and I scarfed down my food, rushing through supper.

"Spank me, bitch," I said. "I want you licking my cunt in the worst way."

"Go wash the dishes first," Sahar said.

I rushed back to the water and when I returned, Roberta and Sahar were having sex. I asked for my spanking.

"I'm busy now," Sahar said, "and if you fucking beg me before your spanking even starts, I swear you'll get two hundred."

I shut my mouth. I'd almost been ready to beg for my spanking. I watched Sahar and Roberta fuck each other for another half hour. For the last ten minutes, I whimpered. My cunt was so wet in anticipation.

Sahar didn't put her clothes back on after her sex. She just called me over and made me get over her lap.

"If you backslide during your last spanking today, Beth, it will be another six days before either of us can lick you. My sex with Roberta was to remind you of what you're missing. You saw how much pleasure we took with one another. That's what you're striving for. You're tired, and you're thinking of your own pleasure. Don't forget what you're trying to accomplish. Stay strong."

It was the hardest spanking Sahar ever gave to me. It was even harder than the two earlier spankings. She didn't take anything off of it because it was the last or because it was a hundred.

By eighty of her wicked swats, I was willing to beg for anything. My ass was screaming at me, howling for relief.

"No!" I shouted. "You don't get to do this to me, you fucking, sadistic, Nazi bitch. Not now when I'm so fucking close. Go right ahead and pound my ass. See what I care. Smack it, you damn, shit faced, mother fucker."

I screamed at her for the remainder of my spanking, surprised when it was finally over.

"There's somebody who wanted her cunt licked," Sahar said. "About fucking time. Roberta, you start on her. I want to go last."

Roberta took twenty minutes to bring me to an orgasm. Feeling her tongue swirling through my folds and cavorting on my clit felt so damn good. It had been far, far too long. I'd never been particularly promiscuous or slutty when I was in college. It wan't until becoming a submissive I realized how much I truly enjoyed sex, lots and lots of sex. While on Joshua's ship, unless punished by orgasm denial, it wasn't unusual to cum a dozen times a day, perhaps more. And I enjoyed it. I ate it up.

Mahmoud's disgusting training had spoiled sex for me. I managed to orgasm on occasion, but I was nothing more than a cum dumpster. That's all they wanted of me. Perhaps others were treated better or trained to be pleasing, but I was going to a fetish house. They didn't care whether or not I had pleasure. Richard had gotten me to accept sex as pleasurable again, not a chore to be gotten through. But I was still damaged.

I realized I still had problems to work out, but after this long a drought with almost no pleasure, Roberta's tongue was magic. I clasped her head to me as I climaxed, gasping and humping her face. It was almost like discovering sex for the first time, it was that good. I certainly left a lot of fluids on Roberta's face.

"Out of the way, lover girl," Sahar said, laughing. "That looked pretty good. I'd like to see if I can do better."

Let me tell you something about Sahar. While she appreciated the sex I, or anyone else, gave her, Sahar never licked cunt the same way I licked her. I made love to everyone I had sex with. Sahar licked pussy the way she did almost everything else, brusque, no nonsense, getting you off as quick as possible, as if she didn't care to do it, but felt she owed you something for making her cum. I mean, if you were in a sixty-nine, she'd lick you as long as you were licking her, but it was a job, like learning to kill people.

Tonight, Sahar made love to me in a way I'd never experienced from her before. It was nearly what I did for others pre-Mahmoud. Finding the little erotic spots that would make you melt if you found them and used them right. She used them right. I melted. Where Roberta had sex with me for twenty minutes, Sahar did it for thirty. It was fucking amazing. I screamed for her.

She sat up when my body stopped shivering. "Tomorrow, we start with the paddle, fifty swats each time. If you don't get through all three spankings, now you know what you're going to miss out on. Every time you get through another day without begging, you'll get pleasured like that. You're also going to get pushed harder. Expect it; gear up for it. Things will be getting worse."


"Roberta and I are going to get each other off now. It's our turn."

"Are you going to do for me what you did for Beth?" Roberta asked.

"Are you?" Sahar said with a smile.

"I'll damn sure try."

Sahar had to warn me to keep my hands off my body as I watched them have sex together. Neither of them appeared to suffer.


I made it through the next two days of paddling, one fifty, the other sixty. Each night one of the women gave me wonderful oral sex. First, Roberta, and the second day, Sahar. Sahar informed me that except for special occasions, I needed to be satisfied with one orgasm. I got two the night I hit a hundred, because it was a milestone. I was back to singles.

Every day I ran, swam, and worked out, until I was dripping with sweat and exhausted. Roberta mostly slept during the mornings, but she frequently worked out in the late afternoon.

On the morning I started seventy, Sahar told me it was time for me to tackle Mahmoud's room. She expected me to spend the nights there, alone. Before she'd gone ten strokes, I was begging her.

"Please, Sahar, don't put me in that room. Let me stay in the dark room."

"Fuck, it's back to fifty for you."

"Please, Mistress, not all the way back."

Oh, oh, wrong thing to say. She gave me the rest of my seventy, then added ten more for good measure. Between each swat, she made me repeat, "Sahar is not a Mistress."

They were hard strokes with the paddle and I was carrying on something awful, truly caterwauling. Roberta grimaced.

When she was finished, Sahar said, "You need to face your fears, Beth. You've done the guard's room and the dark rooms. The only thing left is Mahmoud's room. It has to happen sometime. You'd gotten through the others, and it's time to face the worst. The other thing I wish to stress to you is that you don't have to go back to fifty spankings with my hand. We've done that. You go back to fifty with the paddle, and you can get licked again when you get all the way through seventy. Now, move your shit out of the dark room and into Mahmoud's room. Don't come back until it's done."

It took two trips and an hour to move my things. Five minutes for the trip and fifty-five minutes to push his door open and set everything up as close to the exit as possible. Roberta went to bed and Sahar began working me again. She drove me harder and harder, even smacking my bottom a couple times if she felt I was slacking off.

Despite all I'd done and all I'd gained in the last several weeks, it still took me over a week before I got past my fifty morning swats. To make it worse, Sahar would spank me in Mahmoud's room. She'd drag me into the middle of the room, bend me over and swat me hard.

Being in this room, being punished in this room, caused the worst of my conditioning to spill over. I mostly trembled, then started begging as soon as Sahar punished me. I was begging to be fucked again, begging for piss and shit, begging for anything. If Mahmoud had been there, I would have done anything he wanted. Sahar would tsk disgustedly, then work me the rest of the day, interrupted only by a meal and another sobbing spanking.

After a week, Sahar asked me, "Where is your heart, Beth? Did you leave it in North Africa forever? Do you not want love and to be loved again? I know she's in here somewhere." She poked my chest. "You need to find her, or you might as well kill yourself."

She pushed me off of her lap. "We're running. Come now."

Sahar ran with me. She drove me as hard as I'd ever been driven, and she went with me step for step. We did four and a half laps around the island, probably 16 to 18 miles. I was panting, bent over at the waist, but so was Sahar, she'd pushed me so hard. We were on the opposite side of the island from the mockup, as far as we could get. She made me get in the water, and stripped off her clothes and got in with me.

"Do you want me to teach you to swim?" I asked.

"No. I'm going to tell you my story, and it's going to make me feel unclean. Perhaps the water will help wash away the filth."

Sahar started with the training center for her. Even though it wasn't the same place as mine, they apparently operated in much the same way. Shultz wanted her in one of the fetish bordellos he ran, so there was even more similarity in our training, except she was a virgin, and trained for six weeks, not four. The only thing they didn't do to her there was take her vaginal virginity. That was saved so she could be publicly taken, on a stage with dozens of people watching her.

Then she told me about her time in the fetish house. Sahar cried as she told it, and I cried along with her.

"I had to give a show twice a day, once in the afternoon, once in the evening. I don't have to tell you what those shows consisted of. Schultz was planning to do the same to you and Miranda. I hated it, and I hated myself. I wanted to die. I would have killed myself given the smallest opportunity, but there was no such opportunity. I was kept caged between shows, and every time they unlocked the cage, three big men were there to take me out to where they held the shows. I was tied or chained down in such a fashion I could be mounted by whatever they wanted to fuck me.

"Having my virginity taken by a man would have been bad enough, but it wasn't a man. I screamed and screamed, and the audience laughed and laughed. They thought it was great fun for me to be taken that way. What was worse, is that after several months of this, I began to welcome it, to want it. I felt the creatures fucking me were more sympathetic and lovable than the monsters who enjoyed watching it. Instead of screaming and crying when I was fucked, I eagerly awaited my lovers, welcomed them with open legs or open mouth. That was what they made me.

"Of course, what fun was it for the watchers when I was not appalled by what I was doing, when I even enjoyed it? The fact that I did enjoy it made me despise myself even more, and loathe the ones who forced it on me. It was my enjoyment that made Schultz sell me. He wanted someone who was repulsed by what they were forced to do."

"How did you survive?" I asked.

"Do you think I survived? I was dead inside, a walking zombie. When I was rescued, I was trying to devise a way to kill myself and my Master too. The only reason I hadn't done so already is I hoped to one day take Schultz with me. Then, my life would be complete. Not only did you rescue me, Joshua gave me the means and opportunity to take my revenge. The only blemish in my desire to destroy Schultz, was how he now had you. That he might be taking someone I loved, and doing the same to her as was done to me. My only regret is I didn't have more time with him, that we needed to rescue you and the others so my time with him was limited. I could easily have tortured him for a month, or even better, for as long as the time he owned me.

"Beth, it was you who showed me I could love again, that I didn't have to be the monster they turned me into. I will never be right, in the way that you mean right. I will glory in killing the monsters of this world, and happily wash myself in their blood. But I will never be wrong in the way I was wrong before. It is hard for me, because I grew to enjoy what I was doing. A part of me will always abhor that feeling. This is why I need you to suck it up. I've done everything I can think of to give you back what you need to get better. I need you back. I don't think I'm ready to live in a world where you're the empty shell I was. If you don't get better, I might as well end myself when you give up. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for me."

I held her and we cried softly for a long time, holding each other. When we'd dried our tears, we walked back to the shelter. I led Sahar to Mahmoud's room.

"Spank me," I said. "Give me seventy, give me eighty, give me a hundred. I won't beg."

"If you take seventy, I'll lick you now," Sahar said.

I placed myself over her lap. Sahar whacked my ass seventy times. I won't say that the rest of the time, I happily surrendered my ass without begging again, but on that day, at that time, I did. Sahar gave me all seventy and then she licked me, and it was good, and I was happy.


I started to climb out of my well. It wasn't always pretty. Staying in Mahmoud's room gave me the heebie-jeebies, no question, but I started to get through it.

Sahar and I had used the latrine and were going to the shore to wash off. Suddenly, Sahar stopped. "Lick my asshole," she ordered.

"You haven't washed up yet," I replied.

She smiled. "Just checking." We continued walking to the water.

I was washing myself off. "To be honest, it's probably more of a cock thing. I'm used to cleaning cocks and cunts after sex and at this point, I probably tend to do it automatically. I'll really need to be paying attention in order not to do it."

"Well, we don't have cocks here to practice on."

"If we get through this part of it. I'm sure cocks will start to come into it. Do you still want to have sex with Joshua?"

"If it's the only way to spend more time with you."

"It's possible he'd let you share his bed without having sex with you."

"I'll think about it. I have to admit the sex with Richard and Ranger wasn't bad. I climaxed and did enjoy myself."

"We need to get me back on track first." I'd already had my second eighty swat spanking after lunch and managed to get through it.

"You're less jumpy. I can see it."

"When do I get to lick a cunt?" I asked.

"When you deserve it."

"What do I have to do to deserve it?"

"I'll know it when I see it."

"So you're just flying by the seat of your pants?"

"Pretty much. Now get back to work."

I was up to seven chin ups, twenty push ups, and I could get about fifteen feet up the rope before I ran out of gas and had to come down. I was doing more swimming and less running, getting my arms and shoulders more involved in my exercise. Sahar was driving me harder, following me around the island as I swam. When I finally started flagging, taking on water because I could no longer move my arms, Sahar let me get out.

"We seem to have attracted more unwanted attention," Sahar said. "Double time it back to the shelter."

I started to look around. "Don't look, run." I started running.

"Are they coming?"

"Not yet. They see I have weapons. They also see a naked slave girl, so they will be back if they're stupid, and I haven't been impressed with their intelligence thus far. If it's Jamal, he'll wish he was never born."

"I thought you said it would be okay to let Jamal go?"

"He seemed smarter than this."

We got back to the shelter as Roberta was getting up.

"There was a boat out on the water paying too much attention to us, Roberta. Go up topside and take a look around."

Roberta climbed to the top of the structure and looked around through the scope of her sniper rifle. She called down to us.

"Actually, it seems there are two boats loitering off shore, on opposite sides of the island. They both have five men in them."

"Any black men?"

"A couple."

"Fuck, let me see." Sahar scrambled up to the roof. "Where's the first boat?"

Roberta pointed it out.

"No Jamal in that one," she said. "Where's the other boat?" Roberta pointed in the opposite direction. "No Jamal there. Perhaps he was as smart as I gave him credit for, although if he sent these other fuckers, I'll find him and end him. Looks like we'll need to be on high alert again. If these assholes are smarter than the other ones, they'll wait until dawn, but you'll need to stay alert. You have any trouble taking out one of the boats while I take out the other?"

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