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My Husband’s Birthday


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Cynthia took off the blindfold and when he saw Michele and Ron I thought he was going to die of embarrassment but Leon came to the rescue when he shoved his cock back in Cynthia's mouth. This gave Cynthia something else to think about while it sunk in I wasn't just playing head games with him earlier. Yes, his best friend and her husband were watching him suck a cock while he was wearing lingerie and they had cameras!

Poor Cynthia closed his eyes while he continued to give Leon a blowjob. Maybe he thought if he couldn't see Michele and Ron they couldn't see him. I thought of telling him to keep his eyes open but then had a better idea for after Leon came.

Cynthia hasn't learned to deep throat a dildo yet but watching how much of Leon's cock was not in my husband's mouth it will be number one on the agenda once we get home.

Leon was slowly face fucking Cynthia but was still trying to work more of his massive cock into his mouth with every thrust. It was working as I kept seeing more and more cock disappear. I'm guessing it took a good 15 minutes but finally Leon's pubes were touching Cynthia's face. OMG! Cynthia was deep throating a cock!

Now Leon started to pick up the pace and give Cynthia a good hard face fucking. I could tell Cynthia was loving it or at least getting off on the humiliation because his pre-cum was flowing. I pointed it out to Michele and Ron so they could zoom in on it with their cameras. I did this in a loud voice to make sure Cynthia heard me above his cock sucking to add to his humiliation.

It took at least another 10 minutes before Leon finally filled Cynthia's mouth with cum. I was almost hoping he would be all the way down Cynthia's throat when he came so there would be a direct deposit. But Leon pulled out till only his head was in Cynthia's mouth when he started cumming. I swear it took close to a minute for him to stop pumping cum and pull his cock out.

I immediately told Cynthia not to swallow but to open his mouth so we could all see the load of cum in his mouth. While his mouth was open Michele and Ron moved closer and took some close-up shots and video. Finally I told Cynthia to swallow every drop which amazingly he did.

I could tell Ron got hard watching the action so I offered Cynthia's services which I think he wanted but declined. It could have been because his wife and I would be watching or it could have been due to the size of Leon's cock and he didn't want a comparison.

Regardless I wanted my husband to service Ron at some point even if I'm not there to witness it. I could imagine how humiliated he will be that Ron and Michelle were here to witness him giving his first blowjob to a stranger but I can't even begin to think humiliating it will be every time he sees Ron after he sucks him off. Yes, I want Cynthia to die of embarrassment every he sees Ron. So I said "Ron as a way of thanking you for shooting video of Cynthia's first blowjob, I want you to know Cynthia is available to give you a blowjob anytime you want. I'd prefer if you ordered Cynthia to dress like the slut he is and suck you off, but anytime you are with my husband no matter how he's dressed I hope you tell him to give you a blowjob."

I then spoke to my husband "Cynthia you just heard that I offered your services to Ron anytime he wants and you need to understand what that entails. If Ron ever calls and asks for Cynthia you will get dressed like a slut and go give Ron a blowjob. If you are with Ron and he calls you Cynthia you will immediately become submissive and do anything Ron tells you to. If Ron tells you to strip to just your women's lacy thong you will do it no matter where you are or in front of anyone else that is there. And if Ron wants a blowjob you will suck him dry and swallow every drop. And if per chance Ron tells you to blow someone else in addition to or instead of blowing him you will do it. Ron is now your Master just like I am your Mistress. Do you understand?"

Not knowing if Ron had any interest in dominating Cynthia, I just hoped he would play along at least for the evening.

It took a moment but finally Cynthia said "Yes."

Yes was the correct answer but it wasn't very humiliating "Cynthia I want you to look at tell Ron and tell him he is your Master."

Cynthia looked directly into Ron's eyes which made it more humiliating than looking down at the floor and said "You are my Master and I will do anything and everything you tell me to no matter how humiliating it may be for me."

Then to pile on Cynthia's humiliation I told Ron that Cynthia is also available to play hostess at his monthly poker parties and Ron could guarantee everyone at the party would go home satisfied if he chose. Ron got a big grin at that and said he was now looking forward to the next party and that Cynthia would most definitely be servicing all the men.

Cynthia had a look of horror which told me I pushed the right button.

I looked at Cynthia and said "You need to cum soon or I'll be dropping you off at the hospital. Do you want to cum?"

"Yes. I want to so bad."

"OK slut, masturbate for us."


"You heard me, jerk-off for us. And while we enjoy the show I want you to be thinking about the photos and video Michele and Ron will be taking and who they are going to share them with."

I could tell Cynthia was too humiliated to masturbate but I didn't really leave him much of a choice. I handed him a bottle of lubricant and a glass and said do it.

"What is the glass for?" he asked.

But he already knew the answer as I replied "You're going to cum in the glass then drink it."

His cocked twitched at that which told me just how turned on and humiliated he was at the same time by the thought. It doesn't get much better than this!

Poor Cynthia had no real option so he put some lube on his hand and starting stroking.

I could tell when Cynthia was getting close to cumming which didn't take very long at all. I told him to stop and said "So slut, are you ready to offer your ass as well as cock sucking skills to Ron?"

Now my husband has never been fucked in the ass by another man. Me with a strap-on is a different story. If he is very, very horny and desperate to cum he'll tell me he wants to be fucked but it's not his favorite fantasy. So I was kind of shocked when he replied "Yes! I want to suck Ron's cock till he'll fuck my ass deep and hard."

OMG!!! I only hope Ron makes Cynthia regret saying that. And since it was recorded Cynthia can't say he ask for it. And if Ron does fuck his ass, I want to be there to watch because I know I'll get off on it. Hell I'll even strip naked and masturbate while Ron watches as he fucks Cynthia.

"Cum you slut and drink it for us" was all I said and Cynthia shot his load into the glass almost immediately. I don't think I've ever seen him cum as much which again proves I pushed all the right buttons. Cynthia has no desire to drink his cum after he's orgasmed but he must still be fucking horny because he didn't hesitate and put the glass to his lips and drank every drop while we watched.

Since the show was over Leon got dressed and Michele and Ron packed up their cameras. Before they left I had Cynthia thank them for helping to humiliate him.

When they had left Cynthia turned to me and said "Thank you Mistress for the best birthday ever! I can't wait till next year to see what you do to humiliate me."

I'm sure my husband thought everything would be forgotten in the morning and life would go on as usual but it will all come back when Ron calls and says "Cynthia I'm having a poker party tonight and you're the entertainment."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Yes, idiots never die out. Good thing the author stopped publishing!

Sara6159Sara615911 days ago

I am totally jealous I wish I could find a partner to humiliate me like that you. What a great story

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Then after he receives that call he lets all of them know that despite indulging in those sexual activities he very much isn't an actual sex slave, and will take whatever measures necessary, including legal action to get that through their heads. His wife better come back to reality quick, otherwise he'll happily divorce her and find someone with more sense who can actually play those games reasonably.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Really realy awful!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I would think the very minute she betrays him that he would file for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I can't imagine he waited a second to file for divorce. And the film? Talk about lawsuits to give him retirement money!

JuliecrossJuliecross7 months ago

What a great story I would love to have a wife that would share in my fantasies as she has. I enjoyed it very much and thank you for writing it. 😊😊

gasissynoragasissynora10 months ago

loved the story. Looking forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The his story is outstanding, partly because I would enjoy doing almost all of it. In the end I would want it to be “our little secret” so even if Michele & Ron took pics/video I wouldn’t want anyone else to see them. Just knowing my best friend had them would be enough. I enjoyed the restaurant scene but would have preferred to let things play out without dragging other diners in, potentially against their will. The adult video store was realistic, and exciting (and I’ve done something similar) and I was completely turned on. Thank you for sharing this fantasy with us. If I could ever get someone to do it for me I would reenact 95% of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

rubbed my little clitty thru my lace panties while reading it all, Came in my panties 3 times and licked it off my fingers. God,… What a wife. jamie

nyslaveboynyslaveboyover 1 year ago

Cynthia's stories are so fucking hot, they are my all time Lit favorites. I can only fantasize that my wife would do the same to me. The only difference would be I would have begged Leon to fuck my wife!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

TOO MUCH humiliation

Lack normal passion of wife

NOT a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Horrible. He should have gotten out way earlier. Go see a good attorney

pokeyridepokeyrideover 1 year ago

This was pretty good, well it was really good !!! But only as a story, in real life it was risky. Not all, but some of it was very risky. I did enjoy it as a story and makes for a good fantasy for me.

pamelacdnzpamelacdnzover 1 year ago

After placing my review, I thought perhaps I was harsh so read a few pages worth of the previous posts. I am pleased to see that it seems the majority seem to feel as i do. Perhaps the writer got drunker as the story progressed ? In the beginning he wanted to be "seen by" / "outed to a stranger" but the wife would not entertain exposing him to ONE of her friends, but she became very happay at the idea of sending compromising pics to all his family and friends..... No loving wife , just an effing cow.

pamelacdnzpamelacdnzover 1 year ago

I'm afraid that I have to agree with some of the posters below. The wife is not doing this out of any loving or kindness for her kinky husband, she is just a hard and probably man hating twisted bitch.

The scene in the resteraunt for his birthday dinner was going too far and I am sure he would never have agreed to it nor enjoyed it, even historically, The parading of him in the adult book shop was probably on the nail and being safely in a town many miles away from his home, I am sure he probably with remember it for years as being such a horny thrill.

However, making him suck off the taxi driver was again going too far. Perhaps o,k, as a fantasy but not in reallity. If she wanted to humiliate him some more as a 'sissy pansy girly' or to reinforce 'that he is not a real man', she could have tied him into a chair and had Leon fuck her silly while he had to watch ! But no, she was not going to do anything like that.

She is no loving wife making her husband's birthday “special”.

The follow up story where he is loaned out to Ron quickly deteriates into unreadable repetitive drivvle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow! Great story! All the nay sayers, please remember this is an erotica site and can also be fantasy. Although, I would never do something like that, the erotica and fantasy of me doing it was amazing. I was wet in my panties as I read! Great job! I only wished he would have been fucked in the ass!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well this certainly wasn't a TG/CD story. More in the realm of BDSM/Non-Con. And I can say for certain he wouldn't have been going to the poker party - he would either have gone home to pack or straight to the police to report the rape, abuse and assault because that was what it was. SHe isn't his mistress and Ron isn't his master. They're just assholes that hurt him and whom he'd never trust again. Even if they avoid jail, the civil suit would have destroyed them both. And a divorce was certain. Started okay, but most of it was lousy.

mletroutmletroutover 2 years ago

Not to be a spoil sport, but sometimes I reach a point in a story that just rubs me the wrong way. Like the loving wife who wants to give him a special birthday present, but when he tells her she’s pushing him past his limit replies, “I don’t care.” Well, it’s fantasy, I know. And yet, at that point I stop reading and imagine the husband stands up, takes a deep breath and says, “Nah. I’m done with it.” His wife blinks and becomes indignant. “What do you mean? Get back on your knees…Now!” But her husband shakes his head and tells her, “I want a divorce. You can stay here in the hotel tonight. I’ll take a taxi home and stay with my folks until I can talk to a lawyer.” Of course, she asks him, “But…Why?” and he answers, “Because now I know that you really don’t care. Good-bye.”

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No love, no trust, no respect, just a man hater getting off on destroying him. Why is it that so many authours seem to believe that, all cross dressers are gay and the first thing they want to do when they dress is perform fellatio. Couldn’t be further from the truth.

Why on earth did she marry him and why does he stay with this harridan ? He needs to leave, divorce the bitch and find a decent, caring woman who won’t treat him like shit. Sick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really did not like this story and had to skim through it. I don't understand people fascination and want to humiliate people and assuming people wants to be humiliated. He likes to crossdress and he may be a little into her being bossy or more of a mistress but never did he say he want to be humiliated. Why would she give that kind of power to his friends to have videos of him and pictures if they ever have a falling out that can destroy his life this is how people become suicidal. If he's such a perfect husband why would you want to do that to him a good night would have been you allowing him to dress up you dominating him in your bedroom or maybe bring it in someone to feed his curiosity to see if he may be bi but this whole whoring him out to people when there's plenty of diseases and other crazy things out there that's not love. I feel like this started off being a great story and she got real twisted with power and uncaring to her husband and just wanted to treat him like some s*** for all his friends and anybody else who wanted to be involved this makes no sense if you was not into him dressing up then you should have never married him if she was going to flip the script and later just w**** him out to anybody. I do not understand how these stories turn people on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought your story was brilliant. I was on business in Sydney a number of years ago and saw an ad for a domme. When I told her I wanted to be embarrassed, she suggested dressing me up and taking me for a walk. What a great night!!!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 2 years ago

Too bad FTDS (Finish The Damned Story) is no longer available to write a proper sequel to this story. No way would a friendship withstand forced gay acts, and humiliation and threats of punishment in front of friends Michelle and Ron should both cure his cross dressing and end his marriage. I see no love by the wife anywhere in this story. The blackmail and threats of violence make it even worse, if that is possible. I also question the category. Maybe BDSM, Gay, or Nonconsent would fit better. One star and too bad I can’t give lower than that.

danieelledanieelleover 2 years ago

Mmmmm what a hot story!!! my panties are sooo soaked with pre-cum!

It’s funny to me that people reading erotica would find fault with things they probably should of just scrolled past it.

The story is the author’s creation for our enjoyment. If it was submitted to be critiqued that one thing to point out both good and bad but to read it as purely entertainment and wank fodder who cares what should be or can’t be just wank and move on or move on to something that will turn you on.

i am a submissive cross dresser and gay so saying cross dressers are not usually gay makes no sense. That can not be generalized to be all inclusive.

I would be so loving a wife or partner to do this with me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

If cross cressers aren't usually gay, they are atleast gay curious or bi, so why are we being confrontational here Justeenk? Snarboz "Horrible" how would you know? Read the whole thing? To me that's like a girl who swallows ten guys cum loads and says "Yuck" , "that was Terrible" well then why didn't you stop at 1 or 3 cum loads instead of ten? I liked the story and you build a good amount of surprise and humiliation into the story which is what CFNM and Humiliation stories are suppose to have. Good Work

JusteenKJusteenKabout 3 years ago

This story is totally unlikeable. It degrades crossdressing and to all intents it condones sexual assault.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You start the story with the statement: (I would never humiliate my husband in a way that didn't turn him on.) Then you totally humiliate him by having him suck off a stranger in front of his friends and planning to have him entertain a poker game of his friends later. Cross dressers are not usually gay so if he was real you would be gone.

TooSmallDaveTooSmallDaveover 3 years ago

A wonderful story, a wonderful wife and a very lucky husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

when u wake up in the mornin i would punch your lights OUt

gooby sweety

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Poorly written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Happy birthday hubby

By the time the day is finished you'll know how much she loves you. The answer is not at all, she just gets off on humiliating and degrading you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What was there not to like. I was not hard as I read this story, but i was wet in my panties. I loved the levels.of humiliation. The detail of the photos and video just add so much more. Thanks love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Just the sort of wife

no guy would really want. Entrust your fantasies with them and look what happens.

Actually it would be hilarious if this really did happen to most of the "sissy's" replying enthusiastically on these comments. Yeah in the cold light of day I'm sure you'd want the public and friends to know the truth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Didn’t like this story. Yet another author who thinks that all CDs are homosexual.

What a bitch of a wife, no respect, no care, no honour just abuse and humiliation.

Don’t think much of his best friend joining in either.

With friends like that, who needs enemies. -2

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The story was an imaginative wanker story. Nothing wrong with that except it started out with the pretense of being something more. ... My husband fantasizes about being tied to a chair and exposed as a crossdresser to one of my friends. I wouldn't do that because I didn't think he'd be able to handle it. Yet hed be able to handle being exposed to friends and family, photoed, filmed, blackmailed and pimped out on a web sight? 5 stars as a wanker story, 1 star as a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I loved the story, would LOVE my wife to tell me to suck off a friend and fuck him in the ass.. What a birthday present.

justincbenedictjustincbenedictover 4 years ago
Just the best

Humiliation in front of friends,and forced bit is what I put in my stories a LOT...some tranny stuff, too. It was well paced! Thanks!

Claudia69Claudia69almost 5 years ago
What A Birthday Surprise!!

I wish my wife would plan a birthday like this for me....I can almost taste Leon's yummy cum, along with the cum I just squirted in my hand...Yummy!!!

ZBSKRNZBSKRNalmost 5 years ago

Sorry but you missed the mark with this one, Humiliation yes love not so much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

With a wife like that as soon as she untied me I would have gone to the top of the hotel and jumped off the roof !!!!!!!

Sissyjackie2008Sissyjackie2008about 5 years ago
Humiliation and emasculation

This story pushed all my buttons. Humilation and emasculation have been part of my sex life since I started dressing on my own. Even my mother knew when she caught me in her heels and hose reading femdom magazines. She did not criticize or encourage but warned me to keep it a secret.

I really got into it in college when older coed would dress me and bring to gay parties where I would perform with pretty bois and gay men. when I graduated college I tried to put it behind me but soon after marriage, the feelings came back. Soon I was dressing again and when my wife caught me she used it to her advantage. Over time she relished more in more in my humiliation, and still does.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Can’t stand this type of humiliation story. There is no love, no respect and no caring just her forcing her husband to debase himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
With a wife like that

who needs enemies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

One of the better stories on here. Would love to be marries to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This Is a Marriage?!

WTF?! There is no love in this marriage! After his birthday celebration,he'll probably ,be fired from his job,catch a few STDs from either Leon or Ron's poker buddies,have no friends because he'll have no one's respect. HE IS one sick puppy! ~ And the wife! What an evil turd she is.Even if her husband is into humiliation,what she made him do,the sex,having his "best friend" and her husband watch him blow a BBC then swallow AND the worst of all,encouraging the pics and vids to be shared with his friends and co-workers and put on-line . She claims to love this victim of her cruelty but doesn't give a shit about his well-being,doesn't stop 'til she's ruined his life! If they were going to engage in this sick shit,limits had to be determined by her that weren't cruel/damaging. There can be NO chapter two unless it reads as a sicky fuck-fest at Ron's poker party with Cynthia being found dead in the street!

Tootight1Tootight1over 6 years ago
good story?

Yes and no. The next morning I would be after all the pictures, from my friends? If they didn't give them up, they would forfeit their lives. The wife is history, one way or the other. I would have to clear the website she set up, but what is done is done. Getting checked for STD would be the next step, who knows what Leon was carrying around. She probably didn't understand that exposing him like she has done may very well end his income potential in the future, and not for the good. Can you say totally uncaring, stupid.

I am sure that the friends know, between the three of them the damage it would cause if all the pics and movie made it to the net, at least I consider it a reasonable assumption. So their fate is not an issue as to the results of his request of the files and pics.

I'm not being unreasonable here. Every sissy loves a little humiliation, trust me I know, but this was over the top. I don't believe she loves him at all. Probably has something going on, on the side. In the end the wife is fish bait, slowly.

durabritedurabriteover 6 years ago
Soooo good!!!

I’ve read this, and all of your other stories, over and over again - seemingly more and more turned on each time! I know you haven’t written in awhile but would love to read new chapters in any of the Cynthia series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Idiotic crap for the real perverts!!!

She outed him to strangers and friends and thats the dealbreaker!! His wife isnt caring

she is a selfish slut!! Divorce the slut and go on with a happy life with more understanding people!!! But for the brain sick readers who get exciting by pure crap that story may be a good base for wanking!!!

cdCindy1cdCindy1about 7 years ago
better each time I read this story

I would love it if my wife found out that I'm a closeted sissy cocksucking CD bitch who loves getting fucked by both fake and real cocks. I would love to suck my wife's friend's husband's big hard cock in front of all of them. I would also love to go out in public with her while I'm crossdressed. It would be humiliating but also very exciting. Please continue the next chapter. I can't wait for the poker party !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story for us sissies.

I think most. Sissies would love to be Cynthia , I have often played with my little sissy clit while thinking this kind of humiliation. I think being found in lacy pink panties by a group of women and being made to do any thing they thought of the humiliated me maybe out in public or having me suck cock and taking it up the ads ,maybe leaving me in a public bathroom with my hands cuffed behind my back.

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1over 7 years ago
A real bunch of crap!!!

With a wife like your protagonist divorce is the only possibility!!! But probably you are a faggot and love that crap!!!

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