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My Intro to CFNM

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My first ever CFNM experience when I was 18.
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So this was about thirty-five years ago. I was getting ready to go to college in the fall and through a friend of a friend of a friend found a rather good summer warehouse job. The man who usually worked it wanted to head home to Greece for the summer and they needed someone to pack up orders. It was hot and some of the work was heavy, but the hours were good: in at 6:30 out at 3:30, Monday to Friday. It also paid well. There as an air-conditioned office up front with five women who were order takers and another women who managed the office. All super nice and all in their thirties and early forties. Being an in shape young guy I, of course, was a focal point for them and coffee breaks were now taken by the loading dock where they could watch me lift, stretch, and move around. Yet at the same time they were like a second mother to me, checking in on where I would be living next year, what classes I would take and reminding me of different things to buy for school.

For the most part they worked from 8:00 to 4:30, so when I got in at 6:30 my first order of business was an inventory run for the main office. At 6:35 the dot matrix printer would spring to life spitting out a 40-item list and I would be off and running. Similarly up front, Barb had a similar issue. She came in at 7:30 until 4:00 and would pick up her list of office supplies and inventory items for the office. I noticed she seemed to be coming in earlier than needed and would come back and talk to me if she finished early. We had a lot of great light discussions and some what I thought of as playful harmless flirting. Barb's encounters with me were getting were getting less flirty to downright obvious as the summer moved on. The morning "how's it going?" turned into "How's every little thing...or big thing?" The temp of the warehouse had gone from "Its hot out here." to "Damn we may have to shed some clothes soon. You start."

One morning as I was doing inventory, she came in a lower cut than usual shirt and said, "Good morning...see anything you like.?" I looked up to see her as she was walking, bent down to pull her shirt open, displaying some bigger than I realized breasts in a black bra. I guess I sort of blushed, and she straightened up and continued walking as if nothing had happened. I recovered and worked through the morning.

The office I worked in was about a three-minute work to the river. A nice, secluded spot where the town had put up picnic tables and places to enjoy the water behind a grove of trees. It was kept nice and neat and was heavily used on weekends, but no one visited it during the week. So, I would often take my lunch down there and enjoy the river and even do some reading. I was enjoying cooling off when I heard the trees rustle and there was Barb. "So, this is where you go everyday?"

"Yeah, its cool, and no one ever comes down here so it's quiet."

"Yes" she said approaching the picnic table. "Hey, you never answered my question" and bowed low again, though it was obvious the bra was missing as I think I saw a glimpse of nipple "Do you like what you see?"

"I was able to find a voice, albeit a quiet voice "Yeah, yes, um, yes."

She smiled obviously making me uncomfortable. "You are so cute when you are embarrassed. Well then I like what I see too, problem is I am not seeing much but you know what they say, tit for tat."


"Tit for tat. I think you may have just seen my tits so I should see your..." She looked down at my shorts which were bulging out a bit.

"Um I don't think I saw your tits plural" I said, trying to sound cool and kind of kidding.

"Well then, you didn't look quick enough did you. I mean c'mon, I've been growing these things for 35 years now, and they are pretty damn good if I do say so myself." She pulled her shirt out and looked down admiringly "'but not everyone gets to see them, and certainly it is not a free show."

I was starting to understand where this was going on but couldn't quite believe it. "What? Are you saying what I think you are saying?" I asked.

She smiled and sighed "C'mon hon, let me see it, there's no one here. It could be very worth your while."

I was, truth be told, kind of immobilized. Barb was a nice-looking woman but shit like this doesn't happen to me. "Uhhhh I'm not sure..." I trailed off.

She walked over to me "Well I am" and grabbed the front of shorts and pulled down enough for my hard cock to spring forth. "Hmmm your balls are still in there" she said quickly reached down pulling my shorts down even more, putting my full package firmly on display.

"I quickly pulled them up "Jesus Barb, what the hell, anyone could come down here."

"She stepped back and smirked "Yet, you're still hard as a rock, and that's from seeing what, one bare tit?" She smiled. "Well lunch is over, hope that doesn't get in your way working this afternoon" as she stared at my still bulging shorts. She then turned around, a little extra wiggle to her shapely ass and dress shorts she was wearing.

The rest of the afternoon was busy enough so I couldn't fixate on it, and then Carol, the office manager came by, a rather large shipment needed to go out and a private firm would be picking up at 5:00 or so, could I stay and pack the order and make sure it got loaded out. Time and a half, why not? I busied myself packing and by 5:30 the service hadn't gotten there yet. I called Carol and she begged me to stay and ten minutes later the truck rolled up. I loaded up and packed up out back and went out front to enable the alarm with the code I was given. To my surprise there was Barb. "Hey, I heard you might still be here. Got a minute to talk."

"Sure" I said "outside though, I want to make sure this works." I busied myself typing in the alarm code and stepping outside.

With all lights off and alarm on she cut right to the point. "Listen Honey, I know you like what I have here" She gestured to her body, "and I have to say I really like what I saw today. So, I have a preposition for you."

"Um okay" I said shocked by her boldness. But I wanted to hear more. "I'm listening."

She took a step closer to me "You see I have a sort of fetish you might say. I really enjoy having a naked man around."

"Okay, I like having a naked woman around, how is that a fetish?"

She smiled "I like to remain clothed the majority of the time and have the men do my bidding." "She must have seen the skeptical fear in my eyes. "Oh" she laughed low "nothing horrible, a little of this, a little that, anything that is too out there we just don't do. You stay naked and hard and at the end other clothes, like mine, might be shed, but either way I will make it worth your while?"

"Worth my while?"

"Let me be quite blunt, I swallow, and sometimes more, and I am exceptional at it, so be a good naked man and I assure you, your balls will be drained. Also, if you are very very good, I am shaved baby." In late 80's shaved pussies were not the norm, in fact except for one or two pornos I had never seen a shaved pussy at all in real life.

My head was swimming, I was both terrified and aroused all at the same time. She looked down and saw my cock so hard it seemed to be straining the tangs on the zipper. "Tomorrow baby? Around 9:00 AM? Here is my address." She gave me a brief kiss on the cheek and got in her car and drove off. Tomorrow is Saturday. Even though I lived at home with my parents over the summer I was out and about quite a lot, leaving for the day would not be a big deal. I really needed to sleep on this though. I had had sex before, but never had a woman been so forward and never had they asked me to naked for the duration while they stayed clothed.

Surprisingly I slept and the next morning made up some story about hanging out somewhere. Her house as it turned out was only about 15 minutes away on cul-de-sac with a very secluded front and back yard and only a few other larger houses very well-spaced out. As I pulled in, I saw a hand extend out the door and tag a note to the door. I figured it was now or never. I walked up and read the note:

"Darling. So glad you decided to join me. This is a very secluded house as you can see, and I have no desire for anyone just passing by to see MY plaything. You will notice down to your left a small metal box, it is open. Please place your clothes in there and shut the box. That will lock them up tight, but don't worry, you can get them back anytime you want. Once you are naked and HARD please knock and I will let you in. Love Barbara"

I looked down to the left and indeed there was a metal box with another note that read "please take this inside when I let you in." Sighing I looked at the box and the door and remembered Barb's tits swinging in her shirt and that was all it took for me to take a deep breath and strip down. I placed everything in the box which closed and locked with an oddly satisfying click. I picked up the box and realized was my cock was super hard. I gulped and knocked, a few seconds later (though it felt like minutes being exposed outside) she opened the door. She looked at me and smiled and reached down to grab my cock tugging gently "Please come in" and she led me by my cock into her house. "Any trouble finding the place" she asked as if small talk with a naked man the most usual thing in the world was.

"No, your directions were perfect."

"Good, good, could you turn slowly for me?"

"Um sure"

"Very nice, arms above your head please and turn, now stop." She stepped behind me and I felt her hands run over my ass and reaching around to my chest. "MMMM" she said appreciatively "working in that warehouse is a very nice thing for you. You can put your arms down."

"Yes Ma'am" I said.

She gave me a look. "First honey I need a hug" as we embraced, I felt her grind into my hard cock and my hands on her back confirmed there was no bra on under her loose-fitting shirt. "Have a seat sweetie, let me go over stuff here so both of us can relax." She looked at my still raging erection and smiled "Or at least parts of us can relax. You don't have to call me "Ma'am" or "Mistress" or any of those things. We are just two adults having fun. If I do anything you don't like or don't want to do, just tell me. There are no "safe words", just saying "no" or "Stop" is fine. I won't throw you out or be disappointed in you, we will just move on to something else. The only rule is you are naked until you hear otherwise, and I am clothed unless I decide otherwise. Sound good?"

The gentleness of her voice and the plan explanation did sound good, and I visibly exhaled "Yes, yes that sounds perfect."

"Brilliant" she said excitedly. "First things first, I need a lightbulb changed."

"Okay?" I said quizzically.

"Well, I am too short to change it and, as I said or at least implied, not everything will seem a like a sexual thing, but I promise I will make it fun."

We crossed a couple of rooms to a huge kitchen with can lights. "Those two there" and she pointed up. "The step ladder is there." and she pointed to a broom closet.

I opened the door and there was a five-rung step ladder and two light bulbs. I brought it out and found on the fourth rung I could reach the light easily. As I finished, she walked over and was face height with my cock. "This is a nice view, stay there for a minute, could you put your hands over your head again, I just love when a man has his hands up."

I willingly did so as she breathed hot air on my achingly hard cock "God, I love young men, they are just always hard" as she let my member slide over her face and gave one slow agonizing lick from the bottom of my balls to the tip of my dick. She looked at my pained expression and laughed. "Oh honey, it may be a long morning for you. Come on down and put the ladder away."

I folded the ladder and placed it back in the closet aware of her eyes on my ass. Again, I felt her hand, soft and warm, caress me for a brief moment. I turned around to see her reach out and grab both my nipples, a soft pinch, and a slight twist. No one before had really played with my nipples and I inhaled deeply and let out a breath of air.

"Wow" she said "A bonus! I love a man whose nipples are sensitive." She grabbed my dick and led me back to the couch; she pulled the handle on the side causing it to recline back slightly. "Play time" she said wickedly and began to lightly pinch, pull and twist my nipples. Oh a few occasions she enveloped my rock-hard nipples with her mouth and sucked light then hard and some nibbling and light biting. I was enthralled, I had never known my nipples could bring this much sensation like a line connected directly to my hard and aching cock. How long this went on for I can't say, but after a bit she did stop and leaned her head on my chest, running a finger up my cock "A little precum baby, just from rubbing your nipples. That is great." She looked me in the eye as she stuck her finger with my cum on it in her mouth and rubbed it over her tongue and teeth before sucking it. "Young men taste so sweet." she half moaned. "How did you like that."

"Mmm that was amazing, no one has ever played with my nipples before, I was afraid I might cum."

She smiled "Don't worry about that, I had my eye on it, that come isn't going anywhere until I say so" she laughed. She got up and crossed the room sitting on the chesterfield in the corner "Just stay there" she requested, "I just want to drink the view in." She stared at me and then asked "Could I ask you to just walk back and forth. Much as I love a good chest and a great cock, I will be frank, you have the best ass I have seen in a long time."

I blushed but walked back and forth until she asked me to sit down. "I feel like you are putting me through calisthenics." I said and she laughed throatily.

"Oh, honey I don't know if encounters will ever happen again, so I get all I can out of them." She looked at me again. "I can't believe you are still hard. Come over here." I stood in front of her and she grabbed my cock and gave it a few jerks. "So nice" she said, engulfing the tip of my cock fora few tantalizing seconds before removing her mouth. She smiled at my moaning,

She put me through my paces for the next few hours. Reaching up to clean windows she couldn't reach (possibly exposing me to passerby's which she constantly reminded me of,) jumping jacks so she could watch my hard dick flop around, and just getting her drinks, or sitting and standing around as she openly stared at my body. "Stand up again honey, I really want to see that cute little ass again." She paused "Can I spank you?" she said naughtily, and I recoiled.

"Barb this is fun and all, but I am not at all into pain."

She nodded "A few little slaps? I promise no pain."


I turned around and she administered a few harmless slaps and dragged her finger over my asshole. I felt the tip of her finger try to enter and spun around "I don't think that is right."

"Sit down baby." she said gently, "I told you nothing you don't want, and I mean that, but I think you would love it."

"I, I, I just can't" I stammered. In retrospect I wished I had let her as a few years later my wife and I began to enjoy ass play, but at the time there seemed to be too many associations with taking things up the butt that at eighteen I couldn't process.

She smiled again. "Kiss me naked guy" she said laughingly as she stood up and kissed me first licking my lips gently that massaging my tongue drawing me into her wet mouth. I felt her finger begin to pinch and play with my nipples. Her hand dived down deeper and massaged my balls "These feel so full." she said.

She stepped away. "Okay you earned this" and she unbuttoned her shirt slowly, her bare breasts on display. She half turned and dropped her dress shorts and pink panties and stood there naked. She pirouetted and walked over to couch and patted the seat beside her. "Play with yourself. I love to see a man stroke his cock." Overcome with lust I did just that even though no one had ever asked me to do this before. I looked over and she too was playing with her soft smooth and very wet pussy. I felt very exposed but her being naked also helped. I stroked until she stopped me. "Lick me honey, please." For the first time she sounded out of control. She looked at me pleading and I dived into my first ever shaved pussy. I licked and teased and she, seemingly quickly achieved two orgasms with the second one catching my head like a vice grip between her thighs and flooding my mouth with her sweet nectar. She quietly suppressed a scream before pushing my head away.

"Very nice baby, now let Barb take care of you."

She leaned me back, dragged her head down my chest and engulfed my cock. She said she was very good, and she was correct. My cock and balls were never given such a workout. She sucked hard and fast, slow, and gentle, edging me so often that I was literally crying out for relief. Finally, she turned slightly to allow me access to her tits and in one gulp swallowed me whole and massaged my balls. that did it and with a guttural groan I came. I mean I came a lot. She swallowed nearly every drop, and crawled up and rested against my chest, her hands playing with my finally flaccid dick as I played lazily with her nipples.

"That was amazing. When do you leave for college?" She asked.

"About two weeks."

She frowned "So this is a onetime thing." It was a statement, not a question. But she kissed me on the cheek and then on the lips with the salty taste of my cum still in her mouth. "Can you stay a little longer? It's only 1:00, we could take a skinny dip." I thought for a minute but before I could say anything she said, "Dear fuck are you hard again?"

I smiled, "Sorry, you mentioned skinny dipping. Sounds fun. I suppose I can stay a little later."

She smiled "I'll make some lunch; you can be my poolside dessert."

Postscript: I hadn't thought about Barb for a long time. We recently moved back to the area, and I brought my car in for emissions testing. Curled up in a chair, reading I didn't notice the woman who came in and sat down in the adjoining chair of the mostly empty auto shoppe. "No hug for an old friend?" I looked up and recognized her immediately. Probably 75 or so now, she would easily pass for 55. I gave her a hug and we caught up. She said how much she enjoyed spending time with me. As we talked It turns out she sees my wife as her doctor! We laughed and she asked if it was okay to compare notes. I said we had no secrets and she said she had an appt in a couple months. Her name was called for her car, and she headed out. I let my wife know when I got home, and her eyes twinkled. "Give me her name so I can be sure my associate doesn't see her, I will book a double block of time, this could be fun."

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maddictmaddictabout 2 months ago

One and done ? What didn't happen to the two weeks ? Thanks for introducing use to the new cock, hard again so soon. I wish I could even remember when that could happen.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 2 months ago

I do agree with one of the previous comments, we do need a separate CFNM category! I would devour every entry! Favorite fantasy is to roam around totally naked with a group of appreciative clothed females. Being groped and teased at their leisure and pleasure. Sort of as your story suggests.

Loved the premise and execution of this story. I will read the other two entries you currently have published and hope to see more.



PS: You have another follower! Also please note all your negative critics are anonymous!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

He should have to work naked with the women watching

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nice content, badly in need of an editor.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nive premise.

But needed much more in the way of extensive details. For example, when he first puts his mouth on her pussy there could/should have been dialog about each was enjoying it. And some instructions/directions about how she wanted him to proceed.

All sex was rushed.

When she began to play with his asshole, it should have gone on longer -- even if he ultimately rejected her finger.

And you could use an editor/proofreader.

You wrote: "The office I worked in was about a three-minute work to the river." You meant WALK, not Work.

You wrote: "So, I have a preposition for you." You meant PROPOSITION, not Preposition.

Four stars.

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