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My Life is Different Ch. 10


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"They're just going to be sleeping," I whispered back to Buffy, and then Faith unzipped her jeans and began to push the tight denim material down her shapely hips. That's when it hit me, it was unlikely Faith or Stephanie would be getting any sleep anytime soon.

"Right," I finally said, loud enough for Faith and Stephanie to hear, "Buffy and I should be getting back to Sunnydale. You two have fun test-driving the bed."

I closed the door to Stephanie's bedroom, and Buffy and I got out before things got even more uncomfortable.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When we several blocks away from Stephanie's house, I said, "Faith and Stephanie. I never would have put those two together. I wouldn't have guessed the two of them would be compatible."

"So, you didn't think that a strong, athletic, self-confident vampire-slayer could ever be compatible with a smart, studious girl that sometimes gets captured by supernatural evil-doers?"


Buffy just got a smug look on her face, and it took me a few seconds to realize that she had laid a verbal trap for me, and that I had walked right into it.

"Of course, sometimes opposites attract," I added quickly, "And the strong, athletic types and the smart, studious types each bring something to the table that could help out the other out. And by pooling their strengths, they might be more functional as a couple, than they would be all on their own."

"Nice save, Will," Buffy said, giving me a playful smile.

We never did find a cab, but we found a bus that took us to the airport.

Sitting in the airport lobby, waiting for permission to board our flight, seemed boring at first, but that changed after about twenty minutes.

At one point, I was sitting in one of those airport chairs, and suddenly I saw Faith and Stephanie, stark naked. Both Faith and Stephanie had their hair pinned back, so I had an excellent view of both their faces as they engaged in hot, passionate, steamy mouth-on-mouth action with each other.

I liked kissing, but I had no idea that it could look so erotic. Faith looked like she was making impassioned love to Stephanie's mouth. It was so seductively hypnotic, I almost forgot that it wasn't possible for me to be seeing what I was seeing.

"Buffy, I think something's wrong," I said, grabbing the sleeve to Buffy's winter jacket and gently tugging on it.

"By wrong, do you mean Faith and Stephanie being bare-assed naked in the airport lobby?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "That kind of something wrong."

And then, to make matters even more confusing, everyone else in the airport lobby was behaving as if it was totally normal for two teenagers to be stark naked in public, and playing tonsil hockey.

"I think we're the only ones who can see them," Buffy opined, "A middle-aged man wife a wife and three kids just walked past them, and none of them even blinked."

Buffy was right. Stewardesses and pilots in their smart-looking uniforms walked right past them, without even slowing down. Middle-aged women and teenage boys walked past the erotic sight, and seemed oblivious to the fervid sensuality of it all.

"What does it mean?" Buffy asked me, "Wil, you wear the smarty-pants in the family. It's your job to explain stuff like this."

Faith and Stephanie were making erotic moaning sounds that made it difficult for me to think, and then Faith started rubbing her perfectly-shaped, round breasts against Stephanie's bare breasts, and my cognitive abilities just sort of seemed to slip away.

"If they could exhibit this at the Bronze," I said softly, "They'd get decuple the business."

"Focus, Will," Buffy snapped at me, "This isn't normal behavior. What's causing it?"

"Um, well, it's probably magic of some kind?" I offered.

"Brilliant," Buffy said sarcastically, "Is it a threat? Is Faith in danger? Am I going to have to slay something in the very near future?"

I sighed and screwed my eyes tightly shut. I was supposed to be the genius. I was supposed to be the know-it-all. I had the 146 IQ, however, I had absolutely no idea why Buffy and I were seeing visions of Faith and Stephanie, naked and engaged in lesbian sex in the very public lobby of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.

And then I opened my eyes.

My eyes were downcast, which was fortunate, as I found a very vital clue while looking down. The tattoo on my hand was glowing with an esoteric sort of light. It was sort of blood-red, and then a gemstone red, and then a rust-like color, and then black, and then blood-red again.

"The tattoo," I exclaimed to Buffy, holding my right hand up, with my palm facing Buffy, "Faith has one just like it on the palm of her hand! You have one too!"

"Yeah, so?" Buffy asked, and then she looked at the palm of her hand and noticed that her tattoo was glowing as well.

"When we did the spell with the Apertor ex foribus," I explained excitedly to Buffy, "We all joined hands and you and Faith shared some of your life-force with mine to help power the spell! We must have accidentally created some sort of link that binds all three of us together!"

I was so happy that I had figured it out, the practical applications of such a link didn't even occur to me. I grinned from ear-to-ear and waited for Buffy to congratulate me on being such a genius.

"So, because you and I have this crazy, mystic tattoo," Buffy asked, "We can watch Faith every time she has sex?"

"I guess so," I replied, "This is still pretty new to me. It may take some time to work out all of the details and catalogue all the features of the spell."

"And will Faith be able to watch us every time we have sex?" Buff asked.

I was about to say, "Of course not," but then I realized I had absolutely no idea. Up until a few days ago, I had never even heard of the Apertor ex foribus. I actually had very little idea what all of its mystical applications were.

And that scared the crap out of me. The idea of Faith watching Buffy and I; every time we had sex just creeped me the fuck out.

"Um," I said, as I tried to word this in a way that didn't scare the crap out of Buffy, or make her angry at me.

"Um?" Buffy asked, sounding very accusatory, "You're not exactly filling me with a lot of confidence when you say Um!"

"Well, how am I supposed to know?" I blurted out to Buffy, "It's not like they covered this in Freshman orientation!"

I balled up my hands into fists, and then; much to my surprise; the vision of Faith and Stephanie having sex disappeared.

I took a few seconds to think about that. Was there a time-limit on how long these things lasted, or was there a trigger that made the vision disappear?

And then; when I unclenched my fists; I saw Stephanie's face between Faith's thighs, hard at work, licking Faith's moist, pink pubic lips. And I could hear some serious moaning coming from Faith's mouth.

It was a beautiful sight. I was very nearly hypnotized by it. It kind of made me understand why guys watched porn.

Then; acting on a hunch; I clenched my fists again, and the vision of Faith and Stephanie disappeared.

And when I unclenched my fists; and opened my hands wide; Stephanie was vigorously tonguing Faith's pussy again.

"Okay, I think I've got some of this figured out," I told Buffy.

I explained to her that covering up the tattoo seemed to block the signal. Buffy and I experimented with this, and she realized I was right. If we opened our hands and exposed the tattoo to the light, we could see Faith and Stephanie doing the naked, naughty, panting testing-drive of Stephanie's new mattress. If we thrust our hands into our pockets, clenched our hands into fists or wore gloves, the visions of naked, lesbian sex disappeared.

"The next time we have sex, we should wear gloves," Buffy opined.

"Ooh, like medical, rubber gloves," I suggested, "And you could be a prison-guard, and I could be a mischievous prisoner from cell-block D! And you could force me to submit to a strip-search! And when I'm completely naked, you could make me submit to a body cavity search!"

Buffy gave me a look and said, "You get way too turned on by all this women's prison stuff, Will."

"Well, I just know what I like," I countered, "And besides, you're very sexy when you play the role of a very stern, authoritarian prison guard."

* * * * * * * * * *

Buffy may have acted all judgmental, but once we landed in California, and I had a chance to freshen up in airport bathroom, Buffy made a quick stop at the airport CVS and bought a box of disposable rubber gloves, and a tube of surgilube lubricating jelly.

I was looking forward to playing the role of the prisoner that gets stripped naked and forced to submit to the dominant prisoner guard, but Buffy insisted on stopped by at Giles's apartment first, and giving him a full report on our trip to Cleveland.

I pouted and tried to convince Buffy that sex was more important, and that reporting to Giles could wait until later, but Buffy was the Slayer. And being the Slayer meant duty and responsibility and promptly sharing information with Giles.

"So, Faith is staying in Cleveland?" Giles asked.

"She and Stephanie are BFFs now," Buffy explained, "They're gonna live together."

"BFFs?" Giles asked.

"It's an acronym," I explained, "It means best friends forever."

Both Buffy and I left out the part of the story where Faith and Stephanie had hours and hours of lesbian sex on Stephanie's bed. We also left out the part where the tattoos on the palms of our hands allowed us to spy on Faith and watch her lesbian sex marathon for most of the flight back to California.

"Well, as long as she's safe and we know where to find her, I suppose it's over. Case closed. Well done, you two."

* * * * * * * * * *

When we got home, Terri was nowhere to be found, so Buffy and I had the entire house to ourselves. We took advantage of that, and got ready for kinky prison guard and misbehaving prisoner lesbian sex. We each snapped a rubber glove onto our right hands; as a precaution to keep Faith from spying on our lovemaking; and then I gave Buffy my most hungry, adoring look.

"Hang on, I gotta change my clothes first," Buffy said, and she made me wait in the kitchen while she got dressed.

I was a little bit surprised. Sex was usually a spontaneous thing for us. We never had to get dressed up for it before. I was curious as to why Buffy suddenly felt the need to dress up first. And why did she have to do it in private? I'd seen her naked plenty of times before. Why did she suddenly need privacy to change her clothes? It's not like she was shy about me seeing her naked butt. Her butt was totally the perfect size and shape. It was a butt to be proud off.

I went over this in my mind six or seven times, and I was unable to come up with an answer no matter how many times I tried. Then Buffy came out of our bedroom and marched into the kitchen, wearing a prison guard uniform.

It was a very smart-looking uniform, with tailored, black slacks, a grey, uniform shirt, with a patch sewn into one sleeve that read "Sunnydale Women's Correctional Center". She also wore a leather belt with a nightstick attached to one side and a black, leather pouch attached to the other side.

"Oooooh," I enthused as I took in the whole thing. Buffy looked very dominant and authoritative in her uniform. She even wore black, leather boots to complete the whole stern, authoritarian look.

"When did you get this?" I asked, barely able to hear my own voice over the sound of my heart beating like a Buddy Rich drum solo.

"Costume shop," Buffy replied, "They were supposed to have it ready for me in time for Halloween, but they totally took too long to finish. They didn't have it ready for me until just after Christmas."

I felt a throbbing fire in my loins, and I didn't really care how long it took for them to custom-design Buffy's costume. Just looking at her, in her grey and black prison-guard uniform made me feel deliciously submissive. I felt an irrational urge to strip naked right there in the kitchen and get down on my hands and knees and lovingly kiss her black leather boots.

Buffy saw the look on my face and smiled. I think she realized how ready and eager I was to be dominated by her.

And then she pulled her nightstick from its holster and used it to point towards our bedroom.

"Down the hall, prisoner, second door on the right," Buffy said in her stern, prison-guard voice, "I've had enough of your mischief, Willow Rosenberg! You've earned yourself a strip-search!"

I felt a soft, wet pulse in my sex and I was unable to stifle a gasp as a walked down the hall and towards our bedroom. Buffy placed the tip of her nightstick gently into the small of my back and nudged me forward as she walked behind me.

The way Buffy was barking out orders made my blood race and my body heat up to a feverish temperature. I don't know why, but I got all hot and excited whenever Buffy did her strict, disciplinarian thing.

"Yes, Officer Summers," I replied timidly, and I placed my hands behind the back of my neck and laced my fingers together without Buffy even telling me to. It just seemed to me the way a prisoner should behave when taking orders from a strict prison guard like Officer Summers.

Once we were both in the bedroom, Buffy locked the door behind us and said, "Okay, prisoner, take your clothes off. All of 'em. Strip!"

I felt an ever-growing heat between my legs every time Buffy barked orders like that at me. My breathing sped up and I untucked my shirt from the waistband of my pants and began to yank it up above my head. Then I removed my shoes and socks and unzipped the front of my jeans.

Buffy watched me strip like a predatory cat watches a wounded bird. She made me feel more and more vulnerable with every item of clothing that I removed. When I was down to just my panties, I hesitated and gave Buffy a pleading look. I wanted to be totally naked and vulnerable before Buffy, but somehow it seemed to me that the naughty prisoner in the Sunnydale Women's Correctional Center would have been nervous and hesitant. I acted nervous and hesitant to be try to be true to the role I was playing.

"Panties too," Buffy demanded, and I slipped my thumbs into the waistband of my lycra panties and pulled them all the way down to my ankles.

When I was standing totally naked in front of Buffy, I felt an agonizing wave of desire pass through me. Something about being utterly and completely naked while Buffy stood there in her smart-looking, prison-guard uniform made me feel more vulnerable than ever before. And that feeling of blatant vulnerability caused my exposed nipples to harden, and my moist pussy to throb with hungry spasms.

My discarded clothes were in a heap on the bedroom floor. Buffy barely spared them a glance and said, "It doesn't look like you were hiding anything in your clothing, but maybe you're a clever little prisoner, who thinks you can hide stuff from me inside your body."

Then Buffy placed her strong, capable hands on my upper arms, spun me around, made me face the wall and said, "Place your hands up against the wall and spread your legs."

I began to whimper and pant and I felt the thrill of anticipation spread and permeate my entire body. My nipples became so hard that they ached, and my clit was so hard and swollen, that it was peeking out of its hood.

Buffy had me arch my back and stick out my butt more, and when my ass was shamelessly on display, I felt cold, oily lubricant being drizzled in between my butt-cheeks and smeared by Buffy's finger, in a clockwise, circular motion, all across the delicate surface of my anus.

Then, I moaned helplessly as I felt one of Buffy's fingers pushing firmly yet gently against the tender flesh of my pink, anal cleft.

"Don't tense up," I heard Buffy whisper softly into my ear, "When I push my finger inside of you, your asshole needs to be relaxed. If you're tight and sealed-shut, it's going to really hurt when I force my finger inside of you."

Buffy had been inside my vagina plenty of times, but I wasn't used to her impaling me through the anus. I was kind of nervous about being anally penetrated for the first time, but Buffy's advice made sense. I made a conscious effort to relax my sphincter muscle and then I felt Buffy's finger push through and invade my tight anal orifice.

Her invading digit twisted, probed, explored and wriggled around inside of me. I moaned and felt a degree of helplessness and vulnerability I had never known before. My legs trembled and I groaned helplessly, but somehow, it felt delicious the way I was forced to be naked and helpless for my stern, demanding, abusive, blonde prison guard.

"There doesn't seem to be anything hidden in here," Buffy said as her invading finger wriggled around inside my rectum, "But there are other orifices I can check."

Buffy slid her finger out of my tight orifice, and stripped off her rubber glove. Then she dropped that glove into our trash can, and snapped on a fresh one.

"Spread those legs further apart," Buffy ordered me, and I whimpered.

My legs were already spread pretty far apart, but when Buffy used that stern, prison-guard voice of hers, I melted inside and disobedience was unthinkable. I somehow forced my thighs even further apart and left my slick, swollen pubic lips, lewdly exposed.

"What have you got hidden in here?" Buffy asked and I could feel one or two gloved fingers gently gliding across the surface of my swollen labia. It was a gentle touch, but my pubic lips were so sensitive at this point that the physical contact of her fingers sent yummy shockwaves throughout my entire body.

"Nothing, Officer Summers," I replied with a weak, timid voice. I felt hot, feverish and my pussy was dripping wet. I wanted to tell Buffy to shove her fingers inside of me and make me cum, but that would have spoiled the mood of the game we were playing. When you're incarcerated in a women's prison, you don't give orders to the prison guards.

My heart beat like a Tony Thompson drum solo, and my pussy throbbed desperately, but Buffy made me wait. She spent a sadistically long amount of time tracing the outline of my swollen pubic lips before actually thrusting her fingers inside of me. My breath quickened with anticipation, and my breasts rose and fell at least a dozen times as my breathing became more labored as I awaited being impaled by Buffy's strong, fabulous, capable fingers.

She thrust two fingers deep inside of me and probed my needy sex. I tried to suppress my moaning, and failed miserably. My legs trembled and an agonizing wave of desire swept across my entire body, originating in my loins and expanding uncontrollably until my entire body was nothing but a sweaty, trembling, feverish, needy, libidinous mess.

"I'm not finding any hidden contraband," Buffy said as she probed my needy pussy with her strong, capable fingers, "But your pussy is soaking wet. I think you're enjoying this."

"Yes, Officer Summers," I said as I squirmed my hips in a very suggestive manner and made excited, breathy noises as her fingers took me closer and closer to orgasm.

"Hey, stop that," Buffy snapped at me, as she quickly withdrew her fingers from my throbbing sex, "I didn't tell you to hump my fingers like a shameless, wanton bitch, did I?"

"No, Officer Summers," I replied playfully, "I've been a naughty and mischievous prisoner. You should probably spank me for being such a shameless, wanton bitch."

Buffy leaned forward until I could feel her hot breath in my ear and softly whispered, "Willow, you do remember that I'm the Slayer, right? I've got super-strength. If I spank you, I could end up breaking your hip."

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