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My Little Boo

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Little sister winds up in my bed, things happen.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/22/2023
Created 06/11/2023
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My first time writing in this category. I hope you enjoy it.

Fucking Bitch! How could I have been so stupid? Taking her to that concert cost me a full week's pay, and for what? Hell, I don't even like that silly boy band, but Nooooo, she had to see them, she had to see "Brad" the wonder douche.

This was our eighth date, I thought maybe she'd finally be ready for a little action. The fucking bitch had even told me how wet she got when she saw Brad perform. So, of course, I thought she'd be hot to trot after the concert. I even cleaned my place and everything, but Noooo, "Take me home." She says. "I'm just too keyed up," she says.

Well, I'm fucking "Keyed up" too! I wonder if she even knows what blue-balls are? Well, we're through, she took me for a nice ride, sucked my wallet dry, and then shut me down. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I drained the last of the beer I'd opened and went to the fridge for another. I plopped down in my recliner and grabbed my remote. I took a deep breath, Okay numb nuts, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You got played, it's over, fuck it, man!

I found a new action flick and started watching some hot chick shoot a bunch of bad guys and blow things up. Suddenly my phone rings, It's my sister. I glance at the time, just past midnight, odd!

"Hey Boo, you okay?"

"Can you come to get me?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, where are you?"

"Outside of Gillies."

"What? ... Never mind, I'm on my way."

The bouncer was talking to her when I pulled up. He gave me a hard look.

"You know this Dude?"

Donna was swaying a bit, but he had hold of her arm. "My brother." Then she turned to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks, Tommy."

He helped her get into the car and I pulled away.

"Jesus, Boo, you're plastered. I can't take you home, you'd better stay at my place."

When she didn't answer, I turned to look at her. She was passed out against the window. I shook my head and drove home. I texted Mom saying I ran into Boo at the club and we decided to go back to my place, watch a movie, and order a pizza. I said it would be late, so she would just stay over.

I removed her shoes and jeans and put her on the couch. I got a waste can and put it on the floor near her head. I put a bottle of Tylenol and a bottle of water on the end table and then covered her with a sheet.

I sat in the recliner and watched the rest of my movie, while she snored. She seemed fine so I headed to my room. I stripped off and climbed into bed, naked, as always. I think it took about 90 seconds for me to fall asleep.

In the morning I woke lying on my back. It took a second for me to realize Boo was in my bed. She was curled up against my left arm and her knee was draped across my lower thighs. She was still snoring, so I tried not to move. Then I felt it, her left hand had a firm grip on my morning wood.

Fuck! Now what do I do? I knew I had to get my dick out of her hand before she woke up, but how? If I just try to move her hand and she wakes up, she'll think I put her hand on my dick. If I just squirm away from her, her head will fall off my shoulder and she'll wake up and find my dick in her hand.

As I lay there trying to plan my escape, she twitched her leg and then squeezed my cock hard. I froze, she relaxed a bit then her hand jerked a little. Fuck! I was so fucking horny, that little bit of motion caused my dick to throb in her soft hand.

I knew in my current state, that if she moved her hand again, I'd start leaking. Fuck it! I softly lifted her thumb and pulled her hand off my throbbing rod. I had no more than gotten her hand free when she stirred and slid her hand up my chest and brought her knee up to press against the underside of my woody.

Jesus, I'm naked with a hard-on and my little sister is climbing all over my body. I started doing multiplication tables in my head, hoping the monster would shrink and I could wake her up. Gradually it started to work and I could feel myself wilting a little.

Her knee was actually lying on my balls. I tried to open my legs a bit to reduce the pressure but ended up pressing my thigh into her crotch. She whimpered a little and humped against my leg. Oh great, now she's dry-humping me in her sleep!

Although that only lasted a few seconds, it was enough to cause my lonely cock to inflate once again. I gave up, I brought my left hand up and began to rub her back and she slowly began to awaken.

"Good morning, Boo"

She blinked and squinted up at me. "David?"

"I put you to bed on the couch last night. I have no idea when you got into my bed."

I could see her doing an inventory of her situation. She peeked under the covers and, no doubt saw my dick standing up against her knee.

"Uh, you're naked!" She slid her leg off of mine and rolled away from me.

"Yeah, I always sleep in the nude, besides I wasn't expecting company."

She brought a hand up to her forehead, "I got up to use the bathroom and came in here to ask you how I got here. You were asleep and I thought I'd lay down and talk to you when you woke up. I guess I fell asleep.

"By the way, where are my pants? And who told you it would be okay to remove your sister's pants? What else did you do to me while I was sleeping?"

I laughed, "You called me from Gillies and asked me to come get you. The bouncer had to help load you into the car. Speaking of which, where the hell was Josh?"

She blinked a couple of times then her face became angry, "That asshole! He was there, he spent the whole night out on the dance floor grinding on Tammy. They had the whole crowd cheering them on as he practically fucked that bitch right there in front of my face!"

"Oh shit, I can see why that might piss you off, but why were you so drunk?"

"His buddies took turns bringing me drinks and once I was drunk, they kept trying to get me to go out to the parking lot with them, assholes! Luckily, Missy, that waitress with the huge tits, saw me stumbling back to the table after I went to the lady's room. She grabbed my purse and took me outside and told Thomas to keep an eye on me.

I don't know how long I sat on the sidewalk by his stool. He wouldn't give me my purse until I told him I'd called for a ride. Even then, he didn't give it back until you showed up. I remember getting into your car, but I thought you'd take me to Mom's."

"You were too fucked up to go home, Mom would have had a cow. You passed out in my car, so I put you to bed on my couch. I remembered you slept in an oversized Teeshirt. I got you one of mine, but you were too out of it to change, so I pulled off your shoes and those tight jeans."

She lifted the sheet and looked down to make sure she still had her panties on. Then she raised it a bit more and looked over at me.

"Why is your dick hard? Were you doing things to me?"

"No! In fact when I woke up you had a death grip on my dick and I had to pry your little hand off of me!"

She giggled, "I always held Josh when we slept together. Sorry, Bro, must have been just a force of habit," She giggled again. But I gotta say, that thing is the biggest one I've ever seen. - not that I've seen that many."

I blushed, "Yeah, well, it's been pretty neglected lately so it might be a little extra pumped up."

She dropped the sheet and turned on her side to face me. "So my big brother is "extra pumped up" because he's in bed with his little sister? You perv! Are you hot and bothered from seeing my little panties?"

"Knock it off, Donna! I'm not the one who was stroking my brother's cock and climbing all over his nude body!"

Her mouth fell open, "I was stroking you?" She got a faraway look for a few seconds and then recovered, "Did you enjoy it?"

"Fuck you! It's not funny! I'm in a bad way and you're not helping!"

"What? Why? What about your new girl, what's her name, Nicole? Isn't she taking care of you?"

"That Bitch! We're done! She was just using me as a meal ticket. She never touched my dick. You're the first girl to touch me in over three months."

"Three months! That's not like my big Bro, you always have chicks hanging around."

"Yeah, well, I thought Nicole was maybe something special, but it's obvious she doesn't feel that way about me. I'm just pissed it took me so long to find that out."

"Oh you poor baby," she cooed, teasing me. She slid her hand across my hip and grabbed my still-raging hard-on. "Will this thing ever go down? Do you need your little sister to help you out?" She was stroking me and it felt really good.

"Boo! Please, you've got to stop. I told you I am in a bad way, stop teasing me."

She looked up into my face and could see I was not playing with her. "You're really hurting, aren't you? She left you with blue balls." Donna stroked me faster.

"Boo! Please!" I grabbed her wrist, you're my little sister, I can't let you do this."

"Shut up! You helped me out, I'm just returning the favor."

She resumed stroking me. I moaned, I was so fucking horny! I knew I should stop her but I was too far gone. I pulled her closer and held her against my chest.

"Boo, honey, I'm close, oh, fuck that feels good."

She turned her head and kissed my chest as she pulled on me faster.

"Boo! Boo!"

She shuffled down and sucked me into her hot sweet mouth.

"OH MY GOD!" I exploded into her mouth. She sucked and swallowed as I pumped my little sister's mouth full of my seed.

After I'd short my fifth rope of cum into her sweet little mouth my body relaxed and I settled back into the bed. Donna continued to lightly suck and stroke my dick until she'd gotten every last bit of my cum.

I pulled her back up my chest and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, baby girl, I really, really needed that."

She chuckled, 'Yeah, I could tell, that was a lot of jizz, bro."

I held onto her and stroked her hair. The after-glow began to fade and the guilt rushed in. "Boo, I'm sorry. That was so wrong, I'm so ashamed of myself."

She slapped my belly, hard! "David Collins! Don't you dare ruin this by going all moral on me! I love you and will do anything -anything!- for you!"

I hugged her, "And I'd do anything for you! You're my favorite person on the planet, but it's incest, we shouldn't be doing..."

"I DON'T CARE!" She interrupted me. I love you and want you to be happy. If that means I need to suck your dick, I will fucking suck your dick! Now shut up and hold me."

"I, I, wow, Boo, where did this come from? I mean, I knew you loved me, but we've never done anything like this."

She sighed deeply, "I've wanted to, for like forever, but you've had so many girlfriends, I just hid my feelings. Then this morning you needed me, really needed me. God David, I love you so much, It makes me feel so good to be here with you like this."

"Sweetie, I had no idea. You've always been my precious little sister. I've always felt so protective of you, but I didn't want to protect you this morning, I wanted to use you."

"FINALLY! God boys can be so dense. I thought you might never want me, that maybe I wasn't pretty enough, or sexy enough. I WANT you to use me. Use me however you wish, as long as it makes you feel good."

"Pretty enough? Are you serious? I think you are cute as hell! Those little panties really show off your cute little ass. Maybe your tits aren't as big as some girls I've dated, but I don't know that for sure, I've never seen them."

Donna sat up, pulled her top off, and reached behind her to undo her bra. It slid down her arms and she squared he shoulders, thrusting her boobs out at me. "Well, what do you think?"

I licked my suddenly dry lips. Her puffy pink nipples were long and hard. Her boobs looked to be at least an overflowing B or smallish C, but certainly a handful. I reached out and tentatively fondled her breasts.

"Wow, Boo, these are nice!"

"You like them? You can do anything you want to them."

I smiled at her and lightly twisted her nipples. She closed her eyes and moaned. I squeezed them and then bent and took one nipple into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it and then sucked it, she moan louder.

"Yes, David! Oh god, that feels good."

Without letting her puffy nipple escape, I gently pushed her back flat onto the bed. She continued to moan as I slid a hand down across her flat belly. I slipped my hand into her little blue panties, my fingers finding her wet slit.

She groaned and gripped my head when my fingers slipped inside her dripping pussy. I stroked in and out and she humped against my hand. I found her clit and cautiously circled it with a slippery fingertip.

"OH yes, right there! Oh yes."

I flicked my finger back and forth as my little sister humped my hand. I dipped into her pussy and out again as she groaned louder. I sucked hard on her nipple. She raised her hips off the bed and I pulled her panties down her legs.

"Please, David, Please. I need you inside me. Oh god, I want you so badly."

I rolled a knee over between her legs and pressed against the inside of her thigh. She spread her legs and urged me between them. I pressed my dick against her and it settled in her wetness. I rocked back and forth as my dick slid across her clit.

Her hands worked between us and she begged. "Please, I need it in me, please, please."

I lifted my hips and she placed my head at her entrance. I slowly slid into my sister for the first time. Her velvety softness enveloped me as her heels pushed my hips down.

"YES!" She hissed as I slid into her. Yes, David, Oh my god, I've waited so long for this. Fuck, you feel so good."

I moaned as she gripped my shoulders and buried her face in my neck. "Boo, you feel so good, so hot, I never dreamed..."

"Fuck me, Baby, Fuck your little sister! Make me yours, fuck me hard," She yelled.

I was lost, I pounded into her with reckless abandon. Faster and faster I plunged into her sweet little pussy. I could feel her nails digging into my back, urging me on.

"That's it, fuck me Big Brother, fuck your sister, make me cum, baby. Faster, Harder!"

"I, I, Oh fuck, Fuuuuuuuuuk!" I slammed deep into her and held myself there as I pumped my little sister full of my seed.

"Yes, give it to me! Cum in me, David! Fill me with my brother's cum!"

I dropped onto my elbows and kissed her soft lips. She hungrily kissed my lips and clutched at me. I lifted my head and stared into my little sister's eyes.

"Boo, I love you, I have always loved you. You mean more to me than anything."

She beamed at me and flexed her mussels, gripping and releasing my softening dick. My eyes widened in surprise when she did it.

"You like that? One of these days I want you to put it in and I will try to get you off without either of us moving."

"Does that mean you want this to happen again? Are you sure? I mean, it's kinda weird and we can't tell anyone about it."

She pulled me down in a fierce hug. Yes, Baby, I'm sure. I love having you inside me, I wish we could be together all the time."

"What about Josh and the other guys?"

"Fuck them! I only went out with Josh because he looks a little like you. But he's a silly boy, not a real man like my big brother."

I slid down beside her and she snuggled up to me. "Are you serious about wanting to be with me full-time?"

"Hell yeah, I never want to leave your bed!"

"Well, why don't you move in with me until you finish school? I'm close to campus so Mom won't have to pay for a dorm room. You could ride a bike to class most days and leave your car here."

"Seriously? You'd let me move in? Won't Mom be kind of suspicious?"

"Maybe a little, but when you mention the no dorm room thing, she'll jump at the idea of saving all that money. School starts back in about two months, tell her you want to move in now so you can get adjusted and see if you like it."

We ate breakfast and then headed to Mom's house. She was already working in her garden. Donna took a quick shower and then we made lunch and called Mom in.

"Well, this is a surprise! Donna fixed lunch and David is here to visit, I could get used to my children acting this way," she said laughing.

After lunch, I took Mom's hand and walked her out to the porch.

"Mom, I had a thought last night and wanted to run it by you. I think it makes sense, for everyone, but I want you to okay it."

Donna came in and sat next to me. She looked at me and then spoke to Mom.

"I don't want to go back to the dorms next semester. I want to move in with David and live off campus. He's close enough for me to ride my bike, most days and it will save you a ton of money."

Mom looked at me and then back at Donna, If she suspected anything, it didn't show in her face.

"David? You'd be okay with having your little sister living with you? What about privacy? I know you have lots of girlfriends."

"I'm working so much, I'm seldom there except to sleep. If privacy becomes an issue, most of my girlfriends have their own place, besides, they would all love Boo, she's great."

"Hmm, it would save me money, but I'm afraid you two might get on each other's nerves. I can still remember when you lived here, David, she drove you nuts."

"Mom! I was 13! I'm 19 now, I'm not a child."

"She's right, Mom, my baby sister is now a young woman. She's older than I was when I left home. At least I'll be there if she needs someone to look after her. Plus, she can cook much better than me."

"Okay, but I'll send you some money each month for food, it's the least I can do."

"Mom, even with my scholarship money, I know the tuition is not cheap, so, thank you," she said and hugged Mom.

Donna then turned to me. "Dave, go get some boxes and you can help me pack."

"Gees, she hasn't even moved in and she's already bossing me around."

Once my truck was packed up with her things, we went in to say goodbye to Mom. She hugged us and begged us not to become strangers. I promised her we'd come over every other Sunday for dinner and a visit.

As soon as we got all of Donna's boxes into the spare room, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into "Our" bedroom.

She stripped off and began pulling my clothes off.

"Come on, damn it! I need you inside of me again!"

I laughed, but my cock was instantly hard as she straddled me and then dropped down onto my dick.

"Ahh, that's what I needed. You're right where you belong. Oh god, you feel so good inside me."

She rocked herself on me, grinding her clit against me. She leaned forward and put her hands on my chest. She then started bouncing on my dick, faster and faster.

"Fuck, I'm not going to last long if you keep that up."

She sat up, using her hips to ride me. I reached up and grabbed her firm boobs and squeezed them. I tweeted her nipples, rolling them between my fingers and then pulling on them lightly. She arched her back and whipped her hair from side to side.

"Oh yes, fuck yes, I'm almost ..., Yeeeeeeeeeeeessss! Oh god!"

She was like a wild woman, I gripped her hips just to keep her upright as she pounded up and down on my cock. Finally, I couldn't hold back and I erupted inside of her as I forced her hips down.

She fell onto my chest and panted in my ear. As we each worked to catch our breath, she squeezed my dick in her vise-like pussy. She milked every drop of cum I had.

I kissed her face and held her against my chest.

"Boo, I don't know where this will lead, but I know I want to be with you for as long as you'll have me. I love you, Boo."

"I have two years of school left and I want to spend every spare minute I have with you. Once I graduate, we will have to come up with a new plan, but I'm not giving you up!"

I held my sweet, sexy, little sister in my arms. I knew that someday reality would come crashing down on us, but for now, I just want to be with my little Boo.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

No real buildup, bit of a weak explanation of her feelings, and then just wham, he reciprocates.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

4 Stars, a couple of typos, but the story is good and interesting. Wish I had a sister like Boo.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

There's a lot to like about this story, but it also has some major issues. In the beginning when Donna is giving David grief over the fact that he's naked in bed, she's a little bit too hard core for a little sister who has been crushing on her big brother for many years. That really takes a lot of the pleasure out of her revealing her true feelings for David and giving him head. It came away feeling self serving and trite. Also there's the following quote:

"I WANT you to use me. Use me however you wish, as long as it makes you feel good."

Yeah, that's a bridge too far. 😕 Totally outside of her established character. Absolutely schizophrenic. Dual personality.

Once you moved past the reversal and the story smoothed out, the love that David and Donna shared for each other was very satisfying. I enjoyed Donna's remarks about dating Josh only because he physically resembled David. I'm looking forward towards reading the next part. 4/5

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainabout 1 year ago

"Boo"?? Come on. Better names out there than Boo!

Lee2012Lee2012over 1 year ago

Just one little touch. And this is the second time through this excellent story. The paragraph where, after moving in, she dragged you in to ‘our’ bedroom. While on top she was sliding just right while you “tweeted” her nipples. I admit this typo did draw out a giggle, I’m sure you meant ”tweaked”, but it made my evening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Muscles, not mussels

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

Miss my little sis!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not too many word to take space. right to the point. I enjoyed it. Short but enjoyable.

GothOsTheC0njurerGothOsTheC0njurerover 1 year ago

Mussels? Really? Average but not bad.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

Very hot! 5 Stars. Keep going with these two.

Robinius1Robinius1over 1 year ago

Thank you, I now know the meaning of the word 'mediocre.'

beanburner69beanburner69over 1 year ago


ss2ss4ss6ss2ss4ss6over 1 year ago

Very erotic story.

“ flexed her mussels”? Probably need to get a proofreader

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