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My Neighbour's Daughter Pt. 04

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New plans on the horizon.
5.2k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/26/2024
Created 09/21/2024
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{Have I mentioned before all characters are 18 years of age or older? And I don't know any of these people, really.}

{I'm kind of pleasantly taken back with the interest these have received so far. Honestly this is my first attempt writing with dialog. Comments and critiques are welcome, as I do want to make the upcoming parts more entertaining. Many thanks for reading}

"Ooof," that one hurt. Crusher, as we call him, wasn't pulling his punches.

These guys were deadly serious in this black belt level class. Before we started, he made it clear I couldn't possibly hurt him, and if I didn't make each strike count, he'd make me regret it.

Well, that was payback for the glancing blow from my last swing, and I could tell it didn't even register on this guy. I don't want to hurt him, and specially don't want to tick him off, but going easy it seems will tick him off just as much.

I double down now making a feint with my left fist and sneaking in a solid side kick to his gut. He didn't blink, and kept coming. Using my foot work, I danced out of his way as I planned my next shot, while he sent several jabs.

Dam, he's worked me close to the wall, and I have to make a move hoping to back him off. He got to within 18 inches and had a smirk knowing I was about to get owned. A Hail Mary, I pulled Tom Laughlin's famous move in the movie 'Billy Jack'. An inside crescent kick to his head. He had his fists up, and my kick solidly connected with his padded fist and drove it into the side of his hopefully thick skull.

He spun sideways, me thinking I had him, then he went to give me a low back kick, which I saw at the last second and deflected it. I was getting lucky I knew. I was seriously outclassed by this guy.

Sensei called time out, and we stopped and bowed.

Crusher pulled off a glove and extended his paw, which I took for a shake.

"Nice one kid, I almost felt it." He chuckled. "You lasted 3 minutes with me, and I don't see any blood on you."

"Well then Crusher, maybe I can get a little of yours on me next time."

Of course, he thought that was a funny comeback, and gave me a light punch to the shoulder. Which means he didn't dislocate it.

Sensei pulled me aside, "What did you think?"

"There's always someone tougher? Man, that guy is nobody to mess with, I was his dog toy."

Sensei had a chuckle, "I'll pair you with a junior black belt next round. You are here to get a grasp of where you need to be, and what you are weakest at, as opposed to feeling like a dog toy. I'll meet with you and your next partner to discuss what to work on. Now you know, if you think you are hot stuff after your last scuffle, you hopefully realize you could be in a world of pain like your girl's antagonists if you don't first consider how not to engage to begin with. BTW, nice crescent kick grasshopper. Keep working on it, you have the technique almost mastered."

"What do I need to do to master it?"

"Make sure he goes down." He chuckled, walking away smiling.

A couple days later I was attending my normal martial arts class. Becky and Monica were there for their second session.

"Hi Russ, missed you last week."

"I was target practise for the black belts a couple nights. Got a couple more weeks of it.

Great to see you two here! We need a bit more estrogen in the class to balance the hormones," I smiled."

"Lot of stretching and stuff in the warm ups. Soccer practise has me in shape, and class was mostly easy," Monica said.

"I'll keep an eye on you two tonight and hopefully get an idea how you're doing."

Sensei saw us chatting and came over.

"Russ, I take it you know these ladies?"

"Yes, soccer team members/friends with my girlfriend."

"Good, good. Why don't you be their mentor this evening once we break out into techniques after warm up and stretching."

Becky seemed excited, and bouncy, "Yes! thanks coach, um, Sensei."

Monica blushed a bit and smiled.

Hmm. Guess they are happy for some one on one.

Once we got to practise time, I asked if Sensei went over the origin of Hapkido and its philosophy with them yet.

They indicated they had.

Asking what they were hoping to get out of it, they said, "to beat off creeps."

I chuckled at the double entendre, they quickly caught on, and laughed at their faux pas.

I had a sobering moment though knowing how much they had to learn yet, to actually do that. Then reflected on my recent time in black belt class, and realized I was kind of where they are in the whole spectrum of things where I had hoped to be myself.

After collecting my thoughts I spoke," I've been here almost 3 years, and recently realized I had some skills under my belt -- but was a long way yet from being a tough guy. I was able to take care of those two asshats because they were a couple of bully's that hadn't had any opposition.

They over estimated their abilities. So, this is more of a lifestyle choice. You will get some techniques early on that you can use to break a hold and escape, e.g. But you won't be the next Bruce Lee for years. Just want to set your expectations. However, the stretching, in a few months if you apply yourself, will make you look like rubber man and that'll really improve your soccer abilities."

They were still smiling, and Becky led off, "Thanks Russ. I didn't expect to be an all-star overnight. But I like your point about reciprocal benefits with soccer. That's cool by itself."

"How about you Monica?"

"I just wanted something new to try, and if I get some self-defence skills, plus as you mentioned improve in soccer, it's a win-win."

"Great, well let me show you a couple break-holds and low kicks to 'you know where' to get you started."


Well, they didn't lack enthusiasm.

Sensei took me aside at the end and asked how I thought I did. I told him about their expectations, what I suggested, and what we worked on. He smiled and approved.

Anything else?

I looked him in the eye and said, "I know what you are doing now."

"Oh?" with a not so innocent, innocent grin, "I knew you were sharp grasshopper."

"Thanks Sensei, my feet hadn't left the ground before, and are planted more solidly now. I have a better appreciation for your guidance."

He simply nodded and walked off.

Sunday morning came bringing promise of a sunny and mild day. I'd slept well, and anticipated getting together with my girl. I began to wonder what might she might like to do. Maybe the beach or a picnic?

Texted Audrey, "Morning cutie? Anything you thought of doing today? FYI I had a thought maybe the beach or a picnic?"

"Both great ideas. The beach sounds good. I can ask my girls if they want to come. Maybe some volleyball? Couple of your gamer nerd buddies might round it out."

"I'll pack us a lunch and bring a cooler for drinks. It'll be a picnic after all," I texted back.

"Say 11:30 ish, I'll pick you up with dad's beater pickup" She responded.

"Great sexy, I'll be ready. Xxo"

I went to the garage to grab the cooler and some sodas. We always kept a couple bags of ice in the deep freeze, so tossed a bag of ice in as well. Now to the kitchen to make some sandwiches. Mom was prepping some veggies.

"Hey mom, Audrey and I are headed to the beach later. I won't be here for lunch."

"Oh, with your love interest?" she grinned.

"Yes, and a few others. I'm gonna make some sandwiches for Aud and I."

"Well, don't forget the sunscreen and a couple old towels."

I had forgot the sunscreen.

"Thanks for the reminder," I thumbs up'd, and ran upstairs to get the essentials. Besides food.

I had everything piled in the driveway, and when Audrey swung in, we made short work of loading up and getting under way.

Her hair was in a pony tail with a pink scrunchie. She had on a loose weathered tee tied high under her breasts, and sprayed on pink booty shorts. She was all girl down to her pink toenails.

Her abbreviated top was loose to accommodate her ample bosom, but added volume to her chest as it billowed. The effect would turn every head, let alone how her ass was going to look in those shorts, if that's what you could call them.

We chatted about how the days went that we didn't get to meet this week. Next week was review classes, then exams. After that, we planned to enjoy this summer to the max before we had to begin uni. Today was going to be the last day to have fun before exams were over.

Pulling into the parking lot, there were quite a few cars. We each grabbed a few things and made our way down the path. Looks like low tide, and lots of sand in each direction.

"I see Becky, her red hair is a giveaway." Audrey noted.

We headed over and they had their umbrella in place, with tunes going. Looks like Becky, Monica, and Janet were here. Not having much stuff, we setup and laid out our blanket.

"I'm going to see if the guys are here and take a quick walk."

"Well, I'm going to sit in the shade a bit and have a soda," she said with a smile.

"OK, see ya in a few."

There wasn't anyone to the left past us, so I headed right, towards the area adjacent to the canteen where the crowd was. I found Mike and Barry.

"You guys made it. We're down the other end, just got here."

"Figures, said mike. We flipped for it to see which way to turn."

"No," said Barry, "you saw the canteen and figured the chicks would all go there eventually," he chuckled, teasing Mike.

"OK, I'm heading back. Don't want some other dude running off with my woman," Seems we have one extra girl, maybe you play your cards right one of ya will get two." Grinning.

Everyone found a place to claim, and I made introductions.

I should probably mention Becky was shorter, a perky C cup, long wavy red hair, and faint freckles. She was slim, and cute as an Irish travel poster model. She was always enthusiastic and ready to have fun.

Monica had a dark complexion, straight long black hair. She was taller, 5'8" or so, slim, and a full D cup. Her thighs were a little thicker, but in a good way, and had distinct toned muscles. She was beautiful, with an exotic Latina flair.

All the girls were athletic.

Janet had brown hair in a shoulder length bob. She was on the shorter side as well, B cup, and a warm personality that shone in her eyes.

Both my friends were 5'10" give or take, average guy bods, and the girls seem to think they were attractive.

Sidled up to Audrey. "Just wanna chill a bit, swim, or volleyball?"

"I want to move. How about volleyball, then a swim to rinse off the sweat?"

"K, any idea re teams? Guys/girls, mix it up?"

"I think we'd kill you guys, better mix it up. 2 girls, 2 guys, vs same.. oh. We are one guy short. Hmm guess we will have 2girls 1 guy, and 2 guys 1 girl, with one girl to rotate for anyone tired or maimed."

Audrey took the idea to the others and Janet offered to be the spare.

Everyone was still in their cover-ups.

Becky started removing a layer, revealing her wares displayed in an orange 2 piece. It was skimpy, but not a thong bottom. She was striking, and I made sure to not get caught staring.

Janet had a high-cut one piece, and Monica revealed a dark azure blue outfit that was stunning on her Latina colour. The top was conservative, but the bottom was high cut, and only covered half her cheeks. I was in heaven. Audrey took off her T but left the shorts. I can see why, since it was the same one she wore at the pool. She'd be flashing pussy playing volleyball in that bottom.

We teamed up and drew lines in the sand for middle and bounds.

Things started up a bit disorganized, but the girls synced quick. The guys clued in after a couple rounds and we started playing like teams. It was fun with the girls teasing us how we sucked, and the guys ogling the hardbodies stretching and bending. Good-natured rivalry ensued.

Near the end, Mike rebounded the ball a bit high and Audrey jumped high to intercept and set it for the spiker. Basic physics were involved and mass in motion wanting to stay in motion, at the apex of her jump her breasts released themselves from their cage. As she landed she was focused on Becky making her spike, while everyone else stopped.

The ball bounced off Barry's forehead as he didn't see it coming being zoomed in on the display.

Becky then noticed why the opposing team had stopped and got Audrey's attention. The girls cracked up, Audrey included. She just casually reset her attire not bothered in the least.

Barry recovered complaining about unfair tactics.

Monica suggested now was a good time for a swim, and they got prepped to hit the water.

Audrey slinked her shorts off with a bit of difficulty revealing her barely-there bottom.

Dam she looked just as fine as the first time I saw her in it. With string to secure her top, and the thong back, she was for all intentions completely nude in the back and showing side boob with her top. My bathing suit was fitting tighter now in front, and I was self-conscious of my appendage.

I took her hand and we walked to the water, wading in to adjust to the temperature.

The waves were moderate and we floated in the pre-surf bobbing like corks.

When we got back to the blanket, I asked her if she wanted me to put sunscreen on her back.

"I think I'm OK for now."

Becky hearing that, as she was close asked, "Russ could you get mine?"

I looked back at Audrey who was smirking and nodded her head to let me know she was OK with that.

"Sure Becky, get comfy."

I was applying it slowly, working it in as a light massage.

"Just a sec," she indicated, and undid the strap for her top, "No lines."

"Ok, you want the sides as I go?"

"Yes please."

As I did her back, I coated her ribs and tummy sides, and decided to just go for it and do her side boob. No complaints, and every now and then was getting a low moan. Next the biceps/triceps.

Starting at her ankles, I worked slowly up each leg, eventually doing her inner thigh. I Stopped short of her suit with my fingers on the first leg, and she parted her legs slightly as I approached. The next leg as I reached the top I carelessly trailed my little finger along her covered treasure. That got a slightly louder moan, and I was torn if I should say sorry or pretend I didn't notice. I chose the latter. I finished by doing her glutes, letting my fingers just penetrate under the cloth.

When I stopped, she sighed, "That was very nice," and looked back with a smile and a wink.

Mike had been assisting Monica, but Janet did her own, since she had a one piece.

Everyone was soaking up the rays, just feelin' the day.

I moved next to Audrey and she kissed me saying, "that was nice what you did for Becks."

"My pleasure, not like I was coating an alligator," I smiled.

Aud snuggled against me and we gazed into each other's eyes.

It wasn't too long and she suggested we go for a walk.

Holding hands, we strolled towards the unpopulated end of the beach.

"Russ, I'm really horny right now. Watching you pleasure Becky, taking your time, I could feel my memories of the massage you gave me. When you had your hands near her groin I started to move my fingers towards my pussy. I'd stopped myself as I was, thinking it would be better if you could watch me make myself come instead. Then it occurred I could watch you too. Am I a bad girl?" Let's move over here, it seems private.

"Omg, you are such a bad girl, I think you should take your bottoms off and let me see every detail with your pussy spread wide."

She sat on a large boulder, then complied pulling her labia open wide enough I could see a few inches into her pink tunnel. With two fingers she started penetrating herself looking me in the eyes the whole time.

I slid my suit off, and my hard cock was released. It had been stiff since we came out of the water. I needed relief badly. I resumed watching her, and started slowly stroking my fuck stick thrilling at the public display, the breeze on my balls, and the sun warming the skin. It was a trifecta of sensation I felt, plus the pulse of blood running through my penis's veins as I stroked myself closer to releasing the pent-up load that wanted out for a while now.

Aud let go of her labia with her free hand, and now used it to stroke her clit, in addition to her fingering. Her nipples were pressed hard against her top, and I reached out and pulled her cups down so I could see her breasts quiver as she worked her womanhood.

Her motions speeded up, sighs and strained moans escaped her lungs as she forged on, stimulating every nerve end she could reach.

I was getting close now. She had her eyes locked on my cock and my motions as I planned where it was going to land. Aud was shaking hard now, I could tell she was about to yield to the coming wave from her efforts. I slightly increased my grip and focused on the area closer to the tip. Shit, I was feeling the contractions now and my baby gravy was at a boil.

Audrey's eyes rolled back and she shuddered, gasped and screamed when it hit. She didn't stop immediately and rubbed it out through several aftershocks.

Meanwhile as she screamed, my milk coated her tits in 5 strong pulses, leaving my balls feel empty and well satisfied.

I reached for my suit, and could swear I saw a flash of red disappear around the rock shielding us from view.

Audrey was getting her composure under control, and was sliding her thong back up.

I was reaching to wipe off her mounds, but she smirked, "Leave it there. I want to feel it all the way home."

I mentioned, "I have a feeling someone may have watched us."

Audrey grinned, "Yep. Becks saw the whole thing. You should have seen her eyes when you dropped your suit. You were too busy looking at my pussy to notice."

"You didn't mind?" I asked her.

"No, I found it excited me to be watched, how about you?"

"Well, I didn't know, but I don't feel funny about it. How do you think she'd act if she knew I know. I don't want it to be awkward."

"Well, keep it between us for now," she said, but I don't think she will be embarrassed.

We walked back to the others, and the guys were getting on well with the girls. Some jokes, and light touching. Hmmm

Becky had a good poker face, and I was just my usual self.

The shadows were getting longer and we started to pack up. Mike and Barry were giving their numbers to Janet and Monica. With any luck they may get a date out of it later.

Back in the truck, we paused for a cuddle on the bench seat, and some kissing.

"This was a fun day, Audrey. I'm surprised you didn't panic when you had your wardrobe failure."

She laughed, "Do I have anything to be embarrassed about?"

"Not at all kitten, I'm sure you know what the guys will be thinking of at bedtime tonight," I winked.

"Oh my... should I blush?" she smirked.

We had a good laugh after that.

We unloaded the gear at my place.

Aud mentioned, " it's just her and Ruby home tonight. We're having pizza, and if you wear tomorrow's outfit, you can try my bed out this evening. Mom and I talked about it a while back and she was totally cool if we did."

"OK, is an hour too long? I'll have a shower, shave, and stuff, and I imagine you want to do something similar."

"Perfect, I'll give mom the plan. See you for pizza."

Had myself ready, and walked down the block. Aud saw me coming up the walkway, and greeted me at the door before I could knock. She looked fresh and her smile went up to her eyes.

"You clean up nice my pretty girl."

"Well, I have a hunk to look good for now," pizza will be here soon.

We went into the living room and greeted Ruby. Ruby was asking how the beach was.

"It's been a while since she was there. It used to be covered in junk from the tides."

"It seemed good today," I recalled, "I think they run a tractor thing over it each morning before the crowd get there, and it sifts the top bit of sand, collecting even small stuff. I saw it parked by the canteen."


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