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My Sister's Wedding Ch. 03


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Which were, unsurprisingly, soaked through already, and only got wetter from this gentle touch, even if it was through the fabric. Which made Alex grin in triumph against Kara's neck, then once again lift her head to shamelessly kiss her adopted sister before breaking it and pulling back so she could stare lovingly into her eyes as she pushed that ruined fabric aside.

Kara appreciated that build up, because while she was horny enough before she would never turn down a nice long making out session with Alex. At the same time she was grateful that Alex started touching her where she really wanted her too. And it came at the exact right time, which was true for the other things, Alex teasing her just enough before giving her what she wanted.

Namely Alex's fingers rubbing her pussy, making Kara cry out loudly with pleasure in the process. Which in turn caused Alex to grin around her neck and then linger her fingertips on Kara's clit so she could get an extra loud cry out of her. At the same time Alex bit down on her neck, trying to mark her territory. Which never worked, but the mental high was enough to add a little something extra for both girls.

Assuming Alex would move onto the next stage just as Kara was ready to ask for it the Kryptonian was relaxed about this stage. That was until she was ready to ask for more, and instead of obliging Alex kissed her way up her neck, over her jaw and eventually to her lips. Which made this one of the rare times Kara whimpered during the beginning of a kiss with Alex, and it wasn't out of joy or pleasure.

It was out of pure frustration, and yet she allowed the kiss to continue for several long minutes before pulling away as it felt like at any second Alex was going to push a finger inside her. Then when it finally became too much for her Alex followed her lips with her own, managing to keep her quiet for about another minute before she finally pulled free.

"Alex, please..." Kara whimpered, "Fuck me! Fuck me please, I need ohhhhhhhh yessssssss!"

That was all Kara was able to get out before two fingers were shoved inside her right up to the knuckles. The penetration was hard and quick, and Kara wasn't used to receiving two fingers right from the start as Alex usually teased her a lot more, but after all that build up Kara happily welcomed it. Especially as Alex waited a few seconds while biting her lip and staring at her intently, clearly checking this was okay, and in doing so proving her love.

In response Kara beamed happily at the older girl and opened her mouth to beg some more. Although again, she barely got a chance to get a rhythm going before she was silenced. Or more accurately, her words dissolved into a series of moans, whimpers and cries.

"Oh yes, fuck me." Kara cried out as she stared lovingly into Alex's eyes, "Fuck me Alex, please, oh Rao, fuck me good, ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkk!"

This was of course caused by Alex beginning to slide her fingers in and out of Kara's cunt, as usual starting off with a slow and steady rhythm, but gradually building the pace up until Kara could rapidly feel herself approaching orgasm. Another usual thing was that Alex didn't give her the satisfaction she wanted right away, keeping her close to that edge for some time, and Kara allowing it because she knew it would make her eventual orgasm that much more powerful.

Or more accurately, orgasms, given their track record. And it was pretty usual for Alex to add a third finger, especially at this stage. What was unusual was adding a fourth, stretching Kara's pussy like never before. Which hurt her a little, but it was nothing she couldn't handle, and totally worth it. Just like the thing that came next.

"Kara..." Alex asked hesitantly, "Do you want more?"

"More?" Kara frowned, her mind hazy with pleasure, meaning she was slow on the uptake, "You mean like, your thumb?"

"No Kara, I mean my fist." Alex clarified with a sigh, before adding bashfully, "I, I wanna fist you."

Without thinking Kara winced, "Won't that hurt?"

Alex gave her a look, "I'm pretty sure the mighty Supergirl can handle it. I mean, I've seen you shrug off worse."

"Oh, right." Kara blushed.

"But hey, if you think it is too weird..." Alex backtracked.

"No, no, I didn't say that." Kara reassured, "I, I can take it."

There was a brief pause and then Alex smiled, "Yeah, you can. And you will."

Alex then took a brief calming breath, and then before Kara could figure out she wasn't quite as confident as she was pretending to be she pushed forwards until her knuckles began stretching the other girl's pussy wider than ever before. Which definitely prevented Kara from noticing how nervous Alex was, as she was clearly very focused on what was happening to her given the way that her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.

Of course that was very understandable, and it made Alex even more hesitant, but the main reason for her hesitance was because it was likely that Kara would love it and insist on returning the favour. But that was something she'd worry about later, right now she wanted to concentrate on making this as easy for Supergirl as possible.

Which was why despite knowing the mighty Supergirl could take a whole fist inside her cunt with very little effort Alex chose a more teasing route, which involved pushing far enough for the knuckles to stretch Kara's entrance and then pulled back. She repeated this a few times, at first pulling back her hand right away, but then lingering at the point her knuckles were stretching Kara as wide as possible, before finally Alex pushed the rest of the way into her adopted sister's cunt.

Which was not something she needed to be reminded of in that moment, especially after everything that happened with her mother, but for better or for worse those thoughts were forgotten as Kara cried out mostly in pain, which broke Alex's heart. Oh God, what had she done?

"Kara? Are you okay?" Alex quickly asked, almost pulling out her fist straightaway.

"I'm fine! Don't stop!" Kara insisted quickly, before whimpering softly, "It's just, different. New. A little weird, but I like it. Ohhhhhhh Goooooddddddd Alex, mmmmm, I like having so much of you inside me."

The combination of those words, the reaction of Kara's body, and the sheer joy of feeling Supergirl/the woman she loved wrapped around her whole hand had Alex pausing for a few long seconds. Which was definitely for the best, as it gave Kara more than enough time to relax, given that she was Supergirl. In fact the pause ended because Kara let out a needy whimper, began humping herself against Alex's hand, and then finally opened her mouth to beg for more.

Or at least Alex was pretty sure that she was, giving the other things she was doing. She would probably never know for sure, because she robbed her of the chance to speak, beginning to move her fist inside the other girl, and make the mighty Supergirl squirm because of it.

"If you drop me I'll kill you." Alex warned as she felt Kara's grip on her loosen, which only made the other girl giggle. Then Alex glared at her, leading to Kara tightening her grip, and being rewarded for it, "Good girl. Now, cum for me."

It wasn't quite as instant as Alex would have liked, but this was another command which Kara eventually obeyed. She did it with a series of whimpers, cries, and even a few screams which would have definitely been heard by all the wildlife underneath them, and possibly any campers, and maybe even the nearby town they had grown up in. But even Alex was too far gone to really care about that.

Oh yes, all that mattered was fisting Supergirl through climax after climax, a.k.a. making her precious Kara cum over and over again. Something Alex did gleefully, and effortlessly once she really got going, gradually picking up her pace and force until she was pulling her hand out to the knuckles and then slamming it as hard as she could into Kara's cunt.

Kara adored every second of this new and wonderful act. It wasn't something she could imagine wanting to do with anyone else, but she would do anything for Alex, and it felt so wonderfully intimate because of that. And sure, it hurt at first, but as Supergirl she'd had a lot worse, and there was even something thrilling about being stretched like never before.

Even when Alex had been teasing her it had been thrilling, Kara wanted more so desperately it was a struggle not to beg for more, and then whenever she tried Alex quickly left her speechless by turning things up a notch. And now? Now she could barely think straight, let alone talk. Although she was constantly making sounds, they just weren't at all coherent.

Thankfully Alex continued to get the message, that being 'fuck me' and then later 'fuck me harder'. True, there was a little teasing involved, but after she really started the hard fist fucking Alex quickly sent Kara over the edge of orgasm and then continued her assault until she was forced to stop. Which they both knew that Kara could do at any time she wanted, but the thing was, Kara never wanted this to stop.

Oh yes, she wanted her precious Alex to keep fucking her just like this, her whole hand inside her, Alex inside her like never before, making her cum over and over again over the place they used to hang out when they were young teens, just like she'd always wanted back then, if Kara was being honest.

However Kara wasn't a selfish lover, and soon the need to return the favour became overwhelming. Besides, Kara possessed extraordinary powers on this planet, but they weren't unlimited, and the overwhelming sensation of having Alex's whole fist inside her pussy and the amount of orgasms her adopted sister fucked out of her was actually making Kara feel weak.

Twice now she'd had to tighten her grip on Alex, and she really, really didn't want to make it a third time, as even if she succeeded she might ruin the moment by upsetting the other brunette. But most importantly she just wanted to return the favour, and as Alex had introduced something new to their repertoire Kara felt it was only fair she got to do the same.

So while keeping one hand firmly around Alex, and briefly lying back so that the human was resting against her chest, Kara carefully used the other hand to force Alex's hand out of her cunt and then up to her mouth. She did this as gently as possible, and while Alex still cried out it might have been because of surprise more than anything, and it didn't seem that Kara had really hurt her, so the Kryptonian just smiled seductively, stuck out her tongue, and began to lick Alex's fist clean.

Which in turn caused Alex to cry out and whimper in delight, before joining Kara in licking the fist clean. Normally Kara hated to share, especially if it was Alex's cum and pussy cream, but under these circumstances she didn't mind, as it made the moment that much more intimate.

Alex admittedly did this partly because she wanted to punish Kara for suddenly switching positions on her and stopping the fisting without her permission. Although certainly with the latter thing it was more of the case that she wanted Kara to tell her that it was too much, not force her to stop.

Of course mostly she wanted to taste Kara's cum and pussy cream, which was always a treat, especially in this case as it was on her entire hand, and the fact that whenever they did something like this it would inevitably lead to another long kiss between them. And Alex would have been very happy if that had been it. If Kara lowered them down to rest in their spot, or even just flew them home, but deep down she knew that Kara would insist on turning the favour, and honestly she didn't have a problem with that.

If she had known exactly how Kara had been planning to do that things might be different, but for a few long minutes Alex was completely content kissing her Supergirl in those incredibly strong arms. Then all of a sudden the kiss was broken, Kara was leaning forward again so they were in the upright position, and then all of a sudden she was pushing her into the air, causing Alex to yelp embarrassingly loudly and high pitched.

Thankfully Kara never fully let go of her, but it was certainly weird to be pulled up until her crotch was level with the other woman's face. Admittedly they had done something like that before, albeit when Kara's feet were on the ground, and Alex had almost been expecting this. What she wasn't expecting was for Kara to turn her around, pull down her pants and panties, and press her face in between her cheeks.

"Kara!" Alex exclaimed, her eyes going wide, "That's not... oh fuck!"

More swear words escaped Alex's lips as for a few long seconds she was just so stunned by receiving her first rim job, and from Kara of all people, she could barely even think. Although as that ability slowly came back to her she had to admit it wasn't that much more extreme then shoving her whole hand into another girl's pussy.

Also, Alex wasn't sure she could admit that out loud, especially not to anyone except Kara, but it felt kind of good. Of course it was totally unnecessary for her to actually say it, as her moans, gasps, whimpers and cries would have made it crystal clear to anyone half deaf she was enjoying this, let alone someone with enhanced hearing. And that was just from the initial licking.

That initial licking was passionate, Kara pushing her face as deep into Alex's butt as she could to really go to town on that forbidden hole, and that felt great, but it of course got better when the mighty Supergirl was again performing a impressive feat of strength and balance by sliding one hand round to Alex's pussy and beginning to rub it.

Admittedly Kara had a head start, because fucking her precious Supergirl always made Alex incredibly wet, and in more ways than one she had just fucked her like never before. However she couldn't deny this was really working for her, or that there was little doubt it wouldn't take much to make Alex cum. Which the other girl proved wonderfully right.

Kara would normally tease Alex a little bit more, especially when introducing a new thing, but her excitement got the better of her a little bit. Also as much as she wanted to fuck Alex in the air for hours she didn't want to overwhelm the human she loved so much. Or maybe that was the excuse she was using to give in to her own excitement?

Whatever the case she soon added her fingers into the mix, rubbing them against Alex's pussy while still frantically eating the other girl's ass. In fact she began swirling her tongue around Alex's starfish, as well as just licking it up and down. She even tried pushing her tongue inside it, and while unsurprisingly she didn't get very far it was enough to have a positive effect on the other woman.

Not quite as positive as pushing one and then two fingers inside her, but both things caused Alex to cry out loudly with pure joy, and frantically squirm in Kara's arms like she actually wanted to fall. Of course Kara couldn't allow that to happen, and even though it shouldn't have been a problem for her she was actually kind of proud of herself for not doing it, as Alex began flailing very passionately, especially when she made her cum.

Which as always, was easy for Supergirl, in this case Kara barely having the chance to curl her fingers inside Alex's cunt and rub her clit with her thumb. Which she kept doing, along with the butt munching, to ensure Alex would cum over, and over, and over again.

It was extremely tempting to turn Alex back around so she could get a face full, and more importantly a belly full, of girl cum and pussy juice, however given this was their first time trying this Kara decided to see it through to the end. Which would probably be the first and last time she did that particular thing, as it just wasn't as fun as swallowing cum, but she would definitely toss Alex's salad again, just because she found the term fun, and couldn't wait to tease Alex about it.

But also it was just enjoyable, and again Kara liked trying new things. But of course inevitably Alex ran out of steam, forcing Kara to gradually slow down, lower them to a nice spot underneath the tree facing the lake, and hold the trembling human tightly to her.

After a few long minutes Alex grumbled, "So, is it everything you imagined?"

Forcing a frown onto her face Kara teased, "Which part? The fisting, eating your ass, or joining the mile high club?"

Alex promptly hit her and pointed out, "You know what I mean."

"I do." Kara admitted with a smile, "And it's better than I could have ever dreamed. Everything this with you. I love you, so, so much."

Smiling softly Alex admitted, "I love you too."

Those words never failed to make Kara feel warm and fuzzy inside, in this case making her grin like a fool and hug Alex tighter. It had taken quite a while for Alex to say those words and mean them in the way that Kara wanted her too, and even longer for them to finally come out to everyone as a couple, but now it was finally over. They were out, and happy, and everything was perfect.

Well, almost everything. It was wrong of her, Kara knew, but as they lay there in this place which was so important to both of them she couldn't help glance at her empty ring finger, think how all of this had begun, and what it would be like to marry Alex for real. Oh well, maybe one day...

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