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My Son Helps

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My husband can't. My son says he can.
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Thank you for reading my story. Please enjoy, love Mica xx

Oh I don't know why it seems to go like that, my friend Jenny has said the same, our husbands seem to go off sex. Why? It is fundamental. Are they screwing someone else? When I do the laundry I examine Paul's underwear, but no signs, just the usual urine drips and no semen. I don't get it.

Is it me? Is it something wrong with me, am I turning him off? I am the same woman Paul married, the same woman he made love to, day in day out, more frequently on days off and holidays, then last year it kind of petered out, and now, nothing. I wear skimpy underwear in front of him. I give him upskirt views across the lounge, I almost always sleep naked. I keep myself trim, I go to the gym. I am not overweight.

True my boobs are a little further down than they used to be, but nothing I can do about that. I would go and have a boob job If I thought it would help.

Jenny says the same, her John just isn't interested in her, and neither of us can figure out why.

"Perhaps we should accept it and just Jill each other," she said whilst we were having coffee at Hot Java in town.

"I have never done that," I said nearly spraying my mouth full of coffee, "I have no idea what to do, I mean, I don't have a cock."

"Oh girl, you don't need a cock, just a tongue. You know what is where, you know what to do to stimulate."


"Just 'oh'?" she asked.

"Well, I don't know, I mean I have never thought about it."

"Have you never been with another woman, or even when you were a girl doing that growing up thing."


"Never explored another girl? Wow Mica, like wow."

"You have then?"

"Heck yes. Men are rubbish, generally they think they just need to stick their cock in you and you are happy."

"Or not stick their cock in you as it seems to be these days."

"Quite. I learned early on that girl on girl is much more satisfying, you hit the O zone every time."

"Does that mean you are a lesbian? I never knew."

"No silly. Oh Mica, you have led a sheltered life. No, I just like it both ways. I love a good cock inside me, and I love a good tongue too."

"Well, I love a good cock, actually just now, any cock probably, I also love a good tongue. Never thought about it being on a woman."

"Well let me know when you want to try it, I will be more than happy to accommodate."

I wasn't sure. Jenny and I had been friends for years, but her between my legs? I had never even dreamt it in an idle moment. It sounded odd to me. I was thinking about it on the way home, and as I walked through the front door, I realised that I was actually a little wet down there. A sort of slipperiness as I walked.

"Hello" I shouted as I slammed the door behind me, nothing. No one home. Paul probably at work still, should be at work still, and Jack? Lord knows what that boy does with himself these days.

I put my bag on the hall stand and went up to my room, blouse off, bra off, skirt dropped, panties peeled. I opened the cupboard and found the shoe box. Inside the shoe box was my collection of toys, toys Paul and I used to use together, toys that these days Paul probably doesn't even remember that they exist.

I picked up the 'big boy' phallic vibrator and went back and lay on the bed. I pressed the on/off button and there was a nice powerful vibration and a loud buzz. We never used to use this one when Jack was home, it was so loud, but the girth and the vibrations were just what I needed.

I let it touch my clitoris, oh my, and slowly slid it along my valley to my entrance, pushed slightly, and then back to my clitoris. I could feel how little resistance there was, I was totally wet. As I played with Big Boy, I imagined it was Jenny operating it, it had always been Paul in my previous imaginings, but after my chat earlier in the coffee shop, my view was changing.

She ran my big boy up and down my valley, teasing at my entrance, each time delving a little deeper, big boy widening and stretching me a little more on each press. I began panting, oh boy this was going to be a good one, I felt the pressure building.

She pushed deeper inside me, stretching me, exploring my limits. Little jolts of electric built up inside my crotch, my nipples hardened and my sphincter tightened, my back arched as my orgasm exploded, me screaming, bouncing on the bed, gasping.

"Shit mum are you okay," Jack ran into my bedroom, "I heard screams. Oh. Sorry."

He stood there transfixed, his mum, naked on the bed with a large vibrator in her fanny.

I couldn't speak for a moment; the orgasm had depleted me. I tried waving a sort of 'go away' at him, he just stood unmoving.

"Jack," I gasped, I thought that you were out."

"No mum, just in my room."

"You never answered when I came home and shouted to you."

"Probably had my headphones on. Look, sorry, I really thought that you had hurt yourself or something."

"No." I was very aware of the large vibrator sticking between my legs but didn't want to do anything to draw attention to it, I was just hoping that he would leave.

"Only I didn't know that girls did that."

"Oh come on Jack, you're nineteen surely you've watched porn?"


"Oh. Well, anyway, if you would be kind enough to let me, you know, and we'll talk later."

"Okay mum," and he turned and left my bedroom.

Jesus that was embarrassing, my goodness. I had dried a little and the Big Boy was a bit stuck. Never happened before, so I wasn't sure what to do. I decided the shower was the best option. I waddled, believe me you don't walk with a big boy stuck in place, to the shower, turned it on and aimed the shower rose up to try and add some lubrication. Oh my, that water jet on my clitoris is something else, I am definitely going to explore that on another day.

I really needed a third hand to ease the big boy out, hold the shower, and ease my entrance open, and in no way was I going to call to Jack for help. Eventually I managed to ease the thing out. Crumbs that was not a good situation to have gotten myself into.

I dried myself, put on a T-shirt, panties and skirt and went down to confront my embarrassment. Jack was sat in the kitchen drinking a coke.

"Sorry mum," he said.

"Jack, nothing to be sorry for, honestly, you did the right thing for what you heard. It is a situation, neither of us expected it. It happened. You have now seen your mum fully naked pleasuring herself. Not something I ever, and I mean ever, wanted you to see. But you have, and that is all there is to it."

"Mum, can I ask you something?"

"Er, yes, I suppose."

"Why, I mean you are married to dad, surely you guys can, er, pleasure, each other."

Oh boy, now we get into the nitty gritty.

"Never, ever, say this to anyone, but your dad isn't interested anymore. So I have to literally take matters into my own hands. You make sure that you never ever repeat this to anyone."

"God mum, no, I wouldn't. I think dad is stupid, utterly, utterly stupid."

"Don't say that about your dad, no he isn't."

"Yes he is, if I were married to you I would be pleasuring you every moment I could, you look absolutely hot mum, I would not be able to resist you."

Oh. Well now. Sons are not supposed to think about their mum like that, are they?

"Crumbs Jack, thank you, but really, you shouldn't be having those thoughts about me, it is not right, you need to have a girlfriend and think those things about her."

He was silent for a moment, then, "No mum, I have had girlfriends, physically satisfying, but not mentally, simply put mum, they weren't you."

Oh my Lord, where do we go from here? I didn't want to continue this conversation, I didn't know where it would go. I was still struggling with what he had seen me doing, a son should never see that.

"Tea?" I asked Jack, nothing like changing the subject.

"Yes please mum."

And that was that. I made us teas and he wandered off to his room with his, probably to go on his Xbox.

I drank my tea and then went up to get the quilt cover, it needed a wash after my moment earlier. As I walked past Jack's room I could hear him.

"Oh mum, yes mum," he was saying in a low voice. His door was a little open and I peeped inside.

He was laying on his bed, his shorts and pants around his ankles and he was masturbating, using my name, obviously imagining it was me his was with, the way I had imagined I was with Jenny earlier.

Oh. His penis looked very hard, it was longer than his fist, and his foreskin revealed a nice big head as he pulled it down. Red and purple, not angry looking, just coloured differently to the rest of his penis.

I knew I should give him his privacy but I couldn't tear myself away, and then he did something I had never seen a man do before. He pushed his hand right up, his foreskin completely covering his end, and he sort of rocked his penis.

"God mum, yes, yes, aargghhh."

Was he climaxing but not letting it shoot?

"Yes mum I am filling tour womb mum, flooding you," and then he sighed and let his hand relax.

His foreskin went back and his sperms oozed out. He had climaxed and the way he had held his penis was as if it had been inside me. Wow.

I backed away and went into my bedroom and sat on my bed. That had been a very powerful image I had seen. I had seen Paul masturbate, of course, and I had also masturbated him, and it had always ended with spurting. This was totally different. He was, in his mind, shagging me, and his hand became my vagina, and he filled me, in his mind he had just shagged me, flooding my insides with his sperms.

I had a sudden moment as I thought about it, I squeezed my thighs together and gasped a little. Really? What I had just witnessed caused me to climax. Gosh.

Paul had gone to work, just a kiss on his way out, no fondle, no cuddle, Jack had gone into town, and I had just emptied the dishwasher when I got a text from Jenny.

'Over your way. Coffee?'

'Yes, pop in.' I sent back.

I boiled the kettle and put some grounds in the French press. The door opened and I heard Jenny "Only me."

"Come on through, I'm in the kitchen," I called back.

I poured the boiling water into the press, milk into a jug, grabbed two mugs and put the lot on a tray.

"Conservatory?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied and we headed out through the sitting room into the conservatory.

"I wondered if you had thought any more about what I said the other day."

Well obviously I had, I had even acted on it.

"I may have, but I have to tell you something else first."

"What could be more important? Tell me."

"I was walking past Jacks room yesterday and I heard something."

"Oh my God, was he?" and she made the shaky hand movement.

"Yes. I looked through his open door and watched."

"Oh you naughty mummy. Is it big?"

"Well, I wouldn't say porn star big, but certainly not small."

"Ooh, I wonder if I can borrow him. See for myself, it's been so long I have probably healed over."

"I am not in a position to lend my son to my friend for sexual gratification. You'll have to seduce him yourself, anyway, that's not the thing, it is when he finished."

"Well, he spurted I assume, shot his spunk everywhere, made a mess, you know, the way boys do."

"That's the thing he didn't. He sort of wrapped his foreskin around the end and came inside, like he was inside a vagina." I hesitated to say 'my vagina'.

"Bloody hell, that's deep. I wonder who he was thinking of?"

"No idea." Liar, liar, pants on fire."

Jenny smiled and then drank her coffee.

"Has he seen you naked do you suppose?" She asked.

"Not that I am aware of," I am so going to hell.

"Or perhaps heard you toying."

"Unlikely," that's it, that is my seat reserved with Mr Morningstar.

"Okay, that is that idea out of the way. Now, the house is empty. Neither of us are getting what we need, shall we go up to your bedroom and see if we can't get some jollies?"

"You mean Jillies." My fantasy before Jack had caught me had been very visual and erotic. I couldn't initiate the idea, but I could submit.

"Follow me."

I was nervous that is for sure. I really hadn't been with a woman. I used to love it when Paul went down on me, but he doesn't even do that anymore. I slid the bolt on the front door, I didn't want any unexpected surprise visits, and led the way upstairs.

In my bedroom I undid my blouse and slipped it off, undid my bra and removed it and then my skirt and panties. As I turned to face Jenny she was fully naked. She had a small patch of hair above her fanny, in contrast to mine, I was fully bare, hoping that the sight of my sex might tempt Paul. It didn't, but I lived in hope.

Jenny lay on the bed, her feet to the pillows, I lay next to her, my head at her fanny. I rolled over, lowered my head and inhaled her. Oh my, there was a heat, a slight musk and her fanny glistened with anticipation. I lowered my hips and could feel her breath on my sex.

I ran my nose down her valley, starting at her little button, and ending in her opening, her aroma was intense, her valley was soaking, and I wished she had been a man.

I felt a finger at my opening, then a second, they teased me apart, and then gently entered me, penetrated my body, exploring me, opening me, and as they did, her lips sucked my button, tongue dabbing, oh my, my breath held.

I ran a finger from her anus up to her entrance and then beyond, a little dab at her urethra and then back and penetrated her, my finger crooking inside her, pressing up, pushing towards her clitoris but from within.

Jenny was working my vagina with her fingers, one scratching at my hymen scar, another pushing my walls apart, and then moving in and out, a finger shag. I wished it had been a cock.

I nibbled her clitoris, and dabbed it softly with my tongue, rolling it in and out of her hood, my finger withdrawing and then back in with two fingers and I began my own fingers shag. I watched her entrance opening and spreading as my fingers shagged her, her anus crinkle just beyond, flexing as I worked her body.

She was gasping and her body started to rise and fall on the bed, pushing me up.

"Fuck, shit, yes," she gasped and I felt her vagina clamp and she planked, pushing me up hard and she gasped and then let out a huge breath and sank back into the bed.

I rolled off her, turned around and lay next to her.

"Good?" I asked.

"Jesus yes, you sure you haven't done this before?"

"First time. I just did to you what I like Paul doing to me."

"Did you?" I hadn't, but she didn't need to know that.

"Same time as you." That is it, a definite place laid for me at the devil's table.

It was nice, but, well, I prefer a man. But I at least managed to give Jenny a release. We got dressed and went down stairs, Jenny declined another coffee and went off back to her life, deciding whether or not she wanted to seduce my son.

That evening as we prepared for bed I hugged Paul and fondled his penis, it didn't stiffen.

"I need you Paul."

"I can't, it doesn't get hard any more."

"Go to the doctor baby, get some pills."

"I can't, it is too embarrassing, anyway I got some from the chemist, they didn't work."

"Oh. Well, can't you, you know, just show me some loving, use your fingers? I feel very neglected, unwanted."

"No baby, no I can't. I am sorry you feel that way, I love you more than anything, but to try and do something with you when nothing happens with me is just too hard, sorry."

So, that was that. Not happening. After breakfast and Paul had gone to work, Jack came into the kitchen. I hadn't dressed yet, I was just in my robe.

"Morning mum."

"Morning baby."

He came across and gave me a cuddle, a bit of an inappropriate cuddle as I could feel his hardness pressing into me. Sadly the only hardness I was likely to ever feel pressing into me.

"I can help you mum."

"Help me how baby."

"You don't need your friend Jenny. I came home yesterday, but I left you to it. The front door was locked, but the back was all open. I saw."


He pulled me to him and kissed me, mouth open, my mouth responded and welcomed him. I felt a hand on my breast, cupping it, lifting it. His tongue delved deeper and a hand found its way inside my robe and ran lightly along my valley. I didn't even consider stopping him.

"Not here baby."

I pushed him away and went upstairs into my room. I pulled the quilt back and slipped my robe off. I turned and looked at Jack as he stood in the doorway taking in my nakedness. Could he see that I was aroused?

He pulled his shorts down and was naked too, his arousal very apparent. He approached me, I backed away and bumped into the bed, Jack pushed my shoulders and I fell back onto the bed. He knelt at the edge of the bed, pushed my thighs apart, leant forward and blowed on my sex.

My God, I nearly climaxed there and then. I had no thoughts of the rights or wrongs, but plenty of my desire. I needed him. His tongue pressed and dipped into my valley, pushing my labia apart, out of the way, his tongue rough on my labia, soft and wet n my valley floor. He ran fingers around my entrance, opening me, delving, penetrating, I felt every inch as he entered me.

I lay back and closed my eyes. I was being pleasured by a man, as a woman that is what I wanted, needed. His fingers opened inside me, stretching my walls apart, his tongue dabbing at my nubbin, pressing away the hood, he stimulated, small rivers of pleasure building. His fingers began a slow move in and out, almost out but not quite, as far in as they could go, his palm flattening my valley. Faster he went, harder he went, my heart felt like it would stop, I gulped in air and then a moment arrived, I stiffened, my back arched and I gasped loudly and clamped hard on his fingers.

He pulled his fingers out of me, slowly allowing them to drag down over my bottom crinkle, me puckering, gasping my breath. He stood up and faced me, his penis hard before me. I crabbed back onto the bed, Jack climbed up and covered me, his hand holding his penis, rubbing it at my entrance and then slowly pushing in, penetrating me, his penis so much larger than his fingers, reaching deeper inside me, pushing at my end, his foreskin rolling back as he pushed in, me feeling every bump inside me as he passed.

I wrapped my legs around his bottom, my hands on his back, fingernails digging, breath holding in anticipation. He pulled back, his penis almost leaving me, but not quite, my vagina feeling empty, shrinking back on itself, oh it had been over a year since I had a penis inside me, and that felt too long.

Oof. I gasped, the air driven from my body as Jack thrust back in, hard, deep, and back as quickly. His shagging was hard and fast, no tenderness, just lust and desire. He would learn technique over time, but for now I was glad for what I was receiving. I realised that the gasps I was hearing were my own, I was breathing in, but not out. Gulping at air as my son drove in me. My vagina was overwhelmed, I could feel the movement, as if a blur, but I could not detect where he was, in or out, it all felt as one.

My pressures were building, the electrical jolts were ready to assail me. My nipples felt hard like bullets, my back was tense. I opened my eyes to see my son, Jack, inches from my face, a determination in his face.

"Oh God" he gasped and so did I.

As he ejaculated inside me, me feeling every spurt, my moment erupted, my orgasm exploded throughout my body, the rivers of pleasure that shot from my groin were followed by shards of pain. My back arched high and my vagina clamped, squeezing every last drop from his testicles.

I collapsed back into the bed, spent, sated.

Jack was right. He could help me.

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