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My Student, Our Babygirl Pt. 01

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A young girl becomes her professor and his wife’s baby girl.
7.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/20/2024
Created 03/30/2024
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-Yes Daddy. I want to be yours. - and there I was. A virgin 19-year-old girl submitting to an older man. My name is Susie and I'm a college student, I live on my own in a small apartment close to my University. I'm a short girl, around 5'1, large hips, big ass, slim little waist, dark blond hair, green eyes, fair skin, too skinny to be curvy but too curvy to be skinny. I wouldn't say I'm the prettiest girl ever but I'm definitely attractive. My hourglass figure caught the attention of many boys in my class. I wasn't interested in them though... The deal is, I have a thing for older guys. Boys don't really attract me, but men do.

Since this semester started, one of my professors, Mr. Drew, caught my eye. Yeah, I have a crush on him, but I knew it would be one of those cases where we get attracted to someone but never really do anything with them, since one: he was married and two: he was my professor. At 19, I had never dated anyone before. The issue is that I'm very shy and, besides that, I have strict parents that wouldn't let me go out to parties or anything like that when I was in High School. Fortunately, I wasn't living with them anymore since I started college and I was hoping I'd assume another personality here in the bigger city: more talkative, more friendly, but it didn't really work really well. There are things about ourselves that are difficult to change.

I had a crush on Mr. Drew not only because he was in his 50s and was tall, strong and handsome, but also because of his masculine and smooth voice and the way he acts, always looking at me in my eyes and being so confident while teaching. Those things really made me go weak. I'd feed my fantasies with him basically every night before sleeping or whatever I had some time available to daydream. Thinking about his voice, his touch, his eyes... seriously, sometimes just hearing him reading a paper in class would make me get wet by his voice and the way he would sit and move his hands... so fucking sexy. I never thought my fantasies would come true, though.

-Come on, Susie. Come with us! It's just a bunch of our classmates in a bar, nothing much. It's the weekend!

-Sorry Lanna, but I have a lot of stuff to study, and...

-No, no, no, stop! You're in University, you have to live it too! You're coming. - and that was how my classmate convinced me to go to the bar that friday night. I have to admit, I was actually liking the thought of having a bit of fun, although I was not very used to those places. We went to a bar/club close to the University, and you know how these things go: drinks, music, people dancing, people kissing. After dancing with some friends for a while, I got a bit tired and sat down at a table by myself, since Lanna was making out with her boyfriend on the dance floor. I was just enjoying my drink when this lady approached me. I guessed she was around her late 40s, she was very good looking. Long blonde hair, tall, nice dressed and pretty big boobs. She sat right beside me and gave me a smile.

-Hello, may I sit here? There's not many seats available at the bar tonight. Pretty full with all those university kids. - she said while chuckling a bit.

-Yes, of course. - I responded.

-Why are you, a young lady doing, sitting down here and not dancing, by the way? Aren't you also one of those university kids? - she asked me with a big smile on her face.

-Yeah, I actually am. I just got tired of dancing, that's all. I'm not used to party, I guess. - I said shily, a bit nervous.

-I see. You're one of those few people that actually go to college to study.

-Haha! Yeah, I guess I am.

-You're very pretty, by the way. What's your name? - that compliment made me blush.

-Hum, thanks. I'm Susie.

-Jessica, but you can call me Jess. - she said and I gave her a shy smile, not very used to talking to people I don't know like that. - so, Susie... is it your first year?

-Yeah, actually I just started three months ago.

-Yeah, I realized you were pretty young. Are you enjoying it?

-Yes, very much. It's being really fun.

-Good. - she said before sipping on her drink - so... do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, I don't care.

-No haha - I said while blushing - I'm single.

-I'm sure you will find someone soon, you're a beautiful girl. - we talked for about 20 minutes and we developed a pretty nice conversation. She was a very interesting lady and I was enjoying getting to know her. - By the way, my husband and I are having a party tomorrow at our house. Nothing big, our kids will be visiting and they will bring their boyfriends and girlfriends and some friends, there will be a lot of young people. Wanna come?

-Hmmm, yeah, sure. - I said, surprised by the invite. - sounds fun.

The house was really nice. I arrived there around 8pm and there was a good amount of people there already, drinking and talking and dancing.

-Susie! I'm glad you're here! - Jess said while hugging me. - You look hot!

-Haha thanks - I said while blushing. She introduced me to her two kids, a 25 year-old girl named Julie and a 28-year-old guy named James. Both of them were really nice, they didn't live with their parents anymore but clearly had a good relationship with them.

-Ok, and that's Justin, my husband. Honey! - and, with that, a tall man turned around. Shit. It was him. Yes, Mr. Drew. Fuck.


-Good evening, Mr. Drew. - I said, looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact with the hunk in front of me.

-Do you guys know each other? - Jess asked in a grin.

-Yes, she's actually one of my students. One of the best ones, in fact. - he said, making me blush. Fuck, that man can turn any sentence into something sexy. After that, Jess introduced me to some other people and gave me a drink, and I enjoyed the party, dancing and talking with people that would come around me. I couldn't take my eyes off my crush, though. Damn it, and I was becoming a friend of his wife... nothing will ever happen between him and I, I said to myself.

As I was about to get myself ready to go, Jess asked me to go with her to another room because she would like to show me the house. By that point, people were leaving already and I was a bit dizzy from the drinks I had, but I accepted, since she was being so nice to me. She showed me a few places and then we got in their library, which got me really excited since it was big and beautiful and I love reading. I was busy looking around and exploring the books, when Mr. Drew got in the room as well.

-Do you like them? - he asked.

-Yes, sir. It's a very nice collection.

-Good. You can borrow anyone you want. Or come here to read them anytime - he said smirking at me, which made me almost lose the control over my legs.

-Okay, Susie, Justin and I would like to have a conversation with you. - Jess said. That got me really nervous. What in the world would they want to tell me?

-So, I'll be honest with you... since the day I saw you coming into my classroom, I knew I wanted you. So sweet, so innocent and such a sexy little frame... I knew I needed to have you. - Mr. Drew said, looking straight into my eyes, never leaving them. Fuck, what is this man doing? And why is he saying that in front of his wife? I have to confess, his words made me horny, though. Did he really want me the same way I want him? Why did they want?

-Hum... I... - I tried to said something but I was too nervous, so Jess cut me off:

-It's ok. Relax. We won't do anything that you don't agree with. - she reassured me, getting up and sitting beside me on the couch I was, touching my shoulders - The thing is... Justin heard the kids from University were planning to go to the bar that day so he asked me to go there to try to find you... luckily, you were there. He won't stop telling me about you, sweetheart. - she said, rubbing my hair - And how beautiful you are and how much you turn him on with the way you innocently move your legs... - and then, she moved her lips to my ear and whispered there: - he's even fucking me pretending I am you, can you believe it? - I was shocked. Horny, probably my panties were soaked, but I was shocked. So she became friends with me because her husband want to fuck me? Her husband, my professor that I have a crush on? Fuck, that's too much.

-I.. I... - I couldn't form any sentences.

-Jess and I were planning to have a girl to be our sex partner for so long... After being married for so many years, we need to be creative to spice things up. We looked for many girls but none of them were sexy and innocent looking enough to turn me on... till I found you, baby girl. - he called me baby girl... I could almost feel the juices in my pussy leaking on my panties. Fuck. They really wanted me to be their sex partner? Well, the simple thought of that makes me want to open my legs wild right there. There was only one problem though...

-Humm, Jess, Mr. Drew... I'm flattered by this offer and I have to confess that I have had a crush on you, sir, since I started to attend your class... - I said looking at the ground, too shy to face them - but I don't think I'm the kind of girl you guys are looking for.

-What do you mean, sweetheart? - Jess said while holding my chin so I'd look up at her.

-Humm... - I mumbled - it's just that I don't have much experience... I might not know how to do this kind of... stuff very well, you know? - I confessed, biting my lips.

-Don't worry about that. We're actually looking for a young girl to be our little baby. Someone we could teach how to please us and train to be the perfect little slut. - Mr. Drew said, making me even more turned on by his words - how many guys have you been with?

-I... - I responded, speaking quietly, almost like a whisper - I've never actually been with a guy before. - as I said that, Jess and Mr. Drew looked at each other's faces with a surprised look.

-Honey... are you a virgin? - Jess asked, caressing my cheek. I nodded.

-Yes, I am... sorry, I told you I wasn't the one you guys were looking for... - I said, kind of moving to get up on the couch.

-Hey, hey, don't go. - Jess said smiling, putting her hand at my knee, making me stay in my place.

-You're much better than I thought you were, sweetheart. You have no idea how many times I fantasized about a girl just like you... touching her for the first time, teaching her everything she needs to know to please me, turning an innocent little girl into a whore... Damn. - Mr. Drew confessed in that deep, sexy voice of his and I could see there was a bulge in his pants. At that moment, there was nothing in the world I wanted more than him popping my cherry.

-Humm, so, that's not a problem? - I asked, shyly.

-Definitely no. You're perfect. Exactly what we were looking for to be our babygirl. - Jess responded. - so... what do you think? Would you like to call your professor "Daddy"? - fuck. It was like all my fantasies were becoming reality. It turned me on so much when I read stories or watched videos where the younger girl would call her older partner "Daddy".

-Yes. - I responded, as Mr. Drew smirked at me and Jess had a big smile on her face.

-Say it then, baby. Look at him and say "Yes, Daddy, I'll be yours". - Jess instructed me. A few seconds later, I took a deep breath and gathered courage to look at my professor's eyes.

-Yes, Daddy, I'll be yours.

-Fuck, baby... you're perfect. - Mr Drew, I mean, Daddy, said as he got up from the chair he was sitting and sat by my side at the couch, touching my face with his strong hands. - As much as I'd like to fuck you right here and now... - he said, looking down at my cleavage - your first time need to be special. You're going home tonight and tomorrow morning Jess will pick you up and you'll go shopping for new lingerie and clothes, going to the beauty salon and stuff like that. Spend the whole day getting ready for me. And at night... you're only mine. Got it?

-Yes, Daddy. - I said almost like a moan, in pleasure just hearing that man's voice and imagining all kinds of things he would do to me.

-Good girl. - he smiled. - We'll want a kiss though. Your Mommy first. - I've never really thought about being with girls sexually, but the thought of having Jess as my "Mommy" did turn me on. She was hot as hell and by that point, I'd do anything her or Daddy asked me to. So I turned around to face her and she smiled before touching my face and bringing her lips to mine. Her lips were so soft and sweet... I could spend hours stuck on that kiss. She got closer to me and I could feel her tits pressing up against mine through our dresses as one of her hands was caressing my hair and the other one was holding my face. Such a delicious kiss. We were interrupted by Daddy's strong hand on my face, turning it to him.

-My virgin baby girl kissing her hot Mommy... my dick is about to explode in my pants, princess. Now, let Daddy kiss those pouty lips. - he said very close to my face before urgently pressing his lips to mine, with his strong hands pulling my hair softly. His kiss was way more demanding and dominant than Mommy's but oh, so fucking good! We kissed slowly as we were in a romantic movie and I moaned into his lips. I've never felt anything similar to that. When he kissed me, I felt like he owned me. After our kiss, he just stayed there looking at me and rubbing my lips with his thumb, admiring the young girl in front of him.

-Open. Suck it. - he demanded putting his finger inside my mouth. I obeyed him, pressing my lips to his finger while looking at his blue eyes like I was hypnotized. He looked at me like he was about to devour me.

-Good girl. - he groaned. - I can't wait to have those green eyes looking at me while my big cock is inside that delicious mouth... you'll be so fun to play with, baby. - Fuck, how can a man be so sexy?! He kissed my cheeks. - I'm so lucky that we found you, little princess. So precious, so beautiful... - he said while his hand was caressing my hair - and now you're all mine. Aren't you?

-Yes, Daddy. I'm all yours. - I'm not sure if it was hornyness, passion, tension or whatever that made me want to submit to him so quickly, I just knew I had to. I needed him.

-Such a good girl. Isn't she, baby? - Mommy said, rubbing my arm. - so submissive already... - then, she got closer to me and kissed my neck a couple times, making me let out a small moan. - don't you worry, little one. Mommy and Daddy will teach you everything you need to know to be the best little slut for us. We're looking forward to spoiling our baby, to make her feel so good... - she said those last words with her index finger running through my cleavage. - We'll give you anything you want, we'll make you the happiest... as long as you're ours, you won't need to worry about anything. - she pecked my lips. - Right, Daddy?

-Yes, honey. She's our princess. I'll always treat you like one. If you're naughty, I might have to spank you, though. - he said leaning in closer to my lips as his hand grabbed my covered left boob softly, making my breath get heavier. - But I'll train you to enjoy it as well. - he said in a whisper. By that point I was so turned on thinking about all the things they'd do to me... - so, babygirl... as much as I want to fuck you like crazy, I'll let you go for now. Mommy will pass by your place tomorrow morning. Ok, angel?

-Yes, Daddy.

-Good. - he said as we all got up off the couch. - Now, Mommy will wait for the taxi with you. I'll fuck her brains out after. - that made Mommy laugh. I wish I was there to see it. - one last kiss for Daddy? - I leaned in closer to him and kissed him passionately once again. - humm, such a sweet little girl. - and then he gave my ass a little smack - So fucking spankable! Sweet dreams, princess. Daddy will give you all his love tomorrow.

"Are you ready, babygirl?" said a message from Mommy. She was about to pass by my apartment to pick me up so we'd go shopping. "Yes, Mommy", I replied. About 15 minutes later, she was there.

-Hey, angel. - she said as I got in the car.

-Hi, Mommy. - I answered her as she leaned in and gave me a little kiss on my lips. - How was last night?

-I'm still sore from it. I swear, that man had never fucked me so hard! He went crazy after you accepted being our partner, especially after you told you're a virgin. That was his fantasy for ages! - I giggled from it, covering my face shyly. - we're so thankful you accepted our offer, princess. - she said, putting a hand on my thigh. I smiled.

-I'm happy too. - I responded. We went to the mall, going straight to the lingerie store. She chose a few sets for me and we got in the fitting room so I'd try them. As I was undressing, she sat on the little bench and just looked at me.

-Wow, you're gorgeous. Look at those little tits! Fuck, I want to taste them so bad! But I promised Justin he'd be the first to touch you. Damn, that ass! - she gave it a slap - sorry, couldn't help it - and we both giggled. I put on the first set, a pink one and Mommy loved it.

-Amazing! It hugs your tits so nicely... we're definitely buying it. Next one, baby. - she demanded as I undressed and as I bent down to remove the panties, she got closer to me. - Wow, look at this cute little pussy... Open your little lips for me, sweety. Let Mommy see you. - I did as she was asked, feeling that I was a bit wet already. - Wow... Daddy will love it. I wish I could just put my tongue on that cute little clit right here... but we'll have plenty of opportunities for that, I'm sure.

-Thanks, Mommy. I'm wet just thinking about it. - I confessed, rubbing my finger on my slit.

-I'm sure you are, baby. Me too. Mommy will take very good care of you, I promise. But Daddy will have it first, alright? - she said before getting up and kissing my lips. - Now, the white one. Let's see how it fits, if it's so good as this one, you'll wear it tonight.

-Yes, Mommy. - I said putting the white bra on. - Mommy...

-Yes, princess?

-I'm a bit nervous...

-Oh, my sweet little girl! - she said, hugging me and holding my face - Listen to Mommy: I understand you're nervous, it will be your first time, everybody gets nervous. - she rubbed my cheeks - but I can guarantee you'll have the best experience you could have. Really. My husband can get rough sometimes but he also knows when to be gentle. And he's so excited to give you a very special first time! I promised you, princess: it will be the best night of your life. So far. - and she winked. I'm so happy Mommy found me. She is so loving and caring and her words did confort me. I felt lucky that I wasn't going to waste my first time with a selfish boy, but with a experienced (and so fucking hot) man.

-Oh my God! Baby, you look perfect. That's it, that's what you're wearing tonight. - Mommy said after I finished putting on the white lingerie set. I looked at myself at the mirror and fuck- I did look sexy. I've never owned this kind of underwear, it made me more confident to see how good I can look with the right clothes. After paying, Mommy and I had lunch and then we went to the beauty salon, where I had my nails done, waxed and did some moisturizing on my hair. Mommy got me a few more clothes, the kind that her and Daddy would like to see me wearing and after that, we went to their house.

I was helping Mommy make dinner when I heard Daddy coming down the stairs. How can a man be so fucking sexy? I couldn't help but just look at him.

-Hey girls - he said and gave Mommy a kiss while squeezing her ass and then turned to me, hugging me and kissing my lips - Hi, princess - he said with a smile - Did you and Mommy have a good day? - I nodded, still mesmerized by that man in front of me - Yeah? I'm glad you did. - he said, kissing me more. - Daddy has been thinking about you the whole day... - more kisses - I want you so fucking much - he whispered at my ear before giving it a bite that made me weak, oh the effects that man has in my body...

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