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My Visit to Hank & Becky's Ch. 1

Story Info
Becky teases until things get out of control.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 06/17/2002
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This work copyrighted ©2002 Lance Wulff.

You know the drill. The following story contains dirty words and acts. It is naughty. Believe it or not, it is mostly truthful. If you are underage or otherwise prevented by law or ethics or your parents from viewing this stuff, go away. Otherwise, sit back and, hopefully, enjoy. Send comments to the address in my profile.

* * * * *

For thirty-two years, four months and five days I lived in the same, small town. It had gotten to the point where I knew almost everyone at the grocery store. Parents or children of schoolmates, everyone. But, I never had too many friends and, even worse, hadn't had a girlfriend in over four years. I guess I was a little wary of all the scuttlebutt and didn't want to be the object of gossip.

My best friends were Hank and Becky. I went to grade school and high school with Hank; Beck was two years behind us. I watched her mature from a freckled and pig-tailed tomboy to a somewhat awkward adolescent finally developing to a stunningly beautiful, mature woman. She hadn't lost her athletic abilities and kept her petite body trim and fit. Beck is always dressed impeccably with high priced and tasteful clothes. Her brunette hair is cut to just below her ears giving her a slight coquettish appearance but she is quite shy until you get to know her. The three of us spent many days and evenings together and we were very close friends. We joked about all kinds of things and nothing was off limits. She was often the brunt of our jokes and it was great sport to embarrass her. A slight off colored joke would have her blushing from neckline to forehead. I loved to kid her just to get a rise out of her. Her shyness was a real turn on, especially in combination with her petite body. But she was always good-natured and laughed us off as typically crude guys.

Recently, I received a job offer in a city four hours from our town. The money was too good to pass up, and, to be honest, I couldn't turn down the chance to get out of this too-small town. So, I accepted the job and, one weekend, with the help from Hank and Beck, I packed what I could fit in my van and moved north. A part of me was sorry to go because I knew I would miss the frequent evening get-togethers with Hank and Beck.

Three weeks after moving, I arranged for a couple of days off of work to collect my remaining possessions back home. I called Hank to see if we could get together one night and he insisted, despite my protests, that I stay at their house. Well, at least I would be in friendly surroundings.

I showed up late the following Tuesday evening. Beck greeted me at the door in a halter and cutoffs that clung to her shapely hips. I didn't remember her breasts being that big, but I had never seen her dressed in a tight top. I followed her into the living room. Her shorts were loose at her slim waist and I had a gorgeous view down the back of them to where her waist flared out to her trim but oh so sweet, heart-shaped butt. I could barely see the waistband of her panties. Her workouts sure did pay off.

Becky and Hank both seemed genuinely happy to have me stay with them. We chatted well into the night but Becky seemed quieter than usual. I joked with her that she sure must be anticipating getting to bed. She dropped her head and looked at me through her eyelashes. There was that cute blush rising up again. Damn, what a fox.

I needed a shower badly after working all day and then traveling well into the evening. Hank said he was turning in because he had a big day ahead of him. He was a construction foreman and needed to be on the job site at dawn. Becky said she would be right behind him but first she needed to change the sheets on my bed. I told her not to worry about them but she insisted that they needed changing. I noticed that she blushed again but I thought nothing of it. I headed to the bathroom and Hank went off to bed. When I returned to the bedroom, I noticed that the bed had been stripped but it was not yet made. I figured that, if I was quick, I had time to change before Becky came back with the clean sheets. I dropped the towel just as the door opened. There stood Becky with a handful of linens. Her eyes immediately went to my crotch and lingered there. I felt a slight stirring in my loins and saw that blush rise again up her face.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I didn't know you were done with your shower," she said but made no move to leave.

I looked down and was mortified to see my pole now at half-mast and rising quickly. I looked up at her and saw that her eyes had returned to my dick. I tried to will it to go down but the caresses of her eyes were almost as erotic as if she were stroking it with her hands. She again looked up at me only now her eyes were wide open and she looked shocked. She opened her mouth as if to speak but instead her eyes dropped again and lingered. She tried to look at me but her eyes kept returning to my growing hard on until it was at full staff and throbbing. Although the whole incident probably lasted only 20 seconds, it seemed like two hours.

"I'll be back to make the bed after you get more decent" she said and took one long, last look at my hard on.

She turned and left and I stared at that cute butt in those frayed cut-offs wiggle out of the room.

Well, my excitement did not go down much, but I did manage to slip on a pair of boxer shorts. I hadn't really thought about my sleeping attire when I packed because I normally sleep naked. So, I waited patiently. Although my dick was still slightly hard, I was able to make it less obvious by arranging the boxers. I waited eagerly, yet also apprehensively. To be honest, I was more than a little embarrassed. Finally, she knocked on the door. I told her to come in and stood with my hands folded in front of my crotch. She swung the door open, took a quick look at my crotch, and turned to pick up the linens. I almost choked. She had put on a short nightie and the light from the hallway shone through it illuminating her perfect figure. So much for willing my dick to go limp. She bent from the waist and I got my second shock. She wasn't wearing panties and I had a view of her sleek thighs framing the fruit of her womanhood. Apparently she was also pretty excited. The outer lips were barely hidden beneath her curly hairs but the sparse forest could not hide the fact that they were deep red and clearly engorged. A hint of pink peaked from between those lips. This time I did cough. She picked up the linens and turned to face me holding the linens in front of her. Her face was flushed. Besides that, she gave no outward indication that anything was out of the ordinary.

Again, she glanced down but my hands were mostly hiding my indiscretion. I say mostly because they couldn't hide my entire hard-on and the head was poking out the material of the boxers above my folded hands. She couldn't hide her interest even though her glance only lasted a moment.

"I'll just make the bed and be out of your way. "

I stepped aside and let her pass. I couldn't help but notice that her nipples appeared to be erect. I made up my mind to maneuver to the far side of the bed for a better look. So, as she dropped the sheets on the bed, I moved to the other side. Sure enough, they were sticking out and so hard that there were bumps ringing the spiked center. The material of the nightie barely covered them. She couldn't have been more sexy if she were naked.

I looked up – she caught me looking but said nothing. She quickly tossed the fitted sheet across the bed, tucked in the corner near the head, and leaned over to smooth it from the center to the far side where I was standing. Her gown gaped open and, oh god, there they were. I never dreamed they were that full and firm. I could only see the top of her areolae, but, even that part was puckered and bumpy. She seemed to be taking her time. I glanced down and saw why. My cock, which had long since grown to its full magnificent 7 inches, was obscenely obvious. My shorts were tented and her eyes kept glancing at it. Not only that, the tip of my dick was just peeking through the slit in the shorts and was angry and purple. It beat along with my racing heart.

She bent even further. Now I could even see her nipples and they were dark purple, the color of my cockhead. She kept up the pretense of smoothing the sheets but she was obviously staring at my cock. Well, I reasoned through my lust fogged mind, if she can show all, I should return the same privilege. So, I let my hands fall away and began smoothing the sheet toward the foot of the bed. I bent over the bed to reach further across it. From this angle, I was able to see her tight thighs all the way to her ass cheeks as she leaned against the bed. I put one knee on the bed in front of her face leaned further over pretending to smooth the sheet, but, in reality, trying to get a better view. I heard a gasp and looked down to see that my cock had escaped through the slit and was now only inches from her face.

"I just need to fit this corner on the mattress," she said, somewhat breathlessly.

To get to the far corner, she put her knee closest to my face on the bed and up under her chest. She leaned further over. Oh my god, there, staring me in the face, less than 8 inches away, was her pussy. Only now, it was there for me to stare at all I wanted. At first, the outer lips were pursed together, but as I watched, the inner lips began to peak between the crease, growing and engorging, until they slowly began to unfold into a crimson protruding and gaping mouth. She arched her back a little more, openly flexing the walls of her cunt, and they moistened and then became slippery slick with her drool. She shifted her butt in the air and her tunnel gaped open for a second and juice oozed out between the lips. At the top of her slit, the hood covering her clit slowly retreated and her pearl began to emerge, just the tip at first. She reached between her legs to scratch her thigh, but her thumb grazed her clit. When she removed her hand, the skin that had covered her clit was pulled back out of the way and her clit protruded like a greasy, translucent pink marble. Now it was my turn to gasp.

She heard me. Her hand came up to cover her pussy obscuring it from my view.

"Oh my god, I'm showing everything," she said. She tried to fit the sheet but, no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible with one hand. As she squirmed one way, her hand would move and one drool-slickened lip would peak out.

"I can't smooth the sheets with one hand," she said "I need the other one too, so just don't look. OK?"

"Look at what?"

"My.. my thing," she said hesitantly. She was definitely uncomfortable mentioning her pussy. I pressed on. This was exactly the way I liked to embarrass her, although never before in so sexual a situation.

"What thing?" My voice was cracking because my throat was bone dry.

"My pussy, dammit. I'm going to remove my hand so don't look at my pussy, OK?"

I had never heard her speak a dirty word and now she had mentioned her pussy. God, I was turned on.

"I promise," I lied.

"OK, you're not looking, right?"


I was almost panting but she was in no better condition. I could see her back rising and falling rapidly as she sucked in air.

My face was still inches from her pussy and I'm sure she could feel my breath on her fingers. Without thinking, I flexed my cock.

"O jeeesus," she said, barely loud enough for me to here. "Okay, here... whew... here goes," she gasped.

She slowly removed her hand. But, as she did, her middle finger slipped between the lips up to her second knuckle. It probed once, twice, three times and emerged glistening wet. She slowly brought it up to where her clit was protruding from the folds and rubbed gently in a circular motion with the tip of her finger. Two fingers gently gripped her clit so it stuck out between them and she tugged. Her ass twitched and her pussy walls flexed as more drool escaped. God, I just wanted to lean forward and lick that juicy slice. As it was, her moist, salty aroma wafted from her pussy. Her beautiful ass tilted further up in the air and she moved her knees a little more so that her pussy was in a perfect position to receive my hard cock. My cock twitched again.

She removed her hand from her pussy and stretched it in front of her to grip and tug on the sheet. As she reached across to tuck in the corner, her hand inadvertently brushed my shaft and slowly slid along it until her forearm came to rest against it. The fine hairs on her forearm became matted with my precum. More drool leaking from her pussy. Apparently, the sheet wouldn't tuck in so easily because her forearm rubbed my shaft gently as she struggled with the sheet. Her pussy danced with each movement and I could see the tunnel flex and force more juice out. I leaned within a couple of inches and got a strong whiff of a woman in heat.

Much sooner than I would have liked, she got the corner tucked in. I was sorry to lose the contact from her arm, but, in reality, I was a little glad because, if truth be told, I was so turned on that I might do something I would regret later.

"Can I look now?" I asked.

"Just a second. Let me get covered up. "

As she said it, her hand moved back and covered her pussy. Except now her fingers weren't held tightly together at all and I could see her inner lips barely through the openings between them. Moist hairs curled out.

"OK, I'm decent. "

Yea, right. I decided to play along.

"See how nice these sheets are. 200 thread percale. They're so soft when I smooth them. "

Her fingers still covered her pussy but I could see them gently squeeze her lips from time to time.

"Yes, I see. " I left it unclear exactly what I could see.

"Let me feel," I continued. I moved one hand to between my legs, immediately in from of her face, and pinched the sheet between my fingers to show her I really was testing the material. "These sheets really are soft," While I pulled up and down, the back of my hand rubbed my dick and it bobbed in front of her. "So smooth. " Her fingers had loosened a bit so now I could see two long fingers gently holding the inner lips apart while her middle finger rested in the crease.

Then, as if I just realized it, I covered my dick with my hand.

"Oops, I didn't realize that my thing was showing," I said.

"What thing?" She had turned the tables.

"You know, my dick, my dick popped out of my shorts. "

"I didn't even notice" she lied. "Don't worry, I promise not to look. I've seen Hanks plenty of times and it wouldn't even interest me if I saw yours. I'm too busy with the sheet anyway. See, the corner has come loose again. "

I looked over my shoulder and, sure enough, the corner was loose. But she wasn't even looking at the corner. Oh no, her eyes were fastened to my dick barely covered by my hand and only three inches at the most beneath her flushed face.

I decided to see how cool she was.

"Well, I'm glad you aren't looking because I have to adjust myself. It'll only take a second. "

I slowly encircled the girth of my shaft with my hand and gave my dick a couple of long strokes that ended with a drop of fluid clinging to the tip. Her nostrils flared and I could feel her breath on my cock. Some saliva trickled from her mouth and slowly fell on a strand onto my cockhead. I pretended not to notice but used it to lubricate my cock.

I looked back between her legs. Again, her fingers had pinched her clitoris and they were subtly pulling on it as she watched me stroke my prick. It was almost as if she didn't want me to notice her doing it. Her ass cheeks churned and clenched slightly, then relaxed, then clenched again.

"Well, I guess you better tuck in that corner," I said.

"You're right. You'll never get a good night's sleep if the sheet comes loose. "

She removed her hand from her crotch baring it totally to my gaze. Apparently she forgot that I wasn't looking away. I stared at the gaping lips and her nubbin, clearly protruding from the lips. While she was reaching, I stroked my cock to the base and shifted just enough so that the head touched her cheek. I removed my hand leaving my cock against her cheek.

"Oh, god" I heard her say, barely audible.

I flexed my dick and felt the slight pressure increase on her cheek. She was now slowly humping the air and her pussy seemingly reached for me.

"I need to reach a little further, okay?" I asked.

"Uh huh, just... just make sure the corner is... is tucked in and I'll hold this one here. " Her words were not much more than a gasp.

I leaned closer to her pussy. My cheek grazed her soft, satiny inner thigh. My tongue could just reach out and touch her beautiful, full, dripping lips.

"Okay, all done. "


"The sheet's tucked in. "

She sat back on her haunches. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I was just about to kiss her peach. I could have stared at it all night and the next day, too.

She sprang to her feet and I also stood up. I moved to her side of the bed and stood slightly behind her. I had a perfect view of her ass covered by the nightie and her swollen nipples. She was covered with goose bump and almost gasping for breath. Her eyes were fastened on my cock, pointing straight up at her at her through the fly.

"It's a good thing that you are not interested in my cock," I said "because I would have to put it in my shorts and that would be uncomfortable. "

"Let me see. " She bent over and stared right at my cock. I know she could see my heartbeat in the vein along the shaft.

"Yup, that would surely be uncomfortable, so you better just leave it out. Now let me smooth the sheets so you can get some sleep. " She climbed onto the bed and moved into a kneeling position but kept her legs together. The far corner came loose again.

"I better cover up," she said and shyly pulled her gown over her ass cheeks. I think she realized that we were on dangerous ground. However, that shortie gown barely covered the tops of her ass cheeks. Gaping pink flesh peaked out from between her thighs.

"Don't worry, I won't even look at your pussy. "

She shuddered when I said the word "pussy" but I saw a slight smile appear. I looked back at the lips snuggling between her thighs.

"It will go quicker if you help," she said. I glanced up at her face and realized she had turned her face and caught me staring. Her eyes, now, had narrowed to slits and her nostrils were flared. Her eyes returned to my cock. God, I was turned on.

"Wha... what would you like me to do?"

"Can you hold the corner at the head of the bed while I tuck the far side? It seems to come loose every time I try to tuck it in. OK, now hold the corner while I tuck in this side. " I did what she asked, but the far side at the foot of the bed pulled up.

"I'm going to tuck in that side so reach across me and hold this side in place, will you?"

"My pleasure" I responded and I think she noticed the double entendre but she didn't say anything.

Now, I reached over to the side she had been holding at the head of the bed, and she reached to the foot. She couldn't quite reach it in her present position so she turned slightly and opened her legs a couple of inches. As she struggled with the sheet, I noticed that my dick was only a couple of inches from her gaping slit. I leaned forward some more as if to adjust the sheet and the tip of my dick barely touched her thigh. She jumped slightly but resumed struggling with the sheet. Of course, as she struggled, my dick was sliding gently back and forth over the skin of her thigh inches from her pussy. The corner on my left side pulled loose.

"Dammit," she said. "Maybe if I hold that side down with my knee we can get this thing all made up", she said, somewhat breathlessly. She immediately stretched her knee out to the side so that she was completely spread open, on hands and knees, her butt in the air, and her pussy seemingly waiting for my cock. She wiggled a little. My self control was gone, shattered.


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