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My Wife Being Fucked By...Ch. 5

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He secretly watches her with another man.
12.3k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/20/2001
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Judy's lust for men had grown, but the opportunity for her to play around was never there. She did go out with friends to nightclubs while I tended to the kids. But her friends are the conservative types and a few are married. And as far as we know! loyal to their husbands. Judy wasn't sure how they would have reacted if they saw her flirting with other men behind my back. She did get the attention, like they all did. They all played the game and flirted back, but drew the line at taking it any further. A few times Judy came home very frustrated at being so close to getting a good fuck, and she would take out her frustrations out on me, without any protest from me of cause. This all changed a few months later.

Judy got chatting with an Italian girl that worked at her family's fruit and vegetable store within the shopping centre. They became friends and would often meet for coffee and a chat, and like with Simon they would go outside for a cigarette and talk about women stuff. It tuned out that Melissa (Not her real name) was a lot like Judy. Melissa was single, and like Judy got turned on by going out and teasing men. And if she liked any guy she met, she wouldn't waste time in taking him somewhere or go back to his place for a good fuck. She was very open minded and Judy felt comfortable in letting Melissa in on some of our secrets without the worry of being judged or looked down upon.

Melissa came over to the house once or twice, and I remember the first time I set eyes on her I knew this girl loved to fuck by the way she dressed. Melissa is about 5' 6", medium built with a nice pair of legs. Her face wasn't overly attractive but was cute in her own ways. She had the most captivating dark brown eyes that drew most of the attraction to her face. With Jet black hair that stopped just passed her shoulders. Her best feature was her size C breasts that she liked to flaunt when ever possible.

The first day she walked into our house she wore a tight fitting pair of pants made of the bicycle shorts material. It was easy to see that she wore no underwear underneath and Judy caught me sneaking a peek at Melissa's rump on many occasions. Her top half was covered by a loose fitting jumper, but you could still make out the outline of her huge breasts. Unfortunately I never got my chance to see her totally naked, but I did get to see her topless when she stayed over one night while getting ready to go out dancing with Judy, and what a night it was…

Like I had mentioned earlier, Judy got so turned on by dressing like a women on heat to go out and tease men, but because her circle of friends were prudish and judgemental, she rarely got the chance to fully indulge in her teasing, until now! From what Judy had told me, Melissa was in the same predicament. Because of her Italian heritage she found it very frustrating at not having the freedom to be her self when she is with her friends. She would often be looked down upon for her dress sense or if she flirted openly with men. To overcome that obstacle she would organise to meet up with the guy she fancied at a secluded spot later in the night or sneak out of the nightclub with the guy, unbeknown to her friends.

Judy and Melissa had planned for just the two of them to go out on this Saturday night. Melissa came over early for dinner and drinks, and had brought her clothes for going out and an overnight bag because Judy had asked her to stay over. After dinner I left them alone to chat about women stuff as I cleared up the dinner table and tended to the boys before putting them to bed. The girls had retreated to the bedroom to pick out an outfit for Judy. I sat in front of the TV with a drink in one hand and the remote in the other waiting eagerly to see what the girls would be wearing. "I soon found out"

I was just getting settled when Judy called me into the bedroom. What could they possibly what with me I thought as I made my way to the bedroom. As I entered, Judy was parading around like a model showing her outfit to Melissa. "Woohooo! Very nice!" "So you approve then?" "How could I not?" I sat on the edge of the bed next to Melissa and studied Judy's outfit with approval, smiling ear to ear. Judy had on a very short brown skirt, one of my favourites in fact. I would sometime beg her to wear it on our occasional nights out, and she knew how much it turned me on to see her walking around in it. For a top she wore a white long sleaved shirt with frills hanging off the cuffs, with buttons down the front and tied up around the waist by two lengths of material attached to the hem of the shirt. It was made of a very sheer material; her large dark nipples could clearly be seen through the material. She informed me that she would be wearing a bra underneath, not that I cared! I much preferred this half-naked look myself.

After parading around, Judy stripped naked and lay on the bed behind Melissa and I, not caring if Melissa was in the room. Girls are used to this kind of thing I guess. I couldn't see my male friends and I doing that. "Ok! So what are you wearing?" Judy asked Melissa. "Ummm! I think I better go check on the boys". "You better hurry back, because I need a guy's opinion also", Melissa called out as I stepped out of the room. I wish I could give her more then my opinion I thought to myself with a devilish grin across my face. "Yeah! I won't be long!" I yelled back. I was back in leas than a minute, I think I could have broken the record for the 100M dash to get back and see her all dolled up. Actually! I returned a little too soon. Melissa was just pulling her top over her head with her large braless tits in plain view. "Oops! Sorry! I should have knocked first"; I said a s I walked back in. Melissa pulled the top over her breasts and smiled without responding to my apology. Judy gave me a sly grin, knowing full well that I enjoyed the show.

Melissa paraded around the room jokingly mimicking Judy's earlier display. She paced up and down the length of the bedroom with one hand on her hip. My cock began to grow as I watched her tits bounce around under the flimsy top as she exaggerated her walk. Melissa wore a similar skirt to Judy only a little longer and lighter in colour. Her top was like a T-shirt that just barely covered her belly button with a picture of a Chinees dragon stretched across her huge tits. The bulging curves of her tits made the design look distorted. As she stood at the foot of the bed to ask our opinion I couldn't help but stare at her erect nipples sticking out from under her T-shirt. Melissa caught me staring and quickly covered her breasts with both hands. "I think you can leave now!" She said with a sly grin. "I never get to have any fun! I responded boyishly". We all laughed as I walked out the room.

It was difficult to concentrate on the TV while the sight of Melissa's tits was my mind. I got up to fix another drink and settled in my chair to surf the channels, and hopefully find something interesting that would rid my mind of the erotic thoughts I was having of Melissa. It wouldn't be easy though! Judy came into the lounge dressed in her bathrobe and sat in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel her nakedness under the robe causing by cock to rise and dig into her butt cheek. "Mmmm! What's that?" She asked as she wiggled her bum against my ever growing hardon. "Is that for me or for Melissa?" "Could be for both of you! What do you think?" "You wish baby!" Judy jokingly whispered into my ear. "Melissa and I have talked about it…" "What? Me wanting to fucking her?" I interrupted. "Yeah! We talk about a lot of things… Melissa finds you attractive and she would like to fuck you…" "But?" I interrupted again. "But! She has a rule not to fuck her friend's boyfriends or husband's. Sorry love!" "Yeah! Just my luck!"

"So! Where are you girls going out tonight?" "Melissa is taking me to a Spanish club". "Oh no! Not Spanish, you're going to be like a child in a lolly shop". "Oh yeah! I'm getting wet just thinking about it". She snickered. "You're such a little slut!" I joked as I squeezed her breast. "But I'm your little slut", she responded wiggling her butt against my hard cock. "I would only play up if you say I could, you know I wouldn't do anything without your consent". "So! Are you asking?" "Ummm! Maybe!" We both looked at each other smiling knowing what the answer would be. I didn't have to say a word. Judy held me tight and pressed herself onto my cock.

"If you keep doing that I'm gonna have to fuck you right her and now". I told her as I slipped my hand under her robe. She spread her legs a little wider and looked over my shoulder to make sure Melissa wouldn't walk in and catch us in the act. I Slid my hand between her parted thighs and felt the smoothness of her cunt lips. Judy let out a little sigh as I inserted a finger between her cunt lips, feeling her wetness that had built up from our sexual discussion. I quickly pulled out and Judy composed her self as we heard footsteps coming down the corridor.

"The shower is all yours Judy!" Melissa yelled from around the corner. Judy stood up then bent down to kiss my forehead and gave my hard cock a little squeeze. "Keep it hard until we get home!" She said as she passed her hand along the length. "I'll try but it won't be easy…" Judy winked at me before heading to the shower leaving me hard and horny as hell. Time for another drink…

I was in my chair watching a documentary about the antarctic or penguins or something. My mind was focused on other things and I wasn't really sure what the narrator was talking about. All I could think about was Judy in a club full of Spanish men and the flirtatious games she would be playing. I was slowly stroking my cock over my sweat pants, with the image of Judy getting groped by dozens of Spanish hands when I heard the girls walking down the corridor.

"Ok! We're ready to leave!" Judy called out. My jaw dropped as I watched the two sexy, slutty dressed women walk into the lounge room. They both did a twirl and smiled at me waiting for my reaction. I was dumbfounded as my eyes scanned the two beautiful bodies before me. They were both dressed in the out fits they had chosen earlier. They both had high heels on making their legs look longer then they already were. They had both put on their bra under their tops, although you could clearly see Judy's lacy bra underneath the sheer material of her shirt. Their hair and make were complete and they both looked absolutely stunning. "What can I say girls! You both look fantastic". "I bet you say that to all the girls!" Melissa blurted out as she shook her hair from her face. "No! Just the ones I would like to fuck!" I responded moving my eyebrows up and down. "You're such a cheek!" Melissa yelled back with a huge smile. Judy just looked at me and shook her head in response.

Melissa said good night and went out the front door to wait for Judy. Judy came over and hugged me and kissed me lightly on the lips to ensure her lipstick didn't smudge. "Guess what I'm not wearing?" She whispered into my ear. Before I could answer she took hold of my hand and placed it under her short skirt. I slid my hand up her thigh feeling her bare pussy. "Your such a nasty little slut" I whispered back into her ear as I rubbed the smooth cunt lips. "And guess what? Melissa has no knickers on either!" "You're both teasing little sluts!" I responded. "Yeah! But you love it babe!" She whispered back in her sultry voice.

Judy slid my hand away from her pussy and pulled her skirt down. She gave me another hug and grabbed her handbag and keys. Judy checked her hair and make up in the mirror and blew me a kiss before heading out the door. "See ya later!" They both yelled out in unison as the door closed behind her. "Be careful!" I yelled back, hoping that they heard me over the noise of their high heels hitting the concrete paving. I settled back on the sofa as I heard the car start up, then the sound of the motor fading as it sped away from the house.

It was a long night as I tried to preoccupy myself by watching the crap on TV. I checked on the boys every so often and paced the floor waiting for the girl's to return. I'm one of those people that look inside the fridge or pantry one hundred times but never take anything out, especially when I'm home alone, bored or on edge. I fell asleep on the sofa at around 1.00 and woke up to the thumping beat of music on TV. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, reached for the remote and turned down the volume. The clock on the video recorded read 2.15am, "Had I been asleep that long?" I said to myself, felt more like hours.

The rumbling in my belly said it was time for a snack. I made myself a nice toasted cheese sandwich with a glass of orange juice and sat back in the sofa. It's a mazing the amount of rubbish they have playing on the TV at this time of the morning. Especially the Infomercials where those male models with six packs, ripped muscles and the women with hour glass figures telling you how great the muscle building machine has helped them loose weight in "JUST THREE WEEKS" "Yeah right! Give me a break."

The last thing I needed to see at this time of the morning, was a big breasted model, with a ton of make up on, telling me to get out my credit card and call her now for this "Once in a lifetime offer." While pushing her chest out and holding her stomach in. "Once in a lifetime offer!" They have this same commercial on every second night. She did have awesome breasts though… Sort of reminded me of Melissa. Speaking of Melissa, she was staying the night and I was yet to make up a bed for her. Unless she got a better offer for the night that is.

I made Melissa a makeshift bed on the sofa using the spare sheets, blankets and pillows from the linen cupboard. I had just settled comfortably on the sofa when I heard the familiar sound of Judy's car pull into the driveway. "The girls are home early," I thought. A minute later the front door swung open and Judy and Melissa came in laughing away like to drunken sods closing the door behind them. The laughing only stopped when they saw me sitting there, staring up at them with a curious look on my face. They looked at each other and smiled. "I'm going to get changed for bed," Melissa said walking towards the bedroom. "What's so funny?" I asked Judy curiously. Judy kicked off her shoes, placed her keys and handbag on the table below the mirror and flopped herself on the sofa next to me.

Judy sat up and smiled then took my hand in hers and placed it on her lap. "So what happened I asked?" smiling back in response. "Well we went to that Spanish club that I had told you about, the one Melissa said she was going to take me to. The band was great, they played mostly Spanish stuff but they also had a DJ playing all the latest music as well. Melissa and I met two guys and left the club soon after. Judy coyly told me with a smirk on her face. I pulled my hand from hers and placed it between her thighs as I smiled back at her. Judy parted her thighs a little wider as I slid my hand to her pussy feeling the warmth and the wetness of her smooth cunt. "No! I didn't get a fuck" she responded as I slid a finger between her pussy lips. "If you didn't fuck him, what happened then?" I asked with a curious frown. "How about we go to bed and I can tell you all about it." Judy pulled my hand away from her pussy as I nodded my approval. Just as we stood up to leave Melissa came walking into the lounge room wearing a long nightshirt. The girls looked at each other smiling again as I stared at Melissa's swaying breasts under her shirt. We said our good nights as we headed for the bedroom. I walked close behind Judy trying to hide my erection from Melissa, without much luck may I add.

I undressed and got under the covers and eagerly waited fro Judy to do the same. As I lay there stroking my semi erect cock, I scanned Judy's body as she untied the sash of her shirt then gingerly unhook the buttons one by one teasingly like an erotic dancer teasing her voyeur. She slipped the sleaves off her shoulders letting the shirt float to the floor like a weightless feather around her feet. She stared at me with her piercing dark eyes as she unclipped her bra from behind. The bra fell to the floor revealing her well-rounded breasts and those beautiful dark aureoles, Without taking her eyes from mine she pulled down the short brown skirt over her hips; it too fell to the floor. My eyes fell away from hers to the glistening pussy lips between her slightly parted thighs. It wasn't difficult to see that she was horny, the lips of her pussy were open and shone with the wetness of her flowing juices.

I held the covers up as Judy slid in beside me. Her body was warm and inviting as she pressed up against mine. I put my arm around her shoulder drawing her closer and kissed her forehead. A wave of electricity shot through me as her soft hand passed over my chest, down my belly to take hold of my now fully erect cock. "Mmmm! What's that you have there?" "Its someone waiting for you to tell him the details of tonight!" He wants to know what his sexy, teasing wife has been up to too make her so wet" Judy gently squeezed my shaft as her tongue licked my nipple sending another bold of electricity through my body. She slid her hand slowly up and down the length stroking it softly at first then sped up as she heard the moans of pleasure escape from my mouth.

Judy straddled my thighs taking hold of my cock; she guided the head that was shining from the precum to the opening of her already well lubricated pussy. She rubbed the head along the slit of her pussy then let herself drop down the length of my cock engulfing the entire length deep inside her. I held her by the hips as she rocked back and forth making slushing sound with the juices flowing from deep within her. She bent down slightly and took my hands for support. Judy began to cry with pleasure as she ground her pussy over my cock in circles sending her over the edge. She let out a long sigh as she came all over my cock in one long stream. I pulled her close to me feeling her nipples against my chest and her heavy breathing on my neck. As she lay on my chest getting her breath back, I could also feel her heart beat and the stream of her juices running over my cock, balls and between the crack of me arse wetting the sheets beneath us.

"I'm ready to talk now!" she whispered into my ear. "And I'm ready to listen" I pulled the covers over Judy's shoulders as she snuggled up to me and began to talk. My heart began to beat rapidly as I eagerly waited to hear the juicy details. My cock stayed hard between the wet folds of her pussy…

"Mmmmmmm!" When Melissa and I got there we went straight to the bar to order some drinks. I couldn't believe the amount of cute guys in there; it was like being in a Spanish heaven. We knew a lot of guys were checking us out, "being dressed the way we were and all!" A few came up to us but we just teased them for a while. We had just got there so we wanted to relax and enjoy our own company for a while. "I can understand that!" I said as I stroked the length of her back and her smooth thighs. Judy responded to my soft strokes, letting out a soft moan as she slowly writhed around on my cock. When she was comfortable and content she continued.

When the band stopped the DJ played some good funky music, not that the Spanish music wasn't good to dance to. We went and danced for a while until in got really crowed I the middle. So we nudged our way through to the back corner where it wasn't so crowded. These two cute guys came over and danced next to us trying to get our attention. After a while we ended up dancing with them and then they invited us to join them for a drink. They were really nice, the one I danced with was called Emmanuel and the one with Melissa was called Ricardo (Not their real names) we just hang out with them for a while, talking and joking around. Ricardo was the funny one; he made us laugh all night. Emmanuel was fun to be with also but he was more reserved and a little shy. When the band came back on he asked me to dance; we danced close a few times with his arms around me. I could tell he wanted to kiss me but he wasn't sure of himself.

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