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My Wife has a Private Tutor

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Teacher slowly seduces my wife into his bed.
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Aida and I have been married for over 8 years. We are both in our mid thirties. We don't have kids because my sperm count is low. My Doctor says it's impossible for us to have kids without doing a battery of tests and procedures. We were busy with our careers so we put that off. I am a pale guy of Irish decent. I could stand to lose a few pounds She is Latina, born in Central America. She came to America as a foreign exchange student when she was 16 and stayed here permanently. Aida is 5'2 with long brown hair. She has sexy light brown skin, large supple breasts and a great figure. My wife takes care of herself and loves exercising and is always going to the gym or jogging. I feel quite proud to have such a beautiful wife.

Our marriage is good, we don't have a lot of money but we get by. I would as a computer tech in a call center, she works for the county welfare department. Aida has a huge sex drive. We fuck almost every night. It's always hot and crazy. I have to say that even after 8 years of marriage we still fuck like newlyweds. I should just be satisfied with how things are but I have always had these fantasies of another man with my woman. Even before I met Aida.

So a year ago I brought up the idea to my wife.

"What are your fantasies?" I asked.

"Just fucking you is my fantasy, my reality." She replied

I was taken back by the response, but I carried on.

"The thought of another man hitting on you, flirting with you or getting you in bed turns me on." I stated.

I brought this up three times and every time I got shot down. One night after we had a few drinks and were in the middle of foreplay I brought it up one more time.

"For me you with another man is the hottest, sexiest thing I can imagine." I exclaimed.

"If I did that, then you would want to fuck another woman." Aida replied. "And that will never happen."

She grabbed my balls hard when she said this to make her point.

"This fantasy I have, has nothing to do with wanting other women, quite the opposite." I said in vane.

It was no use, she was not buying it. A few months had past and I would bring up the topic without success. One morning when we were having breakfast she was crying.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"My accent is keeping me from advancing at work." She whimpered. "I applied for a promotion and they gave it to this woman who speaks perfect English."

"You speak fine baby." I countered. "I think your accent is very sexy. Perhaps I can try teaching you again?"

Since we have been married Aida has asked me to help improve her English. I admit I have not put the energy into it like she wishes.

"We have tried that so many times." She scorned. "You don't seem that interested in helping me with this. Please find me some sort of school or Speech Therapist that helps people lose their accent, this means a lot to me."

I did she asked. Speech therapists were out of our budget and there were no classes that offered this education where we lived. When I told her my results she was crying again.

"Go online." Aida demanded. "Maybe there is someone that will tutor me that we can afford."

That night after we had sex my mind wandered about what she asked me to do. And then it hit me. Perhaps I could find her a tutor who also might help me realize my fantasy. I began perusing the online classifieds. Lots of horny people out there. But no one really offering what Aida wanted. I decided to run a couple of online ads. I set up an email account just for this purpose. Placed ads under Barter and Strictly Platonic

personals. I titled the ad "Latina seeks English lessons." I did make it clear in the ad that she was married and would trade giving Spanish lessons to someone willing to help her lose her accent if they wanted. I put the ad in on a Friday night. We drove to my folks house for the weekend and relaxed there. Sunday evening when we got back, I figured I would check the emails. I was hoping there was some kind of response. I opened the in-box and I could not believe it. Forty replies to the ad. Half the ads were guys just wanting sex. Lots of penis pictures. Although this was my fantasy of finding a guy like this for her, this was too over the top. If she suspected I was setting her up for sex it would surely mess up our marriage. She would never trust me again. A couple of retired teachers responded, both over seventy years old. Not the right fit. Some other guys just wanted to teach her English, seemingly not looking for anything at all. Then there was Carl. He was in his mid 40's. Partners in an Engineering firm. Wife past away a few years ago from breast cancer. She was also Latina. Spoke three languages including Spanish. Owned a private jet. He had a photo attached. He was a good looking man.

The next morning I decided to write back. My wife and I work different schedules. She is out of the house by 7:30 am and home by six in the evening. I work afternoons and evening at the computer call center. I am a supervisor there but it's not exactly what I got a degree for. But it pays the bills. So that morning after Aida went to work I emailed Carl. I had to imply like it was her writing him, but not too specific in case someday he showed her the emails.

I wrote to Carl. Asked him some basic questions about where and when the tutoring would take place. I said evenings worked best. He responded right away and said evenings worked for him too and we could meet anywhere I felt comfortable. We could meet for coffee first if I liked.

I told Aida that evening. "I may have found a tutor for you."

Her eyes lit up, and she kissed me.

I said, "I will give these people your number and you can work out the details."

Of course only Carl would be calling, but if I said I picked one guy, she might be a little suspicious. I wrote back Carl and gave him my wife's phone number and asked him to call the next day

The next night when I came home from work I asked Aida if anyone contacted her.

"A man named Carl did." She answered.

She then told me all the stuff I already knew about him.

"He wants to meet for coffee tomorrow night if that is all-right." Aida asked

"Sure that sounds good, baby." I retorted.

That night I was harder than ever and we had great sex. The thought that this plan was really taking shape was a highly arousing.

The following evening at work my mind raced with the thoughts of my wife hanging out with another man. My wife almost on a blind date. In our eight years of marriage she never met with another man alone like this. It was hard to focus on my job. When I got home she was glowing.

"Carl and I talked for two hours, and he has already helped me with my accent." She exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Only problem is the coffee house is very noisy and its hard to concentrate there."

"Would it be ok if Carl came over here instead?" Aida asked sheepishly.

"Of course whatever makes it easier for you to learn." I replied.

Again that night we had amazing sex.

For the next month Carl came to the apartment and tutored my wife. I did not get off work until ten and he was always gone before I got home. One night our computers went down, and I got off early. When I got to the apartment, Carl was still there. It was a warm evening and the front door was open. I could here them from down the hall. She was laughing and practicing her English. They definitely become quite friendly together. I stayed outside for a few minutes but it all sounded innocent. I finally tapped on the screen door and came in. Carl got up to greet me. He was really tall, six two. I am five eight. He gave me a very firm handshake.

"You are a very lucky man to have such a beautiful wife." Carl stated.

He then turned to Aida and said something in Spanish. She laughed.

"Carl, you are a bad boy!"

I had no idea what he said but could only assume.

"It's time for me to hit the road." Carl announced.

She gave him a hug, and they had a brief kiss on the lips. He left.

I was having mixed emotions about all this. Carl was quite the charmer and my wife seemed to enjoy it. And the kiss on the lips? I know in her culture its normal for male and female friends to do this. I had seen her to this before with long time coworkers. But this seemed a little different.

I asked Aida. "What did he say to you in Spanish?"

"Oh, it was nothing, you would just get mad." She said. "Carl is harmless."

That night the sex was over the top. In fact it seemed like on the nights Carl tutored Aida, she was extra hot and crazy. Maybe I was imagining it but it really seemed that way. A couple days later, a Thursday it was the day for Carl to come over. We had breakfast together. There was this horrible odor coming from drains.

"This smell is giving me a headache!" Aida said.

She rushed off to work. I called the manager to see what was happening. I got the voicemail like usual. I left a message that was never returned.

My wife called me that afternoon.

"I am home from work and it still smells so bad." She said. "Is it ok if Carl and I study at his house this one time?"

"Sure that's fine with me." I told her.

Again that evening at work my mind raced. I suppose this is what I wanted. A couple months ago it was a big deal that she was meeting a man for coffee. Now she is going to spend time in his home alone with him. I got home from work and Aida was not back yet. I called her and it was clear she had been drinking.

"I am so sorry we had a couple of drinks and Carl wanted to wait a bit before he got in the car to take me home." She explained. "Can you pick me up?"

"Sure I will be right over." I replied.

Wow, I thought here she is drunk at Carl's house. She quickly loses all inhibitions when she drinks. I wondered what was going on there. I rushed over to Carl's house. He lived in the best part of town. Huge house with a big circular driveway. I walked up to the door and I could hear Aida laughing. She has a very boisterous laugh. I knocked, Carl opened the door. Aida was on the couch watching a movie and laughing at everything. Aida was wearing boxer shorts and her shirt that she wore at work. I looked around the house. It was very well appointed. Nice furniture and the biggest flat screen I had ever seen. I looked at the walls and noticed three large drawings of a nude man. What an odd thing for Carl to have on his wall. Then I realized it was Carl.

"I am a life model down at the college." Carl explained. "I figure at least I have something to remember myself by when I am old and fat."

"He has a portfolio book with more drawings on the table." Exclaimed Aida.

Aida brought over the his portfolio and started showing me the drawings.

"This one is my favorite." Aida proudly announced.

It was a full body nude drawing with a very detailed drawing of his penis. He was very well hung. He looked about eight inches flaccid in the drawing.

"Not all body parts are to scale in these things. In fact in the one Aida likes my hands are actually quite a bit smaller." Claimed Carl.

"Oh, Carl you are so bad!" Aida said laughing.

Aida proceeded to show my all the drawings in the book. She skipped the last page and closed it up.

I said "Isn't there more?"

Aida looked at Carl and opened the last page. It was two different photo of Carl. One was him standing nude next to the drawing he was posing for. The other was just a close-up photo of his cock. He is partially erect in it. His cock was huge. I gulped. My wife is at another mans house drinking with him and looking at photos and drawings of his large cock. I had a feeling he added the semi erect photo just for Aida to have something to think about. This was more than I could take.

"Let's get going!" I shouted at Aida.

She grabbed her skirt and when we got outside the door Aida turned to Carl, gave him a big hug and kissed him again on the lips. This time it was much longer than the other time. That night we did not have sex, Aida fell instantly to sleep.

The next morning Aida walked into the kitchen.

"My head hurts so much!" She cried.

I just looked straight ahead.

"I am so sorry, I got carried away last night. She tried to explain. "We did not do anything really bad but I regret the evening"

"What did happen last night?" I asked.

"Well we did kiss quite a lot, just kissing no tongues." Aida said. "We cuddled together and watched a movie."

"Did he touch you?" I asked.

"Well we were both drunk so I think the alcohol made him bold. He started to touch me, but I stopped him."

"Where?" I demanded?

"My boobs and between my legs. But I stopped it before it went too far."

My cock got instantly hard. The thought of Carl groping my wife's most intimate areas was intoxicating.

"Why did you take off your skirt?"

"When I got home from work it smelled so bad." She explained. "I was going to change into my comfortable clothes but I was getting dizzy. I left and went directly over to Carl's house. When we were watching the movie I was very uncomfortable in my tight skirt. Carl suggested I wear one of his boxers, he said they are big and comfy. We had been drinking a lot by that time. I took off my skirt right in front of him. That seemed to make him more aggressive to touch me."

She said "If you want me to stop seeing him, I will."

I thought for a moment. Was this going too far? Part of me wanted to come clean, tell her everything. Perhaps this was a mistake. But then I had never been more sexually aroused. I had to play this out.

"He is helping you, so keep going." I explained. "Just study at our place not his."

"You know baby, the best thing for a hangover is sex." I was fibbing a bit.

I put her hand on my cock and said come on. We had amazing sex. All the stuff from the night before made my cock rock hard. She left for work and promised to only study at our apartment in the future.

I have a friend Charlie at work that is a genius He Is always coming up with gadgets to bring to market.

"I made this computer modem that doubles as a camera." Charlie explains. "It has an SD card inside that records everything and can transmit the video and audio to your phone. I have made three prototypes so far."

I told him about Aida's tutor,

"Charlie can I borrow one of your cameras?" I asked. "I really need to know what Aida is doing."

"Yes you can." Quipped Charlie. "At least I can see how it operates in a real world situation."

The next morning I installed the modem. There was a second part that can but put in another room and record there too. After Aida left for work I installed the two cameras. I tested everything out, it worked perfectly. Just like Charlie said I could watch it from my phone with sound. During my dinner break that evening I went outside to watch what was going on. There they were. They were really just talking more than practicing. Aida was clearly enjoying her time with Carl. There was one thing that surprised me. When she got her speech right without an accent Carl would give her a kiss. Sometimes on the cheek, sometimes the forehead and sometimes on the lips. That got me totally aroused. They were basically kissing all evening. I had the shut the connection down and go back to work.

The next morning I was able to view the whole video. He got there right after she got home for work and stayed until almost I got home. She made him dinner. While she was preparing dinner they would practice the accent training.

"We should cut down on all the kissing, I am married you know."

"It's just innocent kissing, nothing sexual." Carl stated. "Plus perhaps it helps you try harder."

"I have been improving right?" Aida asked

"Yes, very much, Aida." Carl said.

I kept the camera going for a few more weeks. It was usually about the same, Carl trying to push things further and my wife for the most part holding her ground. One evening she asked me a question.

"Carl invited me to a business function for his company." Aida exclaimed. "Carl says it would be a good opportunity to show off my new English skills around others. Besides there was going to be dancing."

I hate dancing and she loves it. She pretty much gave it up for me. What could I say.

"Sure, enjoy yourself baby." I said "Just be careful with the drinking."

"I will!" She said.

The morning of the dinner Aida was getting her clothes ready. It was a semi formal affair. Aida only had one formal dress. It was very tight and had a very low cut front that showed off her cleavage. It was a Friday so I worked that evening. All night at work I wondered what was going on. About seven the computers crashed. We waited an hour, but it was clear they were not going to be fixed until the next day. So here I was off work two hours early. The banquet room where my wife was at, was on the way home. It was the perfect opportunity to see what my wife was up to with Carl. They had valets in front and lots of fancy cars. I parked down the street and walked up. I have to wear a tie at my job so I did not look out of place at the event. I could hear the music blaring inside. They were playing 80's pop music. My wife loves that stuff. I walked into the building and headed down a hallway towards the banquet room. I was hoping my wife would not see me before I had a chance to observe her with Carl. I looked into the hall from the door and there she was with Carl. They were both drinking and their backs were facing me. I sat down in the corner and watched intently. Just like the other time at Carl's house she was laughing at everything he said. One of her favorite dancing songs came one. She grabbed Carl's hand, and the danced. He was a good dancer, she was having fun. A couple more songs came on and then a slow number that she loved. They slowed down and held each other close. I kept trying to put his hand on her ass, she kept trying to move it up. She finally gave up. She reached down and felt his ass too. You could tell his crotch was pressed up against her. At one point she pulled back a bit and looked at his crotch and said.

"Oh Carl."

He pulled her back close and kissed her. They kissed for a couple minutes deeply like lovers and then the song ended. She pulled away quickly realizing what just happened. My heart pounded. I could not believe what was happening. Pretty soon they will be fucking, I knew that. I liked it and hated it at the same time. But it was too late, if I tried to stop her, she could still do it behind my back.

I went back to the car and called her.

"I got off early and I am at home." I told her.

"You can come and get me if you want." She replied.

"I will be there in about 30 minutes." I said

I looked back at the entrance and saw her and Carl walk outside. His car was parked on the side of the building. He got the keys from the valet and the both got in the backseat. I carefully walked along the side of the building and see if I could get a peek. I was able to get just outside of the car, walking on my hands and feet. I could her them.

"It's so big!" Aida said. "I can't believe it's real."

"Suck it, we don't have a lot of time." Demanded Carl.

"I don't know if I should, this is not right." Said Aida.

"Oral sex is not cheating, its not even really sex." Carl claimed.

She gave in. After 10 minutes he began to orgasm.

"Swallow all of it!" Carl said.

We had a good sex life, but she always refused to do that. But for him she did. I quickly made got away from the vehicle and walked around the corner. As promised I arrived at the hall 30 minutes from the time of the phone call. She was sitting with Carl at the table. She seemed somber. He was the same, friendly and outgoing and shook my hand. You would never suspect my wife had just blown him 10 minutes ago.

As we drove back she was very quiet.


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