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Click hereMy first confirmed, "witness," to KK's cheating, an event in which I was truly physically present, in close proximity, took place while we were still dating. We were in a committed relationship by most standard definitions, allegedly exclusive to one another. We were contemplating our engagement, planned for later in the year, before starting college.
The context: We'd gone on a camping trip with a group of friends; me, KK, Laurie (her "BFF"), Laurie's boyfriend Allen, another committed, dating couple, Anna and Paul, and two other guys, acquaintances that the girls were hoping to find female companions for among a larger circle of friends at an outdoor camping event.
So, there were eight of us in total, three couples, along with third and fourth wheels, so to speak.
KK was pissed at me from the onset - she hates, loathes camping, protesting about going on the outing even before we left. Even then, "camping" in her mind meant a sacrifice at a 4-star quality hotel. I always thought it odd however, as we spent about 80% of our sex time, using the back seat of a car as the venue. While not "camping out," hardly luxurious in terms of places for a rendezvous.
The long weekend trip was in late summer/early fall, the weather unpredictable. A cold front moved in, none of us were prepared. We ended up in an "emergency" overnight situation; gale force winds, intermittent rain and sleet, such that all of us packed into the borrowed station-wagon I was driving.
Piled in blankets, coats, sleeping bags, we did our best on sleeping arrangements. Front to back, the two single guys were relegated the front seat, forced to sleep upright.
Paul and Anna ended up in the middle seat, sandwiched under piles of coats and a sleeping bag.
Me, KK, Allen, and Laurie were in the back of the wagon - luxury accommodations by the standard in that moment, sleeping 'boy-girl-boy-girl' on a pad of blankets, with zipped together sleeping bags as a cover.
There was drama over the latter sleeping arrangement. It was orchestrated by KK, a bit of a tiff with Laurie. We'd originally laid down with KK in the spot I ended up occupying; girl-boy-girl-boy, the totally "wrong order" according to KK. Her obsessive jealous would not have me lying adjacent to Laurie all night, certainly in the domain of irony given everything.
The wind roared, rocking the wagon, while rain and sleet pelted the roof. It was white noise in excess... Eventually the windows fogged up, opaque with condensation. It seemed like forever, but the sounds of deep breathing, snores, the usual signs of sleep, permeated the interior.
I was restless, sleepy but horny, feeling confined. I was still wearing my jeans and a windbreaker over a T-shirt, fully clothed, lying next to KK. She, on the other hand had changed into a set of thick fleece warm-ups and a couple of pairs of socks. I'd helped her change outfits, in a rush before the rain set in, using the stall of the campground restroom.
I knew that she had no panties or bra on, as I was the one to select her clothing. Helping her change, my cock stirred, hardening at my plans for her later. I was trying to maneuver and manipulate her into an "easy access" attire mode, selfishly wanting to find a way to satisfy my horniness once things settled down.
That backfired. The little pisser rejected every single one of my advances as we huddled in the pile in back of the wagon. KK eventually rolled over, facing away from me, "sleeping." I inferred she was still pissed off at me about camping, especially now that the weather had turned to absolute shit, and she was going to be made uncomfortable in such primitive conditions.
I was still at least partly awake, an hour or so later. The sounds of sleep mostly still permeated the wagon's interior. From time to time, I thought, perhaps imagined, I was hearing some murmured voice, a tiny "bleat" sometimes, like a sheep might make, a little "oh..." or "mmm..."
As the murmurs progressed, it became obvious to me that these were the sounds of sex. KK and Allen, having turned toward one another, were making out! They undoubtedly thought everyone else was sound asleep, that the noise from the raging weather would give cover.
I was on my side and back, lying against the rear wheel well, facing their direction. I could see, sometimes feel the movement of the sleeping bag, as their position changed, body to body. They were kissing - the soft, wet sounds were distinct.
It took a while to actually come to the realization that they were not just kissing - they were doing some heavy petting; Allen was finger-banging KK, KK was stroking Allen's cock and balls, an "innocent" handjob, right? That's what I kept trying to convince myself of.
Their intermittent whispers in one another's ear; "That's it..." "Do it faster..." "Right there..." "Oh, that... like that..."
Then the gentle, sloppy sounds of kissing... I was going to lose my mind.
KK's touch had Allen cumming first. It was obvious in the moment, his body shuddering, a low, muffled, barely perceptible moan as KK gave him release. I heard her voice, almost inaudible, "That's nice..."
There was a short pause, before Allen resumed strumming KK's clit. But it wasn't long before she got her climax. I felt her jiggle, shake during her orgasm, a soft little moan of, "Oh God..."
I came in my boxer shorts. Then it was totally quiet. The rest of the night I oscillated between emotional extremes, shame, guilt, wanting nothing more, or less than to wake KK, take her back, right there in the wagon full of people, all of them witness. That's not what happened.
Instead the days that followed were filled with awkward moments, uncomfortable encounters, me knowing, witnessing KK and Allen's indiscretion, wondering if Laurie knew, if Allen might have confessed, or if anyone else heard KK and Allen had hooked up (not what we called it then).
I tried convincing myself KK was not cheating on me - rather, it was all just "innocent" making-out, not actual sex, like sucking or fucking... that emotional salve never, if really ever lasted very long. I let it settle in my mind that it didn't really count as cheating, since KK didn't actually fuck Allen, no penetration, so no real cheating.
Then my thoughts would be dominated by questions; "What if KK'd been alone with Allen?" "What if they've done this before, when I wasn't around?" "What if Laurie knows? What if she's doing Allen and KK too?"
I carried the knowledge the Laurie and KK, "BFF's" were also bisexual, frequently sexually active together. Something I was "allowed" to be aware of by KK, and by Laurie, but never to witness or talk about. It seemed possible that Laurie was not only aware of KK's extracurricular activities, but part of them. Those thoughts burned in me, jealousy, more even than the thought of KK doing another guy.
KK's relationship with Laurie was something well beyond my experience and maturity level at the time. I chose not to think of the two of them having sex as cheating. I rationalized it as something both fascinating, mysterious, that it was a domain in which I could not interfere or compete within. So I accepted it. That said, I was always considering the thought of being with Laurie, if not just watching KK with her to see them in the act.
In fact I considered Laurie a "bad influence" on KK. It became easy to blame Laurie for the incident, to allow myself to think it was something she, not KK had orchestrated, from seeing the opportunity and dynamically planning it. I even developed variant fantasies about the encounter, that Laurie was also participating, maybe fingering Allen's ass, or helping KK jack him off.
To be sure, there had been rumor and innuendo that KK had cheated on me before; at least two events, neither of which I witnessed, a movie date, and a drunken Memorial Day sex on the beach debacle. I brushed them off as gossip, rumors started by rivals, and so on.
In the weeks, months, and even years after that night, I sometimes found myself masturbating, recalling the memory, the experience of it all. Most times I squirted my cum, ejaculating with a sense of shame and perversity, on the thought of KK and Allen fooling around in the back of my parent's station wagon.
Some of my most explosive masturbatory orgasms occurred while imagining the variant scenarios, particularly one. In that fantasy, I imagined KK lying on one side of Allen, while they passionately kiss.
Laurie is lying on Allen's other side, sharing Allen's cock with KK, their small hands fondling his balls, stroking him, bringing him toward orgasm. The twist is that everyone in the station wagon is awake - watching.
Those jack-off sessions lead to absolutely mind-bending, ball-draining orgasms. To this day, I still on occasion feel a little guilt and shame over how intensely aroused that event made me.
Ah, comments from my Incel "fan base" are always so amusing, especially those from the "brave" anon commenters... do your mum's know you've escaped your basement "play pen," and are using the Interwebs without supervision?
Quickly bust them and dump the whore or make nice for a quite hike alone time a ditch her making her find her way back and upon her return seeing a busted so called cheating friend at camp site
This has to be written by a woman, because no man in their right mind would tolerate KK's bullshit.
“We were contemplating our engagement, planned for later in the year, before starting college. . . . In the weeks, months, and even years after that night, I sometimes found myself masturbating, recalling the memory, the experience of it all.”
If he had broken up with the cheating slut before they got married, he would have moved on with his life and this experience would have become but a dim memory with no real significance. It appears that this was not the case, so the idiot married her. Presumably the next chapter will illuminate further cheating, and his masturbatory recollection of that first night is kept alive while KK continues to fuck other men under his nose. Divorce? Cuckoldry? I hope the next chapter is good, as this chapter suggests only that KK is a self-centered slut and the MC is, as another commenter wrote, a “doormat.”
5 hours ago
re: 1500 words, you KNOW there's more to come,...--
Not your story, not for you to worry about
I can't imagine that you didn't immediately dump her ass after the return from the camping trip.
And, the intimate scene of her with Allen would never been in any subsequent masturbatory visions.
Cuck much?
Kinda' sorry I wasted my time reading this one.
10 Big Blazing Stars for the revelation that KK is a cheating slut. I never knew this before, I just thought she was a hottie. Thanks, for the story. Me, if that had been me? I probably would have made a very uncomfortable scene, whipping up the covers and Told them both off for their messing around. Can't stand cheaters. Buster2U
Dega infield Sat night watching 3 friends make my gf air tight in the back of a motorhome. Sun Jr won the race and I got engaged.