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My Wife's Firsts

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Young wife of a sailor moves, shows off and has some firsts.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/08/2013
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My wife and I dated but broke up when I graduated and left for the Navy. She still had three years in high school and who knew where the USN would take me. For the next couple years we dated others, still keep in touch, and hung out when I was on leave from the Navy. She asked me her senior year to take her to the prom and wear my uniform and I said yes. I know some might think it was a set up to cover for someone else but I am sure that those two weeks I was home to take her to prom I got her pregnant. By then I realized I loved her and she me so the weekend after graduation we married.

I was doing good in the Navy and I had a wife and child to take care of so after the baby was born I re-enlisted for shore duty, put on E-5 or second class, and was offer recruiting duty in a large city about 300 miles from our home. After I got situated and found a place for us to live she and my in-laws drove her and a U-Haul full of donated furniture from both sides of the family out. It was great to be together with her and our newborn son, a family living under the same roof.

Dee always had a short little muscular figure that I always called a gymnast figure. She had a thin waist, thick and sexy ass and thighs and small but pert tits. After our son she put on some weight that went everywhere with very little going to her chest. The weight gain really bothered her but I still thought she was sexy and loved her sexy butt even more.

Even with my encouragement and me telling her she still looks good she was still depressed about her weight. Jan, a female at the recruiting station, suggested I spend some time with her exercising on weekends and said I should offer to take our son so she could exercise with her during the week. She was doing good, losing weight, getting in shape, and enjoying some time out. I was enjoying it also, spending more time with our son and reaping the benefits of a happy wife.

So here is where the education starts for us both. We were both not very experienced sexually, Dee was 19yo and I was her first and one of only two she slept with and I was 24yo with three other women besides Dee, and one was a prostitute from one of my cruises in the Navy, you need to try it once.

One night I bought home an Army Sgt who was friends from the recruiting station to a basketball game. Dee had made snacks and as much as our son would let her she stayed out and watched the game with us. I was seated in my chair and Raymond was at the end of the couch beside me, leaving only the other end of the couch for Dee. She got up a few times to get beer for us or more snacks and to take care of our son. I noticed that every time Dee got up and headed that way Raymond would stare like he had never seen a woman's butt before. I ask him what I was missing and he just said you know brothers love thick white asses. We just laugh it off besides that is the Ray-Ray we all knew.

When Dee went to the kitchen mix formula to up to put our son down with I went to the kitchen for the next round. The sight I saw was beautiful; Dee in some old leggings that may have fit her once was now stretched to the limits and also wore thin with age. I don't believe she realized that her pants were see-thru and you could see it all. I know I should have told her but it was sexy as hell knowing she was showing a guy from work her whole ass and I don't what in the front.

After she was in our bedroom with our son trying to put him to sleep I told Ray I was going to relieve Dee as I have better luck putting him to sleep. I sent Dee out to entertain Ray and after I got junior to sleep I got up and check on those two. Nothing was happening but it was sexy to think of.

The next evening after I got home I took Dee in front of the mirror on the bathroom door and showed her that those pants were see-thru. She was upset but I told her I thought that it was sexy and proof that she was still sexy since Ray could not take his eyes off her.

Friday night I started asking Dee if she would wear the leggings for our weekend walk. It took a while but she said she would. I was horny as hell thinking about Dee in the park in next to nothing but it also seemed that Dee was excited. Saturday morning Dee dressed in the leggings and a long sweatshirt. I said that it defeats the purpose of wearing the leggings to which she showed me that she could pull the sweat shirt up to her waist at the park. This keeps her modest to our neighbors and protects her if she thinks she is showing too much.

We got to the park and true to her word she pulled it up to her waist. It was early so there were very few people and from far off it would be hard to see her nudity. I was pushing the stroller and she was holding my arm when we approach our first jogger coming at us. She let go of my arm to pull her sweatshirt down but stopped when I ask her to. When she took my arm again I felt her tremble a little as he approached. I looked over my shoulder to catch him turning around to do a double take.

On the third and final lap we pasted a black guy around our age walking his dog. We had seen him before and nodded good hello but today he said hi and started a conversation. It was hot as hell having a conversation with a man we did not know with my wife having virtually nothing on from the waist down. He seemed to be talking to Dee crotch more than us. When I turned around and pointed to the direction that we lived so did Dee. So now Mathew got a good view of the front and back.

As soon as Junior went down we fucked like crazy, both coming quickly.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You need an editor very badly

You need to do a DNA test on your kid more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Proof Read!!

" lap we pasted a black guy..." What did you paste him with? Glue?

The word should have been "passed".

thebuffalothebuffaloover 10 years ago

It has all of the makings for a good story, but sadly fell short. In my opinion it lacks character, emotions and solid descriptions. Not badly done, but could have been much better.

I think the potential is there. I'd welcome reading future stories.

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