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My Wife's Yoga Instructor Ch. 01

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My wife confesses her infidelity.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/06/2019
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Content note: unrealistic proportions and anatomy, excessive cum.


I was sitting on the couch, waiting for my wife.

We had been having some problems lately and hadn't had sex in over two weeks. That might not sound so terrible, since we'd been married for three years, but that entire time we'd never been more than two days without at least making each other cum. Frankly, I attribute most of our success at keeping the flame stoked to myself; I'm tall (little over 6'3"), fit, and have a huge nine inch cock. She finds my body such a turn on, especially my size -- every time she sees it I'm hearing how big it is, how inadequate her exes were.

In younger times, I was a bull for a lot of couples. I'd meet them online, or sometimes through a friend of a friend, finding women intrigued by the idea of a superior cock. Many of them were older, which I always loved. There is something extremely hot about having a man twice my age watch me as I fuck his wife more than twice as deeply as he ever could...

That was how I met Jess, my eventual wife. A friend of hers got in touch with me online and had an affair with me, then raved to Jess about it. Jess got my number from her and offered to fuck me in front of her boyfriend. She really got off on talking about how pathetic he was, how much shorter, weaker, and how tiny his dick was compared to my cock.

Naturally we seriously hit it off. Soon she was fucking me exclusively, having me stretch her little pussy out while her cuck tongued my fat balls. We really meshed on a personal level, and started hanging out outside of sex, having lunch, going to movies, hiking and camping and so on. The rest is history.

Anyway, I just wanted to explain how unusual it is that we hadn't had sex. Even now we were in our early thirties, we fucked four times a week bare minimum. We didn't even have a fight, she'd just started being more distant and staying late at work a lot. Sometimes she would go from work to gym and I wouldn't even see her.

But now I was sitting on the couch, waiting for my wife. She had texted me earlier today saying we need to talk tonight about what's going on. Finally, I heard her car pull in.


I still feel struck by her appearance every time Jess walks into the room. She's a petite woman, only five foot flat, and slender. Her face is always perfect, and she takes a lot of pride in her makeup abilities, always carrying a full kit in her car. Her most striking feature is certainly her breasts. They're disproportionately huge, each almost the size of her head. She loves giving me titjobs, I'm the only guy who's been able to reach all the way through with a bit of give.

Right now, she's still in the sports bra and leggings that she wore to the gym. I keep telling her that one's a size too small - her massive boobs look like they're about to pop out in any direction. She says she'll get rid of it, but I think she loves how it emphasises their size even more than usual.

I step over to her to kiss her hello, but she doesn't reciprocate as much as usual, pulling away. "Babe, go sit down, I'll be with you in a minute." I return to the couch and listen to her as she sets down her bag and drinks a glass of water. When she walks back into the room, she's stripped off her bra, leaving her tits to jiggle as she walks. She sits down next to me and takes a deep breath.


"So," she mimics. "The fact is, Steve... I've been cheating on you."

The blood drains from my face. I can hear my pulse, pounding in my ears. "Ch-cheating?" I manage.

"Yeah, you know, fooling around? Stepping out?" She puts a hand in mine, resting on my inner thigh. "I've been fucking another guy, Steve."

"I know what cheating fucking means!" My heart is racing. I can feel blood starting to flow to my crotch.

"Don't yell at me." She's so calm. "You shouldn't be too surprised by this, don't you even remember how we met? You know I'm fascinated by cocks. I'm only sorry for doing it behind your back, I should have been open with you like I was open with the guy before you about my desires."

"But... I have such a huge cock. That's what you always say! Surely you could have only found someone slightly larger, if at all? Why would you cheat?" She's shifted our joined hands, brushing our knuckles back and forth across my lengthening bulge.

"Babe... let's talk about that in a bit. Do you feel okay with this? I thought you were into this scene."

"Not from this side of it!"

"Really? Because this is feeling really hard, and I've barely touched it." She's moved her hand to grip my cock through my pants as she rubs back and forth. I'm rock hard at my full nine inch length. "Are you sure you're upset?"

"Just because I'm aroused doesn't mean I'm not upset, Jess! I never thought I would be in this spot..." She swings a leg over mine and straddles my legs, embracing me with my face just above her huge tits.

"Shhh.... There, there. It's ok Steve. Just because you're less of a man than Jason doesn't mean I don't love you." My cock is straining harder and harder against my pants. "Just because he's younger, stronger, taller, and makes you look like a little boy doesn't mean I want to leave you." With every word my cock is throbbing, finally oozing out precum that stains through my pants. "Mmm... it certainly looks like this interests you."

"I... okay. Wait, younger? Tell me more about him."

"Well, he's a yoga instructor at the gym. He's nineteen-"

"Nineteen! You must feel like such a cradle robber."

"No, not at all. He's so incredibly masculine, I automatically just feel... submissive." She was resting her weight back down over my legs now, gently shifting her body back and forth. "Everything I love about you physically, he's just much more."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's 6'11" tall. He told me he weighs over 140 kg. That's like almost three of me! He lifts more than anyone else in the gym. He has this amazing, handsome jawline. He's so sweet though, and almost innocent-seeming in public. And his cock... wait, let me show you." She gets off me and stands up. As she walks into the next room, I can see from behind that at some point she has become so wet it's soaking through to the back of her leggings.

"Here!" She comes trotting back into the room bearing her phone. She flicks it open, sifting through pages until she finds it. "Look at this photo."

It's a shirtless man in sweatpants, bent over backwards in a bridge. This is treating the photographer to a perfect view of his bulge. My first thought is it looks inhuman -- it's more like a horse's cock, snaking down his leg almost to his knee. Then -

"What the fuck? How often does he get hard while he teaches the class?"

"That's the best part, babe. He's totally soft in that photo." She flicks to the next picture. The man is holding some sort of balance posture, one leg lifted up and touching his foot to his inner thigh. His cock has slipped to the bottom of his lifted leg, pressing against his pants as it rests towards the back of his leg. It's clearly completely flaccid. I can also see two more rounded outlines at the base of his cock.

"Are those really his balls?"

She giggles. "Yep! Aren't they huge? Look how many of us are in his class." The next one is a short video. It shows the man stretching, then pans across the room. It's been filled to the brim with customers, almost every single one a woman. Barely one in three of the girls are even doing the exercise, most of them just staring gobsmacked at him.

"What's his name?"

"Jason. Here, I had a friend take some pics of us." She shows me the two of them standing together, her with an arm behind his hips and him resting one arm across her shoulders. His hand rests on her upper arm, almost reaching down to her elbow. I'm struck by the size difference -- his hips are almost level with her chest! She would have to awkwardly reach to have an arm around his waist. He's unbelievably fit -- every part of his musculature is both huge and defined. This time, it looks like his cock is tucked back and under. So rather than snaking down to his knee, it's more like he stuffed a melon in his pants. Both him and my wife are grinning broadly.

"Oh wow..."

"Right? Here, I had her take a couple more of us." Now she's got a hand in his pants, pulling his cock forwards. Her other hand is gripping him from outside his pants. I'm struck by how her fingers barely reach half way around him. He's looking down at her in shock -- she's still staring at the camera, her grin somehow even wider.

"He's really soft there?"

"One hundred percent." The last photo, she's kneeling in front of him. She doesn't even reach up to his hips, and she's wrapped her mouth around his bulge halfway down his leg. She's still looking at the camera, eyes laughing. "See why I don't feel like a cradle robber? He's like a Greek god."

"Except he's bigger than Priapus."

"Way bigger than Priapus. When he's soft." She winks at me, but my attention is wholly on that photo. "Actually, I think I'll message him now."

"Wait, babe!" I gesture to my throbbing erection as I start undoing my pants. "What about me?"

"You can deal with that yourself. I have much bigger, better things to do." She walks out, heading to our bedroom. I'm left sitting on the couch, stunned by her disinterest, before I get my pants off and start rubbing my cock. My cock that until this morning I was so proud of, the biggest that every girl I ever fucked had ever seen. My cock that looked utterly inadequate, compared to her new lover's flaccid length. I couldn't get those images out of my head. She looked so excited to be with him, just in the presence of that monster of a human.

She strode back into the room, firm breasts bouncing with her quick pace. "Hey babe," she says while tapping at her phone. "How big is your cock again?"

I brandish it, hoping to draw her interest. "Take a look!" She glances at me, smirks, then looks back at her phone. "'s nine inches long," I say, feeling defeated.

"Yeah that sounds right." She's tapping away at her phone again. "Jason was asking me how much smaller your dick is compared to him."

" big is he?" I can barely bring myself to ask.

She grins and turns away. "He's coming over now, so I have to go get ready for him."

"What?! Jess! Babe!"

"And his cock is thirteen inches long, and way too thick for me to touch my fingers around." Just hearing those words has me slumping back on the couch, head spinning. Thirteen...?

She calls from the other room -- "When he's flaccid!"


I'm sitting on the couch, waiting for my wife. My heart's pounding as I stare at the bulge in my pants, motioning with my hand. Eight... nine... ten... eleven... twelve... thirteen inches? His soft penis would genuinely reach my knee!

Jess comes back into the room at last. She's done herself up stunningly -- her blonde hair perfectly coiffed, impeccably sexy makeup extending down to a slight contour over her cleavage, exaggerating its already incredible depth. All she's wearing is an intricate, lacy red set of bra and panties that I bought her for Valentine's, with a skimpy fishnet blouse and leggings over it. "That's what you're wearing??" I ask, shocked.

"Yep! What do you think?" She does a little twirl, showing herself off.

"Isn't it a bit... much?" I gesture vaguely at her crotch.

"Oh, you're right, what am I thinking?" She's far more nervous and agitated than earlier. "I should just be ready when he gets here!" As she speaks, she starts pulling off the fishnets and undoes her bra, releasing her firm, supple tits. Almost before I can react, she's stepping out of the panties, carelessly discarding the lot into a corner of the room. "Thanks babe, this is definitely the right choice." Her nude body is always amazing. I honestly don't understand how her tits can be so large and so perky, while having such a narrow waist and defined abs. She sits back down on the couch, scooping up her phone and fiddling with it.

"So... what are you going to do when he gets here?"

She looks up at me and smirks. "Isn't it obvious babe? First I'm going to introduce you two and show him off. Then he's going to fuck me. If he likes you, he might let you watch!" I feel my heart sink into the pit of my stomach as she speaks. She's right, it is obvious, but somehow I hadn't quite come to that conclusion myself. Why else would she be inviting her new lover over? "Did you really not realise? I want you to see for yourself why I've gone behind your back." Her phone buzzes. "Oh!" She practically sprints out of the room towards the front door. I hear her flinging it open as she gets there. "Jason!" The door shuts, and I hear nothing for a few minutes until they start coming down the hallway to the living room.

Jess walks in the door first, almost skipping. She has the biggest smile on her face, one hand behind her leading along Jason. His hand is massive -- it completely engulfs hers and covers her lower wrist. Just at the sight of that, I feel my heart pounding and blood flowing into my penis. As she steps forward she pulls him into the room, his head ducking low under the entrance. He's enormous! He seems even taller than I expected, looming over the room. His shoulders are the broadest I've ever seen, forcing him to not only duck but turn sideways to make it through the doorway. His musculature is incredible... not just bulging, but also highly defined. In contrast to this hyper-masculine appearance, though, he looks very youthful. There's no hair visible on his hands, arms, or face, and he has an open, almost innocent look to him. Finally, my gaze drops below his waist. He's wearing sweatpants, and clearly has no underwear on. A thick bulge runs from his groin down his right leg, reaching most of the way down to his knee. Once he's in the room, my wife steps back to his side, wrapping an arm around his backside as he rests one of those hands on her shoulder and neck. The man's size is awe-inspiring -- standing by each other, her head doesn't even reach his armpit. Her bare, heavy tits are level with the root of that incredible bulge. I can't take my eyes off it! She notices my gaze and starts gently brushing against it with the fingertips of her other hand, smirking.

"Steve," she says, "this is my new lover, Jason. Jason, this is your new cuck, Steve!" I swallow.

"You're a lucky man, Steve." His voice is incredibly deep. As he speaks, he slides his hand forward from her shoulder, palming an entire one of her bare tits and then some. As he squeezes, I see her eyes grow distant and she grips his cock hard in response. "Jess is one of the hottest women I've seen in the gym."

"Um. Th-thanks." My voice cracks, and I hate myself for it. I sound even higher pitched for the contrast with his bass rumble. "I definitely, uh, love her figure." I'm watching her use both hands now to rub his cock through his pants. It's definitely lengthening, pushing down towards his knee as I watch.

Jess looks up at him adoringly and asks, "Daddy, can I take your top off? I want to touch a real man." Instead, he takes one of her hands and pushes it in through the top of his pants. I can see her reaching in there, massaging his balls. It's hard to tell, but it looks like they're even bigger than her breasts. He takes his singlet off himself, revealing the best musculature I've ever seen. He has a rock-solid looking 8-pack, with an incredibly well-defined V-shape pointing towards his cock. Jess lets out a whimper and leans in, tracing his abdominal muscles with her tongue.

By now, as shell-shocked as I am by how fast this has moved, my dick is rock hard. "She calls you daddy...?" I murmur.

"Of course she does. Babe, did you tell him how we got together?"

"I showed him those pictures."

"She waited around with a friend after class, asked to take a picture with me because I'm the tallest person she's ever seen. Then she just takes hold of my cock and starts mouthing at it while her friend is snapping pics. Obviously I'm going to take control when a woman shows me she's that much of a slut for this cock." He punctuates the end of the sentence by gripping his cock and flexing it, causing a wet stain to start spreading from the end of his cock in his pant leg. "Oops," he smirks.

Jess giggles. "Daddy! Let's get you out of those pants." She goes to pull them down, but he stops her. His pants are low, though, just barely above the root of his cock. All of him that I can see is still totally smooth.

"No, not yet. I want you to go and strip Steve first." He's grinning at me as he effortlessly scoops her up, striding across the room in two steps and setting her down in front of me. She rubs my hard cock through my pants and kisses me, before roughly pulling my shirt off and lifting me to my feet.

"Take the pants off, baby," she smiles at me. I'm stuck. What else can I do but comply? As I pull them down, my dick bounces upwards, coming to rest at its usual high angle. They're both looking at it. "It's kind of weird, actually," she muses as she gently takes hold of me in both hands. "This is still the second biggest cock I've ever seen, but it just looks so small to me now." As she speaks I pulse in her grip, letting out a drop of precum.

Jason chuckles as he steps forward, gently pushing Jess down to sit on the couch with the two of us in front of her. Me on her right side, the giant on her left. Standing next to him, the size difference is immense. He's 'only' eight inches taller, but his breadth and bulk make it feel more like two feet. Jess is squeezing and rubbing his bulky cock again, and he must be truly hard now -- it's literally level with his knee, straining forward against his pants. The stain at his cock's head has spread halfway down to his foot! She looks up at him plaintively, and he gently nods. Grinning, she slowly starts pulling his sweatpants down, pulling hard to get them over his meaty ass. As the root of his horse cock comes into view, I can't stop myself from gasping. It's unbelievably thick, somehow even more so than the bulge made it seem. She notices my reaction and laughs. "Isn't it amazing? Here, look at this." She leaves his pants where they are for a moment and wraps both hands around his cock. Her hands can't quite touch as she squeezes tightly. His veins are bulging so much I swear I can see them pulsing -- the largest one, down the centre of his cock, is thicker than her thumbs.

Giggling, she gives the extraordinary organ one more squeeze then returns to slowly removing his pants. As she passes halfway down his massive thighs, I'm able to get a clear view of his ballsack. As it seemed, his balls are gigantic, each larger than Jess's tits. They would be spilling out of my grip if I held one up. My wife must need both hands just to try and work with one! Freed from their confinement, their weight has them hanging almost halfway to his knees. She's still pulling his pants down. As she finally manages to pull it over his cock it springs up, slapping Jason in his huge, hairless chest and smearing a thick glob of precum there before falling to rest, pointing a little above horizontal. The size of his giant cock is utterly shocking! I had thought that maybe being over a foot long soft would mean he doesn't grow very much -- but I was wrong.

Jess puts both hands on the head of his cock, teasing the hole with her thumbs, before beginning to stroke up and down. Its length is incredible... she could fit both her hands, one on top of the other, three times before reaching the head. As she rubs back and forth with her firm grasp, precum is constantly oozing from his slit. On every upstroke, another little gush is pushed out and splashes down over her hands. Looking down, I notice the thick liquid running all the way down that inhuman cock, over his balls before beading and dripping onto the floor. I'm transfixed by the sight of them, but I have to ask. "Jason... Jason, how big is your cock?" He chuckles. "Tell him, baby."


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