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My Workout Partner Ch. 05

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Continuation down the CFNM games with my workout partner.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2017
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The next morning after my being a practice dummy for the nursing student, I was back at the pool at the regular 5 am time. Joey and Angie were there at the back of the pool house and we all kind of drove up and parked at the same time. Joey seemed in a playful mood and stopped us both as Angie and I were stepping out of our cars. "I want both of you to leave your clothes out in your cars and come in naked from now on. Come to think of it, there shouldn't be any reason to leave the house with anything on. The back side of the pool parking is never used this early in the morning and I know that there aren't any security cameras on the outside of the building."

I was about to protest, but Joey gave me a stern look and warned, "if you don't like swimming early, you can always go back to coming at the regular time, but I guarantee that the scenery won't be as good."

I knew Joey would start to impose more control over me, I guess this was just a logical progression of the game we were playing. I had thought of wanting to come to the pool naked anyway, so her imposing the new rule was kind of exciting and wasn't really anything I didn't want to do any way. If I ever got stopped or was in an accident on the way, though, I'm not so sure I would be treated quite the same way that Angie would be. I was kind of worried about the parking lot being lit up for security reasons, but I guess Angie and I would play that by ear. If anyone did see me, at least I wouldn't be the only least that was what I reasoned.

In the moment it took me to justify giving up my clothes earlier and earlier in this morning game, Angie was already stripped and walking cheerfully to the pool door. "Are you going to chicken out," she mockingly asked me?

"Coming," I answered, stripping head to toe and tossing my shorts, shoes, and shirt in the floorboard of the car. I did remember to keep my keys before locking the door.

"I'll keep your keys for you while you're swimming," Joey stated. "I'll put them on my lanyard with my pool door key."

I wasn't expecting that twist in the game, but Angie and I both complied as we waited for Joey to unlock the pool door. Once inside, Joey removed her tight gray shirt and blue running shorts, revealing another two-piece suit. It was a small bright red bikini bottom with one inch sides and very high cut in the front and a Brazilian back with a version of a sports bra. Like the other swim suits she wore, this one left little to the imagination, and even before it was wet, you could tell the outline of her pussy lips and her nipples. Her bare midriff showed her flat, tanned stomach. With virtually no fat, a slight outline of a six-pack showed every time she exhaled and tightened her stomach muscles. She looked hot!

Thankfully, Joey didn't spring any additional rules on us as we stretched on the pool deck, and I was able to start my day looking at Angie's perfect tanned and toned naked body. She was sitting facing me with her legs spread wide and alternating reaching down and touching her toes, with her nose touching her knee. Each time she alternated legs, she would smile at me and wink. The new twist of being naked from the car, swimming, and the return home had Angie noticeably aroused. Her labia lips were obviously swollen and her inner lips were glistening. I was also excited, but for whatever reason, I was not fully least not to Joey's satisfaction. As I finished my stretching and started setting my watch on the side of the pool, but before I got in the water, Joey came over to me to inspect my being totally hairless from chest to toe and to remind me that she wanted to see me hard before and after our swimming sessions.

Running her soft hands lightly over my arms, stomach, crotch, balls, and legs, she smiled and nodded approvingly. Noticing my dick was not as hard as it could be, she asked, "Are you still asleep this morning? Angie, please help our workout partner to wake up this morning."

Angie had been watching the body inspection that Joey was doing and I know I saw her lick her lips a couple of times and take a few halting, deep breaths through her nose. Leaning forward, Angie transitioned almost catlike from her wide legged sitting position to her hands and knees and crawled sexily toward me, exaggerating her hip motion. Eyeing my semi-erect cock, she locked eyes with me and wrapped her lips and right hand over my member. With her left hand on my balls, she stroked and squeezed several times, to which Joey instructed, "That's enough. You wouldn't want to sap all his strength before his laps. I may let you finish after the workout, though...OK, both of the pool!" And with that, we all started our laps.

Our workout lap swim sessions had become increasingly more competitive, especially as my hip grew stronger and we all got in better shape aerobically. It was becoming more and more common for each of us to finish a mile in less than 40 minutes, which isn't bad for not training for competitive swimming. As each of us got better and faster, we would add laps to the hour so that we would each finish at near the same time. I would typically do more than 2000 yards in a hour and the girls would be close to that, as well.

Breathing hard, I was checking my heartrate when Angie swam up behind me. Reaching around me to grab my cock and balls, she leaned into me and whispered, "do you want me to finish what I started a hour ago as a reward? You had a great workout!"

"Will Joey let me return the favor to you," I asked?

"No! I won't let you return the favor this morning," Joey interjected. "But maybe tomorrow, you can alternate rewards! Angie, your turn today, but be quick about it. From the looks of his erection, you shouldn't belong!"

I have to interject that the sight of seeing two toned and tanned naked and one that might as well be with how her wet suit was clinging to her hard body... that are both still breathing deeply after a hard workout, is very erotic to me. As each woman was trying to come down from the hour-long swim and get enough air to satisfy their oxygen deficit, their perfect breasts rose and fell with each breath in and their stomach muscles tensed with each breath out. Simply beautiful!

Brought out of my stare watching these two beauties recover from physical exertion, I become aware that Angie still has her arms around my waist with her hands on my cock and balls. "Do you want a blow job, or not," Angie whispers in my ear while playfully squeezing my package. "If you do, hop up on the side of the pool and put your legs over my shoulders."

I didn't need that offer more than once, so up out of the water I went! I don't know what it is, but getting a blow job from any woman...much less a beautiful naked woman...her locking eye contact with me while she goes down on me is really a perfect wet dream for me ever since I got my first one! And having a woman who knows what she's doing down there is a plus! Working her lips and tongue around the head of my cock and stroking the shaft with one hand while squeezing and playing with my balls is a homerun with me. In no time, I was near a huge orgasm. Sensing how close I was to cumming, Angie did something I wasn't expecting. With my precum and her spit all over her hands, she managed to insert one slick finger in my ass, which immediately pushed me over the edge! I reflexively arched my back and thrust my cock as deeply in Angie's mouth as I could...shooting a good size load into her mouth. She didn't spill a drop!

"Milk him dry," Joey demanded! "I don't want any cum in my pool!"

She didn't need to worry. Angie was very good at this. I softened slightly in her mouth before she released me from her lips and then kissed the head of my cock. "Going home naked will definitely be a plus for taking the edge off my excitement on the way. I get so excited going down on a guy and feeling his manhood in my mouth. You taste great, too! I'll have to take an extra towel with me to keep from creaming all over the seats in my car," Angie purred.

As I slid back from the pool side and stood up, Angie reached her hand up and motioned for me to help her out...which I readily did! She immediately wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big, long hug, with an open mouth kiss to go along with it. She made sure I tasted some of my own cum, which although I have tasted it in the past, I'm not excited by it. "So, you liked that anal action, huh? I'll have to tell Joey about that," she said quietly. "Not all men do."

I wasn't sure I liked it, but it was definitely a surprise. I'd have to think about that one...I'd also have to now think about getting to my car in the parking lot with a boner and no clothes. Looking at Joey, I asked, "how do want to do the car key hand off?"

"I'll let you know. Out the door you two!" was all she said.

Angie quickly told Joey what she was bringing the towel to the car for...definitely NOT to cover up, so that was OK! So out we both went thru the door, not really knowing if any of the morning crew parked in the back lot or not. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone around. I hadn't noticed the random gravel in the parking lot going in, but being more aware of my surroundings walking to my car, I did catch one or two under foot, wincing as I went. What I didn't immediately notice was that Joey didn't come out the door, but closed it behind us. "Now what do we do," I thought to myself?

Time passes differently when you are standing naked in a parking lot with a naked girl, no matter how good either of you looks without your clothes on. It was still spring time, so it wasn't morning, yet, and while it was still dark, the cool temperature definitely does different things to guys than it does to gals. What shrinks in the chill on men is embarrassing. What perks up on a woman in the chill is an improvement...especially when your mind is on other things, like going to jail for indecent exposure!

After a few minutes, Joey finally did exit the pool door with our car keys in hand, wearing her shirt and shorts. She went to Angie first. Her naked tan body was beautiful. Her arousal from the moment was obvious, with her outer lips full and opening to expose her inner lips. The moisture of her cunt obvious in the moonlight had begun to be visible on her thigh. Joey gave her a kiss on the cheek, admonished her not to wreck on the way home, and ran the palm of her open hand softly and slowly down over her hairless pussy, taking a moment to use the base of her palm to massage her engorged clit. Joey then patted her on the butt and licked the moisture from her hand. Joey watched Angie get in her car, start the engine, and then drive off before turning to me. She instantly noticed my now renewed erection from the girl on girl display that I had just witnessed, and frowned. "So you liked what you saw? Before I'll give you your car keys, I want you to get yourself off, so you don't injure yourself on the way home."

"Here in the parking lot," I asked?

"Now," she demanded! "Get started."

"How about a free shot to keep me in the moment I just saw? It's pretty cool out here."

Surprisingly, Joey lifted her shirt and flashed me her tanned and erect breasts and nipples. She had obviously spent some of the time inside taking her bikini off before she got dressed. They were as beautiful as I had imagined. "Hurry up and get on with your business. I'm only showing you some skin because you've been a good boy this morning. Watching you cum in Angie's mouth after practice was worth it! I didn't just dry off and change clothes while you guys were standing out here."

Locking eyes with Joey and grabbing my rock-hard cock, I stroked it softly a few times. The thrill of the situation and the sight of these perfect tanned orbs not two feet in front of me helped reverse the result of the cool air, my climax from a few minutes ago, and I started feeling another load on the way. With one of her hands holding her tee shirt up so I could enjoy the view, her other hand slipped easily down the front of her shorts. After a few minutes stroking, I asked, "Where do you want me to cum?"...hoping to get an invitation for some closer contact.

"I don't care, just not on me," she said dryly, "but I just came again watching you. You can play with yourself on your way home like Angie is doing right now." And with that, she pulled down her shirt, pulled her hand from her shorts, and motioned for me to lick the honey from her fingers. Taking the obviously wet middle fingers in my mouth, I got my first taste of her and hoped it wouldn't be my last. I also hoped I could get a view and a taste first hand. There was a slight taste and smell of chlorine, but she tasted very mild and slightly sweet. Her feminine aroma was something I definitely wanted to inhale again. After I had finished cleaning her fingers to her satisfaction, she tossed me my keys. "Remember, no clothes here in the morning. I WILL check your car!" Then she kissed me on the cheek, admonished me not to wreck on the way home, and softly stroked my bare ass with one hand and caressed the underside of my hard on with the other. I was hooked.

I sure am glad my house has a garage with an automatic door opener...and, no, I didn't wreck...but I was late for work!

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