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My Workout Partner Ch. 01-04

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My workout partner is my trainer in more ways than one!
7.8k words

Part 1 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2017
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My Workout partner is my trainer in more ways than one Chapter 1

I work out at a gym that is also part of the physical therapy center that I go to when I do something to myself. Over the last several years, I've taken up swimming again to lessen the pounding my lower body was getting from more aggressive aerobic exercises I was doing and in preparation for and recovery from a recent surgery. Let's just say I'm comfortable with my body. I'm in my late 30's, but I stay in good enough shape and I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, so wearing the smaller size swimsuits when I'm at the beach or when I swim is not an issue. Running and playing basketball can really start to take a toll on knees and hips as we get older, so I try to swim 4 to 5 miles a week and fill in the other days by lifting weights. I've worked hard the last two years to have the hint of a six pack on my 6'-4", 210-pound frame. I have been told my legs and butt are pretty good and I have decent arms and chest. I go to the tanning bed and go nude outdoors when I can, to keep the tan lines away.

Over the last couple of years, I've had surgeries that required rehab there, so I've come to know most of the PT staff at the Center, who happen to be all women...all pretty good looking women, at least the ones I've seen. Even though their uniforms are slacks and polo shirts, you could definitely tell they take good care of themselves. I may be starting over the hill, I can still recognize a nice feminine form when I see one. One in particular, Joey, was very nice to work with, because, as she had told me early on in our small talk that she had been a gymnast in her day, and her 5' frame was nice eye candy when sweating thru therapy. She is in her mid-30's, with a nice short cut dirty blond hair, C-cup, narrow waist, and very nice legs and butt. She is maybe 100-pounds soaking wet. She said she did yoga and swam, but I never saw her in the pool when I was swimming, so I assumed she swam at a different time or a different facility. She was very hand's on with showing me a new stretch or exercise...making sure my form was just right...which was fine with me. When I did my therapy, I would go to the locker room beforehand and go ahead and change into my PT gear, which was split up the sides style running shorts and a tee shirt. Since the running shorts had a liner, I didn't typically wear underwear, which would have shown past the liner and I thought it would looks and feels odd. Besides, I liked the feel of going commando working out. I'm certain Joey was aware of this because she would often brush up on my thigh or reach across me and I would catch her watching and smiling when I would have to adjust myself during or after an exercise or stretch. I had to assume she liked what she saw, but she was always professional and in control of the situation.

Several weeks into my hip therapy, Joey asked if I was interested in including water therapy as part of my recovery, so I could ultimately include it in my swimming workout. I wasn't able to swim for several weeks after my surgery to repair a torn labrum, but I was looking forward to starting back up, so that seemed like a very logical progression in my therapy. I asked before the first water therapy session what I should wear. She said to wear what I wore swimming and seemed pleased when I asked her if a Speedo would be alright. She told me that she wouldn't be doing the water therapy, but she was sure the other therapist wouldn't mind. She promised to check in on me during the session to make sure the therapist was "treating me right", as she said it.

I was a little surprised when I came out of the locker room to see three therapists waiting on me at the pool as I hobbled in for my session. I was wearing one of my more modest suits, if you can call any bright royal blue Speedo modest. I was told all of them wouldn't be staying, but they wanted to make sure I could enter the pool OK in case I needed help. The PT that would be working with me that day, Angie, was in a modest one piece navy blue bathing suit, with a white logo of the Center on the hip. She was tall and thin, maybe 5'-8", 120-pounds, with long straight brown hair, mid-20's, with a nice figure, probably a C-cup. Angie was there in her Polo shirt uniform. The third gal, I had not seen before, was in a business suit, and was introduced as Molly. She was also tall and thin, although not quite as tall as Angie. Molly was probably closer to my age but you could tell she took good care of herself. All three were friendly and were easy with their small talk with me as well as each other. Angie said she liked my suit and the other two women agreed, saying something about they wish more in shape guys would wear them and Joey complimented me on my tan with no tan lines.

While I assured them I could get in by myself, Angie and Joey insisted that they would be the judge of that and that they would need to put me in this first time using the handicap contraption that was basically a powered seat that was bolted to the floor that I was to sit in and be hoisted into the pool. Something about insurance and liability and the slick pool deck. Since I was still on crutches, the two of them allowed me to get close to the chair and the two took my crutches and gave them to Molly and then placed their arms under my arms and around my back at the waist, although Joey's hand was actually on my butt cheek. The three of us managed our way to the canvas chair and they sat me down. Insisting I needed to be strapped in, Joey got down on one knee between my legs to seat belt me in. Since I was sitting on one of the straps, she proceeded to help herself to groping around under my butt with her nose only a couple of inches from my crotch. I was obviously enjoying the attention and had started to get an erection, which was not something Joey it a brief stare and then she caught Angie's eye and winked.

Finally strapped in to Joey's satisfaction, I was hoisted up, over and down into the therapeutic pool. I did manage a quick adjustment of my erection situation before Angie came over to unbuckle me from the chair, but I was unprepared for what happened next. While I said that I could do it, she said that was part of her job...again the insurance and liability issues. With her hands under water, she basically groped me again for several seconds trying to find the buckle while she undid the belt and allowed me to stand with my hand on her shoulder. And her hand on my butt cheek. All of this attention to my crotch had caused me to have a pretty good sized hard on. The water was not nearly waist deep on me, so when I stood, my "problem" was above the water line, much to the appreciation of all three women...or at least their smiles and brief glances at one another suggested. Shortly after being led to deeper water, I was able to do a quick position adjustment. Joey smiled and waved to me and left to see her first patient, while Molly stayed a little while to watch Angie and I work thru my stretching and strengthening routine before she left.

Angie was also very hands on in her therapy style. While her suit was modest in cut, the dark blue basically showed everything she had. I even wondered if she had cut the liner out of the front, because I could clearly see her labia lips thru the suit after it got wet, even though it wasn't overly tight. It clung to her body like a second skin. Her occasional help to keep my hips and back in "proper position", consisted of holding me with her hands on my hips with her crotch and breasts pressed up against my butt and back. That close body contact, plus the visuals, basically kept me hard the whole hour. I was in heaven. I asked for help with position tips several times I didn't have to. I'm sure she knew what I was doing. She would exit the water to write something in my records and then return to help with a new position, so I was treated to multiple full front and back views with little left to the imagination thru her suit.

At the end of this first therapy session, it was time to go back to the sling and get out. Angie's nipples were full and hard and she had made no attempt to hide anything during the session, so I was determined to return the favor. My exhibitionist tendencies and testosterone were in overdrive. While I'll never be mistaken for a porn star, I do alright in the package department when I'm hard. I'm close to 7-inches, but not too thick, and I was very obviously straining my suit when we got back to shallow water. The head and shaft were unmistakable thru my lycra suit.

I hadn't thought about the additional help that was used to put me in the pool being needed again, but the smiles on Joey's and Molly's faces as they came right on time for my exit suggested Angie's actions might have been preplanned. Who was I to disappoint? I made no effort to hide my erection, not that I could have anyway, since Angie made sure to accidentally grope me again while she was buckling me into the chair. My grand exit was met with a smiling Joey on the pool deck, who happily repeated her "nose in my crotch" position between my legs to unbuckle me from the chair and help me to my feet. There was definitely more of me to see this time, much to her delight. There were towels on a shelf on the pool deck, but it was obvious that none of the women were anxious to give me something to cover up with. Angie and Joey helped me over to a bench and Molly brought me my crutches.

As I sat on the bench drying myself off, Angie suggested that I might slip with my crutches on the way to the locker room and offered to make sure I made it to the carpeted area of the men's area. There is a shower on the way to the men's locker room, as well as in the locker room. Taking advantage of the situation, I asked if it would be OK if I rinsed off under the pool shower before going thru the locker room doors, which both Angie and Joey agreed to do. Just a little more exposure time with these three lovely ladies. Molly tagged along to "hold the crutches". Since Angie was already wet and in a bathing suit, she basically held me close while Joey and Molly watched. It was just a quick rinse, but it was heaven to have Angie's warm wet body press up against me for those additional few minutes. Joey and Molly seemed to approve. As you might guess, I spent additional time in the locker room showers reliving the last hour and relieving my rock-hard erection in a slow rhythmical manner!

My Workout partner is my trainer in more ways than one Chapter 2

I wasn't on crutches for too many weeks after that first session, so the requirement to use the assist chair and the excuse for two additional women didn't last after I stopped needing them, I did get a taste of the Clothed Female, Nude Male fetish, even though I wasn't totally nude for these sessions! Angie and I were in the water for once during the week, with Joey the other session during the week for the duration of my rehabilitation. During my next session with Joey, she told me how good I looked in my Speedo and gave me a wink and a jab in the ribs. During my therapy after that, Joey seemed to take a few more liberties with brushing up against me and smiling when I reacted. Molly also seemed to wander thru the rehab area when I was there just to say "hi."

After a few weeks, I gained enough strength and mobility in my hip to start my swimming routine again. With my limited mobility, I had gained a few pounds and I was ready to ramp up my training schedule to get it off. I would go to the gym first thing in the morning and I would sometimes have therapy scheduled right afterwards. One early morning, I did finally run into Joey swimming before she had her first therapy patient, which was me. Wow! She looked fabulous in her one-piece suit! Her trim, firm, tanned 5-foot frame was in a dark blue racer. She must have taken a cue from Angie, because there was no liner in it and her full nipples, flat stomach, and cute little pussy lips were very much on display. It was a much more revealing suit, with very high cut leg openings and while the back had a strap across her shoulder blades, it was open down to the crack of her butt. She didn't have too much fat that I could see...and I could definitely see everything! Even without getting wet, I could basically see she shaved her bush and her pussy was perfectly smooth. We both swam our laps in adjoining lanes, but didn't talk too much. Evidently, she and I both are serious about our workouts. Socializing is not in either of our vocabularies when we're working out. I typically don't have erections while I'm swimming because blood is going other places, but to see this athlete in the lane beside me glide thru the water, I was semi-hard when I was finishing up.

I don't know what her workout routine is, but she finished as I was finishing...either to talk or to look...or both. I know I was! I was taking my pulse rate and recording my time when she slid over the lane float into my lane. That quick view of that nice tight butt in that dark blue swim suit was a very pleasant way to finish a workout. We were standing in the shallow end, so my semi erection was on full display. Since she is so much shorter, I could look down on her nice firm C cup breasts in that skin-tight suit. Her nipples were standing at full salute. After some small talk and her checking me out, I asked her what I owed this visit to the pool. I absent-mindedly adjusted my package talking to her. If I didn't know better, I thought I saw her reach for my crotch but she pulled back at the last moment. She said that she had a key to the exterior pool door and usually swam before I got here, and she must have been in the showers before I got here, but she was running late this morning. I told her I wasn't really up to my full workout, yet, but it gets harder to get a full hour in with the other swimmers in the morning. Without missing a beat, she quickly offered to let me in and swim with her in the mornings, starting the next day. She told me the time and showed me which door she used, and where best to park on the back side of the building. I agreed and after a brief hug and one last quick glance, we were off to our separate locker rooms.

When Joey showed up at 5:00, I was already there, gym bag in hand. "Good morning", she offered cheerily.

Being a morning person too, I returned the "good morning" and told her how much I appreciated her letting me in early.

"Oh, it's my pleasure," she said. "Anything to get that body of yours back into shape!"

The key to the back door of the pool was on a lanyard around her neck. For whatever reason, she didn't bother taking it off, but leaned over to get the key in the lock. She was in gym shorts with the waist rolled down and her swimsuit showed under a tee shirt as she leaned over. This time, she was in a white swim suit, so I was really interested to see what she looked like in that once it got wet. My cock stirred at that thought as we went thru the door. She closed the door behind us, found the nearest bench, and took off her shirt and shorts. Her swim suit exceeded expectations. My mind was in overdrive. I couldn't wait to start the morning workout! I walked over to the locker room door to go and change into my suit, but it was locked.

"I don't have a key to the locker rooms," she said. "The morning crew unlocks everything before I finish my workout and I go shower then. Didn't you wear your suit under your shorts?"

"No," I said. "It didn't come up yesterday in our conversation as a requirement."

"Oh, I must have left that part out," she smiled coyly. "Sorry. Just change here, silly. I've almost seen everything you have already." Then she put her hands on her hips. "I'm a medical professional. You won't embarrass me. Strip Mister!" she said in a firm voice.

I wasn't sure if she was kidding, or not, but I was going to call her bluff. I quickly shed my shirt and reached down for my shorts. After a pause to give her one chance to say she was kidding, down they came. My cock sprang to attention as it was freed from my shorts. It wasn't fully hard, but it definitely was enjoying the sight of Joey in her paper-thin suit. By her reaction and smile, I could tell she was pleased, and pleasantly surprised I did it. As I folded my shorts and shirt and started going thru my gym bag for a suit, Joey interjected, "you don't have to put anything on to swim on my account. You kiddingly told me you wore Speedos because they wouldn't let you swim naked, so here's your chance. Besides, I like the view!" She was beaming by this point.

"Are you sure," I asked? "Won't the morning crew catch us?"

"Us? They won't catch me, but you can put your suit on before they come, if you're chicken," she said. "They typically are in such a hurry to open up, they usually just say hello thru the door as they unlock the locker room from the inside."

"I'm no chicken," I replied. "Besides, if that suit is any more transparent after you get it wet, you might as well be swimming naked, too."

Giving me her sweetest smile and batting her eyes, she replied, "I just wanted to give you a reason to workout with me! But if you do start working out together in these mornings, there will be some ground rules."

"Ground rules? Such as," I asked?

"This is not an invitation for sex. I like see a good-looking man naked. You must agree that I can touch you if I want, you can be touched, but you cannot touch me, unless I tell you. OK?"

"That will be hard...but OK," I agreed. I was hoping that wasn't a hard and fast rule, but I wouldn't know unless I agreed and then see how this progressed. Allowing myself to be touched had already happened in an earlier treatment session, so I had already crossed that bridge, I thought.

"You can't put on your swimsuit unless I tell you to. OK?"

I probably wasn't thinking too clearly when I agreed to that one, but I said, "OK."

"No pictures and you can't tell anyone what we're doing."

"No problem there," I said.

"And if you're going to swim naked in MY pool, the rest of that body hair and pubic hair has to come off and stay off. Understand?"

That one wasn't hard to agree to. I already trimmed and shaved most of my pubic hair to keep it from poking out of my swimsuits. I shaved my legs and chest because I like how it feels when I swim. That only left my forearms and armpits, so I said agreed to that one.

"How about a watch to keep time," I asked?

"You can bring one and keep it on the pool deck, but you can't wear it. I expect you to stay totally naked with absolutely nothing on! I will let you keep your goggles, because I know how irritating the chlorine can be, but nothing else. Understand," she demanded?

"OK," I answered. I was beginning to see a side of her that really liked this CFNM stuff, but I was game. This could be fun and give me plenty of impetus to train hard at these early morning workouts.

"OK," she said. "We have a deal. I'll take your suit. Put your watch on the pool deck and get to swimming. We're going to be pressed for time."

If you have never been swimming naked, there is no feeling of freedom like it in the world. It is a different rush than skinny dipping. Swimming freestyle, the water follows along your body in ways you don't experience with a swimsuit on...even a swim brief, like a Speedo. You are aware of every part of your skin. I also think I am more aware of my muscles and my movements. Swimming sexually excited takes a few minutes to get over, but with blood flowing to your muscles, you have less blood available for your cock and it gets out of the way and lets you get on with your swim. It's different than running naked, because, for guys at least, you end up slapping your package around. With swimming, you don't. I knew getting a place to swim naked was a rare treat. I would have agreed to just about anything to be able to do it regularly. It would be the rules I agreed to so I could swim with a beautiful woman that might end up getting me in trouble.


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