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Naked and Public

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The three head out for the local orgy.
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Note to readers; this is set in England and uses British English. Apologies to non-British readers (if any).


Jesus Green open air pool is always a popular place in summer here. A few years ago young women started going topless, then nude, and men followed their example. Then various indiscreet activities began to take place round the pool. The Council wisely decided not to attempt any enforcement of public decency laws, and has contented itself with erecting a large notice stating that children and those easily offended by nude people and the sight of sexual activity should not enter. Nudity is not of course compulsory. Any older woman revealing her sagging body quickly receives a firm whisper from one of the attendants.

I had arranged to pick up Jane and her daughter to take them down for the afternoon. Jane ia an old friend of mine. I fuck her occasionally. For a girl in her mid thirties she looks quite stunning, with fine firm boobs and a splendidly slim curvy figure. However, I have barely met her daughter, who has just turned eighteen.

I hadn't bothered to dress, unless you count flipflops and a small canvas bag. It was after a lovely warm sunny day. I parked and strode up the path, enjoying the feel of the sun on my male equipment as it waved and dangled. Jane opened the door, also bare and ready and I took a second the admire the thrusting tits and neatly shaven pussy hair before I gave her a welcoming grope. She seized my cock in reply and gave it a few delicious rubs but I could tell her heart was not in it.

'John, Alice is being a problem. She seems rather nervous about it. She's only been back a few days and she just isn't used to the idea. Could you come and talk to her?'

We marched into the living room. Alice was about as I remembered her. A superbly sexy brunette with quite luscious lips who had inherited her mother's figure - lovely tits, just not quite too large, strained against the fabric of her T shirt and impossibly long slender legs disappeared into a pair of very tight shorts. We stood there, my cock rising to hardness as Jane massaged it again. 'Now, what's the problem?' I asked. 'As you can see your mother and I have no problem at all in showing ourselves naked. My penis and my testicles are fully on display to you.'

Tiny tears glistened on the corners of her shining green eyes. 'But if I do, people will see my breasts, and the nipples, and my bottom, and my snatch. I know that Mummy makes me cut it every day so that the hair is neat and trim ... but people might see my cuntlips, and if I get sexy, they might see the juice dripping down my thighs.'

'Best to take it slowly.' I said. 'Now take off the T shirt nice and slowly. Don't feel embarrassed. Half the world has tits and there is nothing to be ashamed of in having them. That's right. Now just stand there, and get used to me looking at that those lovely breasts of yours. You should be proud, not ashamed. When we get to Jesus Green you will show them proudly and enjoy watching lots of men rubbing their cocks as they watch you. That's right. Push them out and fondle them. Now slip out of the shorts. Go on. Pull them off. Now turn round. See what I mean? Your bottom is quite delicious. The two firm globes and the way they wobble gently is quite superb. Now take off the thong. The strap spoils the view of your nice bits. No. Do not be shy. Pull them down and give me a full display, bending over with your legs apart. Now do not be shy. Half the world has lovely bottoms, inviting juicy cuntlips, and delectable little holes between the cracks in their bottoms.'

'Now I'm just going to run my hands over your bottom and into your crack. A finger or so will go into each hole. Just relax. Your cunt is quite juicy and smooth already, well done! See? Not so difficult? You really mustn't feel shy about your cunt, dear. It is a part of you, just like that lovely silky smooth bottom and those proudly perking tits of yours.'

Eventually we set off. Jane had of course no problems in travelling nude, and sat in the front seat caressing my cock, but Alice was still desperately shy. Each time a halt in the traffic or a speed bump made me brake and thus make her tits shake, she gasped in terror. Bad news. The parking place at Jesus Green was totally full, so I had to turn around again go to the Park Green place.

This made Alice totally terrified, and as Jane continued to stroke my cock while I manoeuvred into a space, I heard Jane whispering 'Darling it's only just about 500 yards, so keep the breasts thrust firmly forward and the pussy hair well displayed. Watch me. You'll get used to the high heels after a few yards.'

Obedience overcame fear and we set out, Alice strutting in front, trying to keep her breasts proudly displayed. Jane and I walked behind as she continued to massage me into stiffness. There was only a little hassle - lots of passers by gaping and whistling but Alice did us proud and kept on walking, breasts jutting in all their glory

When we reached the traffic island in the middle of the main crossroads, Jane tapped Alice on the shoulder, 'Now dear, John is rather hard, so just bend over the bollard here. Remember to keep your breasts fully displayed because he might want to caress them. Good girl. Legs nice and wide apart, so he can see your cunt and your arse and decide which he is going to fuck. Wider dear. The drivers want to see your nice bits too, and John is standing back while he spanks you so they get a good view. Don't be shy. See, I am bending over the other bollard and everyone can see every bit of me.'

'Now do you see what happens to nice girls who aren't shy and show off their bits properly? John is fucking you really hard and thoroughly right up your exposed cunt with his long meaty pole. It's thrusting in and out of you while all the drivers watch, dear me he is going quite hard and fast now and some of the drivers are clapping.

Submission ends. To be continued if anyone wants.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Kept Hard as HELL

What a lovely story. Wish I could find a place like that!!

Wish the story was longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Interesting farse

As much as i liked your story i only gave it a 2. As for the flamers out there as british satire its rather good maybe im the only american thats ever seen the old bbc classics like "Benny Hill" or "The Young Ones" or maybe "Montey Python" all are good shows but make no sembence of sence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Interesting Piece

Ignore the flaming that others give to you. To be honest, I actually liked how much you left to the reader's imagination. You described a lot of the sexual content through dialogue which is unique and interesting.

Your descriptions and writing style is suitable. If others aren't able to understand it, that is indeed their own problem because, grammatically, you are OK.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to give this story a higher rating because I felt it to be incomplete. I'd really like to see what happens afterward and to have something further developed among the characters. It immediately cut off and left me unresolved.

Despite the fact that most people say that you only need "minimal" plot, I would reccommend that you ignore them. Subconsciously, the better the plot, the better the arousal to the readers when the sex scenes arrive.

hot zonehot zoneover 17 years ago
Pure FUN & fantasy!

What's with the rest of you guys??? This is fun and fantasy - who says erotic fiction has to be realistic? I loved it - please continue!

neonlyteneonlyteover 17 years ago

Look, this story is barely credible even for a sex site. You clearly can handle language so I suggest you read a few stories and get an idea for style of writing, plot (only need be minimal) and an element of realism. Then draft your story and get someone to look at it - see Editors Forum or try Authors Hangout.

Good luck for the future.

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