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Naked in the Park & with Two Creeps

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Any day can be National Nude Day when you're a dipshit.
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I watched as Megan ran naked across the forest preserve parking lot to my car, one hand over her chest, the other covering the muff of light brown pubic hair.

Megan was not a bad person or really even a stupid person. However, she was a naive young woman, barely over 18. Worse, she was a tall blond amazon with big breasts. She and her friends were a pack of dipshits. I knew her because some of my friends were dating some of her friends.

I took my shirt off and handed it to her. I oogled her chest as she slipped the shirt on over her head then climbed into the passenger seat. Nice pink nipples on two firm soft ball sized mounts of flesh. She slipped the shirt back off. "This doesn't fit. It's guy cut. I need woman cut." She draped the tee-shirt over herself like a blanket.

"Okay, what happened. Are you alright?" I took a deep breath.

The story of how she got naked was stupid. It was always something stupid with her and her friends.

This time, she had been waiting tables at the pizzeria where she worked when some creepy dude in his late 30's had asked if she could test out the new pool he had installed in his backyard. To any other teenage woman, if some dude came in to pick up take out then started openly staring her she would respond by telling him to fuck off. Instead, Megan agreed so the creepy dude waited two hours in the pizzeria parking lot for her to get off work.

Then he drove her to his place across town where there was a pool, so at least he was not just making things up to lure a teen into his house. He was somehow able to talk her into changing into what he claimed was his ex-wife's bathing suit. He also managed to get her to do two shots of tequila with him. He asked a few times if the chlorine was too strong. She advised it was not. Then he 'accidently' spilled the chlorine bottle all over everything before he told her she needed to quickly take a shower before it burned her, just to be on the safe side.

When her 18 year old self got out of the shower. Surprise! All her clothes were gone. The bathing suit was gone. Instead there was creepy, drunk dude in his 30s telling her he needed to rub a special ointment all over her body to help with the chlorine.

The situation finally penetrated through her dipshit, know it all, teenage brain. it dawned on her at this point that going off with some creepy guy and getting drunk at his house was a really stupid thing to do. That maybe, just maybe, she could not take care of herself after all.

She asked where her clothes were. Creepy dude was soaking them in the sink as he didn't want to damage them in the washer, he claimed they had gotten chlorine all over them. He offered to hand wash them for her while she waited in a towel.

She stupidly decided that sitting in his living room watching tv instead of immediately calling someone to come pick her up was the best way to handle it. It became clear what a bad idea that was when he sat down right next to her, turned on a porno, and handed her two more shots with no table to put the glasses. As soon as his hand was off the shot glass it was on her bare upper thigh, gently massaging her while slowly pushing the towel up.

When his pinky finger started brushing against her pink little slit, she jump up, claimed she needed to use the bathroom and took off. He grabbed the towel. It went one way and she went to the other, back to bathroom. At this point, she went out the bathroom window with nothing but her purse which was still in the bathroom from when she had taken her shower.

His backyard backed up to the forest preserve. She took off into the forest, jiggling and shaking every which way as she ran. She was able to get to a payphone. She called her bestie to come get her but gave the name of the wrong forest preserve. Twenty of her friends spent the better part of a panic-stricken hour driving around the wrong forest preserve.

Another few minutes was wasted arguing with me. "We need to get the police involved right now." I hissed at them.

"We can't! She will be so pissed if the police tell her parents. She'll be grounded for a month. We have that canoe trip in two weeks." Her bestie cried.

"If she's not here, then there's a really good chance she is kidnapped and getting raped in some assholes basement right now. We need to tell the police. This is beyond getting grounded." It hurt my mind to think down to their level. I was trying hard not to get a headache from the dipshit levels on display.

They tried calling the payphone she had called them from. Thankfully she answered on the second ring.

"Describe to me where you're at. What do you see?"

"I'm in the forest preserve, DUH."

"I understand that. What do you see around you?"

"There is a bunch of trees and a squirrel nearly fell out of a tree on my head." She pouted. "Do you not understand that I am NAKED. Pick! Me! Up! RIGHT NOW!"

"I'm trying. Everyone is trying. What do you see? Do you see a red building?" The only reason her friends had gotten me involved in this shit show was my parents had a small sail boat. I had tried impressing some of her friends by taking them out on it a few times at this forest preserve. I knew the area well. I knew some of the other local lakes even better.

"I see people across the lake swimming at a beach. I am next to a big hill" I heard her say over the phone. I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew right where she was. She was at the ski rental station at the other forest preserve in town. Since it was July 4th weekend there was no one there renting snow skis. Which was good as she was standing there nude, giggling about in her birthday suit.

"She's at the other forest preserve." I explained to the group of young ladies.

"No she's not. This is the forest preserve. She is here somewhere. There's not another forest preserve." Her cousin explain to me as if I was a particularly stupid four-year-old child.

"Okay, well. I am going to look there anyway. It's been fun as always." I tried not rolling my eyes as I ran to my car.

An hour later she stepped out of my bathroom. Well, the bathroom of my parents house. I was home from college for the summer. She had taken a long hot shower. I think I had heard her in there crying at one point. I had left some clothes out for her so I was very surprised when she stepped out in the buff.

"Okay. You saw me so strip off. I get to see you." She smiled. She had her hair in a towel but was otherwise just as naked as the day she was born. My pants were down and my shirt was up as soon as I as stood. One of the first things I learned in college- if a woman asked you to get naked, you just do it then and there. No questions asked. I watched as her eyes travelled down to my member. " I have two huge favors I need to ask you. First, will you help me break into that creeps house? I need to steal my cloths back. You don't have a girl friend do you?" I shook my head no." Okay, well women can feel... stuff... on their bodies. Okay so second big ask, I... sort of... I don't want the feeling of his finger rubbing against me down there. I need to replace it with the feeling of some other guy. I don't have a boyfriend to rub the feeling of that creep off me... I mean..." She started blushing bright red.

"You want me to kiss it and make it feel better?" I gently asked her trying to keep any judgement or predatory horniness out of my voice. Her eyes got big but she nodded yes.

I gave her a shot of tequila mix with some pineapple juice to cover the taste. I figured it worked for the creep, it should work for me as well. I put my shirt down on the sofa like a towel. After she sat down I pushed both of her legs open, putting her open legs over the arm rests.

Women all have such adorable little slits. They are all the same basic model but each one different. It is as if countless numbers of artists each drawing the same still life in their own unique styles. A beautiful menagerie, the well-spring of all human life. Of course most women don't see their female parts that way. To them it is their front butt, a smelly, blood belching, beef curtain covered, sarlacc pit. She was clearly a little buzzed to let me so openly see it.

As I kissed her knees she started rubbing her little nub. I slowly kissed my way up her thighs before replacing her fingers with my thumb. After a few minutes, her hips started swaying. I had started slow and soft before gently increasing everything, the tempo, the pressure, the number of fingers in her.

"Put it in. You don't need a condom." She whimpered.

I tried slipping myself into her. It barely fit. I had to push it a little, then a little more she was so tight. Finally, I bottomed out. The chair kept rocking as well, throwing off my rhythm causing me to fall out. I was not the most experienced and my rhythm sucked. As I had started thrusting into her she had gone back to rubbing little cycles over her clit area with her fingers. As her orgasm hit she locked her legs around me in that death grip that all women somehow know how to do with the skill of a professional wrestler.

I had cum as well but not in her. Between the death grip from her legs and chair rocking I had fallen out of her. I didn't want to ruin her orgasm so I stuck my thumb into her with one hand and jerked myself off with the other, wiping myself off on my shirt.

A month later the downer ending happened. It turned out she had left some parts of out of her experience with the creep. She had sucked his dick while trapped naked in his house. She believed she could get pregnant from it, that the sperm could swim down her mouth to her fallopian tubes and uterus. She had had unprotected sex with me so my sperm would reach her eggs first. If she's was going to be pregnant she didn't want to have his baby, she felt it was better to have mine.

The moral of the story is that all women are naked under their clothes. There are so many women that are smart and funny and caring. And there are also dipshits. Anytime people are trying to limit your choices please Choose Wisely.

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NjoyreadnNjoyreadnover 2 years ago

Well told, thank you. Good moral to it as well.

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