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Naked Stepdaughter Ch. 02

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The setpdaughter continues to be humiliated.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 10/29/2011
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If you have read Part 1, you know that my mother died in a drunk driver accident and my stepfather has ordered me to go naked at home. When I resisted, he removed all my clothing from the house, took the door off my room and left me totally naked all the time. He declared that I was going to be exposed to lots of people and had better get used to it.

This event just happened to bring me in touch with two new friends. A coworker of my stepfather had volunteered to help him to make sure there was no physical abuse of me. She brought me fresh clothes for school each day and picked them up each night. My stepfather had ordered pizza right away to make me open the door for the guy who delivered. It turned out to be delivered by a young girl who told me it happened all the time that men tried to expose their wives or girlfriends to pizza delivery guys. Kim was also there naked when she delivered and invited her to join us. We were surprised when she showed up after work, got naked and played games with us. She offered to keep me company at home and even take me with her on some deliveries, especially when she went to frat houses. I was still waiting for that to happen. And actually got excited about the idea.

If you haven't read Part 1, you know now.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Each day Kim brought me clothes. The skirts got shorter but on occasion she brought me pants. Shorts were allowed at my school but it was past time in the year for them. Short skirts never seemed to be out of season. The tops also had bigger neck opening until for the first time in my life I was revealing cleavage. Although I was wearing more revealing clothes I didn't get a lot of attention because the "elite" girls in the school wore much more revealing clothes and they got all the attention anyway. I had developed a new attitude about my clothes. I didn't care. I was not about to be brazen but I also wasn't going to allow myself to be intimidated.

There did seem to be a few more looks especially from people like me who were not big shots at school. I guess we had our own class in the school caste system. So while I was not a star on campus, I was maybe a little more noticeable in my own caste.

The first really big test came the second full week of my enforced nudity.

Mike told me he was inviting his poker gang over on Tuesday night. My instructions were to of course be naked. He planned to introduce me to the men. Then I was to go into the living room, which we seldom used and read or listen to music or something. I was to walked through the room periodically just to bring my image back to their minds. The family room was between the living room and the hallway to the bedrooms. He shared with me that my mother had performed the same service and because of the distraction to the other players, he won quite a bit more money than usual. I think he was making a joke when he said he would share his winnings with me, in case I ever had a chance to spend money again.

As the time approached, I began to get very antsy about showing my body. I had just about come to believe I was no longer going to be effected. I was. I wanted to escape but there was no where to go. I was naked. It was constantly on my mind from the minute he told me he was going to expose me to someone.

The men arrived alone or in pairs so until all seven had arrived, I was repeatedly being exposed to another stranger. I'm sure I turned red. I didn't want to but there is no way I could find to control that. When they were all seated and I had shook hands with each one, I retired from the family room where the game was going to be played and sat in the living room. Mike had gone to the record store and bought me some music I had specified. The CDs were my company along with a couple of textbooks I needed to study for school. There were five CDs and I left them all in my bedroom. I played the role for Mike. As the first CD finished, I walked through the family room to my room to get another.

I could feel the eyes on me and found myself liking that attention. That made me change my plans. I listened to a few songs on one CD, then went to my room for another. I listened to only part of that and made another trip. That doubled my trips through the room and doubled my exposure.

After as while that wasn't doing it for me. I was becoming addicted. Through the door I had seen Mike go to the refrigerator for more beer. I could see the table but only a couple of the guys could see me all the time. I thought maybe they were Mikes favorite friends. When it looked like their beers were getting low, I got up and walked to the door. I leaned against the doorway with my legs a little apart then lifted my right foot and propped it against my left leg just above the knee forming kind of a number four with my legs. I was in that way opening the view of my bare crotch a little more.

I said, "Can I get you guys some fresh beer?"

Everyone turned my way. Mike had his back to me, I'm sure so the other guys could better see me. He turned my way and gave me a big smile. He said, "Hey, why don't you get each of us one more? I would appreciate the help. I'm a lousy waitress because I don't have very good legs. Yours are excellent. We like to look at your legs."

"Yeah, right," I said. "It's my legs that are attracting your attention, no doubt."

All attention was directed on me and for just an instant I regretted my action. It was just an instant because my skin imagined each eye was a laser burning into my skin. I turned away toward the kitchen so my cunt wasn't the object of direct attention but my ass sure was.

Coming back was a different matter. My cunt was out front and that protruding mons felt swollen and prominent. It probably was. It felt like the blood had all gathered either there or in my face. I felt even more exposed than before because my shaved cunt was at eye level and my bare breasts were just above. First meeting them and walking though the room periodically had not been that intense because we were pretty much eye to eye level or there was some distance. Now as I walked around the table handing out beer bottles, not a single eye met mine. They were all focused on that bare beaver. These guys were taco lovers. At least they didn't see how much I was blushing.

I went back to the living room and except for a couple of forays to my room to switch CDs I stayed with the original plan.

One more time I went into the room I asked, "Mike, do you need anything else from me before I do to bed? I've got school tomorrow."

He smiled at me and said, "Go to bed, honey, and sleep well".

It didn't take long to get in bed. No clothes to take off and hang up. No pajamas to put on. Not even any covers to turn back. I upped the thermostat a couple of degrees. I could still hear the talk from the family room so I felt safe to masturbate without interruption and observation. I was soaking wet. I had not realized how turned on I was. A few strokes of my cunt slit and a few more serious strokes of my clit and I was engulfed in a really concentrated orgasm. That felt so good I was happy to have performed for those men. I really slept that night.

My new life was not directly involved with sexual activity but it sure was preparing me for it. I had no boyfriend but if I did he would have been very lucky.

Things continued on pretty much the same with just a few interruptions of the routine. I saw Kim twice a day. She not only brought me clothes on a daily basis but she brought me ice cream and other goodies. (By the way, I didn't get brand new clothes every day. There was about eight or nine outfits but Kim alternated tops with skirts and a few pants so I had more different looks from day to day.) She helped Mike with grocery shopping. I became the household cook. Kim often stayed and ate dinner with us. She usually stripped to join me in my "costume", as I referred to it.

One night Annie came by. She was in her uniform and said since it was dark out she thought I might like to ride along. She had two deliveries that required her to pass almost by our house. That sounded good to me. It also felt good to yell, "Mike. I'm going out for a while. I'll be back in a little bit."

He appeared in the doorway to the hall and said, "What?"

As I stepped out the door, I looked back and said, "Bye".

I calmly walked out to Annie's car that had the company sign on the top. We drove several blocks and she pulled to the curb in front of a house. She said, "I'll be right back".

I said, "Can't I get out?"

She laughed and said, "Sure, but I don't think you should go to the door with me. It might cause me to get fired."

She went to the door and I stood next to the car. There was a street light almost right over me. I could hear the conversation at the door. It had to do with price and change making and tip giving and then, "Is that a naked girl standing next to your car?"

Annie said, "Uh, I believe it is".

The guys looked behind him into the house, stepped out pulling the door almost closed behind him and then said, a little more quietly, "Can I come out and see her?"

Annie giggled and said, "Yeah, I guess she won't mind since she is standing in public under a light."

The guy walked out with Annie and said, "Hi."


"Aren't you cold out here?"

I said, "Your burning eyes are keeping me warm at the moment".

He said, "You are beautiful. I'm going to be ordering more pizza. Do you always accompany the delivery?"

I said, "No" and Annie said, "Gotta go!" We got in the car and left.

Annie really got the giggles then and pretty soon I had them too. What fun!

The next stop was in a dark, country area. Annie was a little nervous about going to the door. She said, "Can I ask a favor?"


She handed me her cell phone. "Go up with me and stand back a bit. If it looks like there is any difficulty or what you perceive as danger, call 9-1-1 for me. I've never had to do that but this is a bit creepy."

"No problem!" It was creepy. No porch light and little light in the windows.

We walked toward the porch and I stood back in the shadow of some shrubbery near the porch where I could see and hear but be out of sight.

Annie knocked. Immediately the porch light came on. The door opened and the room was well lighted. A young woman stepped out on the porch wearing just a pair of brief shorts. There was another girl just inside the door wearing what I was wearing. A naked guy stepped behind the door looking out but hiding.

The girl on the porch started apologizing for the darkness. "We were occupied and forgot to turn the light on. We were almost in the dark ourselves." She giggled.

Annie said, "That's all right. I was a little spooked but I had back up".


Annie said, "Kacie, you might as well come out. I think we'll be okay".

I stepped into the light of the porch and the porch woman gasped. The girl inside the door giggled and stepped out. Then she called behind her, "Andy, come look at this".

The guy came out from behind the door and also stepped on the porch when he saw me. He had a nice erection.

"Hey," he said, "you want to join us? We can always use another naked girl". Then he turned to Annie and said, "You can get naked too, can't you?"

Annie said, "Looks like fun but you are already outnumbered and I have to get Kacie home and get myself back to the shop. It's almost time to close and time for me to get off. It's too far to come back. Maybe some other time".

The girl in shorts said, "Any time. Could we arrange to order pizza so you bring it on the way home some night? I'm sure we could round up a couple or three more guys. We are about to wear Andy out anyway. His eyes are bigger than his cock." The girl in shorts identified herself as Maggie and said the naked girl was Amber.

Annie said, "I have your phone number. I'll let you know if there is a way. You guys seem like fun".

On the way back Annie stopped at a convenience store. There was no other car in the lot so I said, "I want to go in with you". She smiled and said, "Hussy. Come on".

We went in and the clerk was a woman, probably in her forties or fifties. She frowned briefly and then smiled really big.

"When I first looked up all I saw was skin and thought some guy was coming in here naked. I wish my son was here. He would love this. Aren't you cold?"

I assured her I was all right and that we had just stopped so Annie could buy some chips.

"I sure wish my son was here. He sometimes stops by. He is going to be really disappointed that he missed you."

Annie picked out her chips and went to the counter to pay. The lady just waved her away and said, "It's on me. I sure wish my son was here".

When Annie dropped me off at my house, Mike was waiting near the door.

"Who gave you clothes to wear out tonight?", he demanded.

I calmed him down and told him of our adventures that night.

I said, "You never said I couldn't go out. You just insisted I be naked. As you have just heard, I have been naked all night and having a ball."

He laughed and gave me a hug. I didn't feel uncomfortable with him hugging me so I quickly pulled away.

One day Mike did something with the plumbing. I don't know what he did but I was amazed at the lengths he went to expose me. A plumber was called. It worked out better than Mike has intended. The plumber, who was probably near sixty, brought along an apprentice who was in his early twenties, just a few years older than me. It seemed to be the most embarrassing and humiliating to me when the person to whom I was exposed was near my age. The older guys were just older guys who had probably seen most every thing. Young guys were most likely to show a reaction. Bulges in britches were an indication that I was lusted after. That effected me and juices flowed.

The plumber just "hmphed" at me. The apprentice was another story. He was almost no help at all. The plumber got pissed and asked me if I would please go into another room until they finished. He didn't criticize me but I was his customer. Mike was hiding to see what happened. I had answered the door and was directing them to the problem. I understood the problem was having with the apprentice and me and I quietly withdrew. I heard the plumber chastise the apprentice a bit, then directed him back to the task at hand. He called for me when they were finished.

"Miss, we are through. Just about anybody here could have cleared that up. It looked almost purposefully done." He gave me an accusing look thinking, no doubt, I had done the deed to get attention. If he had only known he could be pissed at someone else. I said nothing but just got a check Mike had left and filled it in with the amount of the bill. As I handed him the check I said softly enough for only the plumber to hear, "It may have been done purposefully. I'm controlled by a man who likes to show me off naked". He looked at me in a strange way and looked around to see if he could see who was controlling me.

"I don't suppose you have any identification on you, do you?" I think this was the plumber's attempt at a joke.

"I don't know where my drivers license is at the moment and that's not my check anyway. Do you know where we live?" That was pretty sarcastic but it was Mike's fault.

From time to time, Mike found some reason to have people stop by and have me open the door for them. I got his friends beer from the refrigerator or did some task in their presence. Once Mike even spilled something on the floor and I had to get on my hands and knees to clean it up. That exposed everything to the two guys visiting him. I was very upset but didn't talk back. I thought that one of these days all the blood was going to run to my face and never return to where it belonged.

Most of the time one guy was not enough to make me really self conscious. As I had been told would happen, I was beginning to enjoy being exposed to people. There was the dread when I knew it was going to happen but the actual happening was not that bad. I was finding ways to masturbate more often when I could be assured of privacy.

One afternoon I returned from school to find a large bag on my bed. I also found that the bed had been covered with a blanket. I checked and found a new fitted sheet and top sheet under the blanket. I opened the bag and found five sweat pants and sweat shirts sets. It had been getting a bit cool. I carefully opened each item, removed the rosa-blanca.ru and labels, refolded them and put them in a drawer. A note said they were to be kept and worn for my comfort. How kind!

As usual I stripped out of my school clothes and went about my business. I studied a while and then went to the family room and turned on the TV. I watched some nonsense and didn't realize it was time for Mike to come home. As frequently happened, Kim came in with him.

"I win!" she said.

"What did you win?", I asked.

"We win. Mike said you would be wearing your new sweats. I said you wouldn't. We bet. We win."

"So what do we win?"

"The bet was that if Mike won, I would go into some convenience stores, naked, at least four times, to buy some milk or something. If I won, as we did, we get to blindfold Mike and tie his hands behind his back. He is then to eat the pussy of one of us until we cum. If he can guess who he's eating, he gets a handjob from one of us. If he guesses wrong, he has to do it again until he gets it right. Of course, he actually wins either way. All guys like to eat pussy."

"That sounds fun but there is a problem. Mike and I have a no incest pact and that would qualify as incest. We have defined it."

"Oh, that's too bad." Kim said. She was disappointed her plan wasn't going to work.

"I have an idea," I said, "lets call Annie and see if she will participate."

Kim liked that idea and, I might add, so did Mike. He would love to mess with Annie. So I called her.

She was receptive so I asked her if she had any more contact with the girls at the house in the country where we were spooked. She had so I suggested maybe they would also like to participate. The more girls the less likely Mike would be able to guess than with just a fifty-fifty chance.

She called them, they agreed and a date was set. I thought maybe I was going to get a little pay back on Mike. In any regards it was going to be fun.

We got together and all the women got naked. The "country girls", Maggie and Amber, brought Andy so he and Mike got the reward of having their own girly show.

We told Mike he had to be topless for the exercise so his shirt wouldn't irritate the girl's legs. When we got his hands tied behind his back and his blindfold in place, we had him stand up so we could place him in front of one of the girls who would be sitting on a dining room chair. Then he would have total access to her cunt. When he was properly set up, Kim came up behind him while two of us held his arms, and she stripped off his pants, leaving him as naked as we were. That got a laugh from everyone but him. He was instantly hard. He had no time to reflect and no time to try to exercise control. He just popped up hard. None of us had seen him naked and unfortunately for him it was not that impressive. We refrained from making any comment however. Just some looks among us.

Andy loved it and stripped off his clothes too. He gave himself a few strokes to make sure he was up. Kim was the only one who had not seen his big cock and I could tell she loved it.

Mike had been introduced to Maggie and Amber but we were betting he couldn't identify them. So Amber was first. She was so turned on it only took a couple of minutes for her to cum. She squirted in Mike's face. Both Maggie and Amber had pussy hair when we were at their house. We asked them to shave so Mike would not have an advantage. Mike guessed it was one of the country girls but could not remember the names. We asked him dark hair or light. He said, "Light". He was wrong. We wiped the girl juice off his face with a baby butt wipe.


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