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Nang Ch. 01


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"Huh? Why you ask? You have?"

"Just a question that I was thinking of. What do you think would be a good idea to do with that kind of money?"

"I don't know Paul. I don't know that kind money. But if I had, maybe I buy land with some. Maybe put some in investment, but need go Japan for that."

That surprised me. I thought she would say jewelry without hesitating. But no mention of doing that so I asked, "what about buying gold jewelry with some?"

"No. Too much jewelry not good. Too many people see. Maybe they steal. Not good."

"Why go to Japan to make investments? Why not Bangkok?"

"Bangkok, too many people know you have money. Not good. Japan better."

I smiled at her. "You are a delightful surprise!" She smiled in return. "What mean? Delightful surprise?"

"It means that not only are you beautiful inside and out, but you are very smart and intelligent as well."

She smiled demurely, "Paul, I go school many years. I want learn many things. I think much more to learn but what I know ok for now. Why you ask?"

"Come with me." And I led her to my laptop computer.

"You know how to use a computer?"

"Yes. We use in school and work. I have at home." She snickered. That caught me a little off-balance.

"Ok, then you'll be able to use this one also. Maybe we have similar programs."

"We use many software suites so probably yes." Her use of that terminology didn't escape me.

"Where did you go to school?"

"I go Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. I study computer science. My work in Bangkok to build and manage computer networks." She said as she smiled at me.

I was flabbergasted! I was marrying a computer jockey, and a highly educated one at that! Nang was giggling at me as her revelations completely took me by surprise again!

"Woman, you continue to surprise and amaze me. Come here you!" and I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugged her tightly and we kissed with as much passion as we both could muster.

I sat down in front of my computer and had Nang bring a chair over to sit next to me.

"We need to go to Japan soon, to add you to my accounts and introduce you to my investment advisor so he knows who you are."

My computer had booted up by now and I was on-line and on my investment bank's secure web page. "This is the web page to access my accounts." I logged into my account and showed Nang where I kept the login and password information. As the summary page of my investments came up I could hear Nang suck in her breath.

"Paul, if that is right, you very rich man."

"The numbers are correct. And it's not just for me now. It's for both of us."

"Why you live here? You can live anywhere you want. This not fancy place. Other places more nice."

"Yes, I can live anywhere I want. But I choose to live here."


"Because I like the people who live here. I like your aunt Noy and your uncle. I like your town. And I've always loved to have you here. If I lived somewhere else, I wouldn't have had the chance to become your lover."

Nang wasn't smiling and I could see that something was bothering her. And it probably had something to do with my wealth.

"What is wrong, Nang?"

" ........ nothing wrong."

"But still, you are not happy about something."

"......... nothing wrong, Paul."

"But ....?"

"Ok, ...... yes, I not like people think I marry you for money."

"But you didn't."

"No, I not know when you ask and I say yes."

"So, it's not a problem."

"But, ...." "It's not a problem. Everyone already knows that I have some money because I have this house and your aunt comes over to clean and your uncle takes care of my yard. But they really don' t know how much I have."

She sat there thinking of what I had said. "I say I marry you because I love you. And you love me."

"Yes, I love you very much."

"Is important you know I marry you because I love you. Not money. Even if you poor, I still love you."

"I know."

"How you know?"

"It shows in the way you love me. You cannot hide how you feel about someone. You cannot hide your feelings toward me. I know in the way you want to be near me all the time. I know in the way you hug me and want me to hug you all the time. I know in the way you kiss. I know by the way you touch my hand or my arm whenever we are together. I know by the way we make love. You love me."

She smiled with tears falling from her eyes as she whispered, "..... I-I ...... l-l-love y-y-ou....... aall....my.... h-h-heart ."


We had a light lunch, considering our over indulgence the night before with booze and food, and left to visit a couple of jewelers to look for a suitable gift for her mother. We drove over to the first shop and before we got out of the car, Nang laid her hand on my arm, "Paul, how much you want spend?"

"Well, I really don't know what's an appropriate amount. What do you think would be good?" I asked.

"Maybe 50,000 or 75,000 Baht. I hope not too much. But, Paul, you must decide."

I did some rough mental math in my head and figured at roughly 30 Baht to the dollar, that 75,000 Baht came out to about $2,500 in US currency. For Nang, that seemed like a small dowry to me. But I knew that in this corner of the world, that was a small fortune.

"Let's set a budget at 150,000 Baht."

Nang's eyes grew big. "That too much! 75,000 Baht plenty."

"For you, Nang. I value you very highly so my gift to your parents must show how much you mean to me. So 150,000 Baht for your mother, and let's spend the same on a car or truck for your father."

"You ..... is too much ..... Paul, ..... money not everything. Sometimes not good to give big gift."

"Let's just say that I'm in love with a beautiful, lovely, intelligent woman who sets my world on fire."

Nang teared up and hugged me tightly. "I love you." She whispered before she kissed me.

So we shopped around at nine different jewelry stores and picked up an assortment of jewelry. Nang insisted that we limit our purchases at any one store so that no one would get too suspicious of us. But even then, she was concerned that we were spending a great deal of money and it might dawn on someone that there might be more where this came from.

I thought about it and that made a lot of sense and made me a little cautious also. So when we went to look for a vehicle for Nang's father, we ended up buying an SUV that wasn't too decked out. But it would still be very much appreciated. I arranged with the dealer to have it serviced and made ready for me to pick it up the next day. I took one set of keys with me, and left the other set with the dealer.

On the way back home, we stopped off at the open market just down the road from our house. Nang shopped for a variety of things to make our dinner with, and also picked up a nice reed basket.

"Basket is for your gift to mother and father. Look ok?" she asked.

I agreed, and added several bunches of flowers as an afterthought. "I think it will look nice to put some flowers in it too. What do you think?" She smiled, "you special man. That why I love you from long time before."

So after we returned home and dropped off our things, we lined the basket with several small monstera leaves from the backyard and placed the jewelry and the car keys in it, along with a handful of flowers. We went over to her parent's house and presented my gifts to them.

I think it safe to say that it overwhelmed them. Her mom in particular didn't know what to say, especially after her concerns over how I was from a different culture and wouldn't understand or care about theirs. Her dad was really happy with the idea that he was going to receive a vehicle of some sort and was absolutely thrilled the next day when I drove him down to the dealer to pick up his SUV.


After the noise of the first couple of days had quieted down to a low rumble, Nang and I were able to enjoy our privacy once again. And Noy now made sure that she let us know in advance when she would be coming over to clean as she more than once surprised us in the middle of a bout of making love.

The most memorable interruption occurred in the early afternoon several days after our big family get together. There is a stand of lychee fruit trees growing in the back of my property and the fruits are sweet and juicy. Nang and I had gone out to pick some and she had climbed up into the tree to get to some of the fruit that was hanging up in the higher levels of the tree.

She was wearing a pair of baggy shorts. Looking up from below her, I could see up into her shorts and saw that she wasn't wearing any panties. So I reached up inside the leg of her shorts and began rubbing her labia and slowly finger-fucked her as she tried to concentrate on picking lychees. After a few minutes of that stimulation, Nang took off her shorts and opened her stance as I climbed up to the limb she was standing on, took off my shorts and we promptly began to make love up in the tree.

We were probably out there in the tree for at least twenty or thirty minutes before we both came. After which we slowly climbed down out of the tree, kissed and retrieved the clothes that we had discarded and now lay on the ground. As we were putting them back on, we heard Noy laughing from the house.

"I sorry! But I not know you up in tree make babies!" Noy said between giggles. Nang blushed, "aunty, please don't tell." Noy smiled. "I don't tell. I think I come only Tuesday and Friday to clean so you know when I come. Ok?"

And with that, our spontaneous love making became tempered on those two days.


One evening, as we were lying in bed I asked her, "You know how much I like sex?"

She laughed. "I know you like sex plenty."

I chuckled in reply, "oh yes, I enjoy sex a lot. But only with you." I paused briefly as I looked her in her eyes, "but how about you?"

"With right man, I think I like sex plenty." She smiled as she reached for my hard cock.

I squirmed out of her reach and she took out her frustration by pinching the side of my stomach briefly.


"Don't move."


She kissed me again, "don't move," she repeated as she groped between our bodies for my erection.

"Ok, you like sex, but do you like it so much that you might do it several times a day?"

With a gleam in her eye, "We already do. With you I want any time you want." With lowered eyes, she continued, "Paul, you ........ I ......... when I go Bangkok, I think I want live big city. Get good job. Meet different people. Maybe city people more smart than people here. Maybe more rich than people here. Maybe I find good man there. But all people same. Same people. Maybe we live different there. In apartment, not house. Maybe ride bus to work, not walk. Some people very rich, but inside still same people. They dress different, but all same inside. Same people. Some good, some bad. Same people inside."

She paused briefly to nuzzle into my chest before she kissed me, "One thing always good for me. When I come here. Talk with you. Spend time with you. Paul, you different from others." She smiled.

"I think I know why you say that to me tonight. Paul, ........." and she raised herself to look deeply into my eyes, "you love me. Yes?"

"Yes, I do." I whispered back and tears began to leak from my eyes.

And Nang began to tear up as well, "and I love you too." She whispered back. "I love you. We make love all time." she said as she pulled me down to her. We kissed deeply and passionately.

We ended up just going to sleep after that. Although we were nude, we didn't make love. Instead, we held each other comfortably. We were in love.

The next morning, I woke to a soft kiss. Nang lay on me as she lowered her face to kiss me again. Nang's soft kiss brought me out of my euphoric state of mind. I hugged her tightly and returned her kiss.

Something that nagged at the back of my mind after our first intimate encounter, but I hadn't thought to talk with Nang about till now, was whether she was on birth control or not. She blushed when I asked her but she affirmed that she had been using the pill since she moved to Bangkok.

"I worry that maybe I have sex with boyfriend. But since not marry, I think not good have children. But now, we to marry so maybe not take pill?"

"Do you want to have kids right away?" I asked.

"I think maybe good have soon. But even if I with child, I want you make love to me. Ok?"

I smiled. "Ok. You know I'll always want to make love to you." Nang blushed and kissed me.

"How many kids you want?" she asked.

I smiled back at her, "how many can you handle?"

"I want many. Good family have many children. Maybe five? Ok?"

I smiled, "then we better get started soon," which brought a smile to her face.

"Yes, but first we marry. Go to government office and register, then temple see priest. Ask for blessing. Ok?"

"Sounds like it's important to do."

"Very important. To me. Please?"

I smiled as I kissed her, "if it's important to you, then it's important to me also."

She smiled then reached between us and began stroking me till I was as hard as ever. Then she mounted me and slowly slid down my pole until we were firmly joined.

Breathlessly she whispered, " ..... first ...... ooooohhhhhh ....... you cum ......... inside me ......" as she began to post up and down on my erection.


The next day Nang and I went into Phuket and filled out the marriage registration forms and paid our fees. They asked if I wanted a prenuptial agreement and I told them no, that I had nothing to hide and everything to share with my wife. Nang smiled and hugged me tightly. She told me later that most farangs who married Thai women had prenups; at least that's what she had heard. That I did not want one and instead was happy sharing everything with her, spoke volumes to her and served to validate how much I loved her.

That afternoon, Noy came over to do my housework and we were visiting with her afterwards by the pool.

"Sim Noy," Nang told her, "we go temple tomorrow. Visit priest, ask for blessing."

Noy nodded her head in approval. "You register?"

"Yes, we register this morning."

"Then you and Paul should do wedding party. I help if you want."

Nang smiled and hugged her aunt. "I want. Thank you."

"Ok. When good time to do?" she asked both of us.

I replied, "I have to go to Chiang Mai in a couple of days for some work, but that shouldn't take more than three or four days. Can we do the wedding party after that?"

"Good. Give me time to make good party." Noy turned to Nang, "Who you want come?"

"I think my family, you and uncle, enough."

"You don't want other friends come?"

"I don't know. I live Bangkok too long. Many friends here not close anymore. I think and let you know."

"You Paul. You want people come?"

I couldn't think of anyone who I wanted to invite. My sister and her family were just too far away and it would be very expensive for them to come. Plus with the party coming so quickly I didn't think that it would be feasible for them to attend.

"Sim Noy, I think those that I would want to invite live too far away. I think Nang and I will visit with them in a couple of months to let them meet Nang."

Later that night as we were settling down in our bed, Nang asked me, "you go to Chiang Mai soon?" "Yes, I have a job up there that I need to go and do some work on. Would you like to come with me? See what I do?"

She smiled, "yes. I want know what my husband do. I know you tell me some, but I want see also. Maybe I help too?"

I smiled back at her; "and I want you by my side all the time also."

Then it dawned on me that perhaps she had some work to do also. "Cheung jai, do you have any work that you need to do also?"

She smiled a bright and teary smile, "you called me your lover." And she attacked me passionately with her lips. "I love you" she whispered when she finally allowed us to come up for air.

I smiled back at her, "and I love you too." And pecked her lips softly, to add emphasis.

We laid down in each other's embrace, with our light blanket covering us. I asked her again, "do you have any work that you need to do?" "No. I quit job when I come home. I not want to stay Bangkok. So I quit."

"Do you have any plans to do anything else?"

"Maybe. I think maybe I good at making computer networks and fixing problems. So maybe I do some, but not too much. Maybe for one or two years only. Once children come, then maybe no time. I want time for children and you. You come first. Then children. Then maybe work. Ok?"

"I like your plan very much. And you come first with me also. You are the most important person in my life. And when our children come, they will come right after you and before my work. Besides, I really don't need to work."

"Shhh." Nang placed her finger against my lips. "You need something keep you busy. Besides make love to me, you need work keep you busy."

"Now where would I find the time to work if I'm making love to you all the time......" I told her as I began to caress her breasts. Her legs opened in anticipation of our loving making. I slide my body over hers as I lowered my lips to her breasts.

"Paul," she whispered, "please ......... in me ......... please .......... in me ........I want ........ ooooooohhhhhhhh" she moaned as I slowly slide into her warm sheath, already wet in anticipation.

"Cheung jai," I whispered, "I love you."

Nang looked into my eyes for a long moment before she whispered back, "I love you all my heart. I am for you only." She hugged me tightly with her arms and legs as we kissed. My hard cock deeply entrenched in her warmth.

After a few moments, our lips parted and we looked into each other's eyes. She smiled and began to tighten her vaginal muscles rhythmically, squeezing and releasing my erection as it lay nestled in her womb. I smiled in return and began our lover's dance; thrusting slowly and deeply, then quickening the pace as Nang began to moan and hug me tighter and tighter.

Then she was there....... reaching her crest as she arched her back and dug her fingers into my back, our lips sealed to each other as our tongues dueled. And I responded with my own blinding release ...... a tightening of my groin signaling my pending eruption moments before I slammed my dick as hard as I could into Nang, then held it there as I came, flooding her pussy with my cum.

"I love you," she whispered to me.

"I love you too," I replied.


The next day we traveled to Chang Mai where I had been asked to take a look at a storage site that had been used to store explosives by a commercial mining company. The company had gone bankrupt about a year before, and the city had become concerned about any unused explosives that might still be on the property. A visual survey had been performed which revealed several suspicious looking sites. And a storage shed towards the back of the property contained evidence that it had been used to store explosives and some corrosive chemicals.

When we got there, we were met by a government official who escorted us around the property. It was clear that they had a hazardous clean up job ahead. We walked the property and confirmed many of their suspicions. I asked Nang to be our camera person and she happily snapped away with our pocket digital camera.

The storage shed caused more than a little concern. My handy dandy handheld chemical sniffer detected all sorts of bad stuff in different parts of the floor of the shed. But as we shifted some of the empty chemical bags around, we found what appeared to be the metal covering to an underground storage bunker of some sort.

When we popped the lid open, we found several open cases of explosives. Moldy and dusty, they seemed ripe for a problem to happen.

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