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Natural Erections Ch. 04 - Hariyati


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Paulo stood watching; his mouth set in a broad smile as he watched his friend running away from the girl whilst sporting an erection. Back home, would either really believe what they had been doing? And then he himself had to start running again as the young girl came after him.

It was an enjoyable game which went on for quite a long time. By the time they had finished everyone had actually weed upon everyone else. It was Mr Jessop who suggested it was time to stop and do 'something' else. Perhaps he had become a little fed up of being 'it' and everyone else being faster than him! He had though, just caught Hariyati and called the other two men to help.

"Could you perhaps help me to upend her? I've a desire, it's a bit of a kinky one..."

Paulo thought an awful lot of Mr Jessop's ideas tended that way.

"... to wee upon her sex."

Hariyati was lifted and upended and her legs splayed. So good to look closely at Hariyati's opened sex, and then Mr Jessop was holding his black 'sausage' and splashing his wee upon it with a big grin on his face. It was not just the grin that gave away his enjoyment but the growing size of the sausage as well. But that soon meant he was not weeing upon her at all, the strong curve of his erecting penis sending his stream over and beyond her.

"Do either of you boys fancy a drink?"

Mike and Paulo made a face -- not Mr Jessop's hose -- thank you very much!

"No!" exclaimed Mike. I'd prefer Hariyati's drinking fountain, you know."

Paulo was momentarily puzzled until Mr Jessop said a few words to Hariyati and then saw between her legs her wee bubbling up and rising into the air -- indeed, just like a drinking fountain. Paulo did not hesitate but bent his head and opened his mouth above the rising, bubbling stream and let Hariyati's wee shoot into his mouth. Anything but cold, not a bit like spring water, and Paulo drank before yielding to Mike and Mr Jessop in turn. He had done the drinking almost without thinking. It was something he really had to do; what with Mike and he having proudly announced their watersporting fetish.

They let Hariyati down before they turned their hoses upon her. She was laughing with her eyes closed as they just hosed her. Three men surrounding and weeing upon the girl; on her head, in her face, on her breasts, down towards her sex. The wee just ran down her body. Wonderful to see her follow a stream back with her mouth and then clamp her lips around that cock and drink. Paulo was amazed when she did it to him. He was actually weeing in a girl's mouth!

And then they fucked her; all of them wet to varying degrees and Hariyati pretty drenched. One after another hard, swollen penises entered her body, to move vigorously before being replaced again and again. It was very much becoming a communal habit. A slick, wet vagina closing again and again around hard male flesh, the movement nearly bringing orgasm to the men time and time again. Until, of course, it did!

Paulo and Mike had enjoyed the watersporting games. They had discovered a whole new side to themselves, a side imagined back when they had first stood at the viewpoint together and talked about sex but now their imagination brought into reality. Together they had moved from theory to practice. Of course, they talked about it amongst themselves. How the idea had blossomed from a bit of joking around to the reality. They had also had an idea about weeing inside a girl's panties together and had, indeed, mentioned that to Mr Jessop Snr. when he had first mooted the idea of securing the services of a young girl. The idea of tucking themselves in there where it would be so cosy and warm and just making water had rather aroused them. Unsurprisingly Mr Jessop thought the idea more than a little pleasing and returned to their original idea after dinner, when they had been drinking beer, and insisted they tried it out. He sent Hariyati off to get her French maid's outfit but with panties on this time. Quite something to rise from the table and go to her, one to the front and one to the back, raise her black skirt and just slipping their cocks into the gusset of her knickers; tucking them in under the elastic as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do.

"Is there room for a third?" But of course there was not the space for a third man. "Perhaps I could try tomorrow?" Paulo knew Mr Jessop would be insistent about that.

Lovely to feel the warmth around his penis, Hariyati's warm little snatch, feel the elastic holding him there and the softness of the cotton beneath his penis. Of course, he could feel Mike's penis there as well.

"Off you go boys!"

A sudden surge of hotness against his penis as Mike began to wee and then he too was weeing. Rather lovely to hold Hariyati as he did so. The warmth of the evening, the scents of the night, the sounds of the crickets, all in the subdued electric light of the patio as beneath them they heard the steady pattering of their wee escaping from Hariyati's panties, running down her legs and making raindrop sounds on the ground. And then the lovely realisation it was not just Mike and his wee but a real surge around their cocks. The increasing sound of water falling to the paving revealed Hariyati had joined them. Strangely intimate and sexual. Alongside him, Paulo felt Mike's cock growing and his did the same, two cocks within Hariyati's panties growing and expanding in the sopping wetness as their wee rushed out.

And even when they had finished their wee the two young men did not withdraw. Sliding their penises to and fro within the young girl's knickers, rubbing against the so soaked, warm cotton, rubbing against soft thigh and the mobile flesh of Hariyati's pudenda and, yes, against each other's hardness.

"Should we?" Asked Mike.

"It is all rather nice," replied Paulo, "different."

"A different experience! Let's carry on."

Poor Mr Jessop was being left out until Hariyati reached out her hand. The lads for their part kept gently moving their penises within the girl's panties, just loving the feeling. Odd indeed. Two hard penises lodged inside a girl's sopping wet panties and rubbing against her and each other. The result, unless they withdrew, inevitable. Paulo certainly thought of withdrawing but the experience just so strange yet so sexual made him stay until not only had they weed there in Hariyati's pants but had ejaculated. Quite what Hariyati thought, she could not say or, at least, the lads would not have understood if she had expressed her feelings. What she did make clear, as the boy's penises subsided, was she did not want them to pull away. Instead she brought her hand down cupping both her sex and the now flaccid penises inside her knickers and began rubbing the mass of soft, male and female flesh together inside her pants. Soft, sticky and all very wet, but it seemed to please her enough to make her, after a decent amount of rubbing and squelching come to a clearly very satisfactory conclusion. So good for the men to know Hariyati had come too.

The boys pulled out which clearly was what Mr Jessop had been waiting for. He came up to Hariyati, his big, black penis all ready and pulled the elastic of one leg aside and was in where the boys had been. They had enjoyed being inside the girl's knickers and clearly Mr Jessop thought the same. Perhaps he had had thoughts of doing what the lads had done and slide back and forth along her sex, maybe weeing at first before changing over the fluid to the 'other one;' maybe he slipped into her vagina by mistake or maybe that just felt the right thing to do but it was not that long before he was fucking her properly and was not long in reaching his own conclusion as his long black cock sawed in and out of one leg of Hariyati's knickers..

Sex, sex, sex but the work was being done and nearing completion. So too was the end of Mike and Paulo's working holiday coming closer and closer. The idyll in the sun drawing to a close. A remarkable fantasy of sexual experience. Soon it would be time to catch the flight home and back to more normal things. In the last couple of days Paulo felt an almost urgent need to rut and to watersport. To enjoy Hariyati as much as he could before it was time to leave.

"Shall I drink your penis?"

Paulo sat up in bed. He had almost been asleep and there was Hariyati at his door looking in. It was dark outside, but the moonlight through the doorway outlined her body for him. In one way he wanted to go to sleep but on the other hand, where else was he going to have such a strangely worded invitation. The native girl came across the floor, her bare feet making no sound. It was rather more English than he had expected from her. Did she know more than she had let on, or was it a phase Mr Jessop had taught her?

Did she mean for him to wee or cum? It came to him he could do either or both. Would he really believe all this when he returned to England? The light disappeared as the girl closed the door. He just lay there as he felt the girl get on the bed. His penis lolled; he could feel it on his thigh. He had, after all been fucking her not that long before. In the darkness he felt it being lifted from his thigh and a warm mouth envelop it. Spread-eagled upon the bed, unable to see a thing, Paulo marvelled at what he had been enjoying. Great to have been at the villa with Mike. He had enjoyed being there; had enjoyed the work and it had been somewhat of a holiday really; in effect, a working holiday. He was amazed at how it had all started with just Mike and he having a wank together -- something he would never have thought they would do; and then Katherine had come; then Mrs Jessop with old Mr Jessop's son; finally the old man had turned up too and brought Hariyati -- what a game girl she had proved. Paulo sighed as he felt the girl suck the whole of his penis into her mouth. What a thing to be experiencing. There he was in utter darkness with the sound of the crickets outside and this delightful girl sucking him into erection -- not that she had managed it yet. Should he, should he?

She had, after all, drunk his wee before. Paulo relaxed his sphincter and spurted. He was not wetting the bed! No, incredibly he felt a suction and knew Hariyati was accepting him, drinking his wee down. He tried to let his flow be gentle, but he was not minded to stop until empty. He could feel Hariyati's tongue moving in the flow, actually touching his knob, tickling his urethral opening as out of it came his wee. Funny to think that it would go down into her stomach, through her body and then she would wee his wee out again. And if he drank that, then it would go around again!

Spread-eagled in the darkness, weeing into a warm girl's mouth. Was that something he would ever do again? It went on longer than an ejaculation. A different pleasure -- certainly longer. It was not as if he had been bursting or had had any need to get up and wander down the corridor but there was still a lot more than a mere ejaculation: but even that ended and with it came movement from Hariyati. Was she going to? Yes, she was!

Warm, feminine wetness descended in the darkness, thighs around his ears, knees either side of his chest, the girl was almost sitting upon his face. All her feminine sexual attributes hovering over his face in the blackness of his room -- lips, clitoris and vagina -- and somewhere in all that her own urethral opening. But would it just be her lovely feminine wetness and her wee he was about to lap up? Had she already been to see Mr Jessop or Mike -- indeed was she still rather full from what the three men had been up to that evening? One girl and three men. What should he not expect from such a relationship? Might it all come dripping out from her? In the darkness Paulo reached up with his tongue and licked; almost at once Hariyati descended, her sex both delightfully hot and wet. Almost immediately she began weeing and Paulo clamped his mouth to her and began a rhythmic swallowing as the young girl replenished the fluid he had just lost to her. In the darkness he felt her lips return to his penis and it began to erect in her mouth; he knew he would be giving her his 'other liquid,' and as Hariyati's flow ceased and his tongue began exploring he knew that it was not just him that would be giving semen to Hariyati, she too was giving him that 'other liquid,' he could taste it, thick and salty on his tongue, only it was not really hers...

Soixante-neuf -- what a lovely position for sexual activity but not of course sexual intercourse -- quite the wrong way around. How lovely to pleasure and be pleasured in return. How lovely, eventually, to feel himself spurting his other fluid into Hariyati's mouth.

Hariyati rotated on the bed and made to leave, in the darkness she leant down and kissed Paulo on the lips but said nothing. He rather suspected she still had his cum in her mouth. Was she now off to Mike or Mr Jessop? Had she some other game to play? Perhaps Mr Jessop had asked for her to bring his cum for them to play with together. Was it to snowball or perhaps to make his cock all slippery? Paulo did not care. Mr Jessop Snr. was certainly one kinky old goat! He smiled at the moonlit silhouette in the doorway, such a lovely shape, and then Hariyati was gone. He stretched again, his penis once more lolling against his thigh and he was asleep in an instant.

The last day of Mike and Paulo's sojourn at Mr Jessop's villa came. Perhaps next year they might return: if Mr Jessop had sufficient work to employ them. The thought in Paulo's mind of whether it could all be the same again another year. Katherine coming, then Mr and Mrs Jessop and lastly Mr Jessop senior -- and without any of them discovering that Mike and he had been sexual with all of them. Was that far too much to hope for? Had it all been just the one-off experience -- experiences of course!

It was clear Mr Jessop senior had enjoyed having them there to share in Hariyati. The trouble was his enjoyment seemed not merely to be in having other men to share her, not just the simple pleasures of companionship and so on, but there was rather more to it. Mr Jessop seemed to rather enjoy other men's cocks as such. They had not quite established what he and his friend, Simon, back home got up to. Paulo shrugged to himself. Well, to have all that pleasure again -- Katherine, Mrs Jessop and Hariyati, or perhaps another girl next year -- he could even, probably, put up with Mr Jessop or even Mr Jessop and his friend, if Mr Jessop could persuade his friend to fly, playing around a little with his cock and he theirs, if they really wanted so long as... Katherine, Mrs Jessop and lovely young Hariyati. It had all been so good. Remarkable how much of the time he seemed to have been erect and engaged in sexual activity and thought. It had become the most natural thing to be like that -- turgid with other men, both Mike and the two Mr Jessops, applying themselves to successive women. Natural erections indeed.

Mike and Paulo had watched Katherine go, had watched Mr and Mrs Jessop drive away leaving them alone at the villa but now it was their turn to leave. Leave Mr Jessop Snr. there all on his own -- or, rather, still with Hariyati. Their bags packed and them dressed in shorts, shirts and sandals, their leave taken of Hariyati, they sat in the car as Mr Jessop senior started the car to drive them to the airport. They looked back at the villa until it disappeared from sight around a bend in the empty dusty track. One moment they had been there, walking along the path and down the steps to the car, now the villa and all their work, the sun and the sex was simply a memory. They had been there and now they were not.

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maddictmaddictover 4 years ago
Viva, La Villa

Nice triple play, perhaps a triple header, the rope tie was priceless of course the chapter is a trifecta of outdoor play. I'm not sure if I will have the lemonade.

Microbevel8Microbevel8over 4 years ago
Best ever!

The ritual tying and “scarification.” Perfect!

The ease with which Mike and Paulo became more than friends. And of course Mr. Jessup and the hunted at relationship with Simon must be explored. It is a perfectly masculine set of scenes that had me hard and stroking immediately.

The watersporting was introduced at the right moment and built so well. I loved how the exchange of semen between the men was orchestrated.

Last the hint of Hariyati being forced gave the story immediate anxiety which resolved into arousal. So nicely done. Only a writer can do that.

One if your very best stories and they are Legion!

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