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Naturism with the Neighbours

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Jim and Sarah explore nakedness with their neighbours.
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Life wasn't so bad, Jim reflected as he lay in bed one early summer's morning. Just turned forty he was pretty content, he enjoyed his work as a self-employed management consultant which provided for a comfortable life, his home was well situated and plenty big enough for his needs, and best of all he loved his wife dearly. She lay beside him, on her stomach sound asleep, her head turned away from him snoring gently. They'd been married for fifteen years and she was still as attractive as the day he'd met her. In fact, he thought, she probably looked even better as she had matured.

His one regret was that they had never had any children, he had a low sperm count and something between them just didn't quite gel properly and they'd been told they'd probably never conceive naturally. Jim had considered an IVF donor, but Sarah had said that if she couldn't have Jim's child she didn't want anyone else's. Over the years they had gradually come to accept this sadness and had devoted themselves to their careers and each other.

Sarah was also a management consultants specialising in HR issues whereas Jim tended to focus on business management. They had plenty of work which tended to fall into three distinct segments, 20% of the time they were manically busy, often pulling all-nighters, 20% they were very quiet, and for the remainder they could manage their time very comfortably. Occasionally they had to conduct field trips, staying away in hotels, but they tried to restrict these to as few as possible. Sarah had just completed several weeks of long hours finishing a project, Jim was in the comfortable phase.

Jim lifted up the covers and looking over at his wife, admired her form, she was dressed in a white silk nightdress which moulded to her body perfectly, her bum rose from below her long back and her legs stretched out from her. Her breasts were squashed beneath her, but Jim knew just how perfect they were, somewhere between a C and a D cup, topped with rosy red nipples which begged to be sucked on.

Jim reached out a hand and caressed his wife's backside, she murmured in her sleep and altered her position slightly, snuggling further into the mattress. He was tempted to continue to caress her with a view to making love, and his cock stirred slightly at the prospect, but remembering how hard she'd been working lately, he decided, albeit reluctantly, to let her sleep on. Sighing inwardly, he slid out of bed and contemplated going downstairs to his home office and having a wank to some porn, but decided not to. It wasn't as though Sarah would have minded, they were quite open in their sex life, individual or mutual masturbation was not unusual, but perhaps there'd be the chance to make love later on. He only had a few hours work to do and then they could relax together for the rest of the day.

Jim went into the bathroom and got into the shower hoping that the noise from the pump wouldn't wake Sarah, it could be a bit noisy, so he showered quickly, then getting out, dried himself briskly. It was pretty warm in the bathroom, the sun streaming in combining with the warmth from the heating and he decided not to put his dressing gown back on, but stood at the basin shaving, naked. It always felt a bit strange doing that, but it was much cooler. Finished shaving, he cleaned his teeth and was in the middle of that when the door opened and a bleary eyed Sarah came in. She stretched, yawning, which drew her nightdress taut across her breasts emphasising their shape and size and her nipples stood out very prominently. Despite his familiarity with his wife's body Jim's cock stirred.

"Morning," she said, "you should have woken me."

"I thought about it, "Jim mumbled, his mouth full of toothpaste, "but you looked as though you needed to sleep."

Sarah backed over to the toilet and hitching her nightdress up around her waist sat down on the toilet and started to pee. Jim could hear it splashing down into the bowl and looked over at her. There was no inhibition between them, peeing in front of each other was as natural as eating together, but it never failed to excite Jim, there was just something about it.

She sat with her knees together, he couldn't see anything but his cock started to rise. Sarah smiled at him, she knew exactly what it did to him. Without warning Jim heard a small fart then a splash as something large splashed down into the water. "Oops, sorry, "Sarah apologised, "that slipped out, I know you're not keen on poo, especially first thing in the morning." She grabbed some toilet paper and wiped herself, then dried her pussy with another wad. "Come here and I'll make it up to you."

Jim moved closer and Sarah reached out for his cock, fondling it, then feeding it into her mouth. Instantly it went from a state of semi-chub to rock hard as she took it to the back of her throat, her hands stroking the base. Sarah loved sucking Jim's cock almost as much as Jim loved her doing it, not only was the sensation incredible, it demonstrated an intimacy between them. Sarah looked up into Jim's eyes, her tongue swirling around the crown, then took it fully out of her mouth rubbing her palms around it, then rubbing it hard before taking it back into her soft warm mouth.

Jim felt his balls begin to boil and he pulled back from his wife, but she held him fast as he spurted his cum into her mouth. She swallowed, taking nearly all of it down her throat before it became too much for her and some dribbled out of her lips. "Now we both need to rinse our mouth out," she laughed, looking at his foam filled mouth, his toothbrush still clasped between his lips. Wiping the remains of his cum from her face she pulled her nightie over her head and stood naked in front of him, then turned away and got into the shower.

Mesmerised as ever by her beauty, he finished cleaning his teeth and perched on the edge of the bath, watching as she washed her blond hair, soapy water cascading down over her breasts and body. Unconsciously his hand drifted down to his now flaccid cock, playing with it, still enjoying the sensation. She soaped her body and washed herself, running her hands over her breasts then lathering up her fair pubic hair, put her hand between her legs and washed her pussy, parting the lips, then down her bum crack.

She looked up at him watching her through the water spattered glass, "Pervert!" she mouthed at him. Laughing, he left the bathroom, and dressed in some shorts and a tee shirt leaving his wife to finish. He knew she'd be some time, the pressure of the previous weeks taking its toll on her beauty regime. She'd be some time drying herself, rubbing cream into her skin and painting her nails. Much as he would have liked to continue watching he knew it would be best if he just got on with his work for a few hours, then they could spend some time together.

He went downstairs into his home office, Sarah's being upstairs in a converted bedroom and contemplated shutting the door. They had a rule in the house, if a door was shut it meant the occupant wanted privacy, be it a bedroom, bathroom or office door. Open, entry was freely allowed, closed, permission by way of a knock needed to be sought. What he had to do was not onerous so he decided to leave the door open.

Engrossed in his work the time passed without him noticing it until Sarah appeared at the doorway. He looked up, she was dressed in a kimono style robe coming down to just above her knees, and mercifully she held a cup of coffee in her hand. "Thought you could do with one of these," she said and brought it over to his desk. "Still busy?" she enquired.

"You're an angel, "he replied, "nearly there, just a bit more to do then we can do something together if you like."

"Mmm, that sounds interesting, but remember you still owe me one from this morning!"

"Yes, you're right, I do," accepted Jim and slid his hand up her robe, feeling the smoothness of her thighs until he reached the junction at the top. "Hmm, no knickers," he said as his fingers encountered her bare pussy lips. He twisted his hand slightly and his thumb grazed upwards to find her clit whilst his fingers traced a line along her lips. He began to caress her, seeing her take her bottom lip into her mouth, then bite it gently between her teeth.

"Don't start something you won't finish," she warned, pushing back against the pressure of his hand. Jim continued to stroke her pussy, his thumb drawing lazy circles around her clit. Pushing more firmly with his forefinger he found her entrance and slipped his finger in, finding her warm and damp inside. He pushed his finger in as far as it would go then withdrew adding a second as he pushed in again. Sarah breathed in sharply, "That's it, just keep doing that."

Jim turned more towards her and with his free hand pulled apart the top of her robe exposing her breast and a hard nipple. He latched his mouth onto it and sucked gently, teasing the hard nub with his tongue then nibbling it with his teeth. Sarah put her hand on the back of his head and pulled him harder into her.

Jim began to rub her in earnest as she matched his movements, Faster he thrust into her, feeling her wetness grow, hearing her pussy squelch as the juices ran freely from her pussy. Her fingers grabbed Jim's hair and pulled him tight into her as she uttered a brief cry and her knees buckled slightly beneath her, her eyes shut tight, her face scrunched up.

Slowly she relaxed as Jim pulled his fingers from her pussy and out from under her kimono. He put them to his nose and sniffed, then into his mouth licking the juices off them appreciatively. "You taste as divine as ever," he said, "I'm so tempted to get this out, " he indicated his cock bulging against his shorts, "and shag you senseless, but I must finish this first."

"Thanks Jim, that was delightful, it sure saved me from having to do it myself, we're back to even now, so someone will have to start again later! Now drink up your coffee before it gets even colder. I'm going to sit in that gorgeous sunshine for a while. See you soon." With a wiggle of her bum she was gone, Jim following her with his eyes, his hand toying with his cock, sorely tempted, but work discipline won, and very reluctantly he turned back to the computer.

A couple of hours later Jim pressed "send" on the e-mail and stretched his arms above his head, finished for the day. Now I can finally relax he thought, standing gingerly up, his legs stiff from sitting for so long. Emerging from the study into the lounge he looked out into the garden. There lying in the sunshine fully reclined on one of the zero gravity chairs was Sarah, stark naked. His cock twitched at the sight of her breasts, slightly flattened against her chest, her taut stomach and the tuft of fair hair of her pubic triangle glistening in the sunlight. He could see her pussy lips below the hair, visually he loved to see a patch of pubic hair, but Sarah shaved her lips as it was so much more pleasurable for Jim when he kissed here there.

Going out into the garden he let his shadow fall over her face, and she opened her eyes to see what was blocking the sun. "Getting bold in your old age aren't you?" he enquired.

"Well if you actually look, the whole of the top of the garden is totally secluded from being overlooked anywhere, and the bottom half is visible only from Robin and Carey's bedroom window." Robin and Carey were their neighbours and very good friends, having lived next door for ten years or so. "I just love the feel of the sun all over my body and lying here brought back memories of last year's holiday."

Jim and Sarah had been to Gran Canaria and had ventured onto a nude beach, initially with some trepidation, but gradually with more confidence, until eventually they were totally comfortable with the concept of being naked in public amongst others of a similar viewpoint.

"Perhaps we could be naturists in our own home and garden sometimes, it would feel so liberating, and we'd get a lovely all over tan, and who knows we might even have some fun occasionally?" They had witnessed some acts of sex during their trips into the dunes at Maspalomas last year, but had never entered into any themselves, although they had been tempted, and the thought and memories had certainly livened up their sex life back at the hotel.

"I see what you mean about the seclusion, we ought to speak to next door about it first though, make sure they're not uncomfortable with the odd glimpse of flesh, but they'd have to be looking out of the window upstairs to see anything, the fences hide everything at ground level." Jim looked around and stripped off his shorts and tee shirt, then feeling a little awkward dropped his boxers, standing naked in the garden for the first time. He pulled over the other sun lounger and sat down on it, "Ouch, that's hot, we'll need to get some towels under us."

"Are we going to do it then?" enquired Sarah a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Why not, let's invite Robin and Carey round tonight for a drink and ask them if they've got any objections." With that he lay back gingerly and closed his eyes, relaxing in the warmth.

"As we're in holiday mode," a voice interrupted his reverie, "how about a drink with lunch, just a spritzer or something light? You go and make them and I'll knock up a Caesar salad or something similar." Jim confirmed his agreement and they rose from the chairs, both reaching for their clothes, then grinning as they realised the lack of necessity. It seemed strange being naked around the ground floor of the house, upstairs in the bedroom and bathroom seemed perfectly natural, but downstairs was a little out of their comfort zone.

Jim mixed the drinks in the utility room and brought them into the kitchen where Sarah was cutting up the chicken and lettuce, He put them down and admired her breasts and bum jiggling and swaying in time to her actions. Standing behind her he reached round and cupped a breast in each hand, his soft cock pushing into her bum crack, pulling her body tightly back into him. "Naturists Jim, not sex maniacs!" Sarah remonstrated, "just because we've got no clothes on doesn't mean we should be making love!"

"I know, but you are irresistible with no clothes on!"

"Behave! At least until after lunch!"

They sat at the patio table to have lunch, still a little self-conscious, Sarah dribbled a little mayonnaise and it settled on her breast, she scooped it up and licked her finger clean, Jim found it very erotic watching her do that and he looked forward to some more interesting activities later on. They cleared away and brought the dishes inside. Sarah bent over to load them in the dishwasher and Jim had a flash of pussy lips as she did so, this was going to take some getting used to! He was an inveterate groper, he loved touching Sarah in her intimate areas at every opportunity, and to be fair Sarah relished the attention he paid her, returning the gestures in kind. How different it would be with no clothes to impede the touches!

They returned to the sun chairs and lay back basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun, the alcohol they had consumed making them dozy. It was very peaceful until the sound of voices brought them back to full consciousness. "No time like the present!" mouthed Jim to Sarah, and standing up went over to the six foot fence that separated the two houses. It felt deliciously naughty to Jim to be standing naked as he called out, "Carey, are you there?" She answered and he continued, "Would you and Robin like to come round for a drink tonight, the weather is gorgeous and we just wanted to float something past you."

"There's not a problem is there Jim?"

"No nothing like that, we'll fill you in when you come round. About six-thirty?"

"That'd be lovely Jim, we'll see you then."

The afternoon sun dipped and this early in the summer the air grew cooler, driving Jim and Sarah inside. They remained naked and jokingly suggested that they should put the heating on and greet their neighbours with no clothes on, but after a few giggles decided to dress conventionally.

Thus it was that the bell rang just before six-thirty, Jim greeted their neighbours at the front door, a bottle of wine in their hands. "First here early and always last to leave," joked Robin proffering the wine. Jim ushered them into the conservatory where Sarah was waiting.

Kisses were exchanged, drinks poured and they had just settled when Carey blurted out, "You're not moving are you? Please tell us that's not why you wanted to talk to us, we'd miss you terribly."

No, no it's nothing like that at all, "replied Jim, "we love it here with you as neighbours, we've no intentions of ever moving. It's just that, well...erm, we've..."

"We want to walk around in the garden naked, as in with no clothes on, and we wanted to clear it with you first in case you were offended." Sarah announced, glaring at Jim. "We've sort of decided to become naturists, at home anyway and probably just for the summer. Anyway, do you have any problems with that?"

Robin and Carey looked dumbstruck, their jaws slack before Robin replied, "Do I have any problems with seeing you Sarah, stark bollock naked? Why on earth would that give me a problem apart from the obvious one that is?" he glanced down at his crotch as Carey hit him on the upper arm.

"Behave Robin! That's a bit of a sudden thing isn't it, or have you been planning this for a long time? I'm OK with it, although we do overlook your garden at the end, and if we had visitors, particularly with children we might need to ask you to be discreet, but in principle no, I don't have a problem with it at all."

"Right then," said Jim, "let's get our kit off!" With that he stood to looks of horror on the faces of their friends, then laughing sat back down. "Gotcha! No actually it only struck us today. The sun was out and we ended up sunbathing nude and it brought back memories of our last holiday when we went to a few nude beaches and thoroughly enjoyed the freedom it gave us. It seemed like a good idea to continue that at home and so there we are. We'll typically keep to the secluded parts of the garden, but we may at times stray into the overlooked bit, so we just wanted to clear it with you first. Now we've got that out of the way let's have that drink."

The rest of the evening passed as ever between the friends with laughter and conversation. Robin and Carey asked about their last holidays and put several questions about the etiquette on nude beaches which Jim and Sarah answered as best they could. "Don't you get, you know a hard on permanently?" enquired Robin.

"Well occasionally," admitted Jim, "particularly at first, but you just have to be discreet about it and it goes away in time, and if it doesn't then well, you just have to take care of it."

"Have a wank, you mean?" asked Robin indelicately, to a further punch from his wife.

"Yes, and sometimes I helped!" replied Sarah to much laughter. "We're actually thinking of going full Monty this year and going to somewhere like Cap d'Agde in France where the whole resort is naturist."

The evening came to a natural end and Robin and Carey left. "That went well," remarked Jim as he closed the front door behind them. "Where did the holiday in Cap d'Agde come from suddenly?"

"Well partly to show them that we were serious about this, and partly because, actually I really fancy going there now! Gran Canaria and Maspalomas was fun, but it was just the beach, imagine what a whole resort would feel like, bars, restaurants?"

"Food for thought indeed," said Jim as they went upstairs to bed.

The weather remained warm for the next few days and Jim and Sarah continued their naturist habit becoming increasingly comfortable with it. Jim even participated in a Zoom call wearing just a dress shirt, much to Sarah's amusement. He did find it a little chilly sitting for long periods with no clothes on, but as an overall lifestyle they agreed it was looking like a success. Nakedness became the norm, and during the day and in the evenings they adopted kimono style robes which were both comfortable and warm enough.

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