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Naughty Mom

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Son surprises his mom.
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It all started out innocently enough one Thursday night when I got home from a girls night out. My husband Tim was already sound asleep snoring away in bed. I was a little tipsy but far from drunk. I walked into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth before I went to bed. As I walked in there was my nineteen year old son toweling off after a shower. We were both too shocked to do anything for a moment. I just stared. I hadn't seen him naked since he was a little boy. I can assure you he was no longer a little boy at all. He was a man in all ways and a handsome man at that.

Up until that moment the only adult male I had ever seen naked was my husband of twenty years. My son was tall and had a beautiful body. He was lithe and muscular with not an ounce of fat on him. He had a brown patch of pubic hair just above his cock and balls. I couldn't believe what was happening, neither of us said anything as I looked on enthralled at my naked son there in front of me.

He continued toweling off as if I wasn't even there. As I sat down on the toilet seat he turned around letting me see his back and tight buns. As I sat there it was like he was performing for me. I had to admit I found it to be very erotic as I gazed shamelessly at him as he would turn or bend over while drying himself.

After he finished he just dropped his towel at his feet and walked past me with a big smile on his face. It took me a few minutes to compose myself then pee and brush my teeth before I went to bed. I lay there for some time unable to sleep as I thought of what had happened and felt disturbed about my feelings as I was quite turned on about catching and watching my naked son. He didn't even look embarrassed about it, if anything it looked like he was enjoying himself as I watched him.

Here I was, a forty year old woman feeling turned on by my own son. I knew it was wrong, inexcusable and incestuous but I just couldn't help the way I felt after seeing him naked. So as I lay there next to my sleeping husband I shut my eyes and masturbated for the first time in a long time to the flashbacks of my naked son toweling himself off in front of me.

Steven is nineteen and in his first year at the university across town. He still lives at home in order to save money but he clearly had his own life. I'm sure he has sex with girlfriends and goes out on dates with this being the modern age. I had long ago decided to let his personal life be his own, he was a grown up and the last thing he needed was a prying, over protective mother. Still, I found myself wondering about his sex life. Specifically I wondered what it must be like to be one of his dates. I had never dated much when I was young Brian had been my high school boyfriend.

I felt guilty, terrible and very very naughty. I was nervous but the next night when Brian was passed out on the sofa in front of the TV I went up to the bathroom where I knew Steven was taking his shower. I took a deep breath then opened up the door and stepped inside.

When Steven saw me he gave me a big grin. He has such a sexy smile. He swept back the shower curtain which gave me an unobstructed view. He lathered up not missing any chance to show off his beautiful body. I watched silently as he rinsed and washed his hair. As I looked on his dick swelled into a proud erection. I thought his cock looked delicious. It was even bigger than his fathers but not so big that it looked scary. It looked like it would fit perfectly inside me. I blushed deeply at that thought. The head was a deep red and purple and his testicles hung heavily below.

He stepped out of the tub dripping wet and grabbed his towel. I was so close I could have reached out and touched his bobbing dick. Slowly and sexily he dried himself off as I watched and drooled. It was like being in my own private male strip club but only this was no stripper it was my very own naked son. Like the night before after he dried himself off he dropped the towel at his feet then walked out the bathroom door and went to bed leaving me sitting there all hot and bothered.

It was now Saturday morning and I was baking cookies. My husband was now off playing golf with his friends. I knew Steven would be home for most of the day, he was in his room doing homework or something. When the cookies came out of the oven I found myself going upstairs to bring him some. I had no ulterior motive I told myself but the fact is I was feeling horny and I just wanted to look at his big cock again.

As I got to his room his door was wide open. I went to tap on the door but I was stopped in my tracks by what I saw. Steven was lying on his bed stark naked and masturbating. His dick looked bigger than ever and it glistening with lubricant. When he saw me his grin widened beckoning me inside. As if in a trance I walked into the room setting down the plate of cookies on his desk. Steven now resumed what he was doing before I disturbed him.

I had never ever seen a man masturbate before and I was a little surprised that I found it so very erotic. I loved watching him handle his cock. His cock! I savoured the words in my head. He squirted a little more lubricant from a small bottle onto his hand and continued stroking himself. It was then that I realized that I was getting wet and my juiced were leaking into my panties. Steven raised his legs in the air bringing his knees to his chest and I realized that he had a sex toy of some kind inserted in his anus.

Of course I had heard of such things but I had never really believed that people did that. I could see the purple flange of a vibrator stretching out his anus. I wondered how it felt when Steven spread his legs wide and stroked himself faster and faster with one hand while reaching between his buttocks with his other hand and pressing the sex toy deeper inside himself. As he did I reached under my skirt and began rubbing my clit through my panties in time with him. His eyes were squeezed shut and his hand was now a blur on his cock, it looked like he must be about to come.

"Yes, Oh yeah Mom!" He groaned out and squirted cum all over his smooth chest.

Jet after pearly jet shot out of the end of his engorged cock forming a big pearly white puddle right in the hollow between his pecks. I couldn't stop masturbating myself even though I knew he was watching me now. He dipped his index finger into the pool of cum scooping up some of it and brought it to his mouth licking it off like some savory sauce. My knees began shaking as I felt an orgasm hit me.

As soon as I was able to I left the cookies and hurried out of my son's bedroom. I went along the short hall to my own bedroom where I played the whole episode back in my mind's eye while I masturbated myself to another thundering Orgasm.

Any sex life with my husband Brian had been non existent as it had been for years. I masturbated of course and I imagine that he did too but even that had become more and more infrequent over the years. All of a sudden I was having more orgasms now than I had had since I was a newlywed.

I felt schizophrenic. On the one hand I was excited and titillated by the game that Steven and I were playing but on the other hand I was lusting after my own son and I was now wracked with guilt, but with not enough guilt to make me stop. For the first time in my life I felt like a pervert.

This game had rules, I got to watch him shower and sometimes masturbate. We never spoke about it as it seemed that to break the silence would ruin the game, and I loved our game. Later on that week when I was going upstairs to bed I found Steven standing in my bedroom doorway as my husband slept. Steven masturbated for me standing there silhouetted in the hall light. He obviously enjoyed playing too though I didn't really understand what he got out of it.

Could Steven really be attracted to me?

Unlike my husband who has been steadily putting on weight since he turned thirty, I take good care of my body. I watch what I eat and jog three or four times a week. But I was over twice his age not to mention being his own mother.

The following Thursday night when I got home late from a night with my girlfriends I saw that Steven's car was in the driveway. I knew by now that my husband would be fast asleep so I was eagerly looking forward to our bathroom shower show. Steven met me in the living room. He was wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and nothing else. He obviously had an erection as the crotch of his jeans bulged close to bursting.

"I thought you'd never get home get up the stairs quickly." He told me.

I followed him wordlessly up to his bedroom. There was a girl there about Steven's age. She was stark naked and blindfolded with her hands lashed together at the wrist and tied to the head of his bed. She was certainly pretty I had to admit with her red hair and fair skin. She was slim and her breasts were on the small side. She had pretty full lips and a ring with a bead on it through her navel. She had very little pubic hair, only a small triangle just above her pussy. Her legs were spread wide exposing herself to me thoroughly.

She was obviously sexually excited as her labia were swollen and pouted open as her vaginal secretions glistened on her lips. I could see a big damp spot underneath her crotch on the sheet. On the bed beside her were a couple of sex toys, the purple one that Steven had used in his masturbation session the week before and a longer candy striped dildo with spiral ridges down the length and a bulbous tip.

"Please Stevie come and fuck me," She moaned.

Steven held a finger to his lips gesturing for me to be quiet.

"You horny little slut," He said to her.

"I'm going to fuck you all right long, but first I'm going to put my dick in your mouth and you're going to suck me real good, Bitch." He told her next.

I was shocked to hear my son talking like that, but she certainly didn't seem to mind. He pulled off his tight jeans setting his beautiful cock free and knelt on the bed offering it to her which she accepted hungrily. I felt a pang of jealousy as she lustily devoured my sons' cock. I had taken my husband's dick in my mouth a few times early on in our marriage but I had never been sure if I was doing it right or not as Brian hadn't seemed that interested. I was amazed at how voraciously this girl was swallowing my son's large cock, apparently loving every bit of it as she licked, sucked, and slurped at it.

I had never had a chance to see a woman up close and naked before and certainly not when sexually aroused. I was fascinated by the girls' smooth hairless vulva. Her labia were as bare as a baby's, but pouted hungrily out. Clear juices were leaking copiously out of her and her little pink nipples were hard and stuck straight up. Her small breasts jiggled with every move. I wondered if that was what I looked like when I was turned on.

Steven took my hand in his and guided my fingers to her vagina. Her flesh was shockingly hot. I traced my fingers up and down her sex. She seemed to open up for my fingers like a blooming rose. She was hot inside and incredibly wet and slippery. I enjoyed playing with her pussy and fucking her with my finger knowing that she thought it was my son who was fingering her.

I looked down at her clit having never had a good look at another woman's clitoris before even though I knew quite well how to find my own. Hers was bulging out from under its little hood pink and quivering with excitement like a pea in a pod. It is amazing that so much sensation can be contained in such a little thing. I circled her clitoris with my finger masturbating her as I would my own. She squirmed and writhed as I did so letting Steven's dick pop out of her mouth.

"Fuck me now baby, I can't take it anymore." She whimpered,

Steven winked at me and stood up rolling her over onto her knees with one strong motion. I watched with approval as he grabbed a condom from his bedside table, tore open the wrapper and allowed me to unroll it down onto his glistening cock. As I stood there I unbuttoned my shirt and unsnapped my bra setting my breasts free. I have always secretly felt that being large even if my nipples weren't as perky as they had been twenty years ago. I still thought they looked pretty nice.

Steven slapped her hard on her pale ass leaving a raised red imprint of his hand. I would have yelped out loud at that but she just moaned and thrust her rump up in the air like a cat in heat for more. I couldn't believe how turned on I was from just watching them together.

Steven positioned his condom sheathed prick at her entrance and looking over at me he mouthed the words "I love you." Then he easily slipped his long cock into her pussy.

For a little while I just watched them fuck. I was enchanted. Who says women aren't visual? I suddenly understood why pornography is so popular. My underwear was quite damp as I absently played with my nipples. I jumped as Steven took my hand again and guided it between the girls' soft spread buttocks. He pressed my finger against her tiny puckered anus.

Seeing what he wanted I worked my slippery finger into her past the ring of muscles up into her ass. I had never thought of that part of the anatomy as sexual before; I had just thought of it as what you wipe when you are done with your business. But she seemed to really enjoy being invaded back there.

"Oh yes, Steven you stud!" She groaned and wiggled her backside pressing harder against my finger.

In a strange way I sort of liked having my finger in her butt. It was kind of sexy. Her anus squeezed my finger really tight and it was super-hot inside. Best of all I could feel Steven's prick moving inside her in exquisite detail.

"Stevie baby," She whispered after a little more of this.

"I need to come, would you...would you please choke me so I can get off?" She almost cried out shocking me.

Steven nodded to me and I let my finger slip out of her ass. All of a sudden I was overcome with jealousy and hatred for this nymphet who was getting what I wanted, being fucked by the cock that I coveted and that I deserved. I wrapped my hands around her slender throat cutting off her air. She bucked and writhed as Steven fucked her hard. Her face turned bright red as Steven pulled her hair viciously and slapped her ass again and again.

I thought for a moment that she might realize that there were too many hands on her but she was in another world all together. It was beautiful to watch her come as she shook and spasm as her body contorted as she rocked in silent ecstasy. When I sensed that it was over I relaxed my grip on her throat and she sank into the sheet gasping for air and shaking. Steven was jack hammering into her pussy and with a shout he pulled out of her ripping off the condom sending it flying. I got my mouth over his dick just as he came filling my mouth with his hot cum. I drank it like it candy slurping all I could get out of his wilting prick.

His soft dick slipped out of my mouth and on a whim I reached over stuck out my tongue, and licked her soaking wet pussy. It wasn't bad tasting at all, kind of tangy and musky tasting actually. I licked up and down enjoying the sensations.

"Oh Steven you're going to make me come again." She moaned loudly.

I licked more intensely concentrating on the button of her clitoris. As I licked Steven unzipped my pants and caressed my slit through my sopping wet panties and played gently with my hanging down breasts teasing me to the very edge of climax. Soon the girl was gasping and moaning again, my face was glued to her sopping wet pussy as my index finger pressing against her anus. She squealed and her legs kicked and her whole body shook as she came. I felt a strange sense of accomplishment giving this girl who was young enough to be my daughter had an orgasm for me.

I wanted Steven to fuck me next. I wanted to feel his big thumb in my asshole and to have his hand imprint on my ass. I wanted to take his manhood in my mouth, to envelope his cock in my quivering pussy. To cum over his beautiful thrusting young cock as he filled me with his hot white sticky cum.

I was a pervert and I knew it. But all that was for another time as I tiptoed out of his room leaving the two young lovers to bask and cuddle in post sex bliss.

I carried the candy striped vibrator with me to my bedroom for some release wondering what the next days and weeks might bring.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved it great story I was hard as rock reading it

chytownchytownalmost 5 years ago
HOT Read***

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Steven took my hand in his and guided my fingers to her vagina ????????

chocolatesistachocolatesistaalmost 10 years ago
Hot hot Hot

I really loved this, I hope you write more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

reading about fucking much better than videos. As a70yr old playing with my cock is the only pleasure I get

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