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Needing Money


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Then I hear the clear sounds of a zipper being pulled down from behind me. This makes my head perk up as I know exactly what that is. That sound makes my eyes widen and my body go stiff. A new wave of fear moves over me, where I feel every inch of me go cold as that means only one thing.

Unable to speak, I shake my head NO as I hear the sound of pants being pulled down now. Frantically, I try to show that I want this to stop by shaking my head since I can't speak. Only nothing is said and Ski Mask Man keeps pulling down his pants behind me.

"Oh would you shut up? What did you think was going to happen?" Rod-Man barks, sounding very annoyed.

"You know you deserve this you stupid cow. So just take that dick and shut the fuck up," Rod-Man adds, sounding almost disgusted by me.

Somewhere in my head I held hope that this was still just a weird kink video, but it's not. It's a full blown porno that I let myself get tricked into. I set myself up for this. This was no doubt their plan from the beginning.

Feeling betrayed and stupid, I close my eyes as I feel my own pants and panties behind removed off my legs completely. Where Ski Mask Man grabs them and forces my legs out. It doesn't take him long as I don't fight, as there's really no point. I'm helpless as can be. So my pants and panties are removed and thrown to the side, far out of my reach, leaving me completely naked.

I don't even whimper as Ski Mask Man uses his foot to spread my legs apart wider. Instead I look forward, knowing every twitch, frown or pout will be caught on camera. And the sound of the suction goes off every few seconds seems like the perfect soundtrack for what is about to happen.

My closed eyes tighten as I feel Ski Mask Man place his hands on my hips as he moves behind me. There I feel his ridiculously hard manhood poke me a few times as he begins to position himself. The feeling of his cock poking me in random places does cause me to twitch a little, not believing that I put myself in this position. That there's a cock about to fuck me, when this was supposed to be a video with a couple of breast pumps put under my shirt.

"It's time to watch this dumb cow get fucked. To watch those massive titties bounce. For the dumb bitch to be bred by a bull," Rod-Man narrates loudly and excitedly for his viewers.

At this, Ski Mask Man grabs his cock and positions it against my womanhood. He places it right between my pussy lips where I feel how hard it is. It's a feeling I've felt many times before, but this time it is so different. This time it feels, for the lack of a better word, powerful.

I'm very surprised to find how wet I am. I'm not sure if this is my body knowing what was coming to make it less painful, or if something about them tricking me has made me, well, aroused. This sends me through a loop as I'm not sure what the answer is. Or if I do, I don't think I want to admit it.

Feeling tiny pinpricks all over my body as I can't believe this is happening, I reflect on how I'm one of the smartest people I know. I've been told that ever since I was a kid. So many people have said how intelligent I am, and how I'm going to go far in life. Ha. If they could only see me now. See me helpless and tricked, confused on if this treatment has made me sexually aroused or not.

The thought that I've been tricked like this is beyond comprehension. It feels so impossible. I know people get sexually tricked and assaulted all the time, but it wasn't supposed to be me. Stuff like that happens to everyone else, not to me.

Now that I'm the stupid mark that let herself get trapped like this, I feel so...weird. It's almost exciting in a way. Like deep down in my soul I feel they deserve to do this to me since I was so damn stupid. That I'm like a prize for them.

"Ready cow? Ready to get ruined by dick?" Rod-Man mocks in his stern manner, clearly not wanting an answer. He knows I'm helpless to what is about to happen and wants to stick the knife in a bit more.

"Oh! I know," Rod-Man says suddenly as if he just had a great idea. In my stunned daze I don't react to this as I still can't see him. I can't see anything but I sure feel everything.

"I think she should beg you to fuck her, or, I dunno, you could choke her until she does," Rod-Man suggests to his friend as his cock is positioned against me.

Hearing this makes me lower my head and close my eyes. A powerful wave of humiliation runs over me that makes my body shudder and tears flow. It's so powerful that if I didn't have the ball gag in, I think I would moan as never before have I felt so powerless.

My womanhood actually starts to throb as if telling me it wants to have sex. Hearing him demand this seems to trigger me, as if my kinky side wants this to happen. Where those butterflies in my stomach start fluttering faster than the speed of light.

"Fuck me," I say loudly but with the ball gag it barely comes out. It comes out as a garbled blurred mess. Worse, a bunch of drool manages to spill out, making me feel even stupider for trying to say it.

"Hey man, did you hear something? I thought I did, but it was probably the wind outside," Rod-Man jokes, implying I didn't say this loud enough. Ski Mask Man slides his hand under the top bar where he arches his elbow to be able to grab my throat with his hand.

"FUCK ME," I yell much louder into my ball gag. I say it so loud I feel my mouth vibrate as my voice can't get past the gag. It bounces back and makes my entire being feel like it trembles.

Ski Mask Man's hand start to squeeze my throat, pumping fresh fear into me as I can't stop him. He could literally choke me unconscious if he wanted, then rape me all night long. It causes my body to squirm and wiggle as I try hard to fight my bonds.

"FUCK ME!!!" I howl as loud as I can now, desperate to not be choked. I scream it so loud I think I may have passed out for a moment. My head gets light and the world spins before I snap back to reality.

The lightheaded moment passes quickly and as it does, I shake my head in terror. Not because I'm being choked any longer as he's removed his hand completely, but because I think I'm orgasming. Feeling the waves of pleasure move over me, I discover that yes, I am having an orgasm. It's a weak and soft orgasm, but still an orgasm that makes my eyes pop open in shock and disgust.

I fight hard not to show what is happening, but it is damn hard. Being treated in an inhuman manner like this is what caused it to happen. So feeling that cock head poking inside me as well as my tits being milked doesn't let me forget what is happening. And so I can't help but whimper as wave after wave moves over me, making me feel like melting into the floor as good as it feels.

This orgasm is a very weak orgasm that lasts maybe two or three seconds, but damn it those are the longest seconds of my life. It barely finishes moving over me when Ski Mask Man thrusts his cock inside of me. He slides his hard member all the way, where it easily pushes my pussy open thanks to being so wet. It's a single hard thrust in which he slams his hips against my ass causing me to yelp out, my eyes still wide open at the feeling of being violated by a hard dick.

"There it is!" Rod-Man laughs loudly as he sees my rection to being violated. His laughter sounds almost supernatural as it bounces around the room, laughing at what he's done to me. Laughing as I feel a hard cock inside me, dominating me like never before.

There's no easing into what is happening. Ski Mask Man doesn't try to be gentle or guide me into how this will go. Instead he grabs my hips and starts to fuck me. He pounds his hips into my ass as his cock moves easily inside me, pounding me in my helpless state.

Over and over Ski Mask Man thrusts, fucking my pussy hard as he slams my hips into the bar. From the first go, I start to moan and whimper loudly as the feeling is so intense. And not just because of the cock that is pushing my insides apart but because of all they have done to me. From the painful arched position that my body is in to the way my tits are pushed out and being milked.

Feeling that strange unreality again, my entire body bounces off Ski Mask Man's cock as he fucks me like a porn star. This thought nearly makes me break down in some sort of laughing moans as for the first time I realize that is what I am now. A porn star. A real porn star. An unwilling porn star but one all the same as this recording of me being milked and bred will no doubt be sold.

Each time Ski Mask Man rams into me my tits bounce upward. Unable to help myself, I help this along, jerking my body at time of impact, making my breasts bounce as high as possible for the cameras where the cylinders on my nipples come into my view briefly as I arch my back.

And each time he thrusts, I moan. I moan loudly and uncontrollably, not believing how incredibly good this feels as well as feeling so horrible. Never did I understand how feeling utterly dominated and helpless could feel this intense.

I let out a loud yell into my gag as Ski Mask Man grabs my hair and pulls back. He pulls on it as if trying to pull my head over the bar that's behind my shoulders, making it very painful. And of course Rod-Man's laughs are renewed at this. Laughs at my pain, my humiliation and at how they tricked me.

Rod-Man begins to unleash taunt after taunt as I'm fucked, but to be honest I don't really hear them. My eyes have begun to roll as the feeling of pleasure washes over me. His words are drowned out by the loud clapping, thudding and moaning sounds that come from my body. They become the only things I can hear, along with the metal scrapping sounds of the cuff chains.

I give in completely to what is happening, with not a single part of my body or soul fighting. Doing this makes me think of the people that are going to watch this. That countless pervs will watch me get tricked and fucked, no doubt laughing at me like Rod-Man. Where they will see me being fucked and pleasure themselves to the sight of it.

In the most surreal feeling ever, I orgasm, hard. I feel the waves of joy burst over me, traveling from deep in my stomach in all directions where uncontrollable moans escape. Even with the ball gag in, I moan loudly, showing the world that I'm cumming at what they've done to me.

I've heard the term "forced orgasm" before but always thought that it was bullshit. An orgasm is something that can't be forced as you have to concentrate and enjoy it, or so I thought. But now as I feel the orgasm that is unleashed on me, I understand how true the term really is. This orgasm feels too harsh and powerful to be called anything but that. Where it is so intense that I'm scared of what it may do.

My orgasm comes barreling over me with me having no chance of stopping or slowing it down. My body quivers and shakes uncontrollably and my mind thinks of all they have done to me. From the way my nipples feel bruised and sensitive due to being milked, to the throbbing, stinging feeling on my spanked ass. All of it overwhelms me to give me such an intense orgasm. Where my mind goes blank and I can't feel anything but the beautiful, willful and warranted friction inside my pussy.

Everything goes white as my orgasm reaches it's peak. I'm unsure if this is from staring at the bright lights for too long or if my mind is being wiped, but to be honest I don't care. The only thing I care about is sinking into the puddle of my orgasm, where the intense feeling goes into every pore of my being, soaking me in it. Where I merge with it, giving my body completely to it.

I'm not sure when Ski Mask Man stops as I sort of drift in and out of consciousness as I cum. Seeing only bright light and feeling only pulsing waves of joy, I don't feel much of my body. The best way to describe it is that I feel like my forced orgasm pauses and restarts over and over, making it last for what seems like forever. I know this isn't the case, but that's what it feels like. Like my body gets amped up, only to fade and then repeat the process. It gives me the feeling of being very worn out as it feels like I've cummed for hours.

Ski Mask Man has removed himself out of me and stepped away, through where he goes, I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm left cuffed, naked and still being milked. Where all the perverts get to watch the after effects of me being fucked. I'm sure I'm quite the sight to see as I'm sweaty, worn out and thoroughly used.

With more of my brain power returning, I feel the "present" that Ski Mask Man left me. He did as Rod-Man wanted him to do when he said to bred me as I feel his cum deep inside me. I can feel it starting to leak out of me. Where the warmth of his cum has filled my entire womanhood.

Feeling the most relaxed since before I came here, I take a deep breath. Despite still being cuffed and helpless, a part of me does feel much safer. They got what they wanted, clearly and I'm still alive and not to badly hurt. This means I'll be let go any moment, where I can leave and go home. I would say leave and try to pretend that this didn't happen, but that's impossible. I'm sure this will come back as some sort of trauma.

A low groan comes out of me as a hand grabs my hair to hold my head in place. Hands then move behind my head to unhook the ball gag, letting me know I was correct in thinking they would let me go. It takes only a few moments to remove the gag, where trapped drool spills out.

"Wait!" I beg as the hand that holds my hair forces me to bend over more, where my arms start to stretch as they are still cuffed. It's now I realize that there's someone behind me and in front of me.

"Time to get to work cow," I hear Rod-Man say, alerting me that he's the man directly in front of me. He's the one forcing me to bend over.

My vision is still nothing but white thanks to the light, but I am able to see a blurred body block most of the light as it stands in front of me. That's why I'm not surprised when I feel something hard poke my cheek. Nor am I shocked when I feel him move that hard object to align with my mouth.

Blinded, bent over and helpless, Rod-Man sticks his cock in my mouth. He's able to stick it in my mouth smoothly, holding my head in place by my hair. My mouth sort of reacts automatically, clasping my lips around it and pressing my tongue against the bottom. Thoughts of biting or resisting never even enter my mind as I know this is going to happen whether I like it or not.

Rod-Man begins to slowly thrust into my mouth, his cock sliding over my lips, letting me taste that fleshy taste of cock. He starts off slow, shoving his cock only about halfway into my mouth but quickly builds. It only takes him a few moments before he's thrusting his cock as far as it can go inside my mouth where it gags me each time by hitting the back of my mouth.

Whimpers come out when I feel Ski Mask Man enter my pussy from behind again. There he resumes fucking me, clearly needing a break before continuing for round two. This makes my pussy feel like it is on fire with desire as it can't believe I'm being fucked again after the pounding I just received.

"Dumb cow probably thinks she's leaving here," Rod-Man laughs as he facefucks me, his stomach hitting my face and his balls smacking my chin. His laughter overpowers the wet gagging sounds I make as he tries hard to push his cock into my throat.

"Well, the bitch will leave, just not as a free woman," Rod-Man adds, to which both men start to laugh.

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justlongtobejustlongtobe15 days ago

Wow...... wanna be taken too

On cam ...... forced ....... spread out

All the way

Great story

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenabout 1 month ago

Oh to be taken and sold as a whore!! I dream about this constantly ❤️❤️❤️

Spin99Spin99about 2 months ago

Wow, I would love the story to continue, thanks!

januaryjosephinecunisjanuaryjosephinecunis2 months ago

i love this. thank you for writing this.

Qwer12Qwer123 months ago

Well done and well played. Now time for more chapters as this young lady needs some more attention. Cheers

lilacandhoneysucklelilacandhoneysuckle3 months ago

Ughhhhh you're the worst (the best) ❤️

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

First, as others have noted, to create yet another masterpiece, you are not done with this one. Continue it -- please, pretty please, I don'I mind debasing myself to beg you thus so!

I really like Lincoln's comments. And anon before that. Have people she knows special invited, and revealed at some late point so she KNOWs just how ruined she is. Make her aware of live feeds being watched by a group of her classmates. Have her mauled and abused in person by the special invites. Maybe at the end, have her sign away the last of her dignity and freedom, where she contracts to own none of her future content, and agrees to be a bdsm masochist webwhore --- for her new masters, and forever. Have her branded to mark her a sex slave. Is that too much ? Love your work.

Lincoln42167Lincoln421673 months ago

Your stories have spoiled me for almost any others I've read here. The humiliation focus is so arousing, as is the detailed thoughts and feelings of the young woman at each stage she goes through. If I were to add any embellishments it would be to have a small invitation-only audience come in part way through, so they could sit at tables with their cocktails and laugh along with Rod-Man. Perhaps they would be invited up after her shirt is cut off so they could bounce her breasts and play with her nipples before the milking machine is attached. Or maybe when she's completely naked, so they could stroke her clit and laugh each time she moans. But again, another beautifully written story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story! Continue. Are the cams actually LIVE streaming feeds? Who is watching? Her classmates, old BF's etc.? Are others waiting their turn?

MasterBlogmanMasterBlogman3 months ago

Wow. Yes, that was dark, especially the ending, but you warned us. I have a problem with stories about women who find out they like being raped. I think it feeds the "she really wanted it " rape culture. But aside from that, well written and believable in its fantasy context. Good work.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story. Ending could be stronger.

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_perv3 months ago

Ski mask dude is smashing g-cups from behind and not helping himself to a feel? Weirdo.

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