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Neighborly Relations Pt. 10


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"Why? I mean, hey, Mom, I'd love it if you made me watch." He laughed quietly, still stroking her hair. "So what was Elaine's complaint?"

"I made her stand naked and watch us. I embarrassed her in front of her father. I didn't even think about that. I made her feel like a bad child when she so badly wants to feel like a worldly woman."

"Sure, cause it would take a worldly woman like you to get Dad into bed with her," Danny said. "I get it."

"I'm a horrible mother."

"No," he replied again. "You're not horrible at all. I love the way you mother me. You can come on up and mother me any time you want."

"Oh, you." Emily laughed just a bit then, giving into her son's attempt to lighten her mood. "You are a Porter man, aren't you?"

"What does that mean?"

She pulled back a bit, looking into her son's eyes. "You just are." She kissed him full on the lips, holding him tightly to her. "Thank you, honey." Then she pushed herself back and he let her go, the two of them turning just as the door opened and Robert walked in.

Seeing the tear tracks on Emily's face, Robert came to her and asked, "What's wrong dear?"

"Mom's pretty sad," Danny said, stepping away. "Fighting with Elaine." And then Danny left the room jealous that his father would take over consoling her from here.


"Cut Mom some slack, won't ya." Danny flopped down on Elaine's bed and watched her brush her hair.

"Fuck her," Elaine said, watching herself in the mirror.

"Wow, that's really something," he said. "What's up your ass, Red?"

"Fuck you, too." She turned then, snarling at her brother. "You're such a mama's boy that you're probably on her side. Anything to get her to suck your dick, right?"

"Why do we have to have sides?" Danny stood then, instinctively looking for a height advantage in an argument. "I just think you're the one acting like a little cunt, is all."

"Sure, I'm the cunt!" Elaine shouted at him. "She's there saying 'Okay Elaine where to you want Daddy to put his cock? Where should he cum? Can you see good enough little girl?' And Daddy is looking at me like I'm from a foreign planet until the whore brings up the video. Then he joins in on the fun. 'Get close up,' he says. 'You break it, you fix it!' They're both fuckers."

"I didn't understand half of that, but I still think you're treating mom pretty bad. Cut her some slack."

"Why? Why should that cow get any slack?"

"Christ, Elaine. She finds out she's bisexual and then her kids make videos of her having sex. Next she catches a bunch of guys shooting cum on her daughter. And how does that get topped off? She finds out that her son and daughter are fucking each other. Hell of a couple months, right?"

"Oh, sure but she's fucking everybody on the block. Men and women, whatever. Don't tell me there hasn't been an up side."

"Sure, but how does that match her family suddenly turning into Incest Town? That's got to be a kick in the ass."

"So fucking what?"

"So fucking be nice to her.!"

"Fuck you, Danny. Get the fuck out of my room! Now!"

"Elaine, I . . ."

"Get out!" Elaine began pushing her brother toward the door. "You mother fucking son of a whore! Get out!"

Danny allowed her to push him into their shared bathroom and slam the door, and he stood on the other side catching his breath and trying to capture a thought. His parents had played a number on Elaine, that was sure, but she should have kept her nerve up. Take it like a grown up. No, Danny felt that his sister was taking it like a little child.

Emily heard most of their rather loud argument from the hall, and she felt wonderful that her son had stuck up for her like that. He was a very good boy. Was he doing it, as Elaine put it, to get her to suck his dick? No, she'd felt genuine emotion in the kitchen today. He truly was concerned.

He was a good boy, she didn't have any idea what to do about Elaine. She used to be a good girl, too.


When supper was ready she called everyone to the table and they all sat in silence and ate like they were afraid a bomb was about to go off. Perhaps one was.

"This is very good, Mom," Danny said around a mouthful of chicken.

"Yeah, real good, honey," Robert added, waiting for the report from Elaine. "Elaine? How do you like your meal? This was always one of your favorites."

"Yeah, one of the many things Mom cooked that I pretended that I liked," Elaine said, acidly. "It's fine. Just like everything Mom cooks, it's just fine."

"Not a glowing report," Robert said. "But at least you don't hate it."

"It's too bland to feel either way about it," Elaine said, taking a bite of chicken and making a display of chewing.

Emily kept her face down and stared at her plate silently, feeling as though the wrath of God had been brought down on her head.

"Could you pass your mother the beans?" Robert thought he'd try a different approach with her.

Elaine lifted the bowl and dropped it on the table in front of her mother "There you go. Gotta keep your strength up, don't you, bitch?"

"Elaine!" Robert snapped. "Apologize to your mother."

"Fuck her," Elaine said. "And fuck all of you." She stood now, her eyes ablaze with anger. "It's so funny, isn't it? Make the little girl feel bad. Make her watch because she's too small to be doing it with anybody!"

"Stop that!" Robert said.

"You and the bitch can go to hell," she said.

Robert took one step toward his daughter and slapped her across the face. "Don't you ever talk like that about your mother! Never!"

Elaine had dropped down in her chair on the impact, and her cheek was glowing bright red.

"Fine, I'll just move out and get out of your hair." She stood again, walking the far way around the table to avoid getting near her father on her way to the door. "I went to the clinic this afternoon and got a prescription for birth control pills. I just have to wait for my period. Then I can screw whoever I want whenever I want and any way that I want. I can let them shoot anywhere they feel like letting it fly, and you can't do anything about it."

"God, Elaine, get a grip," Danny said.

"Fuck you, Danny," Elaine said. "You're all a bunch of dumb fuckers." She turned and walked away.

"I shouldn't have hit her," Robert said quietly. "I just couldn't listen to that."

"Hell, Dad, you should have bitch slapped her a couple more times. She needs it."

"Nobody needs to be hit," Robert said. "Emily, honey, are you alright?"

Emily didn't reply. She was seated at her place at the table with her head down. She was sobbing, and tears fell onto the uneaten chicken on her plate. She didn't feel as though she'd ever stop crying.


"She's right." Emily was lying on her back on their bed with a damp towel laying over her eyes. "She's right about most everything." A sour little smile came to her lips then, and she added, "Not the chicken. That was damn good."

"What is she right about, honey?" Robert was seated on the bed at her side with his back against the headboard and stroking his fingers through her hair.

"I treated her like a little kid," Emily said. "More like a dog, actually. And it was my fault to begin with."

"I don't understand all this business about it being your fault. That's crazy," he said.

"Oh, Robert," she sighed. "I knew, you see. I knew that they had video of me and Patty quite a while ago. I was shocked at first, but I didn't make them erase it. And when they took video of us together I felt flattered. My God, Robert, I saw Danny watching that video and masturbating. I saw him and I watched until he came." Tears came to her eyes again to be absorbed by the towel.

"You didn't tell me." Robert wasn't sure what to think about that. If he'd known he probably would have raised a ruckus worse than this one. It was probably better that he didn't know.

"No, and I knew that they watched us through that open door, but I let it slide. I let them do it, all of it."

"Why? Why would you do that?" Robert expected that he knew but he wanted to hear it.

"Because it turned me on," she whispered. "I was flattered that they wanted to see us. It made me feel sexy."

"You don't need an audience to be sexy, honey."

"I know." She was silent a long time, and when she spoke again it was so quietly that Robert could barely hear her. "I enjoyed watching our son play with himself. When we grounded the kids and I went up to their rooms to talk to them, I did something I shouldn't have done. It was just like what I did to Elaine but it didn't end the same."

"What is it?" Robert asked when he felt she'd paused long enough.

"I made Danny run the video of us fucking and then sit and masturbate while watching it. I watched him and had him tell me what fantasies he had in his head while he was doing it. He fantasized fucking me, Robert. He imagined screwing me."

"I'll have a talk . . ."

"No, don't, because I was glad about his fantasies. You see, I've been fantasizing about screwing him lately, too. Every since I saw his hard cock, I guess. I tried to tell myself that I was just making up stories. Having some fun. But, no, I wanted it to actually happen. When Danny jerked off for me, I sat out of sight behind him and masturbated right along with him. I imagined him fucking me, Robert. I'm a horrible person."

"No, you're not," Robert said. "Hell, we're both pretty much in the same boat."

"I know," Emily said. She shifted to lay her head on his lap. "You talk in your sleep when you dream. You talked a lot about Elaine."

Robert sighed heavily. "How did this happen? We don't want it to happen. We try to fight it but that just makes it worse. My God, I didn't ask to feel like this about our daughter."

"I know," she assured him. "I know. Christ, Robert, I'm horny for my own son! How the hell does that happen?"

"It did. That's all." Robert deflated somewhat, feeling beaten.

"We're different now, Robert," Emily said. "Maybe I started it by going over to Patty's house. Maybe it would have happened anyway. All I know is that our family is different now, and there's nothing we can do to go back again."

They lay together on the bed in silence for a long time. Their family had mutated into a sexual parody of what it once was, but the members of the family were still the same people they always were. Despite all the changes on the surface, so little had really changed inside. Very little indeed.

"I love you, Robert," Emily said. "I love you as much as anything. I love you like life. You know that. And I know that you love me more than anything."

"Nothing will change that," Robert said. "Ever."

"I know," she said softly. "And because we love our children we have to prove it to them. Especially Elaine."

"How? Elaine will shoot us on sight."

"I don't know." Emily sat up then, dabbing at her eyes. "We can't change things. We can only live with them as they are. Just as long as we love each other, we'll be fine."

Emily kissed him on the cheek and got off of the bed. She stood smiling at Robert. "I am going to take a quick shower, and then I'm going to Danny's room and bring him back here," she said. "I think that you should go and be with Elaine."

"Be with? What are you saying?"

"You call her name in your sleep, Robert," she said. "I think you know what I mean. Please let our daughter know just how much she is loved."


"Danny?" Emily pushed her son's door open and leaned inside. "Are you still awake?"

"Sure, Mom." He sat up and turned on the lamp by his bed, squinting against the light. "I'm not really tired."

"Good. Please come along with me. Okay?"

"Sure, Mom."

The confused boy followed his mother back to her room where she sat on the bed and patted the spot beside her.

"Lock the door, and then come here, Danny," she said. And, when he was seated beside her, she placed both of her hands on either side of his face and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Tell me your fantasies, Danny, and I'll tell you mine."


Robert knocked on Elaine's door. When there was no answer, he turned the knob and went in. Elaine was packing things into a suitcase.

"Running away from home?" Robert asked.

"I'm going to stay with Cathy," she said, speaking with less belligerence now. "I'll be back for the rest of my things."

"What are you? Ten years-old?" Robert stood just inside the door shaking his head. He closed the door and walked in to stand by the desk chair and waited for an answer. When none came he sat and said, "Sit down, Elaine."

"Daddy, I'm busy," she said.

"Busy acting like a child," he said. "Sit and talk to me like an adult."

Scowling, she sat and kept her eyes averted.

Robert studied his daughter's face, noting how different she was from her mother and yet how much the same. He loved them both more than life itself. He would do anything for them.

"Elaine, your mother and I love you very much," he started.

"Oh, spare me. You guys were . . ."

"Just listen. Elaine, I love you. I need you here with us. You can't leave your family now when we need you so much."

"You don't need me," she said, tears forming in her eyes. "You just, I, Daddy, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been looking at you. Shouldn't have done any of it. I'm so sorry. I've made you all hate me."

Robert hurried to sit by her on the bed. He held her in his arms as though afraid she might be snatched away.

"We don't hate you at all. Not at all. We love you," he said. "All of us. We . . . I love you in every possible way there is to love someone." He kissed her cheek, her forehead. "I love you, Elaine. I dream about you."

He kissed her on the lips, surprising her with the passion in his lips. He kissed her deeply, holding her tight and smoothing his hands over her back as though to absorb every touch of her.

"Daddy, I don't . . ."

He kissed her words away. "Don't worry, honey. I'll never do anything to hurt you, and I won't ever stop loving you." Kissing her, his tongue moving against her, he inhaled the clean fragrance of soap and shampoo. "Please say you'll stay"

"But mom must hate me now. I was horrible."

"You were hurt, dear. Mom feels terrible about what happened last night. She loves you every bit as much as I do. She needs you, too. Please don't leave us."

"Oh, Daddy, I won't. I love you guys too much." Elaine held herself to her father, her tears blotted by his shirt.

"Good," he said. He pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her cheek and down along her neck to her shoulder. He kissed her throat, sucking eagerly at her skin, and then moving up to share a lover's kiss with his darling daughter.

So Elaine pulled at his shirt, pulling it free from his pants. He unbuttoned the top buttons and then pulled it over his head so his daughter could fall forward to kiss his broad chest and tease his nipples with her tongue. Then she leaned back and pulled her tee shirt off. She was braless beneath it, and her breasts bounced free and quivered eagerly.

Robert held her breasts in both of his hands and placed his thumbs on her nipples. She sighed against his hands, her eyes fluttering shut briefly before opening again as she reached for his belt and spoke.

"Daddy, will you love me?" she pleaded, her voice cracking with urgency. "Will you? Make love to me? Let me love you? Will you please, Daddy? Daddy?" The last said softly, like a prayer.

"Of course, darling," he promised. "I love you every way there is and I won't ever miss a chance to prove it from now on." He stood and undid his belt.

"Oh, Daddy, I, I'm not on the pill yet."

"You'll be fine with me, honey. I'm safe. You know I'll never hurt you, so don't you worry about that."

Elaine knelt before him and unzipped his pants. She pulled them down slowly, and then tugged at his boxers to release the hardening cock hidden within. She grasped it of her own choice tonight, grasped it and held it against her cheek. This was her father. She held her father in her hand.

And soon, her father held her. He cupped her soft bottom in one hand while moving the other over her breasts. He kissed over the flat expanse of her belly and tasted the sweet nectar of his daughter's vagina as she held his head and rubbed her feet against his back.

When Robert entered his daughter, it was a tender union begat in love. Her body accepted his eagerly, tightening on him and drawing forth his seed. He filled her and she completed him.


In the morning, Danny woke up in his parents bed with his mother sleeping naked beside him. It was all true. The woman who made him his school lunches and bundled him up against the winter cold had ravaged him last night. She taken him into her body everywhere she could, and screwed him into exhaustion. Even after seeing the video, he would never have believed that of his mother. He lay there in the bed, watching his mother's breasts rise and fall with her breath, and thought he was the luckiest boy alive.

Elaine woke with her father holding her close. She was warm and safe in his arms. And she was equally safe in her memory of him as a gentle, considerate lover. Everything was good in their love. Everything. She lay there snuggled against him and feeling that nothing could ever go wrong in her world again.


The Porters had changed in the course of a month. Whether the change was for the better or worse, it was a change they were determined to live with, and ride out the waves of fate secure that their love would keep them safe. There was nothing they couldn't do as long as they shared their love with each other.

To be continued . . .

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a4 months ago

Outstanding. From a psychological standpoint, Emily really screwed up with her daughter. Only in psychological warfare does one attempt to destroy the self image, sense of self and ego as Emily tried to do to her daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
best line

"Tell me your fantasies and I'll tell you mine."

One of the best START a chapter. Not end it with out any time spent on Danny and Emily's first night together?

So much potential there. Do a flashback chapter.

But then you have stopped writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Emotional Abuse is NOT Sexy

Chapter 5 should be erased and re-written. The emotional and abusive content put into it by the author was a serious mistake. Would he next have the parents beat the daughter bloody with clubs?

This destructive content harks back to the 1950s, when authors could write about incest or lesbianism only by putting it in a harsh or perverted context, because the authors themselves could not handle the content. It was as if they wanted to defend their writing about such themes by being able to point out that they were not condoning it and that the participants in the story got punished.

So also with chapter five. Rather than creating a positive and caring interaction among the family members, this author needlessly turned the story into an ugly and vicious event which drained away the eroticism.

This is not simply a matter of opinion; nowhere else in this series are the characters written so that they abuse and atack one another. Chapter five is a damaging deviation from (a) pleasant encounters and from (b) the tone of the rest of the story.

Abusive and attacking behavior has no place in stories that should be celebrating the joys of sexual relations.

Where was the editor when chapter five was submitted??????

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great Series - Thanks

I've enjoyed all parts of this series. It certainly is hot. Moves very fast - almost too fast - but you have a lot of coupling to do!! The incest aspect is of little interest to me - I'm more into the exhibitionism and the group sex aspects - but this more than satisfies my kinks. Thanks for writing and sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Disappointing Ending but Still Good

Wonderfully written story so far, loving the series. But I must say I am disappointed by the ending of this one, now I probably would have skipped over all the paragraphs of sex, they bore me as they are pretty much all the same so THANKYOU for not doing that, but nonetheless the ending would be better being a tad longer. Then again if this is your style of writing then so be it, I'm still looking forward to the next instalments! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Don't stop

Ok, I love it and most others as well. So this is your story, than tell it the way you want to. I am for sure going to read it, as long As you don't stop writing. Best wishes to you, JJ.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
oh shut up

i loved every chapter.

i hate when people"MakeLove" in a porn story, so I'm glad you got past it so quickly. Now they can fuck like jack-a-lopes day in and day out, the two parties can merge into one and there will be enough for eveyone.

Dirty_Old_Man3Dirty_Old_Man3almost 15 years ago
Who is the idiot who is pissed off about this?

Why in the hell would you be pissed about the length of dialogue during sex? Wait for later chapters and maybe you will get what you want. Stop trying to write the story yourself and just enjoy it! If you want to write the story yourself, then go write it, asshole! I hate people who have to go the "Anony-mouse" route and blast a story simply because, if they had the guts to write one, they would have written it differently! If you are such a great writer, then let's see it! Show your work, asshole! Quit bitching about what you would do and, sorry Nike, JUST DO IT!

Great story, loved it, keep writing, here's hoping that the ending might mean that we might have another Porter entering the world in 9 months (I didn't read anything about Mr. Porter stopping to put on a condom, but maybe that was implied and just not said, I don't know).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

What is it with you lately? Your earlier chapters were WAY better than this shit. So, you start out with the Porter family in Pt. 1 and you finally have the mom and dad having sex with the son and daughter and it lasts all of two fucking paragraphs with no dialogue? WHAT THE FUCK!!! Jesus, I was hoping for pages of sex between mother/son and father/daughter when it finally happened, but you seem to think it's great when you skip over the good parts. Seriously, just.....god damnit. :(

NiranaNiranaalmost 15 years ago
The best erotic story I have ever read!

Just wonderful! the drama and the emotions! Wonderful! And all the incest! Great! Please do continue this series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
the best yet!!!

I love how this has developed...please continue writing. As soon as the holidays are over, I'm going to read all the chapters non-stop.

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