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Neighbors Ch. 08

Story Info
Chris reunites with Ms. Sutton.
4.5k words

Part 8 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I intended to take Sarah's dietary advice seriously. I knew Amber would expect me to do my absolute best to follow Sarah's directions. I picked up lots of veggies and salad greens and several fish filets and chicken breasts.

I spent just a few minutes organizing my fridge and pantry, throwing out several bags of potato chips and other snacks, and finding room for the new groceries. Hesitating, I took out my phone and opened the calorie tracking app. I snapped a photo of the junk food in my trash can and uploaded it to the app. A few minutes later I got a "thumbs up" response from Sarah. That made me shiver with pleasure. I reflected for a minute on this - how I was somehow being reprogrammed by this cage and Amber's control. The merest praise from her or Sarah seemed to go straight to my nervous system and gave me a jolt or endorphin rush. I wondered if this was somehow replacing the normal pleasure I used to get from jacking off or the infrequent times I was able to have sex.

I took off my work clothes and put on some gym shorts and shirt and laced up my sneakers. I made sure my apple watch was functioning and went out for a run.

I had never really tried running and I quickly found out how out of shape I was. Within a few minutes I was huffing like I was climbing Everest and had to walk for a bit. Alternating between slowly jogging and walking I managed to go two miles before my lungs felt like they were going to explode. I remembered Sarah saying I should be up to running four to five miles in just a couple months and had a mild panic attack. I hoped my endurance improved quickly.

After my workout I stripped for a shower. The cool water helped to relax me a little and my heart rate was slowly returning to normal. Again I went through the fairly lengthy procedure to completely clean my chastity cage, adding soap to the long sponge/q tip device and carefully sliding it down the tube to clean my penis. I reflected that this might be the only stimulation I would be getting for the near or not-so near future. I slowly slid the sponge up and down thinking of Amber. I could picture her near-naked body clearly. I even had the opportunity to rub suntan oil on her when she was wearing only a tiny bikini. That was before I confessed my desire for her to be unfair to me, and I realized she had honored my request. Despite all of the money she had taken from me, I've only seen a flash of underwear once or twice and overall much less of her than before my confession. I let out a low moan of frustration. What would I have to do for her before she'd ever let me see her in lingerie, or even naked? Or would she ever allow me to see her in something like a bikini again?

That thought triggered something deep within me, and I could feel my cock try to harden urgently. Immediately the points began their inexorable pressure in my tube and I groaned with the pain. I realized I was just torturing myself and slammed the water on full cold to try to calm down.

I got out of the shower and threw on some sweats. I looked at the time- it was already almost seven pm. I had a full twelve hour day between the gym, work, and my run. I was exhausted but also starving. I prepared a dinner of salad and grilled chicken breast and collapsed on the couch to watch a few minutes of mindless TV before I passed out. I saw that I had a text from Sarah.

-good job on the run. next time slow down and you should be able to run more and walk less. See you tomorrow!-

Again, I felt that flush of pleasure but also let out a groan thinking about tomorrow. I was in bed by 9 o'clock.

Tomorrow morning I met Sarah at the gym. Again, she led me to the changing room. She asked me to strip down to my underwear and took down my weight. I still felt embarrassed but she was much more business-like than yesterday and I felt used to her seeing me in my underwear. To be fair, I thought, she was wearing a jog bra like yesterday, and that was sort of underwear too, in a way. She also had on a pair of extremely short skin tight shorts that stretched over her powerful glutes, and revealed a scandalous amount of ass cheek. Her hair was done in a single long braid that fell to the middle of her back, and occasionally swung over her shoulder to dangle between her small breasts.

She led me through a murderous sequence of leg exercises using a combination of free weights and machines. She was less chatty than yesterday but was intensely focused on my technique, encouraging me to push harder and do more reps than I thought possible. I found myself working hard to please her, eager for her sparse words of praise when I completed a set. I also found my eyes glued to her muscular ass whenever she turned around. The cruel cage contained any type of erection I would be having, and for once I was thankful for that. It could have been very awkward to have to hide a boner in this situation.

Finally, mercifully, the hour was up. My legs were shaking and I found it difficult to walk.

Sarah smiled as I made my way painfully to the door.

"See you tomorrow! Don't forget your run later!"

By the time I got to my car I already had the Venmo notification for the session.

Later that morning I got a text from an unknown number.

-Christopher. This is Ms. Sutton. The alterations for your friend's clothes are completed. Please schedule a time that both of you can come by to check that everything fits. I also have something I'd like to speak with both of you about-

I frowned. That last bit sounded...interesting. I wondered what a boutique clothing owner would need to talk to us about. I brightened when I realized I had a reason to see Amber again. I fired off a text explaining the situation. She said she was free later that afternoon, and I relayed that to Ms. Sutton.

-Excellent, Christopher. 4 PM sharp today.-

My sore legs were suddenly forgotten and I found myself practically bubbling with excitement. I went out for lunch - salad and fish this time - and made sure to upload the picture. Again a thumbs up from Sarah in response. I decided to take the afternoon off and headed up after lunch. I wanted to take a shower and look my best for my afternoon with Amber.

I killed a little time watching TV and answering some work emails after my shower until it was time to get Amber. I double checked my car, making sure it was clean and dust-free on the inside, and knocked on her door.

A minute later she answered. Again, I was struck by her sheer beauty. She had obviously went all out and looked simply stunning. Her long hair was practically shining in the sun as it framed her perfect face. She was wearing a top that revealed a scandalous amount of breast, and had white pants that clung to her hips and shapely legs. Low casual heels covered her beautiful feet.

I realized I was standing with my mouth partly open, in awe of her beauty. She grinned when she saw my reaction, and patted me on the cheek.

"Aw...that's the response a girl likes to see." She chuckled as she locked her door behind her.

"So...how is Sarah treating you?" She smirked at me as we climbed into my car.

"Um...well she's very...intense" I said, uncertain what to say.

Amber nodded.

"Oh yes, she's definitely intense. She and I have talked about that before actually. I'm very particular about certain things - mostly how my house and clothes should look. I guess I got that from my mom." Amber laughed ruefully.

"But Sarah is the same way - she pushes herself extremely hard physically and expects others to do the same. Honestly she has a reputation for being the toughest trainer in town. It's actually a bit of a problem - some clients love her but she ends up pushing some away with her intensity."

I flushed slightly as I digested this information. What had I gotten myself into, I wondered?

"Oh, I almost forgot - is my little bank still all nice and secure down there?" She pointed at my crotch and arched an eyebrow.

I felt my face flush even more in embarrassment.

"Yes...yes Miss." I said, my voice cracking slightly.

She grinned at me.

"Oh I'm sure it is" she said with a mocking laugh. "Did you like my photos I sent you?"

I remembered her texted photos that showed her putting the key to my chastity cage in a safety deposit box. Not sure how to react I just nodded. She laughed again at my obvious discomfort.

"I sort of like the symmetry here, right? I mean, the key to my personal bank is locked away in another bank." She reached up with her left hand and began unconsciously tracing a finger along her collarbone. She was looking over at me with a hungry look in her eyes. I found it difficult to concentrate on my driving.

"I wanted you to know how seriously I take the security of my personal bank. I took time out of my day to make sure you were as secure as possible. I researched safety deposit boxes, drove all the way downtown, and filled out a whole application form just to make sure that key was completely inaccessible to anyone else. Wasn't that nice of me?"

Her right hand was now pressed into her lap as she spoke. I recognized the signs of her increasing arousal - the serious and frank look in her eyes, the tone of her voice.

"Oh god..." I moaned, unable to hold it in. The points were digging in cruelly now.

"Hmm.." She breathed in response to my moan. Her left hand was now cupping her breast through her top.

"I can't wait for this weekend, bank. I'm already working on your chore list...I'm going to run you ragged."

She was staring at me intently as she spoke.

"I mean, the more you work for me the more money I take from you, isn't that right bank?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice. The pain in my crotch was becoming overwhelming as I struggled to become erect in the small confined space.

"So tell me - why would I ever take it easy on you?" Her tone was deadly serious.

"Um...you wouldn't miss."

She grinned.

"No, I wouldn't. And even better..." she let out a small moan as she spread her legs and pressed her right hand between them. "Even better...I shouldn't take it easy on you, isn't that right bank?"

Breathing heavily, I nodded.

"No miss, you're right. You shouldn't."

Either fortunately or unfortunately for me - I couldn't decide which - we were arriving at Southpoint. I parked and took a deep breath to compose myself. Amber was doing the same, checking herself in a small mirror. Flashing a grin at me, Amber got out of the car. I followed her to Ms. Sutton's boutique.

I was struck again at how tasteful and elegant the store was. It seemed to be a direct reflection of the owner, who appeared from the back of the store as we entered. She had her black hair up in a bun again, and was elegantly if somewhat severely dressed in a black jacket and pencil skirt with a white blouse. She had on shiny black heels and a pair of black rimmed reading glasses were hanging around her neck.

"Thank you for coming Amber, Christopher." She said, greeting us each in turn with a quick handshake. "I have your articles ready for you to try if you'd like - we can use my office as it's a bit more spacious."

I could tell Amber was excited.

"Great! I can't wait!"

The three of us walked to the back of the store. Ms. Sutton's office was a large space dominated by a large mahogany desk and several dressmaker's mannequins that had various jackets, dressed, and blouses draped over them. Overall the office was meticulously clean and organized. I noticed there was no clutter anywhere and the top of the desk was absolutely clean.

Amber immediately went to a mannequin clothed by a dress she had picked out.

"I can't wait to try these - I've actually never had clothes custom tailored before."

Ms. Sutton nodded.

"You'll find the fit is vastly superior. The simple fact is you'll look better and feel better in clothes made to fit you, not some generic female shape. Particularly you - you have an enviable shape. Small waist with large breasts. Your clothing should emphasis this sensual shape.

I couldn't help but agree mentally.

Amber stepped out of her shoes and undid the button on her pants. Remembering that I was in the room, she pointed to the corner of the room near the door.

"Bank - corner."

I groaned. I caught the faint hint of a smirk on Ms. Sutton's lips as I turned and buried my nose in the corner of the room.

I was ignored for the next thirty minutes or so as Amber tried on various outfits. From their conversation it sounded like every item fit perfectly after Ms. Sutton's expert alterations, and Amber was thrilled, admiring herself in a floor to ceiling mirror that stood on the wall. Ms. Sutton murmured her approval at how everything was fitting. Finally, they finished and Amber told me I could turn around. She was wearing a short green dress that came down to mid thigh and exposed her cleavage. It fit her perfectly, as if it was made for her. Which it was, I mentally amended. Her face was glowing as she surveyed all of her new clothes.

Ms. Sutton made her way behind her desk and sat down in the old-fashioned leather office chair. She motioned for us to sit at the two chairs placed on the other side of the desk. She folded her hands carefully on the desk in front of her.

"Now, I told Christopher I had something I wished to discuss with both of you."

Amber and I settled in our chairs and I nodded. I couldn't help but feel like I was sitting in front of the principal at school - that old fashioned wooden desk, the fact that I was sitting in a small and somewhat low chair, and especially Ms. Sutton's erect regal bearing.

"First of all, let me discuss what I'm prepared to offer you. I act as a personal shopper for a very small number of elite clients in town. Essentially, through discussion with the client, I come to understand their personal style and sense of taste. Through my connections with designers in London and New York I procure clothing of utmost quality for each client, then I alter them to fit the client perfectly. I have a dressmaker's mannequin made up for each client so I am able to do the rough fitting here in my office, and the client only needs to come in for a final fitting. I have thirty years of experience doing this, and my services are quite expensive."

Ms. Sutton leaned forward slightly, still managing to keep her back perfectly straight as she did so. Amber was listening, a curious expression on her face.

"I am prepared to offer you my services, free of charge, as your personal shopper and tailor. I already have a sense for your style but I will need to spend more time in discussion with you. I will procure several items of clothing for you per week and tailor them to fit you. You need only to stop by my store during the week to double check the fit and take your items."

Amber was staring at her, wide-eyed. I was happy for her - clearly this is something she was extremely excited about - but part of me wondered what Ms. Sutton wanted in exchange.

"You seem to have a...unique...relationship with Christopher." Ms. Sutton glanced in my direction. Amber smiled slowly.

"Yes...that's a good way to put it. Unique."

Ms. Sutton nodded, taking this in stride.

"And I'm to assume that it would be acceptable to you to have his credit card on file for the purchasing of your clothes? This is typically how my clients prefer to handle things so they don't need to bother with the tedious payment process each time they pick up their items."

Amber looked over at me. I knew I had a stricken look on my face. Ms. Sutton was offering her services as a shopper and tailor but I had to imagine that the clothes themselves would be expensive.

"That would be ok, wouldn't it bank?" Amber asked quietly.

I found myself nodding. I couldn't disappoint Amber - she was so happy about the possibility of becoming a client of Ms. Sutton.

"Excellent." Ms. Sutton said. "Now to what I believe you might offer me."

I held my breath. I had no idea what she was going to say but I somehow knew it wouldn't be something I'd like.

Amber was nodding eagerly.

"Sure - what can we do for you?"

For the first time Ms. Sutton looked slightly uncomfortable. For some reason I was relieved to see a chink in her otherwise impenetrable armor of professionalism. It made her seem more human.

"As I said before, I sensed that your relationship was ...unusual. I also realized that a large part of me wishes for something...equally unusual."

She cleared her throat.

"To be blunt, as a child in catholic school when I misbehaved I was beaten, usually with a cane. It was extremely painful and humiliating, and as I told Christopher the other day, I often think back on those experiences. To my surprise, rather than think of those experiences as abhorrent, I merely wish I was on the giving end of the punishment. I firmly believe that those...disciplines...made me more attentive and instilled in me a willpower and drive for perfection that enabled me to build a very successful career."

Amber and I were both listening raptly.

"Throughout my life I longed for that experience - administering punishment - but I have never had the opportunity to try. Honestly, my career consumed and consumes my life and I have little time for romantic relationships. Nor do I necessarily desire a romantic relationship. I don't see these things as necessarily related."

I started to get a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"What I propose is that I provide my services as I have already explained, in exchange for permission to administer punishment to Christopher. One session each week for as long as you are my client."

I glanced at Amber. She had a startled expression on her face, but that was immediately replaced with one of thoughtful consideration. She looked over at me. My mouth was hanging open.

Ms. Sutton stood.

"I will leave you both alone for a few minutes to discuss this."

She left the room, leaving us facing each other. Amber still had a thoughtful look.

"Hm. This is certainly an interesting proposal, isn't it bank?"

I shook my head from side to side, terrified. Amber laughed at the look on my face.

"Relax, bank. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Amber stood up and walked over to my chair. She stood behind me and rested her hands lightly on my shoulders. I could tell she was leaning over because I could feel the light brush of her hair on my back and her breath on my left ear.

"Let's just consider the pros and cons of this" she said quietly. "That way we can say we considered it carefully. Ok?"

I nodded, seeing the logic of this.

Her hands trailed downwards, resting lightly on my chest. I smelled her perfume and felt her breasts rest lightly on my back as she leaned lower. Her breath warmed my ear as she spoke softly.

"I LOVE the way I look in these clothes, bank. She is a miracle worker. I've never had clothes that fit like this."

Her right hand lightly brushed my nipple and started slowly circling around it. I found it difficult to breathe. Each brush against my suddenly erect nipple felt like a mild electric shock coursing through my spine.

"I think she would really get my style...I think after a few weeks or months or, who knows...years..."

I groaned at the possibility of this.

"years..." she continued, ignoring me. "I think my wardrobe would be the envy of any woman in town. After seeing what she could do for me, it's going to be so hard to back to buying clothes off the rack..."

Her hand left my nipple and began ever so slowly to move down my front. She made a slow maddening circle on my stomach. Her breasts were pressed firmly against my back now.

"I'd look my best and feel my best. There are certainly a lot of arguments on the pro side, right bank?"


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