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Neighbour's Son Comes to Stay Ch. 02

Story Info
Young man drives older neighbour to extreme behaviour.
5.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/12/2023
Created 10/26/2023
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Almost everything of what happened over that initial 2-3 day period is etched on my brain. For those of you that have just joined the story, I encourage you to look back to the 1st stage of developments before you read on.

My ex-husband, Jon had to move back home while he sought a new place to live, my neighbour's son Marcus, needed a place to stay, and I was the beneficiary of a long break from work, an incredibly hot summer and a new course of hormone replacement treatment.

Marcus, new, hot, super muscular 22 year old black boy being in and around the house had driven me insane. I was coming off the longest dry spell in my adult life, the summer was the hottest period on record in the UK and my ex was benefiting from my need to fuck at least twice a day. To say I was constantly horny would be an enormous understatement.

I had wanked for Marcus. I'd laid in the sun in the back garden, frigging my clit, knowing he was watching from his bedroom. I had pretended to be unaware. My orgasm had been huge.

While I'd been wanking on the sunbed, I'd been fantasising about teasing Marcus, inviting him to my room and him fucking me with his huge dick. I knew that deep down, I really wanted this to happen.

After I'd finished wanking for Marcus, I'd wandered back to my room ready for a shower before I picked up the boys from school. As soon as the hot water hit my shoulders, I started rubbing my clit, making plans to turn my fantasy into a reality.

Dinner that evening was a really awkward experience. The boys were doing their usual clamouring for more of everything, my ex-husband was feeling me up under the table and all I could think about was my wanking earlier in the afternoon. Marcus was quiet again, but I sensed he was biding his time, waiting for an opportunity.

Jon collected up the twins, taking them to bed. I tried to maintain a sense of composure.

"What kind of day did you have Marcus," I asked.

"Nothing much, I went to the gym, then just came home and studied."

"What're you up to tomorrow?"

"I'll probably study in the morning, but I thought I might just lie out in the garden with you in the afternoon"

Fuck! Once again I wondered if he was telling me he knew what I was doing. Teasing him, tempting him, showing off for him.

Trying to collect myself, I muttered some form of acquiescence that he was very welcome to join me.

Jon came back downstairs.

"Well, that's my job done, kids are sleeping."

I remember smiling at him, all the time wondering how serious Marcus was about lying beside me outside in the garden.

"Well done!" I exclaimed, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. My cunt was twitching. I felt like I'd been caught fucking someone in the toilet.

Fortunately, Marcus saved the day.

"I've got some studying to do, I'll just head off."

There was the usual round of goodnights and then it was just Jon and me left at the dining table.

Jon moved in immediately. Hand up skirt, trying to access my moist pussy. I knew I should stop him.

He'd want to know what had made my pussy so wet.

"Fuck you're soaking," he grunted. "Why're you so fucking horny?"

"No reason, I'm just fucking horny. You know how I've been."

"You want me to fuck you here?"

That was when I knew I was going to fuck Marcus.

"No let's go upstairs."

I wanted to let Marcus know I was being fucked, that I was super horny and that when I came, it was fucking huge, I wanted to scream for him. I wanted him to wank his cock in bed in the room next door, listening to me fucking and cumming.

"OK let's go," Jon growled.

As we walked up the stairs, all I could think about was Marcus. My cunt was pounding and I knew Jon was about to get the best fuck of his life.

When I woke up in the morning, Jon's cum had leaked out of my pussy and dried on the inside of my thighs and at the entrance to my ass. He was in the shower and I lay wondering if Marcus had heard us. I wanked quickly while Jon was in the shower. Hand over my mouth, not so that Marcus wouldn't hear, more that Jon wouldn't.

Jon left for work. Kids in tow.

I lay in bed wondering how I could get Marcus to fuck me. I was absolutely desperate. I'd no idea whether he would be able to satisfy me, but I'd built up a picture of him fucking me with his big black cock.

I heard him moving about in his room. I was in two minds - should I go into his room, or should I just try and control my hungry pussy and wait for another opportunity.

Before I could make that decision, I heard him closing the door to his room and jumping down the stairs. The front door slammed shut about 10 seconds later.

Disappointment and relief all in the same breath. I'm 37 and he is 22.

"He won't want to fuck someone my age," I thought.

I got up, had a shower and got ready.

I had a hair appointment at 10.00 but the first thing I wanted to do was update my sex diary. What had happened yesterday was filthy. I guessed the fact that I was willing to masturbate, wearing only a pair of bikini bottoms in front of a guy I barely knew, told me just how horny I was. I'd never felt pure lust like this before. All I could think about was Marcus. When we were in the same room I couldn't take my eyes off him. I was dry-mouthed, short of breath and I'm pretty sure I wasn't making much sense at all whenever I tried to strike up a conversation. It was like I was a teenager, instead of a 37 year old woman. Over the last 3 days, I'd come maybe 9 or 10 times thinking about him. I was constantly aroused and if I wasn't with him, I was lying in my bed fantasising about him.

I hadn't told Jon about yesterday's adventure. He was my ex, not my husband and what I did or wanted to do had nothing to do with him. He wanted me to tease Marcus, he wanted me to dress for Marcus, he wanted me to cum thinking of Marcus while he fucked me. I'm pretty sure he thought that it would stop at fantasy. When we'd been married, he had wanted me to flirt with guys, dress provocatively and tease them by flashing my legs, boobs, stockings and panties. Often if we were out in town, especially if we were on holiday somewhere, he'd encourage me to go into a club on my own while he waited outside.

"I'll give you a 30 minute start," he would say.

He'd tell me that by the time he came in, he'd hope I'd be entertaining, maybe having a drink with a guy at the bar or perhaps enjoying a slow dance up on the dancefloor. It turned him on to watch me and to be fair, it turned me on flirting with men, teasing them, letting them touch me, turning casual conversation in the direction of sex, encouraging them to tell me what they wanted to do to me.

A few times things had gone a bit too far for Jon's taste and that had pissed me off. He wanted me to tease, he wanted me to get into a state and soak my knickers, but he didn't want it going much further.

We had a rough cover story that I would be waiting for my colleagues to join me and if Jon felt he needed to intervene, he'd come over.

"Ah there you are, listen we've all gone to a place down the road. They sent me to collect you."

If he could see that I was enjoying being where I was, he would then say something like,

"I'll wait for you over there, can we say 5 minutes?"

I'd then have 5 minutes to wrap things up, but I'd know that playtime was over. Many of the guys asked me to stay or offered to come with me. Quite a few asked for my number and I even gave it to a couple of guys who had got me hot, but the most it had ever led to was a couple of dirty phonecalls. I had no intention of fucking other men, but it annoyed me that everything I did was for Jon's sexual gratification and that he dictated what I could or couldn't do.

This time I knew I wanted Marcus inside me. I was desperate and there was no way I was going to tell Jon in case he tried to stop me.

I went up to the loft and found my diary, carefully hidden in a box full of books and papers. Back in my bedroom, I sat at my dressing table, pen in hand, wondering how frank and honest I should be.

In the end I sketched a picture of the fantasy I'd had while wanking for Marcus. Me lying on my bed, legs spread, big tool in my hand. Door to my bedroom wide open. The mirror in the corner of the room, reflecting down the hall showing Marcus, naked, watching me while pulling on his cock.

The text was as brief as ever.

"Wanked myself to huge orgasm in garden. Imagined flashing Marcus in kitchen at breakfast. I was half-naked, tits on show. I didn't cover up when he came in. Made it clear I was going back to bed. He came up and fucked me. Treated me like a slut"

And then in block capitals, underlined a number of times for effect 😊


Just writing this got me going again as I remembered my orgasm from yesterday. I managed to stop myself from wanking again. I put the diary in my underwear drawer, hidden at the back beside my sextoys. I was now a bit late for a hair appointment so I had to get my skates on.

Later that day, I did a bit of shopping and met one of my old colleagues for a late lunch. Jane had been one of my best friends at the company. We had joined the same day and we had become good mates. She told me that the team were looking to arrange a night out for me. They had cleared it with the Exec and despite the fact that I was persona non grata in the eyes of the business, they weren't a bunch of spoilsports - in fact Jane thought that my old boss, Claire, may even put in an appearance.

That news cheered me up. I missed my old colleagues and my sudden exit from the business meant I hadn't really had a chance to say goodbye. Jane said she'd let me know when things were finalised.

I picked up the kids on my way home - so no chance for any naughtiness! Marcus was home, studying in the dining room. He barely looked up as we all had a glass of juice in the kitchen.

"Marcus, would you like a drink?" I asked.

"No thanks, I'm fine."

He seemed a bit standoffish, which I thought was a bit strange, given the recent positive developments in our conversations. However, I just put it down to him being preoccupied with his studies.

"If you need any help with anything, let me know." I offered.

He looked up, smiled and said, "No, I'm good at the moment, I'm gonna be looking at some balance sheet work tomorrow, I might need you to help me then."

"Yeah, no worries, I'd be happy to."

The kids went out to play football in the garden and I went up to my room to unpack the shopping. I'd bought a summer dress and some new underwear. I hung up the dress and opened my underwear drawer to put my new panties away.

As soon as I opened the drawer, I knew someone had been in there. I don't have OCD, but I always fold my knickers the same way and I always, always, always make sure my sextoys are hidden completely. My dildo was clearly visible at the back of the drawer and some of my panties were folded wrongly.

"Fuck," I thought. "It can only have been Marcus."

Initial anger gave way to a horny curiosity. What a naughty boy! I wondered what he'd done. Had he used any of them to rub against his cock, maybe even used them to wank. Instead of being angry, my pussy started twitching as I realised that he was also horny for me. I picked up a g-string and put it to my nose. I don't know what I was hoping for - the smell of his cock, maybe some other evidence that he had rubbed himself with a pair of my sexy knickers.

Then it struck me. My fucking diary! I felt sick as I tried to remember how I'd placed it in the drawer. I did remember putting it on the right-hand side at the back, under a couple of pairs of stockings. It was still in the right place, the stockings were still on top of the book, but if he had found my tools it would have been almost impossible for him not to have seen the diary.

Had he read it? It was basically a record of my sex activities and fantasies over the last 20 years. There were sketches, stories and even some photos. Early entries included scores I'd given guys out of 10 for their sexual ability, size of cock etc. But obviously the most relevant entry was my last one. If he'd read the diary, it would make sense that he would read the latest entries. He'd know what my last wank had been about.

My mind was in total turmoil. I couldn't believe I'd left my diary in the drawer. I'd meant to take it back to its hiding place in the loft, but because I'd spent too much time telling my diary how much I wanted to fuck Marcus, I'd had to rush out the door to get to my hairdresser on time.

"Stupid bitch," I thought.

To punish myself, I read through the diary just to see how bad the damage may be. There was everything in there - guys I'd fucked at Uni, details of me sucking off a guy in a taxi, a threesome at a party, fucking in a restaurant toilet, flashing my pussy to a shoe-shop assistant before sucking him off in a car-park, flashing and then fucking a room-service guy in a London hotel, fantasies I'd had about boys, girls, lecturers, colleagues, my boss, my Personal Trainer and even some of my dad's friends. Everything was in there - including a bit of BDSM, lurid details of anal sessions, webcam adventures and even a recounting of some watersport activity with my best mate's ex-boyfriend. It was filthy and if he'd read it, Marcus now knew I was pretty much up for anything, how much I wanted him and how willing I'd be to do whatever he asked.

So locking the stable door after the horse had well and truly bolted, I grabbed the diary and returned it to the box in the loft.

I spent the whole evening trying to gauge from Marcus's attitude, his conversation and even just his general demeanour if he had read my diary, but it was impossible. He went to his bedroom early as usual. Jon could sense there was something wrong but obviously I couldn't tell him what was on my mind.

In bed that night, Jon didn't even try to kiss me before he slid down the bed and started kissing my thighs. I always sleep naked and I could feel his hot breath against my pussy. He knew if he could get me horny, he'd get a fuck. Despite my general unease, as he prised my thighs open, I felt his tongue on my clit and that was enough to get me going. A minute later, my legs were spread and I was moaning as he fingered my hole. Suddenly all fears were gone. OK Marcus may now know what I wanted and how I was planning to seduce him. Perhaps he knew about a lot of the slutty stuff I'd done and thought about. Was that such a bad thing? I wanted him to fuck me. Would him knowing how fucking horny I was put him off? He had been perving in my knicker drawer, maybe he'd wanked himself, maybe he'd tasted my juice off one of the tools. He was just as filthy as me. Going into my bedroom, touching my panties - he'd crossed a line and he was probably wondering if I'd noticed anything amiss.

"Dirty bastard," I thought, as Jon climbed on top of me and slid his cock deep into my hole. I closed my eyes, imagined Marcus inside me and bit Jon's neck and shoulder as I came.

Post coitus, I lay thinking while Jon slept soundly. Tomorrow was Friday, it would be my last chance before the weekend to have the whole day together with Marcus while Jon was at work and the kids were at school. I knew it was going to happen. I lay in bed touching my pussy, planning exactly what I would wear, how obvious I'd be, how long I'd let him look at me. I tried to remember where my transparent body stocking was. That was all I was going to wear, everything would be on show.

While Jon was in the shower the next morning, I searched out the bodystocking I was going to wear. I found it and put it under my pillow, waiting impatiently for Jon to leave with the kids.

Finally he left. I got out of bed immediately and went into the shower. I wanted to look my best. My pussy was completely smooth, so I didn't have to do anything there. I shaved my legs and under my arms. I wanted to be completely smooth for Marcus.

I dried myself off and took my time fixing my hair. Normally I keep it in a pony tail, but today for Marcus, I let it hang down and dried it so that it was much fuller, I messed it up, so it looked more glamorous. I spent much longer than usual putting on my make-up. After getting the basics in place, I made sure my lips were fully painted with my favourite deep red lipstick. I even used some eye-drops to give a sparkle to my eyes. The final touch was to oil my body. Arms, legs, tits, tummy and pussy. Not too much, just enough to create a glistening effect. I knew it would dry quite quickly so I made a mental note to take the bottle with me to the kitchen, so I could reapply it, if I had to wait for Marcus.

I realised that all this attention to detail was absolutely unnecessary as I put on my bodystocking and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked hot, but the bodystocking was even more transparent than I remembered. I have a double F cup size and very dark, very stubby nipples. Marcus wasn't going to notice the finer details of me eye-liner or blusher. Further down, there was virtually zero protection for my pussy. Standing in front of the mirror, the top of my lips were easy to see. When I sat down on the bed and opened my legs, in my reflection I could see my big clit pushing out between my lips. There was no gusset. The whole of my cunt would be visible to Marcus if I had the courage to sit on one of the kitchen chairs and let him look.

I was almost sick with excitement as I walked past his bedroom door and down the stairs. When I got to the kitchen, I wasn't entirely sure what to do with myself. I moved about arranging and rearranging plates, cutlery, table mats, glasses and cups. I filled the dishwasher, cleaned out the fridge and brought some clothes through to iron.

Normally I do any ironing in the utility room, but I brought the ironing board through to the kitchen anyway. It gave me the perfect excuse to be there, almost naked. I found a blouse and a skirt that needed ironed - now I was ready. When he came down, I'd have my story ready - I'd be ironing the outfit I'd be wearing for my first meeting with my new colleagues next week.

It seemed like an age, but was probably about 20 minutes before I heard Marcus coming down the stairs. He came into the kitchen wearing a t-shirt and a pair of his seemingly endless supply of tight, white boxers. He looked beautiful.

"Oh I thought you'd already left for the gym," I said, providing a partial explanation for my appearance.

"No, I need to study first, remember I mentioned the work I might need some help with."

"Ah yeah, of course."

Every bit of my body was screaming at me to cover up and it took every ounce of willpower not to. I had run this situation through in my head a hundred times. I wasn't going to chicken out now.

"I'm sorry I'm almost naked, I didn't know you were home."

"Don't worry," he said. "I promise not to look."

He smiled and asked innocently, "Any chance of a coffee?"

"Of course, let me sort some breakfast for you."

Marcus had given me the perfect reason to stay there, virtually naked. I couldn't believe how this was working out. When he had come into the kitchen, I should have blushed and found something to cover up. But I hadn't and now he'd asked me to make breakfast, which meant I could stay.

He sat down at the breakfast table and opened a book. I turned to put on the coffee machine and I heard him adjust his seat, the chair-legs scraping on the kitchen floor.

Without turning round I said,

"I think today's going to be another scorcher."

"Yeah, I might lie out later. I love the sun."

As I fixed the coffee and stuck some bread in the toaster, I wondered if he was watching. The bodystocking has a thong design. My horniness let me bend over to get some cereal out of the lower half of a cupboard. I have a tight arse and I knew that the bodystocking would be showing it off to best effect.


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