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Neuro Submission Transmitter Ch. 06


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Just my tits?

Okay, this is getting weird. If you know everything I'm thinking then you know I want you to make good on your promise to do whatever I want.

You want me to lie on my back, spread my legs and not trigger my own orgasms. How did I do?

"Not bad -- except you're not on your back yet," I answer out loud. Susan smiles and lies on her back with her hands behind her head.

What are you going to do? I lie beside Susan and run my hand over her soft breasts, tweaking her semi-erect nipples. Pinch them. I follow her mental instructions and pinch the nipple closest to me. Harder. I comply, pinching her nipple and pulling it out away from her breast. Mmmm, nice.

This is weird. I drop my face to her breast and suck her nipple into my mouth while my hand glides down across her flat stomach. I bite her nipple and tease the tip of it with my tongue. Susan spreads her legs when my hand glides up the slope of her hairless pussy mound, slightly raised from her flat stomach. Sherrie and Susan still wax each other regularly and there is not a hint of stubble as my fingers caress the smooth curve above her pussy. I love my sister's porcelain smooth pussy.

I'm glad you like it. You're making me wet.

You were wet already, I answer mentally.

You're making me wetter. Feel. I slide my middle finger between my sister's moist pussy lips and dip it into her. Farther.

Be patient... and stop being so bossy. My finger is up to the first joint and I stroke it lightly back and forth. My cock is fully erect and throbbing with excitement but I continue to tease my sister.

I can't help it... I want your cock in me! I ignore her mental message and move my mouth to her left nipple, giving it the same treatment as the right one. Mmmmm. Pulling my finger out, I make small circular motions over her sensitive labia, smearing her juices around it. Oh Nick. Oh fuck! Susan arches her back and tries to push her pussy against my finger. Come on, Nick... please.

Please what? I send her a mental message while I continue to nibble on her tit.

You know what... you can read my thoughts. She's right. She wants me to fuck her. Really hard!

I know. We'll get to that... just be patient, Sis. I bite down hard on her thick nipple and at the same time slip two fingers into her anxious pussy.

"Ohhh God!" Susan's moan startles me; I was expecting to hear her in my mind. Her pussy muscles tighten around my fingers as I slowly pump them in and out. She bucks her hips off the bed, driving my fingers deeper into her steamy pussy.

You're going to make me cum!

That's the idea, isn't it? I release her nipple and cover her mouth with mine. She hungrily sucks my tongue into her open mouth while humping her pussy against my fingers.

Fuck me! Fuck me, Nick! I wait to remove my fingers until my body is poised over hers. Without breaking the kiss, I replace my fingers with my stiff cock and ram it all the way in with one quick thrust. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Nick!

I feel the same way. I'm hammering my cock into her fiery pussy, driving us both to the crest of nirvana. I love you, Susan. I really, really love you.

I... love... you... too! Susan digs her nails into my ass cheeks as her body starts shaking and shuddering under me. So good! So good! Feels so good! Cum with me, Nick!

I'm right there with you, Sis. I drive my tongue into her mouth and my cock into her pussy with equal force, releasing my built up load deep inside her quivering pussy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Her body shivers under me while I convulse against her spasming pussy. Breaking the kiss, I slide off of her, turning her body with me so we're still connected. As our breathing returns to normal, my spent cock slips from her pussy and we lie entangled in each other's arms.

In that blissful state just before drifting off to sleep, I wonder if we're ready for what we've unleashed on each other.

I hope so. Susan whispers inside my head. Me too.

When I wake up, I'm alone in the bed and the sun is shining through the thin curtains. I stretch my arms over my head and hear my sister's thoughts. She's in the other room talking to Tracy but I can hear her in my head.

Is the bacon ready? I guess we should wake up Nick if we're going to be there by 10. I can't hear Tracy's responses but my sister's voice is crystal clear. Okay, this is getting to be very weird.

Oh, you're awake. This is weird. I wonder how far our thoughts can reach.

I don't know. I didn't really expect to hear your every thought. I respond mentally to Susan's thoughts. I'm going to shower

I'd join you but we don't have time. There's even a playful tone to her thoughts.

Too bad. I try to put a smile in my thoughts as I project them.

It worked. I got your smile.

During my shower I try to imagine what the movie set will be like but I can't seem to conjure up complete images. I think I'm too distracted by our newfound telepathy abilities.

The driveway is already filled with cars when we pull up to the large house that Dad has been sharing with Christina.

"You are just here as observers," Tracy reminds us as we walk up the sidewalk. "I'll show you where you can watch from."

She thinks she's in charge. Susan smiles.

Let's just play along for now. I answer.

"We appreciate you letting us tag along," Susan says to Tracy. Fuck! Look at this house! I forgot that my sister has never been here.

I know. Unbelievable, huh?

"They're filming in the master bedroom upstairs." Tracy says, leading the way up the spiral staircase. "Watch your step," she says, stepping over the thick cables that are running the length of the hallway.

They're already filming when we walk in the room and Tracy motions us towards a sidewall while holding her finger to her lips to indicate we should be quiet. Duh. My sister winks at me.

All the furniture except the bed has been pushed to one side and there are several large halogen lamps lighting the bed. Tracy points out a guy with long brown hair and mouths that he's the director. There's a guy on one side of him with a script and a woman on the other side with a notepad and pen. Tracy whispers that the guy is the scriptwriter and the woman is the director's assistant.

Damn, look at that cock! My sister draws my attention to the naked couple on the bed. And he's not even hard!

The guy is kneeling behind a naked woman on all fours with her ass towards him. He's stroking his nearly limp cock and my sister is right, it's huge! Well maybe not huge, but extremely long even in it's current state. The woman's face conveys her impatience as she looks back over her shoulder. Her blonde hair is as unnatural as her large tits.

"What's the matter, Dean?" the director asks, walking towards the bed.

"He can't get it up! That's what's the matter," the naked blonde on the bed yells.

"Maybe if there was even a hint of wetness in this pussy..." Dean counters, still trying to get his dick hard.

"The lubricant doesn't last forever!" the blonde retorts.

"Leave him alone, Cheri," the director chides as he approaches the actor. "Dean, man, we don't have all day."

"I know... I know. Can I just have a minute?" Dean asks.

"Okay, everybody," the director yells, "take ten."

Maybe the transmitter can help. I communicate to my sister. I'll be right back.

I follow Dean as he walks down the hall and turns into another bedroom that has apparently been set up as his dressing room. It feels weird to be following a naked guy into a bedroom and I try not to think about the implications, as I make sure the transmitter is ready.

"Hey." I say standing in the doorway as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Who are you?" he asks, startled by my presence.

"Just someone who might be able to help with your problem," I answer, trying to look somewhere over his shoulder.

"Come on in," he smiles sheepishly. "Is it that obvious? I thought I was a pretty good actor."

"Is what that obvious?" I ask, entering the room and looking for a place to sit. I'm certainly not going to sit on the bed with a naked guy! There's no chair so I lean against the dresser.

"You said you could help. Didn't you mean...?" He glances at his limp cock and then raises one eyebrow at me.

"No! Um... no. I... um..." I try to figure out how to approach this without talking about the transmitter.

"Oh fuck!" Dean stands up and starts pacing around the room. "Well, what the hell did you mean? Ronald is usually with me." He starts waving his arms as he continues his explanation. "His mother is sick and he couldn't be here. He usually helps me get ready and when you said you could help..." His voice trails off just as I have an idea.

"I'm a hypnotist," I blurt out. "I can help you with your little problem." Or big problem, I mentally correct myself as I catch a glance at his extra large cock.

"Really?" he turns to me excitedly. "You won't tell anyone I'm gay will you?" he pleads.

"Never crossed my mind. Your secret is safe as long as you don't tell anyone about the hypnosis. Do you want to try it?"

"Sure, yeah... anything," he sighs.

"Okay. Sit down and close your eyes. I'm going to hypnotize you and make it so you can get hard anytime you'd like." Dean does as he's told and I take out the transmitter as soon as his eyes are closed.

"Does this stuff really work?" He asks while I'm dialing in his frequency.

"Only if you want it to," I answer cryptically.

"I do! I do!" I press the button and start giving him a command that whenever he thinks 'hard, hard, hard' he will get the biggest erection of his life and maintain it until he thinks, 'cum, cum, cum', then he will immediately explode with an incredibly satisfying orgasm. I tell him he will only remember the thought commands and then press the button on the transmitter as I'm tucking it into my pocket.

"Okay, let's see if that worked," I say. "Do you remember the thought commands?"

"Yes," he answers and immediately looks at his dick, which is rapidly growing hard.

"Practice for a few minutes before you come back out and don't forget our agreement." I don't stick around for an answer. I turn left out of the bedroom and try to figure out which bedroom is Cheri's dressing room. There's only one other closed door so I knock as I let myself in.

"Who the fuck are you?" Cheri asks, making no attempt to cover her naked body as she sprawls on the bed. Her racing stripe of brown pubic hair is a stark contrast to her blonde head.

"I'm Nick," I answer, "the studio hypnotist."

"The what?" Cheri swings her legs over the bed and her tits bounce unnaturally as she sits up.

"I've seen Dean already and he's got complete control over his erections. I thought you'd like me to show you how to stay wet through the entire scene." She's older than I initially thought, probably mid-thirties but attractive in a porn-star kind of way. She looks at me skeptically then shrugs her shoulders.

"Why not?" she sighs. "What have you got for me?"

"Close your eyes." I repeat the transmitter exercise with Cheri, giving her the commands of 'wet, wet, wet' and 'cum, cum, cum'. When I pocket the transmitter and turn it off, she opens her eyes and looks at me like I'm from outer space.

"Just try it," I smile. This time I stick around for the demonstration.

Cheri lies down with her head on the pillow and raises her knees. With her legs spread I watch a big smile spread across her face just before her pussy juices moisten her thick labia.

"Are you ready to try your scene again?" I ask as I get ready to leave.

"In a minute, sweetie. Tell them I'll be right there." Cheri shivers from her jiggling tits to her curvaceous legs as I turn towards the door. "Ahhhhhhh," is all I hear as I exit the bedroom.

"A hypnotist?" Susan asks when I return to the master bedroom.

"You heard all of that?" I smile as I squeeze her ass cheek.

"I can't wait to see what happens," she says as she leans up and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"All right everybody," the director yells. "You two ready to do this, now?" he asks.

"No problemo," Dean answers.

"I'm ready when he is," Cheri answers; crawling up on the bed and getting in the same position as before.

Susan and I watch Dean step up behind Cheri and place his hands on the sides of her smooth ass cheeks. He takes a deep breath and we watch his cock start to inflate.

"Look what you did," Susan teases, wrapping her arm through mine and leaning close. She watches with wide-eyed wonder as Deans cock start to grow like some time-lapse photography of Pinocchio's nose.

"Now if it worked as well on Cheri."

Cheri shivers briefly just as Dean's mammoth cock gains its full length and breadth.

"Damn!" Susan squeezes her tits against my arm and bounces on the balls of her feet. I can feel her hard nipples through her thin blouse and realize she opted for no bra this morning.

"You just noticed?" Susan teases. Instead of responding I fold my arms across my chest putting my right hand against her breast and rolling her extended nipple between my thumb and finger.

"Mmmmm, better late than never," Susan's body molds against mine as I continue to fondle her breast.

"And... action!" the director yells. Cameras start rolling and Dean slides his monster tool into Cheri's juicily lubricated and welcoming cunt. The smiles on their faces transcend any acting ability they have and their obvious pleasure permeates the bedroom. Dean slowly withdraws his long shaft and the camera zooms in for a close-up of his cunt soaked cock.

The director excitedly steps forward and tells Dean to continue slowly for three more strokes. He motions another camera in on the other side. Dean does as directed but appears to be having difficulty moving so slowly in Cheri's overheated pussy.

"Fuck me harder, baby!" Cheri moans thrusting back against him in an attempt to speed up the action. Dean grabs her hips more firmly and starts pounding into her juicy cunt.

"Oh, yeah! Just like that, baby! Just like that!" Cheri is lost in her own arousal; her enhanced tits vigorously swinging under her as Dean slams into her fiery cunt.

Susan is almost humping my thigh now as she watches dean hammer Cheri's pussy. I'm still taunting her hard nipple and my cock is responding to both the porn scene and my sister's reaction to it.

"That's not in the script!" the scriptwriter hisses, while flipping pages back and forth.

"Shut up!" the director glares at him before turning back to the unusual porn action.

"Come on." I grab Susan's arm and pull her out of the room. I just remembered about the video feed from all of the bedrooms. We can watch this and have some privacy.

"What video feed?" Instead of answering, I lead her down the hallway to the last bedroom and swing open the door.

"Check this out, Sis," I swing my arm into the room as an invitation for her to enter first.

"Holy shit!" Susan gasps, her head swinging from side to side as she takes in the NASA looking control center with the huge plasma monitor on one wall and a bank of computers on another. "What is this room?" Susan asks.

I smile at her as I lock the door and walk over to one of the computers.

I start tapping keys on the main computer as I explain how every room in the house is wired with cameras. Hoping I remember how to make this work, I select the camera for the main bedroom. Susan is checking out the hundreds of DVDs along the opposite wall when the plasma monitor springs to life with live coverage of the porn video being filmed down the hall. I pick up Susan's thoughts as she wonders what this is all about.

"Dad and Christina run an entertainment business with their models," I explain. "They all get souvenir DVDs. Yeah, I don't know how I feel about it either," I answer her unspoken thoughts.

"But that's not why we're here," I smile, pulling my shirt over my head. Susan returns my smile, obviously reading my actions, if not my thoughts.

"You're a horny little fucker," Susan laughs, "and I am reading your thoughts."

"Then, I'm glad you agree with them," I answer as I watch Susan pull her blouse over her head and her luscious tits bounce against her chest. Damn. I never get tired of my sister's body. Her tits are so fucking fabulous I could look at them all day.

"Glad you like them," Susan steps towards me cupping her palms under her breasts and lightly squeezing them.

"God, if you only knew how much I love them, Sis," I answer leaning down and taking one of her aroused nipples between my teeth.

"Bite it," she mentally directs me. I comply and a soft moan escapes from her lips. "This is so hot! I can watch Dean and Cheri fucking while we do this."

"That's the point," I answer mentally without taking my mouth off her tasty nipple. I suckle her left nipple, lightly chewing on it as I lower the zipper on the front of her jeans.

"Mmmmmm!" Susan gasps as I release her tit and the cool air hits her wet nipple. Kneeling, I tug her jeans down to her ankles. The sweet aroma of her aroused pussy assaults my senses and hardens my cock. "I never knew you liked my smell that much," Susan mentally teases as I slowly roll her thong down her smooth thighs.

"I love everything about you," I answer as she steps out of her jeans and panties. Standing up, I wrap my lips around her right nipple, trapping the thick nub between my teeth.

"You know exactly what to do," Susan says, combing her fingers through my hair and pulling my face against her breast. "Almost like you're reading my mind," she laughs.

I continue nibbling at my sister's breast, kneading it with my fingers, knowing exactly how she wants me to touch her. As my other hand roams across her stomach, lightly caressing her bare pussy mound, I realize I'm no longer reading her specific thoughts. It's like I just know what she wants - like I'm mentally absorbing her needs and desires.

When my fingertip reaches her slick pussy lips she shudders. And so do I! What the fuck! I actually felt her reaction.

"What?" Susan asks.

"Hold on. I want to try something." I'm still teasing her taut nipple with my teeth while I ease my finger between her wet pussy lips. Quickly locating her sensitive love button, I flick my finger lightly over her clit and her knees buckle. So do mine! Her tit is pulled from my mouth as we stumble sideways.

"Can we sit down or lie down or something?" Susan pants. She's holding my shoulders, trying to use me for stability but I'm wobbling too.

"Good idea," I answer, moving us both towards the large couch.

"What just happened?" Susan asks while I strip off my jeans and join her.

"I'm not sure," I answer, lying beside her and caressing her flat stomach. "One minute I was reading your thoughts and the next minute I was... I don't know... feeling your reaction... or... your... um... arousal or something. It was weird. Did you do anything differently?"

"I don't think so," Susan says, spreading her legs as my hand eases lower. "I was getting really turned on watching the video," her eyes dart to the big screen where Dean and Cheri are still going at it. "And you were touching me in all the right places at exactly the right time... ohhhh... just like now."

Without realizing it, I was stroking her hot pussy. It was like my fingers had a mind of their own. Once again I could feel my sister's reaction.


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