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Never Before Last Night

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Will the actions of one night ruin a marriage?
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First thing: this is also more a relationship story about cheating with sex, than a sex story that deals with cheating. If all you want is sex, you'll need to do some skimming ahead. As with all my writing, I had a plot idea that I thought would make an interesting story. I wrote the ending first, and then wanted to not take the expected path to that ending. I'm sure it's not a completely original plotline, but hope it's not typical and the characters are interesting.


"Kevin..." said Frank's voice apprehensively on the phone, "Callie's here. She's still sleeping."

"Hey, Frank," I replied, "Yeah, it's fine. I knew. Callie texted me before midnight about going to crash there. Something about having too many drinks at the restaurant. I bet Suzie has quite a few herself. She's not too sick, I hope..."

"Kevin, Suzie told me that she brought Callie here because she couldn't let her go home."

I laughed. "What's the supposed to mean? My charming wife doesn't drink often, but has puked both in my truck and on me on a couple occasions. Nothing I would be that upset about." She also was so drunk once that she shit on me while trying to seduce me. Not something I'd share with the husband of her lifelong best friend.

"Jesus, just listen okay..." Frank took a big breath. "I've been up for hours debating on what to do, but decided on what I'd want to happen if I was in your shoes. I'm pretty certain Callie had unprotected sex with someone last night."

"What?" I paused and waited for the punch line. "Come on, you're joking... Why would you think that?"

"How her hair and clothes were... Her bra was stuffed in her purse and Suzi gave her a change of underwear before going to bed. I found the ones I'm sure she was wearing in the bathroom garbage and they're cum-stained at the crotch - not just a little."

There was no way. After fifteen years together, you know someone. Callie was not the type to even flirt with other men. She would blush if I talked too dirty with her - even while having sex. At thirty-five, she still looked amazing and always took great pride keeping in shape having been a competitive dancer when in high school. Unlike Suzie, Callie never was one to flaunt her body or flirt. Even with our sex-life, except on a few occasions, I always initiated things.

I started to think of our sex life, trying to process what Frank told me. It wasn't as frequent as it used to be - kids and career slow things down. I thought both of us were satisfied every time - despite changes to her attitude towards sex. Blowjobs were a rare treat that became rarer eight years ago after I accidently came in her mouth. That time, she really didn't want to in the first place and I kind of guilted her, so her reaction of slapping me in the face was justified, as it was more impulse than accident. But there was more to it, after kids she almost seemed a little squeamish about the act of sex.

We decided no more kids after our youngest was born, and Callie went on birth control. That lasted four months because she complained it gave her headaches and prevented her loosing her pregnancy fat. So, we switched to condoms and three months later, she could drop jaws in a bikini - if she wore one. I was missing the feel of unprotected sex and got fixed, which made her quite happy. However, she then complained about how messy she felt when I came in her and still insisted I wore condoms. There was a couple times, usually when she was drunk, when we went without. However, she always complained after like she wasn't fully aware or enjoyed it. That hadn't been for years; even drunk Callie now insisted "no glove, no love." I couldn't rational her cheating, never mind consenting to unprotected sex, with anyone.

"Frank, I'm coming over now, wake her. Someone must have raped her - gave her drugs. Save the panties for evidence." Frank was a police officer.

"Kevin, I don't think it was anything other than booze..." Frank sighed. "Look, Suzie and I aren't in the best shape right now; I slept on the couch. When I kissed her after she got Callie settled in, I could taste semen. It was obvious she tried to mask it with booze and mints, but it definitely was there. She denied it at first, but eventually admitted to sucking some asshole off. Swears that's all she did and that her clothes never came off."

"Shit, I'm sorry, what did she say happen?"

"Just that, a blowjob with clothes on - mind you she was only wearing a short slip dress and no underwear. I asked what about Callie then, and... she wouldn't say anything about it or who the guy or guys were..."

Just like Callie, Kevin never in his wildest dreams expected Suzie to do something like that. Unlike Callie, she was a flirter - even with him when she was drunk - but only to point and never physical. If she willingly blew some guy... A knot formed in my stomach with the realization that my wife probably was unfaithful to me too that night.

"Look Kevin, I'm sure this came as a huge shock... I'm still sick about this, but please don't do anything you'll regret," said Frank.

"What the fuck should I do then?" I said, "And who died and made you the fucking expert on my wife?"

"Look, I don't blame you. I'd be pissed too... Fuck, I am still angry with what Suzie did - or at least says she did." Frank sighed again. "Okay, my girls are up already. I already arranged to take them to Suzie's mom this morning. I sure as hell don't want them around when I discuss this with my wife now she's sober. I'll wake Suzie now. Give her twenty minutes and head over. That will give you two some alone time and maybe you'll find out more than I did about what happened last night."

"Okay, that will work."

"What about your kids?"

"Morgan and Arthur are old enough to be alone for a few hours. Christ, Morgan's nearly twelve now..."

"Okay, going to wake Suzie now and will tell her to let Callie sleep some more. I shouldn't be more than an hour. Please don't wreck my house before I come back..."

"Not funny," I said, though I did laugh a bit.

"None of this is... See you in a bit."

In the fourteen years I've known her, I've never seen Suzie without make-up. When she opened the door to let me in, she looked her full thirty-three or so years old -maybe older. Her dyed-blonde hair was recently washed and thrown in a ponytail still wet, but her face looked pale and her eyes really puffy and red. I assumed it was from a combination of lack of sleep, being hung over, and crying. She had on a baggy shirt and old sweats.

"Kev, please don't yell," she said in a quiet voice, "Come have some coffee first, please."

As I followed her to the kitchen, I said in a calm voice, "Was it consensual?"

"I'm pretty sure it was... definitely some of it, and it was for me."

We sat at the table, with our cups of coffee already ready. Mine already had a cream in it; Suzie knew how I had my coffee.

She took a sip and wiped her red eye. "You're going to tell him what I say, aren't you?"

I took a sip of my own coffee. "I think you should tell him everything about you. If you don't... he should know... Callie is only my business."

Suzie frowned and nodded. "Well... You might as well know. I'm scared you'd find out anyway. As I'm sure Callie told you, we were out for supper for Jocelyn's birthday at that new steakhouse, across the street from Verb..."

Jocelyn was another old friend of my wife's, who was also really pregnant with her first child. Verb was dance club that had the reputation of being a little sleazy. My wife loved the music they played, and I didn't so they've had a few girls' nights there. I fully trusted my wife and didn't have a problem. It was only twenty minutes from our place, and I could easily drive and kick anyone's ass that gave her or her friends a hard time.

"Yeah, Frank mentioned you were dressed for action in a tiny dress and no underwear..."

"Did he mention that I spent twenty minutes bugging him to decide what to wear and having gained a few pounds, that dress fit a little tighter than I remembered? Did he mention it was him who suggested to just go commando after I hated how pantie-lines were really showing even in my skimpiest underwear?" Suzi shook her head. "Sorry for snapping, but come on... You've known me how long? Yes, I like to dress up and feel sexy, but when did that ever mean I acted like some easy slut?"

"Last night..."

Suzi shook her head. "Not true... Not really. Please can you let me finish and then feel free to yell at me if that makes you feel better. I'm sure Frank will be doing that as soon as he's back."

I gestured for her to continue and took another sip of coffee.

Suzi fidgeted with her cup as she talked, "So Mandy - don't think you know her - was the fourth in our group. She didn't drink and of course Jocelyn wasn't at the time, but Callie and I started in the wine before supper. As you noticed, Callie left her car here and Jocelyn picked us up so we could unwind for a bit during supper. Plan was to catch a ride back with her or call you or Frank to come pick us up.

"By the time we had dessert, we were both feeling no pain with all of us having a blast. I'm sure everyone in the place was staring at the loud drunks cackling like hens. Good thing, we were eating in the lounge part, so the music was cranked up and we weren't disturbing too many suppers. We were teasing each other, laughing and just having a fun.

"After dessert, a tray of shooters was brought to us courtesy of some guys sitting at the bar. Since the other two weren't drinking, Callie and I each did two shots. They went down like fire - pure tequila. Her back was to the bar, so I waved to the two guys - a short really skinny cute one and a taller really fat one - who waved back. About fifteen minutes later, they sent us two more shots. We did them, and I knew we crossed the line to being drunk. My head was a fog and Callie was getting - you know how filthy she gets when loaded..."

My wife, normally the poster-child of modesty, swore like sailor when really drunk, usually sharing information that didn't need sharing. A good example is, at my cousin's wedding reception, complaining about getting itchy in-grown hairs on her pussy mound because she shaved instead of getting a landing-strip wax.

"So," continued Suzie, "Callie gets up and loudly announces she needs to take a piss before she squirts in her granny panties. She also says she's going to tell the creeps to stop sending shots because I was too drunk."

Callie was wearing tight granny panties because she was worried about a little flab showing in the tight pants she wore with a nice blouse. I thought she was just worried about competing with Suzie, who did like to show her skins and curves. For thirty-five, Callie was more fit than a lot of twenty-year olds. She looked really good when she left last night, but wasn't dressed like a woman about to step on her husband.

"So, I lost track of her and noticed her standing by the two guys who bought us shots. She was doing another shot with them and laughing with her hand on the bigger guys shoulder. Mandy had just left by this time, and Jocelyn was ready to leave as well, so I went to grab Callie so we could leave with her.

"As soon as I approach them, she introduces us to the guys. The bigger one was named Rick, and not much on the eyes. The short skinny one had nicer hair than me, honestly he looked like he probably was gay, but just a gorgeous face..."

"Rhett... she was doing shots with Rick and Rhett?"

They were younger men that worked in IT at my work. Both looked under eighteen, but probably were closer to twenty-two. Rick was nice enough and well liked, but Rhett was a pompous ass that treated everyone like they were complete morons. We cut him some slack the first month, but then pretty much everyone decided not to take attitude from some scrawny girlie man. We teased him and pranked him like leaving inflatable sheep or dildos in his office. He responded by various employees having unexplainable computer problems. Around women, though, Rhett was quite the charmer. Callie found him cute and entertaining at the company Christmas party, even having a couple of dances with him. She knew I didn't like him, but told me to relax he was just a kid and not interested in anyone like her. Besides, I trusted my wife.

"Yes, Callie said they worked with you. And, I'm so sorry for this, I wanted to stay out and have some more fun, so I suggested staying for some more shots and we would cab it home. Suzie said we had enough drinks, but wanted to go dancing across the street. We told Jocelyn not to worry, and we went to Verb with the two guys. It was pretty dead, but they played good songs so the four of us danced together. Rhett was paying more attention to Callie, and Rick was trying to get handsie with me. Still it was a lot of fun being flirted with. Sometime in the night, Callie went to the bathroom and came out with no bra and only the middle button done on her blouse. Showing serious side boob and looking really hot with her washboard abs showing. Both guys were gushing over her, and she seemed to love it

"I saw a guy by the bar with a package of smokes, so I gave him the doe eyes and a look of cleavage, maybe a nipple-flash, to bum a couple off him. I dragged Callie outside. She had another drink in the bar, and I was warning her that Rhett probably had intentions. She laughed it off; it was just some fun and she could handle a kid like him. I was worried because I thought their dancing was getting too intimate. She again said she was just letting him have some cheap feels, but was ready to go home and wake you up if you were sleeping.

"I called us a cab when the guys came out with a joint. Another thing to pile up on the stupid things we did: we both took a hit. Drunk and stoned, I was goofing off with Rick. He was such a nice guy and was fun to hang with, I turned and noticed Rhett and Callie kissing. Really kissing with his hands firmly holding her ass. I broke it up, and Callie said I was being jealous and stupid. She said she was going to the washroom before the cab-ride home. I walked in and Rick was crying in the back table that we were sitting at. Callie's purse was there, so I grabbed it for her so she didn't forget it.

"As I got there, Rick's a mess apologizing for hitting on me. I told him it wasn't a big deal, but he continued on how he's too ugly to have a chance with someone like me, he's probably going to die a virgin, and never even touched a really pussy before... I was still drunk and a little stoned and felt horrible for him. I let him finger me right there and was surprised how good he was with his hands - and probably told him that. He thanked me and said he's still going to die a virgin. I told him there was no hope in hell that I would have sex with someone other than my husband, but started giving a hand job, and without thinking started sucking on him until he came in my mouth."

I covered my eyes and shock my head. "Shit Suzie, Rick's got kids with a girlfriend that he lives with..."

"He told me after I was done. That's when it hit me that I hadn't seen Callie since she walked in. I went in her purse and texted you about her going to stay at our place and looked for her. Twenty minutes later, no sign of her. I asked people and even went in the guy's washroom. No sign of her Rhett or Rick.

"I sat outside, worried sick, feeling so guilty, bawling my eyes out. I turned down rides from people and tried to think what I could do. The club was already closed. I don't know how long I was out there when a cab pulled up, and the driver opened the door to Callie in a complete mess. She was barely conscious and her pants weren't done up. The driver was going to get her out, when he noticed I knew her. He said some guy paid him to drop her off there. I climbed in the back and took her back to my place. In the cab, only thing she said was if I got laid too.

"As I got her ready for bed, it was obvious my worst fear was true. She definitely had unprotected vaginal sex. Frank was also up, and as I tried to hide the evidence from Callie, he noticed I had the taste of semen in my mouth. We quietly argued, and he slept on the couch. I was woken up roughly by Frank saying he was taking the kids, and that you would be over shortly and needed to know everything."

I closed my eyes. "Please tell me the truth..."

"Everything I've said is true - as good as I can remember."

"Has anything like that ever happened before?" I asked.

"Yes, answer." Frank walked into the room. I was so caught up in the story, I never noticed him coming into the house.

"I have never done anything remotely like what I did last night to anyone other than my husband before - other than kissing you that one night and squeezing your ass. And I know things about Callie that not even you know. She has never, never as much as kissed another man on the lips before while she was involved with someone else."

"Never before last night," I corrected her.

"Yes, we both made really stupid mistakes last night, but it never will happen again - even if we are no longer married."

"So, you think I'm going to leave you?" said Frank, "What did you really do?"

Suzie looked at me and then her husband. "I got really stupid drunk and stoned and was tricked into feeling sorry for this fugly guy. I let him finger me a bit and finished him off with my mouth..."

"A fugly guy?"

I sighed. "I know him - both of them - from work. He probably isn't the easiest on the eyes, but he's super smart and very smooth talker."

Frank had a sharp face and said, "I'm not leaving you, but we need to talk... later. Callie up?"

"I can go wake her," said Suzie.

I shook my head. "Let her sleep it off and then ask her nicely to come home. Kids at the grandparents doesn't sound like a bad idea... Suzie, I'm not mad with you, but I'm not sure I can be around you at the moment."

I shook Frank's hand and we had look of understanding between us, then I left.

On short notice, neither of the grandparents could watch the kids over night. I ended up calling Callie's older sister, who was single with no kids, that I got along with really well.

"Hey, Jackie, I really need someone to take the kids overnight..."

"Frank... not really the best time, but is something going on?"

I sighed. "Callie cheated on me last night."

"What?" Jackie replied in a pitch so high it hurt me ears.

"She was out drinking with Suzie, and is sleeping it off now. There's concrete proof that she had unprotected sex with someone. According to Suzie, she was fooling around with the guy and willingly took a cab to his place. I don't want the kids home when she gets home so we can discuss it."

"You're thinking of leaving her? Are you sure someone didn't drug her or something?"

"Suzie messed around too - just not as much - and told me everything. Her decision making was impaired, but she knew what she was doing - bragged about getting laid in the cab to Suzie's."

"Oh god, Kevin, I don't know what to say. Look, I'll tell Suzie to come here instead. I have a feeling you might need some space after your discussion. Come over, and I'll go there to watch my niece and nephew. Pack some things for your wife."

I was packing some clothes and essentials for Callie, when a co-worker, Jon, texted me, "Kev, you on Snapchat? There's something you really need to see, sorry."

I knew Snapchat, my kids used it, but I didn't. I responded, "No, what is it."

The replied was, "You need to see Rhett Smith's snap before it's gone. User name Rhetzrox. Sorry."

I looked at the clock and figured I had time, so I installed the app and set it up. I added Rhett, and right away noticed there a video with his smirking face. I opened the video.

The caption on the bottom through the video read, "Rawdogging my co-workers slutwife." It started with the shot of Rhett smirking in the camera with the sounds of flesh slapping and a woman moaning. The camera panned to reveal Rhett fucking Callie from behind. Her shirt was off and her pants were down to her knees as she bent over his couch.

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