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Never Disappoint the Bride's Mother


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Grabbing his suit coat and saying goodbye to the others at his table, he made his way to the door. The fresh air was welcoming as he stepped outside. He was halfway to his truck when he heard a woman's voice calling him.

"Rob! Please wait!" She quickly caught up with him. "I saw you leaving and I have to know. Aren't you going to dance with me? I've been wanting all night and now you're going to leave before I get the chance? Hmmmmmm, it's not a good idea to disappoint the bride's mother." She said teasingly.

Rob grinned. "It looked like your dance card was completely full but I was hoping to dance with you too."

They smiled at each other, Sheila getting lost in his warm brown eyes. "Well, we could go back in but it's hot and crowded and one or both of us may get pulled away to dance with someone else, again. I don't know about you but I can hear the music just fine out here." He said tentatively, "Would you dance with me here?"

She moved into him and put her arm over his shoulder. They clasped hands as his other hand slipped to the small of her back. He held her lightly as they began moving together. The outside lights cast shadows over them as they danced together. Rob found himself sharing with her about his life. He told her about his work and his dog. Sheepishly, he admitted that that was about all there was to his life.

She laughed, refusing to believe that. Then she went on to tell him about her life. Mostly that consisted of a job and her daughter. "See, I don't have much in my life either." She said, her voice growing a little wistful. "I guess with Kelly married now, I really don't have much."

The thought made her move closer to him, seeking warmth and contact. Rob understood and held her closer. He tried not to notice her soft, round breasts and the way they pressed against his chest. He tried to keep his hand still and not let it slip lower to the curve of her ass. He tried to keep his thoughts pure but it was impossible to do.

Molded against each other, they continued to slow dance even when the music inside sped up. They talked quietly which they would not have able to do on the noisy dance floor. She finally got the nerve up to ask how old he was and laughed softly when he told her he was 31. He felt her stiffen so he teased softly, "Age doesn't matter to me when it comes to dancing."

After a time Patty came out to the front of the club looking for Sheila. She paused and looked knowingly at the dancing couple but then said, "Hey sis, Kelly is looking for you. They're getting ready to throw the bouquet."

Rob took Sheila's hand and led her into the building. Sheila surprised herself by allowing the contact. Once close to the happy couple though, he let her go and stood back to watch as the traditional elements of bouquet tossing and garter flinging took place. He found a spot at an empty table and ate a cupcake as he watched Sheila from a distance. She was mesmerizing and he hoped their connection wasn't over for the night.

At 10:00, the couple left in a limo and then the guests began to leave. Rob stayed in the background hoping for the chance to talk to Sheila again. Finally after most of the guests were gone, Sheila came over and sat at the table with him. She looked beautiful but tired, he told her. She smiled wearily and admitted to the exhaustion part.

Sheila waved Patty and her husband, Karl over to the table. After making introductions Sheila said, "You two look beat. Why don't you head home? I'm sure Rob can give me a ride home."

Rob was surprised but pleased and started to agree but Patty interrupted. "We don't mind, do we Karl? We can take you home." Patty's eyes showed concern for her sister but Sheila patted her hand and shook her head.

"Patty, I appreciate all you've done to help with the wedding and I appreciate your big sister protection but I'm perfectly safe with Rob. He is Adam's friend and I trust him. Now, please Karl, take your wife home." Sheila finished firmly.

Reluctantly and with a suspicious glance at Rob, Patty allowed Karl to drag her out of the room. Sheila smiled weakly and said, "She's over protective but she means well. And just so you know, I checked you out with Adam so I know I can trust you."

Rob grinned and stood up, taking her by the hand. "Then I guess we should head out."

Rob drove a high riding truck so it took some work to get Sheila into the cab. Her dress was tight fitting around her hips and even with pulling it up to almost her groin, Rob still needed to firmly hold her waist and lift her. Not that he minded! The feel of her tight body under his hands thrilled him so he was happy for the excuse.

Sheila gave him her address and while he drove she actually nodded off. He completely understood and enjoyed the sound of her deep breathing as she dozed. Once at her house he woke her gently and helped her out of the cab. Easier out than in, he thought. As they walked up to the door he kept his hand firmly on the small of her back. Being so tired made her a bit unsteady and he wanted to deliver her safely home.

Standing at the door with the light shining on them, Rob leaned over and kissed her cheek. Then one or both of them moved and their lips met. Tentative at first, but with the passion quickly growing, their tongues were soon slow dancing and their bodies pressed together. His hands wandered down her back to squeeze her round ass and he became aware of her soft breasts pressed hard against him. Sheila breathlessly kissed him and placed her hands on his ass. Pulling him into her, she felt his very hard cock pressed against her lower belly.

They stood there kissing and touching for long minutes before Sheila pulled away slightly. "I don't want to stop this but I'm afraid I'm going to fall asleep kissing you if I don't get into bed. Now, I would really like to invite you in but I have a brunch I have to get to tomorrow morning and I really need to sleep."

Rob sighed heavily and said, "I understand. I heard about the brunch and gift opening for the couple. It's just a family thing though, right?"

"Technically yes, but I can invite a guest if I want to. Would you like to come?" She asked.

"I would. Thank you for inviting me." With that, Rob leaned in to kiss her again. Soon they were lost in the passion and time was ticking away. This time Rob stopped them and sweetly kissed her goodnight. Giving her his cell number, he asked her to text the address in the morning. After a few more 'goodbye' kisses, Rob finally got in his truck and started home.

Sheila didn't know that his home was almost 90 minutes away. By the time he got there it was after 1:00 and he was beat. As he got into bed, he lightly stroked his cock while he replayed their make out session in his mind. Slowly he built to a climax and came thinking of her soft tits pressed tight against his chest.

The next morning Sheila woke refreshed and happy. She quickly sent a text with the information about the brunch. Then she showered and dressed before heading out.

The brunch was held at Adam's parent's house. It was a lovely old house on a few acres of land. Sheila really didn't have any responsibilities during the brunch and gift opening, just to be there, but she arrived early anyway in case she could be helpful. Rob, after driving another 90 minutes (unknown to Sheila), pulled up right on time. Sheila noticed him soon after he came in the door and was pleased that he was mingling and chatting. She approached him and greeted him in a friendly way but without touching him. He understood but still leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Just a quick kiss," he whispered in her ear.

The catered brunch was delicious. After eating, everyone moved to the family room for the gift opening. Baby Brooke was bubbling over with excitement as she insisted that Adam and Kelly open their gift first. The look that passed between the couple was clear. Open their gift and maybe she'll stop acting like a spoiled child. Sheila, sitting next to Rob, thought, fat chance!

Opening the small and beautifully wrapped gift, Kelly pulled out two sets of keys. Then everyone heard a beep, beep from outside. Parked in front of the house was a black Lincoln SUV with a huge bow on the top. It was a really nice vehicle and a very generous gift and of course, the couple was appreciative, but Sheila was especially proud of the way that they politely and sincerely thanked Jim and Brooke but then moved on to the other gifts. With the same enthusiasm they thanked guests for bed sheets and stacks of towels and place settings.

Rob's gift was a set of tools suitable for working with concrete. "You never know when you may want to come back and work for me again," he said with a grin.

Kelly's hands began to shake as they opened Sheila's gift. Kelly didn't know what it was but knew it would be something special and personal. In the box was a set of gorgeous stemware that Kelly had picked out months before but underneath was an antique quilt that her great, great grandmother had pieced together but Sheila had lovingly restored by hand. The blanket was lovely and Kelly cried as she hugged her mother tightly.

After all the gifts were opened, Jim approached Sheila to complain about the lack of enthusiasm over his gift. Sheila answered simply, "I think Adam and Kelly appreciate every gift, including yours. Now, your daughter is leaving on her honeymoon soon so I suggest you go give her a hug and a kiss."

By mid afternoon Sheila finally felt she could leave. Surprisingly Rob was still there, which warmed her heart for reasons she didn't quite understand. All day he had chatted with the young and the old and everyone in between. She had watched him take the boys out to the yard and throw a football and she had watched him sit with great-grandma listening to her stories from the past.

Thanking their hosts, Rob and Sheila left together agreeing to go over to her house. It had been a really crazy few days and Sheila just wanted to be home. She didn't want to be alone though, she told him. Pulling up to the house, Rob hurried to hold the door for her. They walked up the sidewalk together and she unlocked the door. Once in the entryway, Sheila kicked the door closed and immediately melted into his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief since he wondered how fast or how slow to push things. Her taking the initiative solved all of that for him.

They kissed for long minutes, moving from the foyer to the living room. Collapsing onto the couch, they groped each other feverishly. Her blouse unbuttoned down the front and he slowly unwrapped her like a present. She pulled his shirt over his head and yanked the material of her blouse out of her skirt. He sensuously slipped it off of her, burying his face in her cleavage. Her hands twined in his hair as she began to squirm. Slowly he pulled down the straps of her bra and filled his hands with her tits. Her head thrown back, she moaned loudly as he sucked on her hardened nipples, first one and then the other.

Rob wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her onto his lap. His hands roamed over her ample breasts as his mouth attacked her neck. She could feel his hard cock under her thigh and she moved to stand in front of him pleading, "Let me take your pants off. I want your cock."

Rob stood next to her and watched as she leaned over to unbutton, unzip and slip his pants off. His erection was throbbing and huge in his briefs so she pushed him back onto the couch and knelt between his legs. Slowly she licked him through the briefs, nibbling on his cock and seeking the precum she knew would be soaking through at any time. Sure enough a wet spot appeared and she moaned loudly as she ran her tongue over it.

Rob tried hard to stay still not wanting to cum too soon. As she reached in his fly to free his cock, he stopped her and said, "Sheila, let's go to your room. I want to make love to you."

Moving to the stairs, Sheila started up them ahead of Rob. He watched her ass sway in the tight skirt as she climbed. Reaching up he unhooked her bra and watch it fall to a step. Deftly he played with the waistband of her skirt and quickly unhooked and unzipped it. Sheila laughed softly and stepped out of the material as it fell to her feet. She only wore lacey panties and thigh highs at that point and Rob rushed to catch up to her, pressing his body against hers from behind. Only her panties and his briefs separated them and soon they would be gone as well. He couldn't wait.

She led him into her room. The light was dim and the temperature was cool. Sheila folded back the covers and slipped under the warm comforter. He stood by the side of the bed, just wanting to savor the moment. She reached over to him and slipped down his briefs. Standing naked by her side, he pulled the covers down, exposing her almost naked body. She said she was chilly and started to pull the blankets up again, but he grinned and lay down next to her.

"No covers, my sweet lover. I want to see all of you." He growled.

Slowly he began to explore her body, kissing her deeply and feeling every inch of her. His mouth followed his hands as he sought to kiss every part. She lay back and sighed deeply as he licked and kissed her with devotion. He moved down her body and she tensed knowing what he was going to do. His tongue ran over her thighs and forced her legs open. Taking his time, he pulled her panties to the side and teased her slit with his mouth, running his tongue up and down, over and over. She bucked as he pleasured her and hung on to her hips. Her wet pussy was slick and so delicious. He just couldn't get enough of her. He moved up to her clit, licking and finally sucking. Suddenly he felt her stiffen as she came on his tongue.

Weakly Sheila cried, "Come up here. I want to taste your tongue."

Rob moved up and faced her, kissing her deeply, their moans filling the room.

Without warning he slipped her panties down, spread her thighs with his knee and buried his cock deep inside of her. The fast movement took her breath away but as he began fucking her, her hips joined his rhythm, moving with and against him faster and faster. Their love making was fast and furious but oh so incredible. He cried out as he came and grasped her ass, pulling her into him. She felt him throb and release deep inside of her, wrapping her legs tightly around him. They clung to each other like a drowning man clinging to a life vest.

After a number of minutes Rob slid to her side and looked at her intently. With a sweet grin he asked, "Well, did I disappoint the bride's mother?"

They laughed together and snuggled, imagining what the future might bring.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The author seems to like a younger man giving an older woman gentle kisses all over her. While some men may not do foreplay for her, every man should understand the woman is not at ease with the first encounter and he needs to be willing to kiss her all over before insertion. She will be ready whe she feels comfortable with him in her sexually.

roveroneroveronealmost 3 years ago

love she wanted his tongue after...

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 5 years ago
Just the start

Not sure why some of the anonymous wimps were so upset and unhappy with the story. I found it very good and enjoyed it for what it was, a short love story of two lonesome people that found each other. I hope they went on to find a life together and live happily ever after, like all good fairy tales.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

There she was, the brides mum, late 40s, I had danced with her earlier, didn't really know her, I was a friend of the grooms, in the bridal party. Not bad, nice dress, tight around her bottom, my hand had strayed to just on her bottom, held tight by pantyhose. She looked at me but said nothing. Now, the bride was leaving, tears in her mums eyes, I stood next to her, offered her my handkerchief, she accepted, you o.k. now as she handed it back, bit lonely without her, thank you for asking, um Rob, Marks friend, oh thanks. The staff started to clean up the room, people were saying goodbye, I asked if she had transport home, no, I am staying in the hotel. Can I walk you there, she looked at me, thank you, yes, thank you. I walked her to the lift, floor, 3, up we went, the door opened, I guided her out, my hand on her back, to her door. She opened it, turned and said you have been very nice, would you like to come in, thank you, I better not, please, I looked at her, ok. We entered, I was where I wanted to be, had planned to be from early in the evening, I walked over to her and held her, my hand sliding her zipper down, her dress dropping, unclipping her bra, she didn't resist. I stepped back taking off my suit, my clothes as she lowered her pantyhose. She stood, I held her and lowered her to the bed, removing her panties, she looked at me as I moved between her legs, my semi hard cock against her as I teased her nipples with my tongue, holding my cock, moving it along her wet slit, hesitating and pushing inside her, my tongue finding hers as I moved inside her, slowly at first until I was fucking her hard and fast, her legs high in the air, kicking, her head now arched back, my cum spraying her insides. I kept fucking, her body tensed, she let out a high pitch scream and then I felt her body relax. I slowed down, moved back, grabbed her underwear and wiped my cock, got dressed and put her underwear in my pocket and left.

Loving50Loving50over 9 years agoAuthor
You're right, SouthPacific.

The little boys were her half brothers, not step brothers. That's a fact and detail that I failed to even notice until you pointed it out. Careful and considerate reading is called for on my part after writing. I do that pretty well but obviously missed that one.

Thanks for your comments and for the reminder that I can improve.

SouthPacificSouthPacificalmost 10 years ago
Nice, gentle romance

I agree that "Mature" is probably not quite right for a story like this.

Just one thing to note (and I've seen this in other stories on this site) - the boys from the second marriage are not Kelly's step-brothers: they are her half-brothers. BIG DIFFERENCE (I have both half- and step-, so for this I'm speaking from years of experience).

Loving50Loving50almost 10 years agoAuthor
Kalodin has a valid point

Thank you. I think you're right about this story belonging in the romance area instead although the age difference is an integral part of the story. Live and learn.

I'm working on a longer story now that I plan on submitting to the Romance group. I hope it's a welcoming group.

Thanks for the comments. I do read them.

kalodinkalodinalmost 10 years ago
A Mature Romance

Hard to choose among the arbitrary categories of Lit. In retrospect, some of my choices have been errors. Here I think the story belongs more in the romance category. Anyway I enjoyed it, quite feminine in point-of-view which I enjoyed; credible too and I didn't mind your development of round characters (making for the long foreground that bothered some readers) one bit. A charming and stimulating read. Well done. Kal

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

What are you doing after the wedding, it was the brides mum, Joy. Oh, just staying out of town. I was a bit down, I had just seen my ex girlfriend married to one of my friends. Look, come up to my room, for old times, lets have a drink. Gloria wont be staying with me tonight. I looked at an older and a little plumper version of my ex girlfriend. Thanks, that would be nice, but I don't know, she said i would like it very much. So I did, and I was pleased I did, we laughed a bit and had a few drinks and she said you better stay, I said no, I don't want to intrude. She said I don't want to be alone tonight, please. O.k, then she said well let me help you get comfortable, she removed my shoes, my coat, she straddled me, took off my tie and undid my shirt, her hands moved over my chest, I went to say something, sshhhh, as she moved her hands to my trousers, undoing my belt, I was semi hard, she reached in and released me, mmm, nice, her hand stroking me, hard as she lifted up and moved her panties to one side, sitting down, moving her wet pussy over my cock, sliding back and forward, then holding my cock and lowering herself down on it.Oh, that's good, oh yes, I pushed up, no, don't move, so I stayed still as she moved slowly until I felt her insides quiver,her legs tighten and then my cock felt very wet. I held her hips, holding her as I fucked up into her pussy then blasting my cum into her. We held each other , then she stood and taking her dress off went to the bed,beckoning me over, lay down and her lips covered my cock, I was still hard, she lay back, I need to be held and I lay behind her, massaging her breasts,my cock moving until she held it and guided it back into her pussy and I slowly fucked her, for quite some time until she moved and said I need to taste you and I lay back and received the most relaxing blow job until she literally sucked my cum from me. We went to sleep in each others arms. The morning was rather awkward as she got up, I watched her dress, then she saw I was awake and she said, sorry, I hope you are o.k I needed to be held, I stood up, my morning hardness showing, my turn, she looked at me, lay down, but I am dressed, lay down as I pushed her onto the bed, pulling her panties down and pushing between her legs, without much resistance, fucking her, my mouth over hers as she moved her legs over me, she went rigid, I kept fucking and then she went limp and I fucked her until my cum blew into her.I told her she had nothing to be sorry about. I showered and left, I went into town for some lunch before leaving. My mobile rang, it was her, can I come over before I leave,what do you need another cuddle and she said no, I need you to fuck me again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
way too long

the background story is way too long. so it ends up disappointing the reader.

wordsNguitarswordsNguitarsalmost 10 years ago

looks like a great start to your next series... :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Could not get through it...

Sorry, but it is way, way too long. I couldnt even read it.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
very nice

I loved the build and the possibilities.

It could easily have been in Romance as well as Mature.

Ch. 02 is not needed. You brought them along in their discovery of each other, just enough.

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