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New Adventures

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Two friends find new ways to play together and with brother.
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"What would you like to do?"

I was laying on my bed. Nyla, my best friend from high school, was looking at my CDs on the shelf across the room. We were both home from college on winter break. I had been accepted to University of Nebraska and she went to Denver University (the same as her older brother). It had only been four months away but I was so glad to be able to hang out with my friend again. Yeah, I made a couple of friends at college, but Nyla was still my best friend.

Our parents were down-stairs, chatting after getting home from their outing. We have been two big happy families since we moved to the valley, back when I was a freshman. Our parents became friends as quickly as Nyla and I did. And, just as quickly, I had fallen for her older brother Kalen.

It was Sunday afternoon and it should be a quiet day. Rolling to my side I look up at Nyla. "We can put a movie we've seen on and chat."

My best friend had her back to me and she shifted from one foot to the other. I notice the movement of her round beautiful butt as she did. Nyla flips her hair off her shoulder, it fell along her back in soft waves. "Yeah, can't wait to hear how you are doing," she says as she turns around. "I'm sure we have a while before my parents will be ready to head out."

"Great, let's get some snacks." I get off the bed and head over to the door as Nyla follows.

"What movie you thinking, Kirra?" Nyla asks as we reach the top of the stairs.

"I don't know, we'll look. See what piques our interest." I make my way down the stairs with Nyla right behind me. We head into the kitchen and straight to the fridge.

"How's it going girls?" My mom asked. Our parents were sitting at the dining room table playing some kind of card game.

I pull two sodas out of the fridge and set them on the counter. "Good. Gonna watch a movie."

"Have fun," my mom replies, turning her attention back to the other parents.

Going over to the cupboard, I pull out a package of popcorn. "Want anything else?" I pull the plastic off the package and put it in the microwave. "Look and see if there's anything you'd like."

Nyla turns around and looks through the cupboard.

"You are correct. That kind of behavior should not be allowed." I overhear my father state.

What behavior? Were they doing something wrong? I glance behind me into the dining room. They weren't looking into the kitchen. So not discussing them.

Nyla's father replies, "I can't believe that same-sex marriage is even being discussed in this State. What are these people thinking?"

"They aren't. They are just pushing their sinful desires onto everyone else." Nyla's mother says.

"There should be a way that they could get the help they need," my mom adds.

Ugh! This conversation. Why are so many people close minded and judgmental? Especially our parents. People we love have to have this kind of hate in their hearts. I bite my lip.

The microwave beeps and I pull the enlarged popcorn bag out. Nyla stands in front of the cupboard, not moving. "Hate when my parents get on this topic," I whisper. "Find anything you want?" placing my hand on her upper back.

She starts a little and turns to face me. "Um, no not really." I assume she didn't like when her parents went on a tirade either.

"K, let's go back to my room." I grab the sodas and hand one to Nyla. Then we went back to my room and picked a romantic comedy we've both seen many times. I put it in and climb onto my bed next to Nyla. We prop ourselves up with pillows against the headboard as the movie begins.

"How's school been going for you?" I inquire of my best friend.

"I didn't know college would be this great. But I'm guessing having my brother there to show me around helps."

"Oh man, I bet. I'm still trying to make some good friends. My roommate is cool but we don't have all that much in common." I look down at my hands, a bit nervous. "How is your brother?"

Nyla smiles. "Good, he's also home for break."

My eyebrows raise without consent. "Oh yeah...? Oh, that's nice." My heart rate increases with the prospect of seeing his handsome face.

"Yep, we will both be here for the three weeks."

"Yay! Me too." I really needed to get the topic away from her brother. I didn't want to get my hopes up, and besides Nyla and I only have so long to hang out before we are off to separate schools again. "I decided to take art classes. Doesn't have to do with my major, but I have always loved art and wanted an elective that I would enjoy."

"Really? I did the same thing, but I took one in music. It's been fantastic."

We chatted casually while half watching the movie, like we did in high school. It was a great beginning to our break. Our parent's conversation from earlier kept creeping back into my mind. Couldn't people just be left to their own choices? Being out of the house and this tiny town, I now know people live in many different ways and I wanted to talk to someone about it.

"Hey Nyla?" I began as the movie credits rolled, really hoping my friend wasn't closed minded. I stood and walked over to the TV, turning it off.

Nyla looked at me. "What's up?"

I switch on some music and turn it up a little for some background noise. Then sit back down in bed. "The topic our parents were on earlier?" I turn so I could look at her. "I think people should be able to love whoever they want. Who cares if it's two girls or two boys? What do you think?"

"Thank heavens," she exhales and looks over at me. "I feel the same way. I've met some lesbians at college. Oh, and there is this cutest male couple. They are so nice."

"I don't think anyone should have the right to tell anyone how they should live or love."

Nyla placed her hand on my upper arm. "We have that in common." She lightly ran her hand up and down my arm as she stared into my eyes, "so glad we are such great friends."

A knock on my door had me look away and sit up. "Yes?"

The door opened to reveal my younger sister. "Mom said to let Nyla know her parents are getting ready to go."

From behind me I hear Nyla sigh. "Okay, I'm coming." My sister disappears, leaving the door open.

I turn just as Nyla stands up and stretches. I have always found myself admiring Nyla; her hourglass figure, her perky breasts forming a perfect C cup, and lovely legs that meet her round tush. And since we had so much in common and got along so well, we would have made a great couple. But I am attracted to boys... And you can only be attracted to one or the other, right?

I had wanted to catch the attention of Nyla's brother. Of course, failing miserably in high school. He was two years older than us, and I was not able to by the time he left for college.

She came around the bed and I stood up. "You want to come over tomorrow? We can go shopping and get ready for the holiday."

"Yeah, that will be great. I've been procrastinating."

"Oh, me too. Been so busy at school I haven't even thought about it." She laughs and gives me a hug.

"Awesome, this will be so much better with you." Smiling we leave my room and go down-stairs. Everyone says their good nights and I return to my room.


I grab my purse and keys, then head down-stairs. "Heading to Nyla's."

"That's nice. What do you have planned?" My parents are vegging in the TV room, my sister was up in her room doing whatever.

"We are going to go shopping, then I don't know."

"Sounds good. Let us know if you won't be home." My mother says as I walk out the door.

I climb into my car, pull out, and in less than five minutes pull into Nyla's drive. I notice that her parent's spot is empty so I park to the side, out of the way. That way, if her parents return, I won't have to worry about blocking them. Parked on the road in front of their house is a car I don't recognize.

I climb out and head to the front door. I knock and wait for Nyla to answer. A moment later the door opens. "Kalen!" Nyla's hot-ass brother smiled at me. My stomach flips as I smile back. His black hair had grown out a couple of inches from the last time I had seen him. His deep brown eyes locked onto mine as I blurt out, "I wasn't expecting to see you."

He steps back and motions for me to enter. "Nice to see you, Kirra. Looks like college is treating you well."

I step inside and look up at him. He knows my name. Maybe I'm not as invisible as I'd thought. My gaze appreciated his entire six-foot stature. "Nyla and I are going shopping."

"Always fun to go out with a friend." He gently put his hand on my upper back and led me over to the stairs. My skin warmed under his touch. I wonder if he feels anything. Nyla and Kalen's rooms are in the basement. Their parents hadn't changed their rooms to accommodate them when they came home on breaks. Years ago, before Kalen left for college, I had fantasied about "accidently" going into his room. Culminating in an intense making out session with him.

He motions for me to head down the stairs. I start down just as Nyla rounded the corner on her way up. "Oh, Kirra, you made it. Was coming to check." I met her on the second stair from the bottom.

"Yep, Kalen let me in." I say, motioning up the stairs. He was just a couple of steps away.

"Come on," Nyla said as she grabs my hand and pulls me along behind her. "Let me finish getting ready and we can go." She opens the door and let go of my hand just inside the room. She continues into her room as I turn around in the door frame and watch Kalen.

"I'll be in my room, if you two need anything." Kalen said in passing, and headed down to the end of the hall.

I watch him open his door, wishing I had a way to spend more time with him. I better stop hoping for things that wouldn't be. Kalen is handsome and smart. I'm sure he's fighting off the girls at college and doesn't have the time, or desire, to deal with his sister's friend.

"Thanks Kalen." Nyla said as she pulls me into her room. She closes the door behind me and giggles.

"What?" I ask, no idea what she found so funny.

"You have a thing for my brother."

My mouth drops open. She noticed I had been staring. I follow Nyla farther in her room. Her bed was on the far side of the room, set with the head against the wall to the right. Her dresser was against the wall to the left with a TV on top. A shelf was next to it with several books, movies, and CD's. To the right, next to her bed, she had a desk with a chair. A small coffee table in the center completed the room.

I sat on her bed while she went to her desk. She had her mirror and makeup out.

"Guess I was a bit obvious." I cover my face with my hands and lay back.

"Don't worry. I get it, he is hot."

"Did I make a fool out of myself?" removing my hands from my face to check out her response.

She finishes putting mascara on one eyelash then looks at me. "No, I don't think so. You were adorable watching him."

Taking a breath, I'm thankful that I hadn't made a scene that I wouldn't be able to live down. "You okay that I have a crush on your brother?" Some people don't like when a friend takes an interest in one of their siblings.

"Of course not. I've known for years." She continues with her makeup. "I'll ask if he likes you."

"Oh no, don't do that." I say getting up from her bed to stand next to her.

"I won't be blunt. Won't say that you like him or anything." Nyla smiles as I lean on her desk. She puts her hand on my arm. "Just get an idea if he has an interest in you."

Her hand lingers. "You sure you want to?" She nods. "Thanks. Oh, but not now. We need to go."

"Of course. I'll wait 'til tonight."

I let her put her makeup away. When she stands, I give her a hug. "Thanks."

"Of course." Nyla's hand falls and I felt her pat my lower back.

I pull back. "Okay... well, let's get to the stores." We stare into each other's eyes. I feel a tingle that I am not quite sure what to do with.

For a moment, I thought Nyla was going to say something. Instead, she grabs her purse. "Yep, let's go."


I was packing a bag to take over to Nyla's. We cleared it with both parents that I would be spending the night. Not that we had school to take into account, but just so our parents knew where we were. Old habits die hard, even if I'm now an adult. I put in a change of clothing, my toothbrush, and my T-shirt I use for sleeping along with a loose pair of short shorts.

Calling out a good night, I head out the door. Once I reach their driveway, I notice that Kalen's car wasn't there. I'm a little bummed, but figure he was out with friends. Of course, he could also be on a date. Damn. Nyla said Kalen thought I was pretty. That was all she'd been able to get out of him. Maybe I should have let her tell him I was interested. Then he may have called me.

I grab my bag and get out of the car to go knock on the front door. A moment later, Nyla opens the door, smiling. She reaches out and grabs my hand pulling me inside. "You're happy."

"Of course, we're gonna have fun."

She leads the way down-stairs, but instead of turning to the right she leads me to the left. "So, I don't know if you remember..." We pass through a room with boxes stacked, must be their storage. On the far end she stops at a door. "This door leads outside." She opens it and steps outside to demonstrate.

"Oh yeah, I didn't use this door much." I say as I look around and get my bearings. This entrance was on the side of the house.

"Yeah, mainly Kalen and I use it, since our rooms are down here. Figured you could use it when you come over." We go back inside and she shuts the door. "We keep it unlocked until we go to sleep, so when you come over you can just walk in."

"Nice. Thanks." I follow her back to her room. There were snacks, chips, cookies, drinks, along with many other things on her coffee table. There was much more there than Nyla and I could ever eat in a night. "Did you know what you'd like to do tonight?" I set my bag down next to the table.

"Yeah. I've got some ideas. But thought we could start with a movie." She walked over to her dresser with the TV on top. There was a pile of movies she grabs. I make my way next to her as she hands me the movies.

There's a sci-fi, a romance, a comedy, and a vampire movie. "Think I'm in the mood for vampire." I hand her the one I pick.

"Good choice." She takes it from me with a smile and opens the case, as I place the others on the shelf nearby. "Get something off the table and get comfy on my bed."

I go over to the table with the large assortment of junk food. Initially I grab a soda and a bag of snack mix, then spotting a box of Junior Mints, I snatched them up too. I take them over to the bed and place them all down. The soda was the first to be opened, after taking a sip, I place it on the small end table.

Nyla inserts the movie and picks up her remote before also heading over to the snack table. She picks up a drink and a bag of chips. "This will be fun." She says as she turns and joins me at her bed.

"For sure." I climb on the bed and prop pillows up against the headboard.

Nyla places her soda on the end table next to mine and the bag of chips on the bed. Then she pulls her shirt over her head and drops it to the floor. She has a light pink bra on. I stare at her as she goes back over to her dresser and pulls the top drawer open. She pulls out something then closes the drawer. She drops one item on the bed then pulls a white tank top on covering her bra again.

She looks up at me and smiles. I look down at the box of Junior Mints in front of me, hoping she didn't think I was rude for staring. "You can get comfortable too, if you'd like." I look back up as she unzips her jeans and lowers them to the floor. She then slips on the shorts that she had surreptitiously placed on a bed a moment ago.

"Yeah... of c-course." I get up and grab my bag, placing it on the bed, as Nyla moves around the other side and sits down. I pull out my sleeping clothes and put them on the bed, returning my bag to the floor.

The movie had run through the trailers and was starting the opening music. I pulled my shirt off and let it fall next to my bag, then pulled on the light shirt. My pants joined the clothing on the ground, then I slipped on my shorts.

Nyla stands and walks over to her desk. I see her bend slightly as she turns her small desk lamp on then heads to the door. She stops and flips the overhead light off. The room was dim, lit only by the TV and small desk light. "We don't need a lot of light to watch the movie." I hear a soft click just before she turns and walks back to the bed.

"Movies are best in the dark." I concur, returning to the bed to get myself comfortable. Nyla sits down next to me and leans against her headboard. We both pay attention to the movie.


"Have you kissed anyone?" Nyla asks out of the blue.

At this point the movie was about half way through. I look over at her. "Yeah, of course." The tops of her breasts peeking out from the top. Had her tank top fallen forward showing more of her?

She stares at me for a moment. Her eyes moved down to my mouth then lower.

"Have you?" I ask as I look back to the TV.

"Yeah. I really like kissing... and other stuff."

"Other stuff? Like what?" I ask absently, really enjoying the movie.

She leans towards me, closing the distance to a couple of inches. I looked back at her, suddenly very aware of her proximity.

"Have you kissed a girl?"

Whoa! My mind blanked. "Uh...No." I like guys. Been with a couple. Would like to get to know Kalen in an intimate way. And yeah, I have appreciated how pretty Nyla is... but she is my friend.

"You can be attracted to girls and boys." She ran the back of her fingers along my check bone, then down my jaw line. "I am."

"Really?" I can feel myself getting wet. I have to admit to myself that I've found Nyla quite attractive ever since we became friends. But a person only likes one or the other. Is it really possible to like both? What would it be like to press my lips to hers? Would I like it? Would it ruin our friendship? We had clicked right away and I don't want to lose that.

Nyla put a hand on my thigh. That sent a warm wave up my leg. "I like you. I've been thinking about kissing you since we met."

My eyes widen. "Really?" Now all I can do is think about is putting my lips to hers. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I lick my lips and look at her soft mouth.

The hand on my thigh softly moves slightly up and down. My body responds to her. I could feel my nipples harden in my bra and a tingle in my stomach radiates down. I had to know, needed to find out what it would be like. I raise my hand and caress the side of her face. She licks her lips as I lean in and place my lips to hers. Softly at first, we kiss. Then she presses in and opens her mouth. My tongue searches for hers as she hungrily sought mine as well. I move my hand from her cheek and ran it down her neck and shoulder, pulling her close.

She moves her hand from my thigh and runs it over my breast. My nipples tighten. I pull back from our kiss. I want to see her and see what we were doing. She grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head, dropping it to the floor leaving just my bra. My large DD breasts ache to be touched.

I pull her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor next to mine. "You are so beautiful," I say to her. Her soft slightly tanned skin glistened in the light. Through her light pink bra, I can see her nipples pressing against the fabric.

This was going farther than kissing, but I don't want to stop. I want to really see her and I could see in her eyes that she wanted to see me. I place a hand on her breast, her nipples were as hard as mine. She sucked in a breath as I use my thumb to pass over the hard bud.

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