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New Family Rules Ch. 02

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Harry gets a nude girlfriend.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/09/2016
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This story is the second in a series. I strongly recommend reading the first story first. Any similarities to any real person are entirely coincidental.


Life continued on after the great strip-off with my Mom, my sister Gwen, and my Dad. I was up early the next day to get to work. My summer job was not a great deal of fun. However, up until that day, I had not spent time at work thinking about going home. This day, I found myself thinking about it a lot. Part of it was looking forward to getting home to see Mom and Gwen. Sure, they were my family, but they were also very beautiful women. I'd have had to have been dead not to enjoy seeing them around the house naked.

I must admit, though, that another reason why I was looking forward to going home from work was to get my own clothes off. Going around naked with other people was still new enough to me that there was a thrill in doing something forbidden. Better yet, my parents approved and were doing it too. Another thing that I realized, and this surprised me, was that I was looking forward to going home and having Mom and Gwen see me naked. In a way that is difficult to explain, I felt very good when I knew that either of them was looking at my dick and balls, and they both looked.

Our jobsite was in the downtown part of the city. There were always a lot of women walking by on the other side of the site fence while we worked during the day. I caught myself daydreaming about working on the site naked with the women looking at me as they walked by.

Work on construction jobs starts and finishes relatively early in the day. Consequently, I was home from work before either of my parents. I took a shower (remembering to leave the bathroom door open), dried off, and walked nude down the hall towards my room.

Gwen's door was open as I walked by. I could see Gwen sitting nude on her bed. Gwen's summer job was lifeguarding at a country club pool. She was only working a six hour shift because, she claimed, the country club had to employ some of the members' kids.

Glancing in at Gwen, I thought that she looked unhappy. I knocked on her doorframe. "May I come in?" I asked.

Gwen looked up and gave me a weak smile. "Sure, I'd like someone to talk to," she replied. She patted the bed with her hand indicating that she wanted me to sit down next to her.

I sat down on the bed a few inches away from Gwen. "You don't look happy," I said. "What's up?"

Gwen looked at me. She took a deep breath. "I was just on the phone with Jeff." Jeff was Gwen's boyfriend.

"Yeah?" I asked to get her to say more.

"Well, I thought that I had to tell him that we've become a nude household. That's kind of major and didn't seem like the kind of thing that I should keep from him. I was hoping he would share my excitement."

"Ok?" I prompted.

"Jeff got really nasty. He said that it was sick that we are going nude around each other. Then he asked me how many times I'd fucked you and Dad."

"Shit," I said. "I wouldn't have expected that reaction from Jeff."

"Well, I certainly didn't," Gwen responded. "If I'd known that he was going to be that kind of asshole, I never would have mentioned it." Gwen paused. "You know, the relationship wasn't that serious and I knew that it was going to end when we both go off to college. But, I'm hurt that someone I trusted would say that. I'm also disappointed that I'm not going to have someone to go out with this summer. Is that petty of me?"

"No," I replied, "you're not being petty. This is a pretty big summer for you. I understand that you wanted someone to share it with. I also understand that you've found something new and exciting and wanted to share it with a close friend and you're hurt because he reacted so strongly. If he thinks that nudity is wrong, and I guess that he does, that is still no reason for him to insult you that way."

Gwen sat there for a moment just looking in my eyes. Finally, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "You're not a bad brother," she said.

The remaining three days of the work week went pretty normally. My anxiety was increasing though at the thought of the Turners coming over Saturday. Mom and Dad had made it clear that we would be nude. I knew that Mr. and Mrs. Turner were nudists, but Mom had said that Amanda was coming too. My mind rejected the idea that a girl as beautiful as Amanda would take her clothes off around me.

The thought that I'd be going nude around Amanda Saturday afternoon while she stayed dressed was exciting. But, I had visions of her reacting like Jeff had and storming out of our house. I was sure that Saturday would kill my chances of getting closer to Amanda. Shit! What if she stayed? How am I supposed to behave when I'm naked around a girl I really want to date?

Gwen had to work Saturday morning. That left me to help Mom and Dad get the house and the pool and patio ready for the Turners. Since Mom and Dad were friends with the Turners, I wouldn't have thought that a simple pool party and cookout would be a big deal. Wrong! Dad, and especially Mom, ran me ragged as we cleaned up the entire house. By the time Gwen got home from the country club around quarter to three, I was dripping sweat.

"You look beat," Gwen said. "I guess that I'm glad that I had to work."

The Turners were coming around 4:00 p.m. Mom and Dan took over the bathroom to get ready. It was getting close to 4:00 when they surrendered it. I noticed that Mom had put on make-up. Mom brushed by me in the upstairs hall as I went to get my shower. She stopped and said, "Make sure that you shave and look good. Oh, and," she said pointing ay my groin, "trim that mess up."

I was a bit befuddled. I had never worried about what my pubic hair looked like. As I turned back towards the bathroom, Gwen was standing in the hall smiling. "Get your shower," she said. "I'll help you with the trim."

I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off when Gwen walked into the bathroom with a pair of scissors. Once I had toweled off, Gwen said "Ok, get your ass up on the vanity and spread your legs a bit."

Gwen started trimming my pubic hair very close to my skin. After she had trimmed above my dick, she said, "Ok, you need to get your dick out of my way or I'll cut it, and you don't want that." I grasped my dick and moved it to my left as Gwen trimmed between it and my right thigh.

I had a moment of thinking that this was surreal. Here am I sitting on the vanity, stark naked, holding my own dick in front of my sister. She is naked and is trimming the hair around my dick. Before I dwelled on that too long, Gwen gestured for me to move my dick to the right so that she could trim on the left. After short time, Gwen said, "Now, lift your dick towards your belly so I can get to your balls."

After she finished trimming me, Gwen said, "Great. You're ready for your first time nude with people outside the family."

Up to that point, I had been thinking mainly about Amanda. Gwen's comment reminded me that I'd be nude in front of Mr. and Mrs. Turner too. A part of me was looking forward to standing nude in front of people who had not seen me nude before. But, I was also scared. I knew now that Mr. and Mrs. Turner were nudists, but he owned the company which I was working for! I wasn't sure that I could do this.

Gwen patted my bare thigh. "Hurry up and get shaved," she said.

"How can you be so calm?" I asked.

Gwen laughed. "I'm nervous, but Bill Turner has been stripping me naked with his eyes every time he sees me since Amanda and I became friends sophomore year." Gwen cocked a bare hip. "Now, he'll get to see the real thing. I don't know why, but that's got me excited. Now shave!"

I had just finished shaving when Gwen came back in. She handed me a bottle of aftershave. "Use just a very little bit of that," Gwen advised, "Amanda likes it."

"Uh, Gwen," I started, "you said the other night that the Turners were doing with Amanda something like Mom and Dad did with us?"

"Yeah. I know from Mom that the Turners were going to tell Amanda that they are nudists the same night that Mom and Dad told us."

"Did they ask Amanda to strip naked?"

"I expect that they did."

"Do you know, did she?"

Gwen laughed. "No, I don't know. She may be dressed all night."

"Shit," I said.

Gwen looked pointedly at my newly trimmed dick and balls. "Don't worry Harry. Amanda will be impressed."

Mom called up from the first floor, "Are you two ready? They'll be here soon." Gwen walked out of the room.

I had trouble washing off my face. I probably used more of the aftershave than I was supposed to. My hand shook as I combed my hair. I felt sick to my stomach.

Mom yelled up again, "Harry, where are you?" Oh shit. Here we go.

I had just gotten to the kitchen downstairs when we heard a car pull into the driveway. Mom said, "Oh good, they're here."

Simultaneously, Dad yelled from the front room, "They're here."

Mom started to walk out to meet the Turners. I stood rooted to the spot. Mom turned and looked at me. "Harry?" she asked. I guess Mom saw fear in my face because she added, "It will be ok. Now, let's go great our guests." Mom slapped me gently on my bare ass.

Gwen and Dad were already in the front room, naked of course. The doorbell rang as Mom and I entered the room. Dad looked at Mom and she gave a quick nod. Dad stepped to the door and opened it, saying "hello" loudly as he did.

My first reaction was "this is a fuck up!" Mr. Turner was standing there in a polo shirt, shorts with a belt, and boat shoes. Mrs. Turner was standing next to him in a polo shirt, shorts, and sunglasses. I thought, "Shit! They have clothes on and are wondering why we don't!" It didn't occur to me that the Turners had driven the couple of miles from their house to ours and were dressed for the drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner stepped into our living room. Mr. Tuner stuck his hand out to Dad and said, "Ryan, it's good to see you again." Mrs. Turner and Mom gave each other a brief hug. Then Mrs. Turner gave Dad a quick hug as Mr. Turner told Mom, "Linda, you look great as always."

Releasing my father, Mrs. Turner said to Gwen, "Gwen, you look wonderful." Mr. Turner looked at me, extended his hand, and said, "Harry how's my employee?" I shook hands with Mr. Turner.

I hadn't seen Amanda and was beginning to think that she hadn't come. The idea had me relieved and disappointed all at once. However, as Mr. Turner stepped aside, I saw Amanda.

Many have written, much better than me, about the moment when you have a vision. That is what it seemed like to me as I stood there naked and saw Amanda standing in our doorway. The sunny afternoon seemed to highlight her blonde hair. She was wearing a snug sundress which outlined her perfect figure. There was a smile on her beautiful and intelligent face. Amanda was looking straight at me. There was a gleam in her eye and I thought she gave a small wink.

Amanda stepped into the room. "Sorry," she said, "I dropped something in the back seat and it took me a second to pick it up." Was Amanda nervous too?

Amanda walked over to Gwen and gave her a long look up and down. "Gwen," Amanda said, "you look great!" Then Amanda turned and took a few steps towards me. My legs were trembling. Amanda gave me a long look from head to toe. Her smile got wider. "Harry, it is really good to see you." We just looked at each other for a moment.

The brief spell was broken by the sound of Mr. Turner's belt buckle. Looking to my right, I saw that Mr. and Mrs. Turner were undressing in our living room. Amanda had looked at her parents too. Amanda looked back at me. She smiled again. "Well," she said, "since we're out of the street, I suppose that I should get into party dress too."

Amanda grasped the hem of her sundress with both hands. In one move, she pulled it over her head. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. As Amanda started to fold her dress, Gwen said "Here, I'll hang that up." Amanda handed Gwen her dress.

Amanda stood in front of me naked. I've said that she was beautiful. Well, she was 100 times more beautiful naked. She was perfect. I looked for what seemed a long time. Finally, Amanda tiled her head slightly which made me realize that I needed to say something. I stammered, "Amanda, you are stunning."

She smiled. "Thank you."

Being too nervous to stop, I blundered on, "You are so beautiful naked, you should never wear clothes."

Amanda laughed. "Really?"

Gwen mercifully stepped in before I dug any deeper. "Come on," Gwen said, "Let's go to the pool."

I stepped aside to allow Amanda to follow Gwen first. Amanda had a perfect ass with a prominent tan line. I followed it. As we went through the kitchen out to the patio, Amanda looked back at me over her shoulder. "As nice from behind?" she asked.

The three of us just stood naked on the patio while the Turners and my parents walked out, all four naked. I didn't know Mrs. Turner well, but she looked pretty good naked. Not stunning like her daughter, but very attractive.

I must have been looking at Mrs. Turner a bit too openly. Amanda leaned towards me and said in a soft voice, "Does my Mom look good naked too?" I sort of coughed as Amanda laughed.

Mom sashayed onto the patio and announced "There are drinks in the cooler, beer and wine." Then she asked my Dad, "Ryan, can the kids have a beer?"

Before Dad could answer, Mr. Turner said in a loud voice, "Hell, they're all 18 (Gwen had actually just turned 19). It used to be that you could drink beer legally in this state at 18."

Mrs. Turner said, "Bill that was a long time ago."

Mr. Turner laughed. "Damn straight. They raised the drinking age to 21 even before I turned 18. But let the kids have some beers. They're old enough to get naked so they're old enough for a couple of beers." My father smiled and shrugged his shoulder in acceptance of Mr. Turner's pronouncement.

I turned to Amanda. "Would you like a beer, or I can get you a soft drink or bottled water?"

Amanda replied, "Beer will be fine."

I went to the cooler. I could tell that Dad had bought the beer because the choices were Koenig Pils and Stiegel. I pulled a Koenig for Amanda and a Stiegel for myself.

Gwen reached into the cooler beside me. "Everything that you expected?" she asked. I just nodded. "Just remember," Gwen said, "Amanda's personality is more beautiful than her body. Relax."

I brought the beer to Amanda. As she took it from me, she nodded towards a table and chairs on the far side of the pool. "Let's sit over there," she said.

When Amanda and I had sat down and each taken a sip of our beers, Amanda asked me, "Did you know that our parents are nudists?"

"Not until Monday night. Did you?"

Amanda shook her head. "No, but, thinking back, I shouldn't have been surprised. Despite what they wore here today, Mom and Dad often dressed to show more flesh than my friends' parents."

Amanda took another sip of beer. "How did you feel when they asked you to undress?" she asked.

"The whole thing seemed unreal to me. All of a sudden, Mom, Dad, and Gwen are all standing in the living room stark naked. Then my parents are asking me to take my clothes off too. Mainly, I was shocked and embarrassed. But, it was odd because, at that moment, taking all of my clothes off seemed like something which I absolutely had to do."

Amanda was nodding her head as she listened to me. Amanda was an intent listener. Without a word, she gave the impression that she genuinely wanted to know everything which you had to say. When I finished, Amanda asked, "Did you get a hard-on?"

I felt my skin get warm. I also felt that I had to be honest with this wonderful girl. "Yeah. I guess that it was the idea of stripping off in front of Mom and Gwen."

"I wish that I could have seen that," Amanda said. My heart skipped a beat. "Gwen and your Mother are beautiful women," Amanda continued. "Maybe it was seeing them naked. Dad got a hard-on as I undressed."

"How did you feel?" I asked Amanda.

"At the very first, I was like you thinking that it was unreal. Mom and Dad hadn't seen me naked since I was a baby. Something quickly tripped in my mind. It was like, 'hey, you're not supposed to do this, this could be fun.' I kind of slowed things down and took longer than I needed to get completely undressed. But, you know, once I was naked and Mom and Dad were looking at me, I felt really good. It was like having people see me naked was something I'd always wished for that was finally happening."

"Was it something you had always wished for?" I asked.

Amanda laughed. "Before Monday, I would have said 'hell no.' Thinking about it since; I wonder if I always wanted to be seen naked and just didn't realize it. I couldn't wait to take my dress off in front of you. I delayed it a little just to build my excitement. When I took it off and you looked over me, it felt so good. Your Dad was looking at me too. That was cool also."

"I know what you mean," I said. "When I got my shorts off in front of Mom and Gwen and was standing there with my dick hard as rock, they were both looking and it really felt great."

Amanda laughed again. "I guess we're a pair of exhibitionists. That's common ground."

My heart fluttered again. I really wasn't sure what to say in response, but I knew that whatever I said next would be the wrong thing.

Amanda spoke again, softly, before I could put my foot in my mouth. "Harry. Don't worry. Gwen and I are really good friends. She's told me how much you like me. She is sure that it is for the right reasons. That's great. I'm very attracted to you. I just couldn't figure out how to send you the right signals. Using Gwen as a go-between seemed unfair to her and the girl isn't supposed to be the aggressor. Since we're both sitting here naked drinking beer together, I guess the old rules are gone."

My world had just improved dramatically. As much to fill the air as anything, I said, "Uh, well, I'm sorry about staring at your Mother."

Amanda laughed. "Don't worry about it. I was teasing you. Mom's like me. She likes people looking at her when she's naked. But, Harry, I just tried to tell you that I love you. What do you have to say to that?"

"Amanda, I fell for you when you were a freshman. I don't have the words to tell you what I'm feeling right now."

Amanda looked in my eyes for several moments. She must have liked whatever she saw there. "Since I was a freshman? What are you, kinky for young girls?" she said, laughing.

I laughed too. "Maybe," I said.

"Well," Amanda replied, playing along, "there are some kinks that look like they could be fun. But, as long as you're with me, you leave the young girls alone."

Just then, my Dad called out, "Harry, we're starting the steaks. Can you help?"

What Dad meant by "help" was would I cook the steaks. We'd established a few years before that I was much better with the grill than my father. I stood and explained to Amanda, "Dad needs me or we won't eat today."

Amanda stood too. She took my right hand. We walked naked around the pool to the others, holding hands.

As we ate dinner, Mr. Turner asked me, "Harry, how do you like your job?"

Landmine. "It's very interesting, Mr. Turner. And it's getting me in better shape. I'm just sorry that I can't do any of the skilled work like the plumbing and electrical rough-in."

Mr. Turner smiled. "Good answer Harry, and complete BS. I did your job when I was young. It sucks, and we only pay you just over minimum wage. You are meant to work with your mind, young man, not your hands." Mr. Turner paused a moment, then asked "You're only working through July because you have two-a-day practice starting in August, right?"

"Yes Sir," I replied.

"You play football, wrestle, and run track so you know about training and conditioning, right?"

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