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New Rack City Ch. 03: The Return

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The Return of the Were-Nympho: Hey Sailor!
8.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/28/2023
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Welcome back again to New Rack City, where superheroes, villains, and mad science battles rage every day. Leotards, lab coats and insane experiments. Comic book heroes, comic book style sex with oversized...everything. A world of giant tits, ridiculously large cocks and endlessly ready, constantly horny, men and women. This is a "just for the fun of it" world with wall-to-wall crazed sex. It is full of silly characters and plenty of nonsense. It is partly comedy, party parody and largely fun-to-write over-the-top wall-to-wall sex scenes that have little basis in reality. Mirror

3. The Return of the Were-Nympho

The Were-Nympho's Prey: Hey, Sailor!

"Primary Subject is on the move again, closely tracking." Dr. Vera Orgazma idly fingered her clit as she watched.

Moonrise. Felicity had blinked herself awake, got as dressed as she could -- in a tremendously strained white tank top, the skimpiest of purple booty shorts, a pair of white trainers -- and headed out the door.

Instead of driving, she walked; her huge unrestrained boobs bounced and jiggled gently with each step, no matter how smoothly she tried to move, which of course made even the super thin, nearly transparent fabric slide over her hyper sensitive nipples until they jutted out as they tried to escape their gossamer confinement.

By the time she reached the sidewalk on the edge of the park, she was wet as hell, the moon was peeking over the trees and her eyes were drawn to four sailors in whites lurching down the sidewalk from the bar district.


She quickstepped right for them. That, of course, set her tits to bouncing uncontrollably, resulting in four stunned sailors coming to an abrupt halt to stare at her. Two were shipmates, but the oldest and youngest bore the names of different ships on their uniforms.

They were drunk enough and she was horny enough that she didn't really see the point of being gentle about it.

"Hey, Sailors. I just really need a good hard fucking. You guys have a hotel room or should we do it somewhere in the park here?"

The oldest sailor looked her over, eyes riveted to her huge tits. "Wow. Those are... amazing."

Another sailor pointed. "There's a kind of hidden-away fountain area over that way."

The youngest looking sailor looked her over warily. "I'm not sure..."

Felicity cut him off. "C'mon Sailors, I need you to make me watertight."

A low round of chuckles from the other sailors overruled any objections the smooth faced young guy might make. Moments later, they reached the grotto with the fountain.

Felicity didn't have to say anything, her shorts and tank top were off and neatly folded along with three sailor's uniforms before she could get a sentence out. She did make one demand, though. "You have to wear your hats! I can't have my boarding party out of uniform!"

She pushed one sailor onto his back and mounted him in one motion, grabbing at the next nearest sailor's cock and dragging him to her mouth. The oldest sailor immediately stepped up behind her and began driving his hard on into her ass.

The youngest sailor hung back even as Felicity was being stormed on all quarters. She was sizzling with energy, her pheromones practically crackling in the air around her. The nanite mutagens began their work immediately and she could feel the cocks in her growing larger and harder with each passing second.

She laughed throatily for a moment. This was going to be fun.

The three sailors switched places over and over, squirting huge loads of man-milk from their ever growing boarding pikes into her blazing hot portholes repeatedly, until she was dripping inside and out. It took over an hour, but they finally slowed down and began to drop, one by one, completely exhausted.

Felicity picked up a random t-shirt and wiped herself with it. Then she noticed the youngest sailor still holding back, eyes wide with lust and fear, but unwilling to join in and unable to run.

Felicity grinned with hungry glee. "Oh my! Are you a viiiirrrrrrginnnnnn?"

The sailor looked helplessly past her at the only opening out of the grotto and made a whimpering sound.

Felicity took another step forward, past the unconscious trio. The sailor squeaked in fear.

"Oh, I promise you'll love it, Baby. Come to Momma...Just let me..." She suddenly stopped, nostrils flaring. "Oh..."

She took another deep breath. She hadn't caught it earlier because of the wind but now.... "I smell..." she raised an eyebrow, "Pussy! Hot wet pussy...Very wet pussy." She glanced over at the three passed out men. "You were afraid of them finding out, weren't you?"

The terror in the disguised girl's face sharpened. She was barely under control as is, and...

"What's your name, Honey?"

The girl trembled. "Jo...Joey..."

"Do you like pussy, Joey?"

The girl trembled for a moment, shivering silently.

Felicity grinned even wider. "It's okay. I can tell. You really, really like pussy, don't you?"

Joey made a soft, helpless sound, then slowly nodded.

"I was hoping you would." Felicity closed the distance and kissed her hard as she stripped the girl's uniform off of her. Any objection the girl might make was cut off as the pheromones finally overwhelmed her and Felicity's tongue snaked out and looped and danced at her rock-hard nipples.

She firmly gripped Joey's tits, and went back to kissing her, letting mutagenic nanites pour into Joey's mouth. Felicity felt Joey's tits swelling and growing rapidly in her hands, the heft and bounce increasing.

Breaking the kiss for a moment, she leaned back to examine her handiwork. "Do you like big tits, Joey?"

The girl looked down at her growing boobs and gasped in shock. Felicity gave her a predatory smile. "Just wait." She flicked both nipples gently with her thumbs.

Joey collapsed to her knees in shock from the sheer pleasure that washed over her, Felicity sank down with her, fondling the still-growing milk bombs. "Just you wait Sugar-tits, I'm going to make you into a fucking sex goddess."

Twenty minutes later Joey had her fingers deep in Felicity's holes while sucking voraciously on her clit. The pheromones had already done their work; Joey had never been this horny or so hungry for pussy. The nanites, under Felicity's control, had a field day changing Joey: her tits had grown into big bouncy G-cups, her tongue was almost as long as Felicity's and her pussy was gushing like a fountain.

Thirty minutes after that, they finally broke off and looked over the still-snoring men. Joey frowned as she hefted her new flotation devices. "I'll never be able to pass for a guy again."

Felicity shrugged, dreamily sated for now. "Why would you want to? Look, everybody, and I mean everybody loves big tits. Just go for it, be up front and you'll bag way more pussy than any guy could even handle."

Joey giggled. "I just got transferred to shore duty and there's this really hot little blonde ensign who just got assigned to the next office. I might have fingered myself under the desk watching her. You think I have a chance with her?"

"Just rub those big fucking juggs up against her and her panties will melt right off." Felicity leered. "Works every fucking time."

"This is interesting. The alterations for Subject Joey were done very differently. The men were altered very much the same way as the other men the initial subject came into contact with: massive increase in penis size, significantly reduced refractory time, enormous increase in sperm production. The only oddity is that the nanites went dormant in them immediately after making those changes. It may have been a deliberate action on the part of Subject One. The mutation of the female here seems to have been willfully and thoughtfully done. Subject One chose how to alter her, making her breasts grow dramatically and become hyper-sensitive to pleasure. I watched her sensitize the woman's genitals, clitoris and anal passage. She also seems to have chosen to lengthen Subject Joey's tongue more than usual. Unlike the men, Subject One seems to have deliberately left the female capable of producing huge amounts of sex-pharomones targeted specifically at women, but only very limited nanites. It appears that Subject One is gaining far more control over her powers than I expected." Vera clicked off the recorder, pondering the new developments.

She paused thoughtfully, then got up from the desk. She'd loaned the Dildo-bot of Doom to the Thompson twins again, so it was unavailable. Still, though, she smiled. Vera had captured the exiled Atlantean Princess, Mistress Squid, and she had to be interrogated.

"Vera? Are you coming to bed?"

"Just a moment, Beautiful, I had to close things up."

Giggling, the Atlantean flexed her ten tentacles and used six of them to adjust the candles in the bedroom, while the other four tentacles pulled her vibrators out of her suitcase.

Okay, so maybe 'captured' wasn't exactly the right word when your 'captive' showed up at the front door with luggage and two gallons of lube for an extended stay to hide out from the Navy and Atlantean hit squads, but one did have to keep up appearances...

Joey's Prey: Suzie-Q

The next Friday afternoon, as Felicity slept the sleep of the temporarily satiated, Petty Officer First Class Joanne "Joey" Martinelli decided to make her play for tiny blonde Ensign Suzanne "Suzie" Quinton.

Ensign Quinton eyed the parking lot. Only one other car left. The office did tend to empty out quickly on Fridays as everyone raced for home or the bars. That was pretty standard for Navy offices.

The very petite blond in her neat khaki blouse and skirt uniform was standing at her car, fumbling with her car keys, her purse and her gym bag. She'd been a little "off" all day. She'd had a weird, warm, feeling that the Petty Officer with the short dark hair in the next office was staring at her.

Martinelli, that was the name, Suzanne was sure of that. She'd met her when they both processed into the office, but for some reason, last week, she hadn't noticed how, well... incredibly busty the petty officer was. It was flat out bizarre, because there was no way she could have missed breasts the size of missile warheads. In fact, the week before she hadn't even been sure Martinelli was female; that sometimes happened with camo utility uniforms that the enlisted tended to wear here, but it didn't seem possible with Martinelli, given the size of those boobs. Plus, the petty officer had seemed a bit shy when they processed in, but now...she just boldly stared at Suzanne every time they were in the same room, with an almost hungry smile.

Suzaanne had the distinct feeling that the petty officer's interest in her was extremely personal.

The thought that the owner of those two front mounted nuclear weapons was eyeing her with something other than professional detachment left her feeling more than a little warm and more than a little confused.

Because while Suzanne considered herself pretty much straight, once in a while, when she'd been drinking a little too much, she ended up in bed with a woman. She'd repeatedly blamed tequila and happenstance when that happened. But it did seem to happen with some frequency.

The reality was that Sober Navy Junior Officer, Ensign Suzanne Elizabeth Quinton couldn't admit to herself she was attracted to women as much as she was to men, if not just a bit more.

Drunk-On-Her-Little -Perky-Ass "Suzie Q" didn't really have that problem. She absolutely loved pussy. And tits. Especially really big tits.

Suzanne shook her head. She had other, non-work, non-social life, related problems lately and she really needed to work on those before they got out of hand.

Distracted, she fumbled her grip and dropped her car keys. She shook her head and started to bend down to pick them up.

"Let me get those for you...Ma'am."

Suzie looked up, locking eyes with Petty Officer First Class Martinelli. "It's okay, I...uh..."

The petty officer shifted her own gym bag behind her, bent down and picked up the keys, then stepped in very, very close. "Here, let me unlock your car for you, Ensign."

Suzie felt waves of heat wash over her. The petty officer was way...way too close. Her huge breasts were almost touching Suzie's much smaller chest.

The petty officer reached past her and thrust the key into the lock of the car door.

Her breath smelled of some kind of heady spice and Suzie blinked. The petty officer opened the door a few inches, which forced Suzie to shuffle a bit forward. Just enough for their breasts to accidentally brush each other. Suzie blinked. "Thank you, uh..."

"Joey. It's Joanne, but everybody just calls me Joey. Ma'am."

An almost inaudible purr in her voice made Suzie's pulse jump and she felt another surge of heat and a strong ripple of something "below decks" as her female Annapolis classmates would say. She knew she had to be blushing bright red. A mental image of grabbing and passionately kissing Joey flared in her thoughts.

She weakly put up a hand to take the keys, and felt her hand brush the side of Joey's breast. "Sorry, I, uh..."

Suzie felt herself go completely wet. She was immediately thankful that she was wearing Navy-issue cotton granny panties, if she'd been wearing a normal little lace thong... She froze as Joey's nostrils flared to take a deep breath.

Oh. Fuck. She realized Joey knew. She could obviously smell how turned on Suzie was.

Suzie staggered under the knowledge, weakly stumbling a small step forward and coming into full body contact with Joey, noses-to-nose.

Joey grinned voraciously and pushed forward, pinning Suzie up against the car, mashing those huge warheads up against her and covering her mouth with a hot kiss. Suzie moaned into Joey's mouth, while the pheromones in Joey's saliva lit up Suzie's already-raging sex drive like a Titan rocket.

Pulling back just a bit, Joey looked into Suzie's big blue eyes. "Hey Sailor. You want me to take you home and fuck you?"

With one hand groping one of Joey's huge tits and the other gripping her firm ass, Suzie couldn't really deny it, but she could fight for some control. Her voice shook a bit. "My place. Get in the fucking car."

Wordlessly, and with great effort they broke apart and got into her car. Almost on autopilot, Suzie started her car up and headed straight for the small house she had off-base.

They were silent for a moment as they rolled off the base. Then Joey's hand landed on Suzie's knee and began to explore, pushing the skirt up higher.

Suzie took a breath and fought to keep the car on the road. "What are you doing?"

As soon as she said it, she felt silly. It was pretty goddamn obvious what Joey was doing and she'd even moved her own knees apart to make it easier.

"I just wanted to see if you are as wet as I am."

A series of shallow breaths was all Suzie could muster in answer. She felt Joey's fingers finally reach her white cotton panties. She had to stop for a red light, helplessly staring straight ahead as those relentless fingers edged under the elastic.

"That feels pretty wet." Joey's voice was husky and caught in her throat with lust. She reluctantly pulled her hand back and sucked on her fingers, her eyes rolling back in her head for a moment. "Oh Fuck, you're delicious.

Suzie shivered and blew out a breath; she glanced at the heavily tinted car windows, then caught herself and looked at Joey. "Undo your belt and open your pants."

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to see if you are as wet as I am." Suzie smiled, feeling like she had a little more control.

"Yes, Ma'am." Joey unbuckled her belt and opened the pants, exposing just the top of a pair of Navy issue white cotton panties.

"Call me Suzie, Joey. I think we're on a first name basis." Suzie glanced over. "I can't check that way. Pull them down... No, wait...take your boots off and pull your pants all the way off."

"Panties too?"

"Fuck yes. Panties too."

"God, I was hoping you would say that." Joey felt her own waves of heat flashing through her. Without a further word, she quickly untied her boots and kicked them off. She paused and unbuttoned the camo blouse and pulled it off as well, tossing it into the back seat. Eyeing Suzie with a smug smile she reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, then squirmed to pull the bra off under her t-shirt, pull it out and throw it in the back seat as well. She cupped her huge jugs through the thin t-shirt. "I figure you might want to check these out too, huh?"

Suzie reached over and fondled the closest huge tit with one hand, tweaking the nipple gently, absolutely loving the way Joey shuddered at her touch. "Good thinking, but your pants are still on."

Scrambling and grinning, Joey shoved her utility pants and panties down and off and started to throw them in the back seat, but Suzie caught her hand. "Wait." She grabbed the panties and sucked on the soaking wet crotch for a few long seconds. "God, that's delicious." She flicked them into the back seat. "Lean your seat all the way back."

Joey already had her legs spread wide before Suzie could say it, then she pulled up her T-shirt all the way up to expose her pussy and her massive tits.

Suzie took a quick look down at her and caught herself quickly. The whole car was full of the heady scent of hot wet pussy already, her mouth was watering almost uncontrollably and she was sure she'd just thoroughly soaked her own skirt. She was completely unaware that with Joey's pussy totally drenched and open to the air, her sex pheromones were completely filling the interior of the car. And Suzie had kick-started the process by sucking Joey's pussy-juice and mutagenic nanites right off the panties.

She played with Joey's huge tits, jiggling them, then tweaking and pinching the nipples into iron peaks; Joey shivered and whimpered, closing her eyes and thrusting her hips slightly.

Unable to resist, Suzie slid her hand down Joey's flat stomach, stopping for a second to inspect the tiny landing strip of tightly groomed pubic hair before sliding her fingers down to Joey's honey pot.

"God, you are just gushing!" Suzie began to gleefully explore the boiling wet quim. Joey couldn't really respond; Suzie was rubbing, pinching and teasing her insanely swollen pussy lips and engorged clit to the point that Joey didn't really have enough brain function left over to use words.

Suzie nearly passed her own house, but her smart remote started the gate and garage door opening when she got close, which was just enough of a signal for her to pull into her garage just as Joey came loudly, screaming and squirting hot pussy juice everywhere.

Fortunately, Suzie shoved the car into park before sticking her Joey-juice covered fingers in her mouth.

Even though she had absorbed huge amounts from the panties and the air already, the direct dose of fresh pheromones in her mouth hit like a sledgehammer.

Ensign Suzanne Quinton simply shut down. She sat stock still, staring forward as the pheromones and mutagenic nanites rampaged through her, making the physical and mental changes they were programmed for. Suzanne Quinton was just a (sort-of) normal horny bisexual woman who hadn't gotten laid in months and needed some stress relief. Right now, though, she wasn't in charge. Suzie-Q, crazed pussy-loving fuck-doll was. While the second-hand mutating nanites hadn't given Suzie the enormous knockers they'd given Joey, they had given her an irresistible taste for hot pussy and the tongue to get it.

"Bed. Now!" She snarled, then, with surprising strength, she half-dragged and half-led Joey from the car, out of the garage, into the house and straight into the bedroom, stripping off her own uniform as she went. She started to say something, but was having trouble finding words, and Joey didn't really give a fuck anyway.

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