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"Well, at least she didn't sell me out."

"Care to take another guess?"

I thought about it. "Terri." It had to be Terri. Either it was Terri or the neighbors were secret Soviet spies.

"Yep. Did you really think he wouldn't tell me?"

"I hoped."

"Hate to tell you..."

"You're not mad?"

"Please. Lala has done a lot worse in her day," he said.

"If you know what Lala is about, why do you hang out with her?"

"Because she's still a good friend. I may not agree with her end goals, but I love her all the same," he said.

At that moment, I really looked up to Jason. He took care of the people around him. Even the ones that were plotting to trap him in a loveless marriage.

I heard the doorbell ring. I didn't bother to answer it though, the 'rents were home after all.

"I guess," I said. "But I didn't trust her around you. You're too nice for her."

"Who do you think she learned it from?" he asked.

"Her father," I said. I immediately regretted it. The last thing I wanted was to bring up fathers.

Jason skipped over it. "Please. Her dad's a teddy bear. Don't let his music confuse you. He just knows how to advertise."

We both laughed.

"Katie," I heard Mom calling. "Dinner!"

Damn her! "Gotta go, J," I said, hoping he'd accept the nickname. Take it, take it! Let me call you that!

"What about my kiss?"

Yes!!! "Muah," I said, blowing him one through the phone. "That'll have to do for now," I said as I hung up. Yes!

Dinner was the usual affair. Dad bragged about how he had settled his latest case. "They were so scared of your dad..." Blah, blah, blah. I loved Daddy, but I knew how this story ended.

Mom talked about the different shops and fashion styles. "I swear, you would think they didn't have mirrors."

I really was glad to have my parents back home, but as I listened to my dad, I couldn't help but think about his son. Daddy abandoned his only son, but Jason still looked after his sister. I weighed them against each other, and it truly saddened me when I realized that Daddy didn't measure up. For the first time in my life, I looked at my dad with disapproval.


I was walking to my next class with Hailey, listening to her inane chatter about how perfect she and Kevin were. I envied her a little bit. She could run over and kiss Kevin and no one would bat an eye. I couldn't just do that with Jason. If I did that, plenty of eyes would be batting. They'd be batting the hell out of me.

"And I said it was about to, and he said rain! We're finishing each other's sentences! How in sync is that?!"

Sharron was lucky enough to have had her one class canceled for today. She didn't have to listen to this bullshit.

She finally shut up as she heard my phone ring. I don't mean to be harsh, but she was so infatuated it was annoying. I was going to have to kick Kevin's ass if they broke up. I just knew it.

I didn't recognize the number, but I answered anyway, thankful for any excuse to get out of hearing Hailey talk about Kevin. "Hello?"

"It was you, wasn't it?"

I recognized the voice immediately. Lala fucking Dawson. "Lala," I said, acting confused.

"Don't play dumb with me bitch. I don't fucking do drugs. I'm an athlete. I get drug tested every other fucking month. I know you put that shit in my car."

She sounded pissed. "Lala, I don't know what you're talking about," I said sweetly.

"Is that Lala Dawson?" Hailey asked, excitement barely contained.

I waved her away, moving ahead. I hated three-way conversations.

"You fucking bitch. When I get back..."

"Are you threatening Jason's sister? Wow. Not smart." I couldn't help myself. I had to brag. I wanted her to know how stupid she was. "That's almost as dumb as telling said sister you were going to trap her brother in a loveless marriage. Or leaving your car door unlocked."

"You fucking bitch." There was so much hatred in her voice. And I loved it. I felt so justified. She was showing herself to be the snake I knew she was. "This isn't over," she said.

"Yes, Lala, it is. I won. You lost. Take these next six months and lick your wounds up. I'm going to go hang out with Jason. You have a good day."

"You FUCKING BI..." I hung up on her. God that felt good.

"Was that Lala Dawson? Why didn't you tell me you two were cool," Hailey asked, almost screaming.

"Because we're not. We're like cobras and mongoose. Or is it mongeese." Fuck National Geographic. "Anyway, we don't like each other. I hate that bitch."


We walked in silence until I got to my building and we split ways.


Who expects to learn anything from an ethics class? I mean, the only reason I took it was because it was required. But today, I was faced with a hard reality.

When I got home, I looked at my big house, and my big yard, and my flashy expensive car, and for the first time in my life, I was ashamed of them. Even with all the starving children in Africa, I could justify having these things. My daddy had worked hard for this stuff and we deserved them.

"You must be responsible for your actions," Mr. Davis had said. "No matter how wrong they may be."

Daddy wasn't responsible. If he was, one of the rooms in our big house would belong to his son, and Jason's bike would be parked next to my corvette. Instead, Jason was reading another book on the porch of the house next door, denied the love of his father.

I walked over and sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around his waist. "He doesn't really have a reason."


I smiled. I loved it when he was confused, it was so cute. You could literally see his mind working and going through all the other conversations to make sure he wasn't supposed to know what we were talking about.

"My dad. He doesn't really have a reason to deny you."

"Reasons rarely matter, but results always count. Still, that's between him and me."

I leaned my head onto his shoulder. 'No Jason,' I thought to myself. 'It's not.'

"Do you think you'll ever forgive him?" I asked.

"No," he said with a sense of finality.

"You forgave me."

"You wanted me to."

I sighed. "You know I love you, right?"

He kissed me on my forehead. "I know."

I tensed up. "You know I love you as more than just a sister?"

He kissed me again. "I figured. I don't see most sisters kissing their brothers like you do." He looked at over at me. "Is there some purpose to these random but deep questions and confessions?"

"It's personal. I got a call from Lala today," I said, hoping to change to the subject.

"So did I. I hear from her most days."

"That's good."

He smiled. "I thought you said she was a snake."

"Snakes aren't that venomous over the phone," I said. I stood up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I owed you that one," I said as I walked to the house.

I took a shower and stretched out naked on the bed. I should have been studying, but there was just too much on my mind. Way too much. I needed a massage. I held my fingers up. And a manicure. Might as well throw a pedicure in there too.

I grabbed my phone off the night stand and texted Sharron. "I need a spa day."

I heard the ding a second later. "You need to stop lusting after your brother. BABY BROTHER. But I could go for a spa day. Friday?"

I ignored the shot about me and Jason. "Coolies."

Ding. "Coolies about Jason or coolies about Friday?"

"Friday. I already told Jason I loved him."


"Nothing really. You know Jason. He's says stuff without really saying anything."

Ding. "Well, what did he not say?"

"I think he feels the same."

"Hailey," I heard my mom say, right before she opened the door. "Do you have..."

"Mom!!!" I grabbed my biggest pillow and tried to cover myself up.

"Oh please. I used to change your diapers. Do you have any new black pumps? Why am I even asking," she said as she walked into my closet. "Of course you do."

Ding. I looked at my phone. Great. I'm naked in my room, with my mother, texting my best friend about how I'm in love with my brother. Baby brother. Could this get any more awkward? Of course it could.

"I hear you've been talking a lot with Jason lately," my mom said as she rummaged through my closet.

"I thought you were looking for shoes."

"That boy is trouble."

Fine. Fuck it. Naked interrogation it is. "That boy is my brother."

Mom stuck her head out the closet long enough to give me a disapproving look. "No, he isn't. He's trouble and I want you to stay away from him."

"Yes, he is. Everyone knows it. And even if he isn't, he's Uncle Vincent's son, making him my cousin." I laughed to myself, kissing cousins. "So I'm just getting to know my family. In fact, I was thinking about inviting them over for dinner."

"Katie, what is this all about? Huh? Is this because your dad wouldn't get you that new corvette?"

"No, Mom. This is about the son both of you seem to want to forget exists. Well, he does. He exists. And, no thanks to either of you, he's a sweet, caring man." Mom didn't say anything to that one. Wow. Go me! I'm successfully arguing with my mother about my bastard brother in the nude! I'm awesome!

She walked out of my closet holding a pair of black Jimmy's. My favorite new pair. "Stay away from that boy," she said as she walked out. "And put some clothes on."


I lay back on the bed and let my pillow fall on the floor. I looked over at the phone. I'd get back to Sharron later.

I heard the front door close as Mom left to wherever she was going. I decided to go ahead and get dressed and commit myself to the much needed study session I was about to put myself through. Maybe afterwards I could treat myself to a nice Jason treat. Or treat Jason to a me, I smiled.

I picked up my phone. It read, "Btw, I love you too." Jason.


I spent the rest of the week on a Jason high. I had to have reread that text at least a million times. I repeated it to myself like a mantra. I sang it in the shower. I wrote it in the margins of my notes. I did everything except shout it out to the world. The only one I told about it was Mr. Bobbles. I knew my teddy bear would never betray me.

I felt a little weird about not telling Sharron, but I knew her approval rating of the new Jason-Katie reality series was low at best. She didn't do anything but harp at me the whole time we had our spa day.

It was Saturday night. Mom was at some kind of fundraiser and Dad was upstairs in the office arguing with someone on the phone. I looked up from my computer. At least, Dad was in his office.

"Get dressed, sweetie," he said as he walked by. "I need your help. Business. You're my assistant tonight. And what the hell did your mom do with my favorite shirt?!"

Burned it, if she was smart. That shirt was absolutely hideous.

Daddy is one of the best defense lawyers around. And a good defense lawyer doesn't have to make reservations when he goes out to eat out. Angelo's was THE Italian restaurant. I've been to Italy, and Angelo's made the whole damn country look like an Olive Garden.

I was sitting in a gray, pin-striped suit looking every bit as delicious as the shrimp fra diavolo I was eating. This wasn't the first time Daddy pulled me into one of his meetings. Defense lawyers of Daddy's caliber have to quietly show their power. They rarely get to defend innocent people. Innocent people can't afford him. So, the bad guys need those little reminders that their lawyer knows all their business. And so does his team.

Craig Williams was his latest client. He was "accused" of ripping off two or three thousand people out of 15 million dollars. Plus, his name was connected to three or four murders. He was pretty much scum. But, he was scum that could afford to pay Daddy's fee.

He was trying to threaten Dad, but that wasn't going very well.

"So, let me make this perfectly clear, Craig. If you ever get a wild hair up your ass again, you remember, I have all the evidence. I know what you do and who you've done it to. And so does everyone I work with. You're not the first idiot I've worked with. I know people ten times worse than you, and if anything happens to me, or anyone that matters to me, you will feel the fire. Literally. Now, you're done eating. Get the hell out." When Daddy gets into his groove, it's impressive.

Just as Craig was about to stand up, BJ pushed him back into his chair.

BJ? What the fuck was he doing here? Terri and Jason walked up behind him. Jason pulled a chair up and sat down. I stared daggers at Terri, who stood behind him. Traitor.

"Your client has some problems," Jason said to Daddy. "He ripped off a good friend of mine."

Daddy looked like he was about to blow a gasket. There was a vein in his neck that looked like it was about to pop. "This is not the time, boy."

BJ moved his jacket and showed everyone the gun he had stuck in his belt. "No. I think this is the perfect time." I kicked Jason underneath the table. He looked at me, and I signaled him to the door.

"You're not about to shoot someone in a crowded restaurant," Daddy said. "Even I couldn't make that go away."

"I'm willing to pay each of these people $100,000 if it comes to that," Jason said. Terri patted the briefcase he was carrying.

I thought Jason in a t-shirt was sexy. Jason in a $3,000 suit... yummy. Jason looked at Craig. "Now, I don't have as wide of a network as your lawyer does. But, what I do have is the money to make anyone my friend. No matter where you try to run off to, putting $100,000 on your head is going to make life uncomfortable. So, I think we need to talk." He looked around the table. I loved it when he looked at me, and then looked over me. His eyes wandered down my cleavage and took in my figure.

"When some asshole comes through town and scams a good friend of mine out of 500 grand, well, I get upset." He slid an envelope across the table. "This is an order from the judge revoking your bail. I can have him file this whenever I want. And when you end up behind bars, you're going to be locked up with a rapist. Who likes raping men." Oh my God. I was seeing Jason in action. And he wasn't taking down some punk football player. He was putting a world-class criminal in his place. "This cost me 60 grand. 50 for the judge, ten for the jailer."

"I'm not scared of you."

"I find that people only say that when it's a lie. Katie isn't afraid of me. You? I think you're terrified." I loved how he said my name. It was like a warm caress, even when he was in the middle of threatening someone. "But, I like making friends. So, give Michelle Linix back her money, plus 100 grand, and, if you get out of this little legal matter, I can have a nice lucrative position opened up for you. Seven figures a year, and all legal."

BJ leaned over, "You can be screaming for help while Jojo fucks you up the ass, or convince people to buy acetate from us. Your choice."

Craig was actually shivering. "O-okay."

"Good boy. You have 24 hours. Otherwise, tell Jojo I said hi." He stood up. "Enjoy your dinner, gentlemen. Ma'am." And they all walked out.

Daddy looked at Craig with disgust. "You are in the middle of a trial, and you still ran a scam." Craig looked away sheepishly. "Get the hell out of here." Craig got up, he didn't even try to look Daddy in the eye. He just got up and walked out. Daddy sighed and looked over at me. "Dumbass."

I smiled. "At least we got a good meal out of it."


I lay in my bed. I had been wet ever since Jason sat down at our table. My Pikachu t-shirt was pulled up to my shoulders, my pajama bottoms were down by my knees, I had one hand massaging my breasts, and the other two fingers deep in my soaking pussy.

God, Jason was so damn sexy. I imagined us living together in our own home. Jason would walk through the door, tired after having a late-night dinner full of threatening a murderer into doing what he wanted.

He walked through the door and I gave him a quick welcome home kiss.

"Hard day?" I asked.

His eyes drank me in as he slipped out of his shoes. I hated it when he did that. Do you know what that does to $300 shoes?

"You wouldn't believe," he said.

I ran my hand over his crotch. He was half-way hard. Good. I was wearing his favorite LBD (little black dress). I would have been pissed if I found his cock in any other condition.

"Oh, I think I have an idea."

He was hardening by the second. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down, giving him a soul-searing kiss. I lost my tongue somewhere in the back of his mouth as his arms wrapped around me, his hands easily finding their way to my ass, gripping me through my dress.

I finally pulled back so we could breathe, and I could relocate my tongue.

"I think you might," he said.

I grabbed his tie and led him into our bedroom.

I smiled to myself as I flicked my finger over my clit. Our bedroom. Just the thought sent shivers up my spine.

I slid his jacket off and let it fall to the floor. The wrinkles would make the dry cleaners curse my name for the next hundred years, but it would be worth it. I loosened his tie and pulled it off him, dropping it to the floor. I ran my hand over his crotch again as he looked down at me. He was rock hard now. His body was tense. There was probably nothing he'd prefer more than to grab me, throw me down on the bed, and have his way with me. But he knew better. When I wanted to get my way, he knew to let me.

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. That found its way to the floor, too, joining the tie and jacket. I pushed him down on the bed and undid his belt, throwing it aside and praying I didn't hit the TV.

I undid his pants and let them slide down until he could step out of them. I looked into his eyes and saw only lust. There was nothing else on his mind now. All he wanted was to put his cock into something. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

I went down on my knees and slid off his boxers. He stepped out of them, looking down at me as his hard cock stared me in the face. I opened my mouth and took him all the way in. I looked into his eyes as I slowly let him slide between my lips, deeper into my mouth.

He looked down at me with relief and pleasure and need. I smiled around his cock and let him fall out. He thought it was going to be that easy? How cute.

I stood up and turned around, pulling my hair to the side. "Can you unzip me, J?"

"Sure." I could hear the frustration in his voice. He took a deep breath. I could feel his fingers tremble with need as he slid my zipper down, revealing the dark red lace of the back of my bra and matching panties.

He knows that I love my red hair. And when I match my underwear to it, it means he's in for one hell of a night.

I let my hair fall back in place as I slowly slid off the tiny straps that held the dress in place off my shoulders. With one pull of the hemline, it slid off my body, pooling on the floor around my feet. For some reason, Jason loved seeing me barefoot.

I turned around slowly, letting him take me in. I wasn't disappointed. His cock was as hard as I had ever seen it, every vein popping and pulsing as fast as they could. His abs were tight with anticipation. His breathing was shallow and quick. His eyes filled with liquid hot lust.

I loved it. I loved him.

I walked over to him, swinging my hips just the way he liked. I put one hand over his shoulder and pulled him down for a kiss. With my other hand, I ran my freshly manicured nails over his naked cock, paying special attention to the head.

"You look tense, love. I think I can relax you," I suggested.

He closed his eyes as I lightly ran my nails from his balls to the top of his cock. I kissed him once more before I dropped down to my knees and took his cock into my mouth.

I never liked sucking cock. It didn't do anything for me. But I loved sucking Jason's cock, loved watching him surrender to me, loved knowing I controlled his pleasure, loved that this man, feared by all kinds of people, was putty in my hands.

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