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New Year's Eve - Just the 3 of Us

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It wasn't exactly planned...
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Although very much reserved, my wife was by no means backward when it came to enjoying sex. But she had her limits. There were taboos that she held deep inside her. Not that they didn't turn her on as I found out, but that they were too deep to even admit to. One such taboo was having sex with another man. She was human. I knew the feeling was in there. But it was locked so deep that she wouldn't even admit it to herself. Yet I was determined to bring it out.

Not everyone wants their wife fucked by another guy. To me it became an obsession. But I could no more let her know that than she could let me know it would be erotic. We were at a stand-off. Neither could break the silence. But as it turned out, neither had to.

It began one evening innocently. We had a good friend recently divorced who moved back to our town. We normally spend New Years eve just the two of us at home, but she always made lots of little treats, just as if we were having a party. It was a party - a party of two.

This year was no different except that Ken was home and we knew he would be alone this first New Years since his divorce. My wife suggested we invite him over. She was the one who put out milk for stray cats, gave clothes to the homeless and couldn't bare the thought of "this poor guy" spending a drab New Years alone after his disastrous divorce.

Now Ken and I had gone to grade school together. He had even dated my wife for a while before I did. I doubted very much that he ever got any though just knowing her. It took me two months of dating her and a lot of patience to finally touch her ample breasts. And that was only through her blouse and bra. But I'm getting off track here.

Although in her 40's, my wife kept herself in great shape. She was small - barely 5 feet tall - with very nice legs and breasts. She always considered her shapely legs her best aspect. I, on the other hand, considered her 36 D's her finest feature.

It wasn't unusual for her to dress nicely for company and this evening was no different. She wore an attractive red dress, knee high, that showed off her legs as well as giving just a hint of cleavage. Again, she wasn't one to expose herself boldly. Now remember, although I secretly wanted to see if I could get her to allow some sex with another guy, the reality of it was that I never really expected it to happen. It was simply a fantasy of mine and this night was no different. I had no plans, nor had I even thought about it. This was just a gesture to a friend in need.

As she got together the snacks and prepared the place that afternoon, I fixed us some drinks. Her favorite was a martini yet she rarely drank them at home. Normally they were for when we went out to eat. She wasn't a big drinker, but she could hold it fairly well for her tiny size. I didn't ask if she wanted a martini because I knew she'd say no, so as not to make more of a mess. Yet I knew we'd have the bottles out that evening so I just made her a shaker full.

She looked at it and said, "Are you trying to get me drunk?"

I laughed and said, "No. You don't have to guzzle that down."

She thanked me as I poured her one and she went about her work. By dinner she had more than half the container gone. While she got things together I refilled her shaker and stuck it in the refrigerator without comment. She finished the drink she had at dinner but didn't ask for a refill. I didn't want to seem like I was pushing her so I never asked.

Now the first signs that her gin is affecting her is that she begins to become more amorous. After dinner I helped clean up and she was all touchy-feely and wanting kisses. I commented that I should help clean up more often. She just smiled, putting her hand on my groin.

She said, "You know what gin does to me. Let's go into the bedroom."

I answered, "Oh yeah then Ken can just let himself in and we'll holler out from our bed, 'Be right there as soon as I cum'."

She just poked me and said, "Let him play with himself in the living room until we're done." I think it was then that I saw a glimmer of a plan forming. Well not so much a plan, but hope I suppose.

We finished cleaning up and sure enough Ken showed up not a half hour later. When we saw his car pull in the driveway I said to her, "See we'd still be in there going at it."

She just made a face trying to act embarrassed, but to me it looked more flushed at the thought.

We all settled down for the time, and I made drinks for everyone. Then I sat down across from my wife and we talked. It was a bit into our conversations when I noticed my wife across from me looking my way most of the time. She had her legs parted slightly teasingly giving me a view. She enjoyed that I got flustered and continued, even letting her dress hike up slightly. Ken was at an angle looking my way so he didn't notice.

We had set up the family room in the basement for the evening so I suggested we all move down there. I turned on the big screen TV and turned to a football game - one of the many bowls of the season. My wife rolled her eyes and we went on talking about old times. Finally my wife asked if she could turn off the TV, her excuse being that she couldn't hear what was being said.

I went to freshen the drinks, and when I cam back, my wife was facing Ken now chatting with him, legs crossed. I immediately pictured the Sharon Stone movie of her crossing her legs while being questioned and wondered if Ken got a shot as she did that. I wondered too if she did that consciously or unconsciously. It definitely showed leg!

I handed them both a fresh drink without interrupting their conversation. They were talking about way back in school days. She admitted she had a crush on him back then and he said he had one on her too, with a laugh as he said it, trying to say it in a way that didn't sound like he was coming on to her in this awkward situation. She took a drink, uncrossed her legs, turned to put the drink down, causing her legs to part slightly, then crossed them again, all facing him. I figured if it was ever to happen, this would be the night.

She seemed to be handling her drinks quite well. She had slowed down her pace a bit. But I also knew the affect alcohol had on her and it all seemed to be affecting her now. I could tell by her demeanor that she was horny. Not horny enough to initiate anything for sure and not horny enough to even accept advances in this situation. I wasn't even sure that there was a horniness that could persuade her. But I figured there were two things in my favor: one was of course the drinks were making her horny. Hopefully, she was getting horny enough to wonder what it might be like or at least experiment with some flashing and teasing. And two: the drinks could not only lessen her inhibitions and give her courage, but it could do another important thing - give her an excuse if anything did happen.

I suggested we play a game. She immediately agreed and suggested we play Rummikub, a rather boring tile game. So to avoid seeming like I was moving into a sexual mode we accepted and played two quick games. Quick only in the sense that they only lasted maybe 15 minutes each. She's didn't win either one and Ken and I were bored so I said lets play something else.

Now most of our board games are are for more than 3 players or at least it gets boring quickly with just 3. And most of them last way too long and may never have a winner in a single night of playing , such as monopoly. I suggested we play some sort of party game. My wife although tipsy by now was suspicious but I said we'd get on line and choose one. I think Ken was wise by now of what I was trying to do without actually being in on it, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

Some games we found were kids games, some sounded very immature and some were definitely way too far advanced for my wife. We pointed these out however and laughed making her nervous yet I think titillated at the thought. I think going through some X rated games on line got her to accept the one we finally picked simply because she was afraid we'd want to pick one of the more explicit ones. We picked one called naughty confessions.

This could be a tame game but with the potential for more. This game starts off with one of you confessing something truthful that starts with the line, "I've never..." For example, you could say "I've never... had sex in a car." If someone in the group has actually done the act, they need to have a drink and explain the act in detail. If no one in the whole group has done it, the person who said the line has to have a drink instead.

So we decided we'd play and see how it went "just for laughs". I suggested my wife go first but she balked immediately, nervous of any sign of being outgoing I think. I said to her, "Look the person asking the question is saying they never did this. If you're not the one asking, then you have to tell all about it if you did. The question is the easy part."

We had retreated back to the family room to play. I grabbed the seat I had before leaving Ken and my wife across from each other once more. I told her to begin the questions. She said she didn't know where to begin and took a drink instinctively. I said well just think of something you never did.

Taking another drink to stall, she was nearly finished with that drink so I poured her another. She turned my way and her skirt hiked up a bit more. She was flushed and smiling embarrassed. Then she said, "OK like the sample question, I never had full sex in a car," she said staring at Ken and she looked so cute all flushed there.

I said, "You never had sex in a car? Ken do you believe that?"

"Yes," he answered, "knowing her," and we both laughed as she blushed all the more.

"How about you Ken?" I asked.

"Well yeah I suppose I did," he said realizing he was now on the spot.

"OK," I said, "Take a drink and explain it in detail. You don't have to give names but you do need to go into detail of where you were and what brought it about."

He then took a big drink staring at my wife. "Well, it wasn't full sex as such I suppose, so do I have to go on?" Her demeanor changed somewhat and she stared at him waiting to hear the rest of his story his story. Somehow I believe this was her he was talking about.

"Oh yeah we want to hear all about it, don't we," I said looking her way.

"I don't know," she said mysteriously, then catching herself she said, "Sure I guess so."

"OK," he started, "well we were parked out in this patch of land off the road down by the Great Miami river. It was a beautiful night and the atmosphere was just as perfect."

My wife leaned her head back on the couch and closed her eyes I assume picturing the scene. She scooted forward to slouch a bit pushing up her dress a bit more. Now typically she's very careful about such things, so unless she was totally out of it already, I knew this was a thrill for her.

"We had on the car radio and some nice romantic music," he continued. "We began making out and she let me feel her for the first time."

My wife looked up at him for a second, then leaned back again and closed her eyes. I would have sworn that this was something she recognized but then feeling her for the first time and then almost having full sex? This couldn't be her.

"Did she have nice ones?" I interrupted.

"Mike!" my wife barked out.

"What?" I answered. "It's supposed to be detailed"

"Oh yeah," chimed Ken. "You'd have loved them."

"Go on," I said. "This sounds interesting."

"We had reclined the seats somewhat when we got there," he resumed once more. "So I rolled over on her somewhat as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her and found her blouse buttoned in the back. I tentatively began opening each one cautiously trying to conceal my deed," he laughed, and I did too. Lynn just sat there taking it in. I began to think she was asleep.

"But as I went lower on the buttons, she leaned forward giving me access," he said. " I pulled it open to put my hands behind her but surprisingly to me, she again leaned forward and let it slip off between us. I pushed it aside and she pulled me too her and kissed me again.

"Soon, I had her bra open, and slipped a hand around the front of her."

I noticed the language wasn't that of a guy telling a juicy story to another guy. He was leaving out the graphic stuff like massaging her tits or the like. Instead he just implied by saying he slipped his hand around the front of her. He never even said he touched her breasts. Just in front of her. But I didn't have the nerve to push him to find out. I just let him go on.

"I leaned back to see my work and she let her bra slip off and dropped it along side her blouse. I leaned in and began kissing her... um... you know... her breasts," he stammered.

"Yes, we know," Lynn said almost perturbed. This didn't seem to be working out like I planned.

I guess Ken noticed too and sped up his story saying, "Well anyway I had a hand between her legs while I was doing that, and then I tried opening her pants. She balked, but then let me unbutton them. But then when I tried to unzip them, she ended it, putting her bra and blouse back on. I asked if she was upset with me and she said, no it was just her."

Now this did sound like Lynn!

"OK," I said, "Who's next?"

"Lynn gets to choose since she finished," said Ken. Now Ken still didn't know what I was thinking or hoping for, but he seemed to like where this was leading in any case.

"Oh OK, I have one," I said. "I have never gone braless!"

"No fair! Neither of you even wear a bra," she said having trouble not snickering herself as we did.

"Well that's a very easy one. I could make it very personal," I said. "Just describe a time you went braless, in detail now."

She sat up and took another drink, however her dress remained hiked way up and her pantyhose were clearly showing beneath that she had nothing but them on.

"OK," she said still smiling so I don't think she was as upset as she pretended. "I never wear a bra when I go out and work in the garden in hot weather. I figure that first, no one sees me and second, even if they can see and tell I'm braless, I don't care since it's just too hot to wear any more clothes than needed."

OK that worked I thought. So we passed the questions to Ken.

"Let me see," he proceeded. "I've never been totally naked at a drive-in movie." I could see my wife's eyes as big as marbles and she got totally red. I mean beet red, and smiled embarrassed.

"Neither have I," I said. Then looking at Lynn I said, "How about you?"

She looked at Ken then at me and with a brief pause said, "No me either," then looked right back at Ken to see what he was going to say. It appears my wife and he must have had more dates and more fun then I ever pictured.

"You weren't?" Ken said as if incredulously.

"No, I wasn't either, so you have to take a drink and the questions move back to me." It was very plain that she was avoiding that one. But we let her go. I doubt that Ken had the nerve to press her any more.

We muted the TV, and turned on some background music. "Dance with me," she said I suppose trying to avoid the next question.

"That isn't fair to our guest," I said.

"It's OK. Go right ahead," Ken broke in.

"OK, but be thinking of a good question for when we're done," I said.

As we dance, I let my hand slide to her rear, eventually cupping it before she protested. Ken will see you," she complained quietly in my ear.

So I turned her so that her rear was facing away from Ken and left it there. Then I slid it a bit more until I was below the hem of her skirt as she stood on her toes to reach me. I let my hand slide up the pantyhose clad thigh up under her skirt and to her rear. She just whispered, "Mike!" but didn't make me remove my hand. By the time the song ended she was pressing her groin to mine as I stroked her crack with my middle finger. Then as we were about to sit down another slow one came on and she asked me to keep going.

I said, "We can't turn this into a dance party and leave Ken there. Ask him to dance."

"That's OK," he said.

But Lynn said, "No he's right, we have to take turns." The sound of that went right to my cock.

She finished her drink as he got up and while they started dancing, I went to get the drinks refreshed. Coming back, I stopped near the doorway and peeked in to see how things were going. He had his hand down on her rear too. Not down under the dress as I had, but definitely clutching her cheek. Stepping back I made a comment about fresh drinks for all and then appeared at the door. Ken's hand was now politely up behind her back and her hips were spaced modestly away from him now. She was smiling his way as if they'd gotten away with something. Things were going well.

After their dance I handed her a drink and she took a nice gulp. Then she said "Whew, is it hot down here or is it just me?" Ken and I both said it was her, meaning of course that she was hot tonight. "You guys," she said. I mean is the room getting hot?"

"It doesn't take much to heat up this place," I said. Then leaning over I whispered in her ear, "I know pantyhose are always hot you said. Go take them off if you'll be more comfortable."

"Would you mind?" she asked. "I know you like the looks of them."

"It's fine hun. Go right ahead," I said. Then to Ken I said, "She'll be right back and we can resume our game."

While she was gone, I said to Ken, "Well what do you think of our girl after all these years?"

"She's quite a woman," he said. "You're a lucky man. But I guess I had my chance," he laughed.

"Would you like another chance?" I finally asked out right.

"What do you mean?" he said, although I think he just wanted to hear it outright.

"What would you say to trying to get her to take us both on here tonight?" I posed.

"Really," he said. "Is that what you've been up to all night?"

"Uh huh. What do you think?" I asked.

"Well knowing her, you have a long row to hoe."

"Will you play along?" I asked.

"Sure if it's OK with you," he said in disbelief.

"She's taking off her pantyhose right now," I said. "She had nothing else under them. Not sure if she'll put on panties or not, but I'll sit her across from you again. If you get the chance, try to see what's up there. Maybe even let her see you looking. Wink if she catches you. Make it a game with her if you can.

He laughed and said he'd try as we heard her coming back. I sat so that the only available seat was across from Ken again. She never noticed a thing since she was sitting there in the first place.

We started the game again with some dumb exaggerated questions like 'I never have been in an orgy' or 'I never had sex with an animal'. These did have the affect of making us each drink more, and Lynn was at the point by now of slouching on her chair with or without the intention of showing what she had under her dress. It was fairly clear that it was sheer red panties matching her red dress.

Her eyes were a bit narrow but I did see her pretty much staring Ken's way. His head was leaning and he couldn't have been more obvious trying to see between her legs. Each time she took a drink or moved for anything her dress went up higher and her legs parted until her knees were at least 12 inches apart. I saw him wink once and out of the corner of my eye I saw her flash her legs open and closed looking my way.

Another slow song came on and Lynn asked me to dance. I feigned being tired and said "You two dance."

She got up, although somewhat clumsily and giddy. He took her hand and then pulled her to him. As they danced I could see that each step they took, his leg was between hers. She just laid her head on his chest and followed. Even his hand on her rear, didn't make her nervous by now. But what I couldn't tell from the direction she faced was what he was doing with those hands.

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