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Night of the Succubus

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Female spirit meets her human female match.
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This story is dedicated to that very special someone in my life and grew out of a playful conversation. Hope it was worth the wait hon'

"Life" such as it is, on the other side, isn't so very different for us than it was when we were mortal. For one thing, it's fairly boring most of the time. For another, our "jobs" take up much of our time. The differences lie in the fact that time, as we knew it in life, no longer exists for us. We can be anywhere, any when.....any now. And our jobs, our positions, depend largely on the spiritual rank we hold. We might serve as spirit guides or guardian "angels". For the lowest ranking among us we are the bringers of dreams.....erotic dreams.....the incubi and succubi of legend.

That was my karma.... for now. Until such time as experience or rebirth allowed me the opportunity for advancement I was, and would remain cum slut to the great unwashed masses. Funny in a way - here I was - child of the Free Love Generation. I started my first menses around the time of the introduction of the pill. An era that promised women a semblance of equality, or at the very least, the right to choose for themselves how, where and when to have sex. We burned our bras and shucked the constriction of corsets and girdles - only to assume corsets again when we discovered the subtle eroticism of assuming voluntary restraint and constraint during sexual encounters.

But now I was finding that educated men of latter centuries enjoyed their erotic dreams - peopling them with women they knew, or wanted to know from movies and television. It was the "sheep" - the largely illiterate masses of earlier generations who were "hag-ridden" in their dreams. Too frightened or insular to ever dare to dream lustful dreams about women they knew - facing condemnation from church and peers if they would ever confess to enjoying such illusory dalliances.

It could have been worse though. I could have been sent back as a haunting...a ghostly reminder of someone's evil deed. Or I could have been sent as a "nightmare" to truly stir the dreams of the wicked. At least I was still allowed to give, and on occasion, receive pleasure, from my night's work. When a dreamer was perhaps cleaner, more handsome than the norm...or a more talented lover in life than the usual rutting savage who only wanted a vessel to cum in before he rolled over, snoring himself more deeply into oblivion...then I could take MY time and enjoy myself. (And let the man explain the nature of the stains in his clothes and bedding in the morning...)

Bobby said it was much the same in his work with the females. He said most of the time he just wanted to hold his nose and get it over with. Get it up, stick it in, and get the hell out was his rule of thumb. I argued it couldn't be much worse with women than with men. He said I was forgetting women's menses and childbirth stench and I said he was forgetting the heavier physical labor men performed and that most were uncircumcised. He nearly licked his lips at that...I'd forgotten he'd been gay in life. That's when I suggested the trade. For one night we'd trade work schedules - just to see if the other side's complaints were justified. We picked a mutually agreeable night in the near future. It was just past fall equinox our present so we agreed All Souls Eve we'd make our trade.

# # # #

The appointed night came and quick as thought I was away on my, or rather Bobby's, first call. From the look of the sod houses and the smell of burning peat in the air I assumed I must be in the early British Isles. The softly liquid speech of the villagers and the various hues of flame colored hair did nothing to disabuse me of the notion. There was a quiet air of frenzy and urgency in the night and I wondered that I'd come so early...and where my charge was. With that thought I was inside the main hall with all of the rush and hubbub that occur prior to a feast, while outside someone nearby lit a bonfire from the sound of the whoosh. A loosely woven woolen curtain hung across another chamber and I passed through it like the night mist. Within the inner chamber a young woman was being bathed and prepared. Firelight and rush-lights cast shimmering highlights over her skin and, although I wasn't a devotee of Sappho's delights, I'd dabbled far enough down Bi Street to recognize that she was a beauty.

She had copper colored hair - the kind that usually indicates blue eyes and freckles, but from here her skin looked to be smooth, flawless and creamy. Solemn eyes of shamrock green highlighted her oval face and the blush on her cheekbones was purest peach. I could smell the peat from the fire, as well as pine, heather, dog rose and wood violet rising from her bath and the old women around her nattered softly among themselves as they bathed her. She ignored them, lost in her own thoughts, as they sponged and scrubbed her, leaving no fold of skin untouched from her toes to the crown of her head. Patting her dry before the fire, then rubbing her down with herbal oils that left her skin shining and rosy, they began at last to paint her with the blue woad of ceremony.

That's when I finally remembered what night this was - what ceremony this must be. A course in comparative religion during college told me that this must be Samhain Eve and the concentric circles on her breasts as well as the spiral on her belly and inverted triangle on her pubes told me she was not only standing for the Goddess tonight, but that she was pregnant with the seed of the Summer Lord. And, dammit all, she had to watch his sacrificial death soon. The bonfire would not go unused tonight if my college professor could be believed. According to lectures this young lass and her lad would have one more brief half hour together to say their goodbyes, kiss each others lips or even rut as quickly as the young beasts they nearly were. There would be a feast, and he would probably be drugged to go willingly into the flames. She might be drugged as well if she was the village visionary and priestess, as well as Goddess - but one way or another there would be the casting of rune bones tonight - fortunes would be told, and ghost stories - old people and children would huddle round the fires until late, while the young, as always found any excuse to depart, hand in hand into the shadows. Babies in plenty would be born in the Spring and Summer months....

Despite my raging curiosity about the night and ceremony ahead I decided to flash forward in time until that queenly beauty in front of me was asleep and alone with tear wet cheeks. She stirred briefly as I bent over her, inhaling to capture the essence of her dreaming desires. God she was so elusive...she wanted....that's just it. She didn't really know what she wanted. She didn't even have the language for the love and passion and romance that was what she REALLY wanted. She had no experience of gentleness, soft-words and candlelight - and if I could have cried too I'd have wept for her.

All right then, I would give her what I could of it - what I knew of love and passion. It might not be much in the grand scheme of things, but all things considered it was a not insignificant amount either, compared to this poor child. I nestled in beside her on the bed - we're not supposed to wake them you know, everything is supposed to be dreamlike and fairly vague. That really stuck in my craw this time though. I half wanted her to wake up, and more than half wanted her to remember this forever. I wanted her to cum hard enough to shake her little bones for long minutes after the event itself.

I caressed her tangled curls, tracing the arch of her brow and the line of her lip. Although I knew she couldn't understand the language, I thought she might absorb the intent behind my whispered words of passion and admiration of her beauty and courage. I inhaled the taste of her tears - the scent of defeat and bitterness and loss was nearly overwhelming as I kissed the damp corners of her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered but she stayed asleep as I continued to gently stroke her face.

Removing the covers and gazing on her naked body at close range I realized she was probably much further along than I had initially thought, the slightness of her belly more a factor of chronic malnutrition than an indication of how far along she was. Her nipples, up close, looked darker than I'd first thought in the flicker of the firelight, and they hardened and pebbled in the chill night air. The mound of her belly arched over the assorted animal skins and woven wool blankets of her bed inviting my touch. I stroked the roundness lightly but the infant sensed the touch and kicked back. Even in her sleep her hand rose to stroke her belly and soothe the child within.

Hesitant as I might have been about the correct way to start in this case, with a woman below me, the dark raspberry cones of her nipples invited my lips and tongue. As I engulfed the first nipple and began to suckle her she sighed relaxing further into her dreams, parting her thighs to admit my adventurous fingers. The warm, wet sweetness of her first milk filled my senses as my questing fingers found the wet heat at her core. Gently stroking her channel as I hovered above her I moved to suckle the other nipple, drawing warmth and sweetness from that breast as well.

The taste of her milk was as intoxicating to me as the musky smell of her arousal and I alternated from breast to breast, licking and tasting - noting that as her arousal began to strengthen, the milk flow did too until a simple flick of the tongue was enough to start the flow. My fingers continued to explore her wet ruffled folds at the same time - stroking the increasingly heated flesh at one moment, then gently rubbing the hidden pearl with dew wet fingers and thumb.

I was still trying not to wake her and I hovered, stroking her from armpit to fingertip and from groin to toe - paying special attention when I felt her respond to touches in the palm of her hand, the fold of her elbow and knee, and along the sensitive skin at the top of the thigh. Featherlight touches that I still recalled from my own life. A lover who could rouse me to the cliff's edge of climax, and then keep me teetering there until such time as he chose to push me over into multiple screaming, shuddering, muscle clenching orgasms. It was a memory I longed to give her.

Her hips rocked as a first, mild orgasm hit her and a surge of moisture covered my fingers. Curiously I tasted her cum and discovered it was as fresh and sweet as every other taste of her had been thus far. Eelling between her thighs I took my first long probing stroke, opening her folds completely to my mouth and tongue. Despite my own lack of physical form I found myself experiencing what passed for arousal among us as well, and I pressed my wraithe-like form closer to her, rubbing myself against her. How I longed for a cock to fuck her with but, sliding two fingers into her slick wet heat, I knew we could make do with the resources "at hand".

Even in her sleep I felt her hips lifting to meet me as I pressed deeply into her. She was so wet now that I'd have been coated to the wrist, and from eyeballs to chin had I been corporeal. As it was squelching sounds were beginning to emanate from under her covers along with occasional sighs and moans as her arousal grew toward orgasm again. Alternating flicking her clit with sucking it as I continued stroking her, pressing upward firmly against the thickened spot on her inner wall that indicated her G-spot. Suddenly her legs tightened around me as all of her muscles, interior and exterior, went into spasm and she cried out as she came.

Sitting upright as she started awake she back-handed her curls out of her eyes, peering into the darkness around her seeking to find what woke her. Rising from between her thighs and pulling as much of my substance together as possible I laid one cold hand on her lips, while placing a finger across my own-as near a universal signal for silence as I knew.

"Morrigu", was her whispered cry against my hand - naming me as her Goddess.

Her eyes were wide above my hand but after that one call, she kept silent. Although the night burned around us and a faint coral flame on the horizon let me know dawn was not far off, I knew I couldn't leave without loving her one last time. Bending forward I pressed my cold lips to her warmer ones and was surprised at the strength of her response. She tried once to clasp me in her arms only to realize how useless it was, and smiling, laid down on her bed spreading arms and legs in invitation.

Responding to the invitation in her eyes and her smile I bent over her, hovering just above her and watching the rise of gooseflesh on her skin. Putting to use everything I'd learned about her thus far, every hint of her arousal I'd noticed, I began again. Softly and gently so as not to frighten her now that she was awake, kissing her lips till she sighed and opened them under me. Nibbling daintily at neck, earlobes and collar bone, simultaneously starting the feathered strokes she enjoyed so much.

Her hands curled around my touch and her back arched upward as I came closer to her breasts again. Her nipples were already puckered hard and beginning to ooze milk as I drew the first one up, suckling firmly, tongue circling and flicking her nipple as well. She made no sound but a deep intake of breath let me know how much she was enjoying the sensations she was receiving. Switching to the other nipple and beginning to drain it, I slid one hand over the round of her belly and parting the sparse bush between her thighs slid my fingers up and down the length of her pussy, coating them in her juices.

She moved her legs as far apart as possible on the narrow bed and, continuing to suck and tease her nipples, I slid my fingers firmly into her again-pressing and sliding them along the roof of her vagina, cupping her in the palm of my hand while her hips began a helpless dance of lust against me. Her hands were alternately clenching and releasing the bedding under her as her passion built. Her milk and cum had coated her from shoulder to knee with sweet, stickiness and the hot, musk smell of her arousal rose on the the air around us like incense.

Using every bit of energy available, mine and a great deal of hers (though not enough to harm her or the baby within her, the loss of energy would make her sleep deeply over the next several days...many might attribute it to her pregnancy and grief) I wrapped tenuous arms around her inserting my leg between hers. She mewed once, softly and sighed before clamping her open, wet cunt against my leg. We rocked together, tongues dancing, my hands cupping the roundness of her ass and holding her tight to my thigh. I could feel her heat increasing at the same rate as the slickness on my thigh was and we rocked faster, then faster still, grinding our pussies wetly against each other - riding each other as the night ended around us. Then, with one great sucking gasp for air she came - she rose against me hard, breasts heaving - her entire body shuddering in my arms with her cunt spasming and pulsing against my leg.

She fell almost instantly asleep and her thighs still twitched as I withdrew from her. Brushing her hair back from her face I kissed her gently goodbye and moved outside into the growing light. Licking my fingers thoughtfully as I reviewed the balance of my assignments, I smiled. I was going to have to make like Santa Claus to get everything done this one night, but things were certainly off to a promising start....

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hi peachesmelba _ Hot and Sexy!

Not the normal Succubus, but it was very nice, yes very nice indeed.

Thank you...

Gay Kat.

SexyGeekSexyGeekabout 13 years ago
Eroticism and the ancient wisdom too

What a great combination. Rarely has anyone written so beautifully about the ancient sex rituals. No dry history, no crude lewdness, just the beauty of Samhain in all its glory. I would love to share your Solstice some year.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
full erection!

The only thing missing was me!! lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Very original......erotic and so damn sexy!!!!! You are the best Mistress Peaches!!! (smile)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Not bad Probie - very erotic (you know who)

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 14 years ago
A very pleasant departure from your usual

So different from what you have submitted before, but very welcome.

Good job

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hot and Steaming

Nicely done! Erotic and romantic-Sexy and "spirited". Keep up the good work...

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