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Playful flirting leads to something unstoppable.
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"Dinner?" Patricia asked.

"I'm still full from before," Sean replied. There had been food brought up several times during the day's meetings, of all kinds, at the whims of the client.


"Let's just get something from the minibar and make an early night out of it. My treat."

They walked down the corridor to Sean's room. It was just across the hall from Patricia's, the same layout, same furniture, same bland framed prints on the walls. Both small, the company they worked for never spent a dime they didn't have to on extravagant accommodations.

Patricia was 27 years old, and Sean was a few years younger. He was new to the firm, she was in her third year. There was something boyish about him that made him look not quite fully grown, how he'd sit himself down like a dropped sack of potatoes, the way he'd whip his head around and grin when someone said something funny. He was attractive in a clean-cut sort of way, symmetrical face, tall, with a lean, slender body. Patricia was in a stable relationship with a man she met at university almost seven years ago, and only observed these facts from a neutral point of view.

She had white wine, Sean had a beer. There wasn't room for them to sit comfortably anywhere except for on the bed, so they sat down next to each other. They chatted for a bit, going through the day's events.

"Did you see the way Jacobs looked at his PA?" Sean said.

"Hard to miss. I'm pretty sure they have an arrangement going on."

"That dude must be twice her age."

"Love is blind."

"For real? Can you imagine, that dude with his beer gut, you think it's love?"

"Could also be a power thing." Patricia gave him a wry smile. "But Jacobs has got something special, I'll give him that." Sean's eyes grew wide.

"Jesus, Patricia."

"I'm just saying, the man's got sauce. Gut or no gut." She was exaggerating, mostly to see Sean's reaction, and found it amusing to tease his younger colleague.

"I'll never understand women", he said.

"Good thing then not everyone's the same."

"You just said that you liked him!"

"I didn't say I liked him. I can see the appeal, that's all." Patricia had a sip of her wine. She liked older men as a general rule, though her partner was the same age as her. No point in letting Sean in on that detail though. Sitting next to him she felt the heat of his body, the closeness, his perfume. She felt at ease, comfortable, even though they barely knew each other. A warm buzz slowly spread out through her body, brought on either by this close proximity or the alcohol. Perhaps both.

"So imagine you're in bed," Sean said. "Jacobs is next to you."

"Oh God."

"Hear me out. He turns out the lights and says something sexy about ROI's on the new waterbed."

"It's a waterbed now."

"You feel the waves. A minor tsunami whenever he rolls over."

"I love it."

"He takes your hand and puts it on his body. Curly hairs, soft. Mushy."

"This is your fantasy, not mine."

"You feel something. It could be gut, saggy manboob, the chin, one of many I might add. How can you tell what part you're touching?" Patricia smiled.

"I'd just close my eyes and go by mouth-feel." She slapped Seans leg high up on the thigh. Sean's whole body twitched.

She had felt him, his private parts, through the thin dress trousers, his manhood erect running down the length of his leg.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," she said. She glanced down. There was no hiding it for Sean, no way for it to disappear from either thought or view.

"No, I'm sorry," he said, blushing.

"That's what thinking about Jacobs gets you. Did I hurt you?"

"It's fine, just a bit of a shock is all." Patricia felt her cheeks burn. Sean was young and good looking, Jacobs or not, it was flattering to elicit this kind of reaction. Sean tried adjusting his pants to no avail. He seemed to be ridiculously well endowed.

"This is embarrassing," he said.

"Don't worry about it," she said, taking another sip of wine, smiling into her glass. Something stirred inside of her. "I'll try to be more gentle." She looked at him, saw his flushed cheeks. She reached over, slowly, and patted him on his leg, again feeling his hard member through the fabric. "There, now," she said. "All better."

She started to retract her hand. Sean put his hand on top of hers, gently pressing it down on his leg. She held completely still.

A few quiet moments passed. Patricia felt him, hard, under her palm, the ghost of a smile on her face. She didn't move, felt his pulse as he seemed to grow larger still, straining against the fabric.

"I have a man," she said. Sean held her with his eyes. She moved her hand slowly down the length of his leg, tracing his contour, the hardness of him, lightly brushing over the cloth with her fingertips. A small sigh escaped her. "You should have that looked at." She removed her hand and placed it back in her lap. Sean swallowed.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Not very professional."

"Stop saying sorry all the time. It's fine. Nothing's happened. We're both adults, well, me more than you but you know what I mean." She couldn't help herself from sneaking another glance at him, his unreasonable size. "Looks like you have a problem on your hands." She giggled. "A growing problem."

"Oh God," he groaned.

"It's fine, stop fuzzing."

"I don't know if it's the beer, the situation, you sitting next to me. It's out of my control at this point. Too much detail, I know, it's just the way it is." Patricia regarded him with a dangerous sparkle in her eyes. She was crossing a line now, she felt it, but that warm glow deep in her chest made her lose her inhibitions.

"I can handle a bit of detail", she said.

"Well." Sean took a deep breath. "I'll have to deal with it, if that's what you want to know."

"Uh-hu. Some alone-time?" She gave him a friendly shove with her elbow.

"That's one way of putting it."

"Poor thing", she said, pouting her lips.

"I don't want to run you out of the room." Patricia looked at him and blinked.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"Well, no. But I'm going to have to give myself some extra space here pretty soon." She held his gaze, lips slightly parted. Her breath caught in her throat.

"Okay," she said after a moment.

Sean hesitated. He was blushing now.

"I'm really doing this", he said. He undid his belt, and slid his pants down just under his butt. His cock sprung out of his pants, arching upward, swollen and hard. It was as thick as Patricia's arm, veiny, and seemed to swell out in the middle, with a surprisingly small head at the top.

"Oh," Patricia said. "Better now?"

"Yes." His cock throbbed to the beat of his pulse. Patricia looked at him, saw the contours of his lean torso under the white shirt, his abnormal cock swaying upright. Patricia shifted where she was sitting and reached a hand over, a small crooked smile on her face. She traced her fingers gently along his cock. His skin was hot to the touch.

"You're a big boy," she said. "Much too big for me."

"You're not the first to say that," Sean admitted.

"What does your girlfriend think?"

"She tolerates it. But I know it's a bit much for her."

"Too much of a good thing." Patricia felt the shaft with the back of her fingers, grazing it ever so gently.

"Just too much, period. Some girls think it's awesome at first, but a lot of it is novelty."

"A novelty penis. Lucky you." A large bead of syrupy liquid formed at the tip of the cock and slowly started to trickle down the shaft. "You're making a mess."

"I know."

Patricia wrapped her hand around the top of the cock and traced her thumb over the sticky pearl, spreading it across the glans. A small shiver ran down Sean's body.

"Okay that's enough already," she said, pulling back, clasping her hands together as if to keep them in check. Smiling, she pulled his loose shirt up, over his cock, hiding it from view. It looked like a tentpole behind the white fabric. "Dear God! That's not any better." Sean just sat still, looking at her flustered face. She lifted the shirt again, revealing his organ. "I'll stop now, promise."

"Enough for one night?"


She hesitated, then clasped the thick cock in her hand again, firmly now, stroking it a few times. "It's just..." she started, but caught herself. "Okay. Just let me do this one thing then I'm out of here."

She bent down, her hand firm around the cock, and put her lips to the glans. She opened her mouth around it, let it in, twirled her tongue around the sensitive top. A shiver ran through her. She looked up at Sean's face. His eyes were dark, mouth half opened, watching her intently. She tilted her head to lay in his lap, her hand moving up and down along the bulging shaft. She nibbled her lips along it, kissing it. More clear, sticky fluid escaped the tip and ran down across her fingers. She moved up, licking the glans clean.

She plunged down and took the cock deep in her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat. Sean groaned. She held him there for a second before coming back up, only to push down again, just as deep as before. She came up for air, brushed her hair out of her face with her free hand.

"You're just too big for me," she said, swallowing.

"You seem to be doing just fine," Sean said. Patricia was stroking his cock in long slow movements.

"This is getting out of hand, isn't it?"

"Maybe," Sean replied, the word coming out a whisper. Patricia laid back down in his lap and kept working her hand, looking up at Sean's face. Her thumb tracing the top of his cock, slick and slippery with a mix of their fluids.

"We should be responsible adults here," she said.


"Okay." She drew a breath, letting it out slowly. She gave his cock a quick kiss and sat back up on the bed beside him. "Yikes!" Her face was flushed, her lips glossy and full. "Sorry for being such a tease. Actually no, I'm not sorry. Go fuck yourself, Sean." He laughed and placed a hand around the base of his stiff cock, stroking it.

"I guess I will," he said. Patricia sat beside him for a few more seconds, hands clasped in her lap. Sean reached over and caressed her back with his free hand.

"We're okay," he said. Patricia nodded.

"Just a bit over the line." Another sticky bead escaped the tip of his cock. She reached out and smeared it out, a single finger tracing his shape, the taut sensitive skin, a deep shade of purple. Patricia let out a breath and stood up.

"I'm woozy," she said and forced a smile. A shadow passing across her face, an unwanted thought, intruding into the moment.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." She took a couple of steps, not quite finding purpose in her movements. She looked back at him sitting on the bed, at his body, at the tantalizing sight of him. Her eyes were clouded over, adrift in a murky haze. "Oh God", she whimpered.

Sean held out a hand, and she clasped it. She stood there for a few seconds, holding his hand, watching him slowly stroke his cock. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, her heart beating hard and fast, skin burning.

"Fuck," she said. "Lean back." Sean let go of her hand and leaned back on the bed, never dropping his gaze. Patricia climbed up beside him, turned herself around, supported on her hands and knees, one hand on either side of his hips. Just below her face was his cock, arched back to meet her. "Just... Lay there for me, will you," she said.


She dipped her head down and took him in her mouth again, first only the tip, but then more of him, each successive thrust reaching deeper.

"Just a while longer," she mumbled, her lips around the tip of his cock.


"Don't move an inch." She nibbled her lips on his slick glans. "You could kill me with that thing."

"I won't move." Patricia took a few breaths, and took him in her mouth again, deep this time, all the way to the back of her throat. The angle was different now, she felt him hit the tight spot, all the way back, but she was open for him. She pushed harder, felt the tip push past the barrier and enter down her throat. Her lips around his full girth, her throat stretching and resisting, but yielding bit by bit as she sank down until she couldn't handle it anymore.

"Oh God," she said, a string of saliva connecting her lower lip to his cock. She felt his hand on her behind, caressing her, squeezing her through her dress. The hand reached under her skirt, moved between her legs and up against her groin. She felt his warm hands on the exposed skin just above her stay-ups, moving up to her panties, stroking her through the wet fabric.

Sean worked her panties down her legs under the skirt, and his fingers found her pussy. She felt her juices run down her leg as his fingers parted her lips and rubbed along her cleft. She pushed her head down again, back to that deep spot, that impossible thickness, not even taking half of his cock but feeling her throat bulge at the effort.

He rubbed her pussy now, slow and methodical, and she thrust out her hips to meet his touch. She felt her throat resist his hard girth, the suffocating swell of it, but felt no discomfort, just a burning need to take as much of him as she could, for as long as she could, and as deep as she could.

"I'm gushing," she moaned as she came back up, frothy saliva around her mouth, hanging down her chin, sliding down the shaft. She worked him with her hand, faster now, her mouth parted slightly around the tip of his cock, breathing hard.

"I want to taste you," Sean said, his voice hard and changed. She felt his hands around her waist as he moved up and around her. She was on her knees and elbows. He pulled her skirt up over her waist, exposing her naked flesh. She felt his hands on her behind, firm grip on her cheeks, squeezing them. He ran a thumb down the length of her slit, swollen and smooth to his touch. She felt his tongue then, long and nimble, darting into her wet flesh, his thumb finding her clit, rubbing her. She moaned, arched her back further, opening herself up to him.

"You can't fuck me," she said, panting.

"Okay," he replied. "Is this good?"

"This is amazing," she said, pushing her hips back to meet his mouth, his tongue on her clit, sending deep shivers through her body. She rocked her body gently against his mouth, felt his tongue on her most sensitive, kneading herself on his wet lips. He moved up along her wet pussy, his tongue finding her asshole, tracing its shape. His thumb pressed hard against her clit as he pushed his tongue into her ass, deep, his mouth locked around her.

"Oh my God," she whispered as she felt him reach into her, thrusting his tongue as far in as it would go. He moved his head, retreated, pushed in again, tongue thrusting into her tight hole, over and over as he rubbed her swollen clit. She felt her muscles contracting, a wave of mounting pleasure. She moaned, loud and throaty.

His movements stopped, she felt his tongue leave her asshole. She laid still, breathing hard.

"Are you sure you don't want to try?" Sean asked. Patricia grunted, a sound of frustration.

"Yes, I'm sure," she said. "Not that. Jesus." She laid down on her side. "Come on. Just spoon me for a while. I want to feel you close."

Sean laid down behind her and wrapped his arm around her. She felt his hard cock between her legs, its length brushing up against her wet pussy. She reached down and caressed the tip of the cock, holding it against her wet slit as she slowly rocked back and forth. She let out her breath in stuttered shivers and felt a heat burning her up from inside her groin as she felt the wet shaft rub against her pussy.

"You'd wreck me," she said. "I'm too small for you."

"It's fine like this," he said. "It's awesome really." He put his arm around her waist, let his hand come around to touch her pussy. "I love the way you taste. I want to make you come."

She leaned into him, felt his fingers working her clit. He pulled his hips back, his cock sliding out of reach of her pussy. She felt his tip hovering between her ass cheeks.

"You can move if you want to." He angled his cock to press up against her asshole. She gasped, felt her clit harden. "I'll just stay like this. It's up to you." She let out a ragged breath.

"Easy there, cowboy," she whispered through her teeth. He rubbed her gently, smooth repeated motions, a steady rhythm of pleasure shooting through her body. The pressure of his cock was constant against her ass, her tight muscle pressed flush against it, the glans slippery wet. She started to lean into him, feeling the pressure increase.

She felt a firework of conflicting sensations, a shock to the system, her primal urges taking hold, her clit a throbbing diamond under his wet fingers. He pulled his cock back ever so slightly, pressure decreasing. She felt herself relax her ass as she moved her hips back to meet him again, felt the head lock in place against her asshole. She thrust back, harder now, felt him start to stretch her, her muscle expanding, the pressure ballooning. A low groan escaped her. He kept touching her, moving his fingers around her clit, rubbing it, caressing it.

"Oh shit," she said as she started to rock back and forth, with barely the tip of his cock in her asshole. Each movement was rewarded with a gentle stroke of her pussy, the lightest touch, egging her on.

She leaned into him, harder, each thrust taking him deeper into her ass. She got the head in, retracted, pushed again and went deeper still.

"Oh my God," she moaned. "Don't move."

"You're amazing," Sean whispered in her ear. She smiled, eyes closed, feeling him fill her, the impossible stretch and the dull pain mixed with her hunger and need.

He stopped his touch, removed his hand from her pussy and placed his hands on her hips. He pulled his cock out of her asshole, a wet sucking sound escaped her, and spread her cheeks. She felt his saliva on her asshole, running into it. He readjusted his body, his cock back against her, and felt him go in, the muscle a taut ring around his cock. She could take more of him now, with greater ease. He resumed rubbing her clit, each touch sending a spasm through her body.

"Touch me harder," she said.

"Work for it," he replied. She could hear the smile in his words.

"You're a piece of shit," she moaned.

"I know."

She thrust back, arching, her ass taking in a few more inches of his cock. She was rewarded with a stroke at her clit. She pulled further out, then back again, hitting deeper, and Sean responded with his touch.

"Oh God you're killing me," Patricia said. She increased her pace, thrusting, feeling his thick shaft stretching her out to the breaking point. Her breathing now elevated, she panted through gritted teeth. Low, animal grunts escaped her every time she felt him go in. "You fucker, touch me."

Sean used his free hand and grabbed her hair, craning her neck back. Patricia let out a loud, pained moan, her hips pushing back harder, her body moving on its own accord to accept a few more inches of his shaft. Sean, having been still behind her all this time, couldn't resist moving up to meet her.

"Shit, shit, shit", Patricia hissed as he slid into her. She reached a hand around to feel the rim of her stretched asshole, the shaft of the thick cock buried far inside of her. She was now at his widest, girthiest, more than half of the enormous cock inside her ass.

Sean pushed her head forward, down into the bed, leaning into her, pinning her with his torso.

"You're driving me insane", he whispered, one hand grabbing her hair, the other moving up to her throat. "You feel so fucking good." He held her in place, not moving, his hand grabbed firmly around her neck. Patricia thrust her hips back, taking even more of his cock. "Oh my God," Sean moaned.

Patricia's face was red, her breathing labored, eyes closed, Sean's hand an iron grip around her. She kept thrusting under him, driven by a primal frenzy, pushing harder, deeper every time. Long movements, riding his massive shaft, stretching her, his size impossible. She felt her butt cheeks connect to his hips.


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