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No Ordinary Proposal Ch. 01

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Just how well do you know your friends?
11.5k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/06/2020
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I was floored by the story I'd just heard. We were on the back nine of our country club where my best friend of twenty years told me what his wife Joanna was doing in her spare time.

"You mean..."

"Yep, as the day she was born."

"Are you guys hard up for cash?" I already knew the answer to that. He just laughed at me as we walked to the next hole.

Scott was a very smart and successful guy in the oil and gas industry. He was forty two, a couple years older than me. We'd met in college when I'd pledged to the fraternity he was in, we had been friends since, even over long absences and distances. We now both lived near Pittsburgh, where they had a beautiful house on a large farm outside the city.

"No, she enjoys it." He shrugged. "It keeps her shopping habit going, not that she's ever been outrageous in that respect."

They had met at an industry event in Houston. Joanna had been a promotional model hired to mingle with the 'old geezers' as Scott called his fellow executives. They hit it off and he spent time traveling back and forth to Houston, where they spent a lot of time together, then married. Seven years later they were still going strong.

"You're quiet. I hope I didn't offend you." He said chuckling. "There is a reason I'm telling you this. I'm not bragging."

He went on to bring up my photography hobby. When I had started traveling so much for my work as an engineer for an aircraft company, I found myself filling time between meetings by exploring and photographing everything. I became good enough that when I posted my stuff online I had been approached by stock houses and printing companies to purchase my photos. It made a nice little side income for me.

"She wants to have some photos done that she can sell to her fans. The only problem with hiring a photographer is that she wants the rights to everything and doesn't want to get screwed over, which I can fully understand. She said she'd dealt with a lot of shady fucks when she was modeling. I know that you're really good from the stuff I've seen and I told her about it. She wanted me to float the idea by you and see if you were up for it."

Jo was a beauty, tall, with a cascade of platinum blond hair, pale green eyes, a smile that could melt your heart, and a figure that could stop traffic.

"I can deduce by that look on your face that you've come to the correct conclusion. Yes, she will be nude for these photos. I said to her that I knew you would be discreet. I hope I was right on that count."

I shook my head and got control of my expression. "Of course, it's me you're talking to here. We go back years. Out of curiosity, how long has she been doing this?"

"Several months, maybe a year or so now. Like I said, she gets off on it, literally." He laughed. "Here, I'll give you my account log in. She blocks this area just so she doesn't bump into some joker at the mall who's seen her online." He handed me a slip of paper with a website address, a user name, and password penciled on it. "If you're working from home and have time tomorrow before lunch, check it out. She's usually on around ten or eleven or so to catch the day crowd." Safe to say that the rest of my game went to hell. Scott beat me handily, which used to be a common occurrence. In fact recently he'd been a bit of a push-over on the course. I owed him a hundred bucks and lunch. We headed to the clubhouse to have a bite before heading home.

The next morning dawned bright and I went for a quick run to get the blood flowing. While I jogged I thought about Joanna Meadows. I was best man at their wedding. I'd seen her many times over the years, when they had invited me to parties or dinner. She was the girl that came to mind if you were asked to envision an all-American girl next door. She was smart, sweet and beautiful without having to work at it. I got a stitch in my side as I turned for home and slowed to a walk.

"Probably a pang of jealousy." I thought to myself.

When I got back home I hit the shower but I didn't bother shaving since I had decided to work from home. I made a cup of coffee and grabbed a bagel before heading into my office to check my email. I ate while filtering out the usual office chatter and left myself with the dozen or so important messages I'd need to focus on. I went and refilled my coffee before diving into those. A couple hours went by as I went back and forth with email and checked my voice mail. I decided to take a break and got the last of the coffee and checked my personal email. There was one from Scott.

Hey Bobby,

If you log in to check out Jo you'll find there are funds in the account, to show your appreciation. Don't hesitate to use them, just do it slowly.


I had completely forgotten that he'd told me about the site and given me his log in. I guess the prospect of taking the photographs had been overshadowed by the fact that I'd be getting to spend time with Jo. I got another pang, this time it was guilt. She was a sweet lady and also the wife of my best friend. That didn't preclude me having a bit of a crush on her. I found the note on my dresser where I'd emptied my pockets the day before and took it back to my office. I set aside my work laptop and brought up my desktop. I was tapping the edge of the note on my desk, the emotions warring in my head. I was torn by the incredibly generous offer she had made in asking me to do the photos and the sneaky maneuver of watching her without her knowing. I thought that it wouldn't be bad since she'd asked me photograph her nude anyway, but then if she knew about Scott's log in, she would think it was him watching her, and not me. The sight of her smiling face from the last time I'd seen her tipped the scales and I set the note down and brought up the site.

I travel a lot for work which makes a decent relationship nearly impossible and leaves me a lot of time to kill in hotels. I was not new to the ways of internet porn. The page loaded to a pane of smaller windows each sporting a different model in various stages of undress. I looked at the note again and logged into the account he'd given me and the screen refreshed with a few new panes across the top bordered in different colors. I looked at the screen for a moment and the first pane was wrapped in gold color and in it was Jo smiling and talking to the camera. She was lively, hands flying as she talked. She wore a loose tank top which gave a hint of lingerie beneath as she moved. It wasn't apparent from this angle that she was wearing anything else. Her long legs were crossed in front of her as she leaned forward and tapped on the keyboard. It was a moment before I noticed that their dog Maggie was laying on the bed next to her curled up with her head against Jo's leg. I clicked on the smaller pane and she filled the screen. I adjusted my volume and her voice came through as clear as if she were in the room with me. She was recounting a story about walking Maggie and getting all tangled up in the leash as she would dart after squirrels or birds that had landed on the ground. I saw a scrolling feed of chat from the room guests, some of it overtly sexual asking her to take her clothes off and more, the rest was conversing with her about their own pet stories. She seemed focused on those. A little banner popped up saying someone had tipped her a few dollars, and she thanked them aloud. I stopped and looked at the screen controls on the bottom and it showed a balance of two hundred dollars. I raised my eyebrows at that but then realized it was only a drop in the bucket for Scott, and he was keeping it in the family. Thanks to beating me at golf the day before I figure it was half funded by me. I figured out the controls fairly quickly and sent her five dollars of Scott's money. She thanked me with a wink and an air kiss towards the camera. She reached forward again and began typing and a little bar popped up making a chiming sound. I opened up the private message.

"Didn't get enough this morning pervert? ;-)"

My mouth went dry. She thought it was Scott and I had no idea what to say, or if I should reply at all. She kept talking and plucked at her tank top and in a dramatic tone noted that it was hot in the house and if she didn't get that tank top off soon she'd have to open up some windows. She didn't seem fazed by the fact that I hadn't responded. Text banners with dollar amounts started to scroll on the screen and her smile broadened. She thanked them for saving her from the possibility of the landscapers peeking in her windows with a little laugh. I joined in sending ten more her way. Several more showings of appreciation scrolled past and her smile broadened. She crossed her arms over her torso and lifted the shirt slowly baring her flat stomach. There were many in the chat cheering her on as the tip banners slowed. Her expression turned comically sad and she stopped lifting before baring her chest. She relaxed her arms slightly the shirt began to drop back into place and like well trained dogs the tip banners began appearing again. Jo's smile returned and the shirt began to rise again exposing a beautiful black satin bra with lace worked edges. The tank top went over her head, and she shook her hair out, for effect, she dabbed her forehead with the shirt before tossing it aside.

"Thank you. Yes it's new." She said responding to chatter about her lingerie. She uncrossed her legs and lifted herself onto her knees showing a pair of matching lace edged panties with a thin satin ribbon that circled her hips holding, them in place. She adjusted the straps so they were even and rubbed a hand down one of the lace cups of her bra to cheers and many rude comments about taking the lingerie off.

I tried to swallow only to find my mouth was bone dry. I was breathing with my mouth open. I squirmed in my office chair a bit and realized that I was uncomfortable and the reason why was that I had a raging hard on pinned to my thigh by my jeans. "Jesus." I said softly. I didn't kid myself into thinking this was some nameless face on the internet. I knew her personally, I'd talked to her over drinks and appetizers at dinner parties. Her smile was quick, her mind was sharp, her laugh was bubbly and easy to provoke.

"It's so pretty. Why in heaven's name would you want me to take it off?" She asked, a sly little grin crossed her lips. Her hands stroked slowly over her body

The emotions began to mount and war with one another. I wanted to close the screen, the guilt of watching nearly overcame me. "This is Joanna, Scott's wife for chrissakes!" Another part of me was cheering with the others to have her remove the rest. Her breasts were magnificent, held firmly in place by the satin fabric. She had a narrow waist and a beautiful curve to her hips. I very much wanted her to continue.

"I really like it so if you want it off, then you're going to show me how badly you want it off." She replied to the chatters. The screen had been scrolling past without me paying it any attention when someone sent her a sizable tip asking her to turn around and show us the back. "Since you asked so nicely I will." She replied with a wink. She shifted on her knees so she'd turned her back to the camera and the proverbial crowd went wild. The narrow strip of fabric from her bra crossed her back. I scanned lower to find the narrow satin strip didn't attach to anything but another satin strip that disappeared between the perfect swells of her backside. She looked over her shoulder and reached around and pulled the satin loose and straightened it to her liking. "What do you think? Do y'all like it?" The screen exploded with chatter as compliments scrolled past with lewd comments and offers of marriage. That word snapped me from my reverie and I gasped for air as I realized I'd stopped breathing for several moments.

"She's already married you idiots." I growled defensively at the screen wondering how Scott would feel about this. It suddenly dawned on me that he did know, this was his account so he had seen this before. I began to think about their marriage and wondered if this was something that they both enjoyed. When you get a glimpse inside someone's private life, what you see can be a bit of a shock. That's how I felt now as I watched Jo turn again and go back to sitting cross legged on the bed. She thanked the now larger group for their compliments and told them what it would take to get her out of the outfit. The smaller head took over and I reached forward and sent another tip her way. She reached forward and tapped on the keyboard for a moment and a message popped up on my screen.

"I wanted to wait and show you this outfit first, but once I tried it on I felt so sexy I didn't want to take it off. How do you like it? Do you want me to take it off?"

I tried to swallow and couldn't, and chugged the dregs of my cold coffee to wet my throat. She asked a direct question and I knew I was cornered into responding this time. I wanted to type yes in all capitals but then thought for a moment how Scott might reply. Scott was a cool, level-headed guy and hard to provoke, which made him a hell of a negotiator and businessman. If he liked watching his wife like this then he would probably agree but he'd reply more subtly than I wanted to. I reached forward and glanced down at my hands which were trembling. I wasn't sure if it was from the coffee or Jo.

"It's really nice, and I'd like that a lot. Don't hurry, make them sweat a little." I replied. A feral smile crossed her lips as she read the screen. She leaned back, her legs crossed in front of her once again as she replied to a few of the others. She leaned forward her breasts filling the screen as she ran her fingers across the lace pattern as she described how she loved that feature. I imagined an auditorium filled with hormonal teenage boys drooling over a half naked cheerleader and laughed. Then with a denim adjustment I felt embarrassed to be one of those drooling boys. Jo looked to the side and reached for something out of view, her cellphone.

"Just a minute boys." She tapped her screen and replied to what I assumed was a text. I watched her expression change. She smiled at what ever came back. Chatter in the room broke out with her fans arguing over which one of them she was texting for a booty call. She looked up at the computer screen and laughed and went back to her phone tapping away. I jumped when my own phone made a noise and I reached for it without a thought and saw a number I didn't recognize. I opened the text.

"Hi Bobby, it's Jo Meadows. I was wondering if you're available for dinner tonight to talk further about what Scott had mentioned to you at the club."

I looked at my phone, then up at the screen and back down. Had he told her I was watching her? My phone vibrated again.

"We'll throw steaks on the grill, nothing fancy. Let me know if you can make it, dinner is at seven."

I looked at the screen again and watched her put aside her phone and turn back to the camera.

"Y'all could have worked on getting this off while I was making my booty call." She said running a finger down the lace cup of the bra. "But no, you just want to argue about who it is. Well if you don't get to work getting this outfit off, I'll keep it on and let him enjoy the unveiling." She added with a pout. The threat worked and the banners began to fly by on the screen. The chatter turned into a question and answer about what kind of date she liked and activities. She said she was from Texas so there was nothing better than a tailgate and a bonfire, or even a football game. As a lady, she said haughtily, she also enjoyed the finer things like a candlelit dinner with a fine bottle of wine. Offers of both types poured in from the chatters.

"Well if he doesn't answer me soon I may take you up on that trip to Paris for dinner." She said with a bright smile to the one that offered it. I smiled and suddenly realized she was talking about me. I grabbed my phone again, suddenly very nervous as if this ruse was completely transparent, and replied.

"Hi Jo, I am free tonight and I'd enjoy that. I'll see you at seven. Thank you." I hit send and looked up at the screen as I set my phone aside. Jo's head swung to the side and she reached for her phone. The chatter picked up as people hoped that her 'booty call' wouldn't work out and they could keep her longer. She smiled and tapped away on the phone for a moment and set it aside.

"Great, see you then!" Popped up on my screen.

"Sorry boys, but he took me up on it. Don't lose those tickets to Paris just yet though. There are other nights." She grinned. "The question I have for all of you is this, do you want a peek at what he's going to be getting later?" She said reaching behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra to an enthusiastic crowd. The fabric went slack, but she left it hanging from her shoulders as she reached beneath the fabric and massaged her breasts. The banners began to fly by again and she smiled as the goal she had set was reached. She sat up and knelt on the bed and adjusted the camera so it was closer, cropping out everything but her chest as she slipped her fingers beneath the satin shoulder strap and pushed it slowly over the cap of one shoulder, with her arm across her chest, she crossed and did the same to the other shoulder. She moved slightly and the lower part of her face came into view, her mouth hung open. "Are you sure about this? I really love this bra." She asked, her voice softer and even more seductive. The screen exploded with cheers and no small amount of begging as she lowered her hands, the bra slipped off out of view.

"Holy shit!" I whispered. She was beautiful, her breasts were perfect, the areolae were a soft pink color, one perfectly round the other slightly oval and both capped with very erect nipples. I belatedly realized I was licking my lips as she sat back coming fully into view as she stroked them and pinched the nipples gently. She leaned back and sighed closing her eyes as she pleasured herself and before I realized it I had my hand on thigh massaging the hardness inside the leg of my jeans. I was panting as if I'd just gotten in from my run.

Her expression changed into a coquettish little smile.

"I have to give it to you boys, this is much more comfortable. You know what else would be comfortable? Getting this floss out of the crack of my ass." She said with a laugh. "Despite how sexy it is, it can be a like getting a rope wedgie if I move just right." She looked aside at the nightstand and said she had to sign off in just about an hour and set the goal appropriately. A few of the chatters noted how generous she was in setting it so low and I got the feeling that she'd made a bargain to get her out of the panties. I reached forward and made a donation towards that end. She smiled and leaned forward to tap away on the keyboard.

"Trying to get a peek into my panties naughty boy?"

I nearly choked. I was scared that she knew something was up and that it wasn't Scott watching her. I panicked and wondered what he would say. My heart was pounding in my chest, the fear and excitement were an incredible mix. I reached forward and rather than reply, I sent more of Scott's money her way. She let out a soft little giggle and responded.

"Oh, you are naughty. There's a little surprise for you if these thirsty boys can scrape enough together to show you now."

She leaned back and ran her fingers over her stomach letting them dip lower knowing that every pair of eyes was riveted on their movement. She closed her eyes and her jaw went slack as she moved more slowly, the tips of her fingers dipped below the waistband of the panties. She paused and the skin around her fingers dimpled as she applied pressure beneath the fabric, a gentle sigh escaped her lips as the fabric moved gently showing her fingers were moving beneath. The muscles in her torso tightened and relaxed as her breathing quickened. She stopped and pulled her hand clear and ran it up her chest, giving her nipple a tweak.

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