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Not Quite Closure


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Jenny kept playfully trying to bite at my arms, even though I held them far enough away from her mouth. She struggled to get loose, but I had her pinned and I was much stronger than she was. Finally she did what she knew would get herself free. She yelled "Rape!"

Even though I knew that, for one thing, I had no intention of raping her, and I'm sure she knew that too, and secondly, nobody was around to hear her anyway, that was always a huge turnoff for me. With a scowl I rolled off of her and plopped back down in the recliner. Jenny got off the floor and sat back down next to me. "Aww, don't worry," she said, "I still love you."

I felt it was weird enough for her to say that when we were friends. On this day, this last day, this closure, whatever this was supposed to be, it just sounded bizarre. I looked at her, quizzically. She stared back at me. Part of my mind started to wonder if she actually meant what she said. We were very close for a long time. What if we did love each other?

My subconscious mind suddenly went on alert. I knew Jenny too well, and the subtle signs that she was tensing up to strike again registered in the back of my mind. So I was ready for her again, grabbed her hand, and the wrestling match began anew. Within a minute I had her pinned to the floor again, with Jenny mockingly calling, "Rape!" to nobody in particular.

This time, however, something clicked. Maybe it was thinking about love, but here I was, staring at her pretty face, and wondering why I never thought to just kiss it before. Actually, I realized that I had, many, many times, but I was always afraid to act on it, because of the friendship factor. But this time there was no more friendship to worry about. This was all about closure. It was all about unfinished business. This was all about doing what I should have done all along before I left town. There was nothing left to lose anymore. Finally I shut her up the way I probably was always supposed to, the way that Jenny probably hoped that I would. I leaned down and kissed her.

For a few moments Jenny was still, and I began to worry that I had indeed been right in my apprehension all of these years, we were nothing more than friends, and at least I had never ruined it by trying to turn it into something more. But I must have just caught her off guard, because she soon responded enthusiastically, moaning and thrusting her tongue into my mouth.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, kissing feverishly. Then suddenly Jenny broke the kiss long enough to say, "Better late than never, I guess," and while I was left pondering what she said, she threw all of her weight against me and rolled us over so that she was on top. My towel had come off at some point during the wrestling, so that when she pressed herself against my crotch, there was nothing but our flimsy bathing suits in between. I was sure this time that she could feel my erection pressing against her. She grabbed my head with both hands and kissed me deeply. Her hips began to move against my crotch. I could feel the warmth between her legs. I had my arms around her, caressing up and down her back and into her hair.

I lost track of time. We might have been kissing for a few minutes or a few hours. I was only aware of her lips against mine, the way her tongue felt mine, the way her body felt against mine. Eventually she broke the kiss again, gazing deep into my eyes. "God you make me so hot," she whispered, "Let's go to my room."

She climbed off of me and offered me her hand. I took it and she helped me to my feet. Once I was standing she took her other hand and gently placed it on my crotch. "I didn't hurt it, did I?" She asked. I flinched, but I shook my head no. "Good," she said, and began to lead me up the stairs to her bedroom.

We were silent on the way to her room. I was wondering if I should say something, how long I had wanted to kiss her but I didn't know how she would respond, and how I was afraid of ruining our friendship, but I think she understood anyway. We got to her room pretty quickly. We were practically running up the stairs. Finally we reached her room. Jenny pulled off the t-shirt that she was wearing. She was now just in her one-piece. I could see the outline of her aroused nipples through the suit and I longed to touch them. Jenny lay back on her bed and beckoned for me to join her.

I had been in her room plenty of times before. It still had the same fruity scent of a perfume that I had bought for her for her birthday one year. Forever after when I smelled something similar my mind would be transported right back there. I took a deep breath, and then I climbed onto the bed and straddled her. Before I could lean down Jenny grabbed my t-shirt around my waist and pulled it off of me, so now we were both in just our bathing suits. I lowered myself onto her, covering her body with mine, and kissed her again. I started to idly wonder how far we were going to go. Jenny started running her nails up and down my back, leaving little scratches. Jenny broke our kiss and started to kiss my neck and shoulders, and I reciprocated, kissing any part of her bare flesh that I could reach. She tasted like chlorine. She slid one of her bare legs against mine, and then wrapped it around me, putting our crotches right up against each other. Jenny started rocking her hips, pressing my erection into her.

It should have felt really good, but the mesh insides of my bathing suit weren't really meant for this kind of thing. My dick was starting to chafe from being rubbed against it. I pulled away from Jenny suddenly.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The suit," I replied, "It's uncomfortable."

Jenny looked at my crotch and I followed her gaze. The tip of my penis was pressed up against the waistband. It almost found its way out all on its own. "Well, it sure looks like something wants to come out and play," Jenny said, and she reached up to where I was hovering over her and pulled my bathing suit off and down my legs. "Hello," she said to my dick playfully, "I always used to wonder what you would look like. I'm glad I found out." She sat up and gave it a playful poke. It twitched in response, and Jenny giggled. "Well, since you're naked I may as well return the favor," she said, and pulled her bathing suit off of her shoulders and down to her waist.

I stared at her naked torso. Her breasts were large and soft, with large, pink nipples. I tentatively reached out to touch one, my hand slowly feeling its way around her breast and then settling on her nipple. Jenny gasped, and I could feel the nipple grow hard and puckered with my touch.

Jenny pulled me to her again, and we fell back down to the bed, kissing. After a few moments Jenny reached down to pull her suit the rest of the way off of her legs. I climbed off of Jenny and to the side to make it easier for her. I began to fondle her breasts, caressing and kneading them. Once Jenny pulled her suit off she reached for my suit that was still around my ankles. I shifted my position and helped her pull them off. Now we were both completely naked. I took a moment to gaze at her naked body, from her breasts to her slightly rounded belly down to the pussy that I was only recently wondering about.

Meanwhile Jenny had reached out and was slowly touching my penis. She began by lightly tracing along the sides with her fingers, which felt amazing. Then she took it firmly in her hand and began stroking it. I was young and horny, staring at my first naked woman in the flesh, who in turn was giving me my first hand job. All of the arousal of the afternoon was quickly catching up with me. I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching. I grabbed Jenny's wrist to stop her. "I'm close," I said.

"It's okay," Jenny said, and tickled the sensitive underside of my cock with her fingers. This was enough to push me over the edge, and suddenly I came, a huge load of cum shooting up into the air and landing on her belly. I grunted and rocked my hips through my orgasm while Jenny resumed her stroking. My orgasm subsided and I fell back on my haunches, spent and embarrassed.

"Wow!" Jenny exclaimed, staring at the cum on her belly. "That was awesome! I've never seen that before! Can you do it again?"

I stared at her for a moment. I'd gotten so used to people around me abusing her, calling her a slut and a whore, that I believed it all. "You've never done this before?" I asked her.

"No," Jenny replied, "What did you think, that all of those jealous assholes were telling the truth? I did some stuff with my boyfriend but I ended up dumping him when he pressured me to do things I wasn't ready for. First of all I wanted to wait until I turned eighteen. Second, I wanted my first time to be with someone I really cared about."

Taken aback, I went into stammer mode again, "I... umm... wow... I never knew... you know... I'm sorry... glad..."

"Forget about it," Jenny cut me off. "The important thing is that we're here, now." We smiled at each other goofily. Jenny reached over to her night table and took a couple of tissues. She wiped the cum off of her belly and handed me the other tissue to wipe the cum off of my penis. Some of it had landed on the bed, too. I pointed it out to Jenny. "Don't worry about it," she said with a wave of her hand, "I'm sure it'll come out in the wash. You never answered my question," she continued, "Can you do it again?"

Of course I could, I said to myself. I was eighteen, young and virile. I was an only child and my parents worked all day, so when there was nothing else to do I would find whatever pornographic materials I could get my hands on and get myself off multiple times a day. It's probably what I would have been doing right then if I wasn't with Jenny. I guess all of that practice was about to pay off. "Sure I can," I said.

"Good," Jenny replied. She had gotten up to throw the soiled tissues in the trash. Now she was rummaging in one of her dresser drawers. She came back to the bed holding a condom. I had never seen one outside of sex education class. I was surprised to see that Jenny had any. I was also nervous. Of all the scenarios I had been able to imagine about how this day would turn out, somehow I missed the possibility that I might actually be having sex with Jenny.

Jenny put the condom on the night table and lay back on the bed. "Would you touch me?" Jenny asked.

I was still listing all of the reasons it wasn't a good idea to have sex in my mind. Her question took me by surprise. "What?" I asked.

"I remember those neck massages you used to give me," Jenny said, "You have great hands. I want to feel them all over my body."

That sounded easier than sex, I thought to myself. "I can do that," I said to Jenny, and crawled back beside her. I started slowly, running one hand along her neck and clavicle, working my way towards her breasts. I ran my fingers up and down the valley between her breasts, and then traced my fingers around her breasts and to her nipples. I played with each nipple until it got hard.

Jenny was clearly enjoying herself. Her breathing got heavier, and she started stroking my thigh with her hand. I stayed around her breasts, enjoying the feel of them, touching them lightly and then kneading them, brushing her nipples lightly with my fingers and then tweaking them. After a while Jenny got impatient and took my right hand with her left, leading it slowly down her belly and to her pussy.

I wasn't as sure of myself down there. I could kind of guess how to touch her breasts, but pussies were more of a mystery to me. I traced my fingers around her pussy hairs until I found her opening between her legs. It was moist and fleshy. I tentatively felt my way around, watching Jenny closely for signs that I was in the right place. Eventually I touched an odd lump of flesh that made Jenny gasp. Sensing that I was onto something, I continued to play with it, rolling it around with my fingers.

"Yeah, that's it," Jenny breathed, "Right there. Keep doing that." Jenny began to buck her hips, and in response I began to rub my fingers against it faster. "Yeah... yeah... yeah... OH FUCK!!!" Jenny screamed as her orgasm hit her. I kept up what I was doing until Jenny reached down and pulled my hand away. "That was amazing, thank you," Jenny said.

I brought my fingers to my nose. I don't know what made me do it, but I guess I wondered what it smelled like. It had an odd odor, something I could never compare to anything else. Jenny reached over and handed me the condom. "I want you inside me," she said.

All the nervousness came rushing back. I couldn't deny that getting Jenny off had made me rock hard all over again, but actual sex was a huge issue. Growing up in the 90's you were bombarded with warnings about the consequences, like pregnancy and disease. I had become convinced that I was going to wait until I was married. Was it really worth the risk?

Jenny seemed to know what I was thinking. "Don't be scared," Jenny said, "We've come this far. I'm a virgin and you're a virgin. We'll use a condom and I'm also on the pill. There's no chance of anything bad happening." I still hesitated. "Come on, don't you want me?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

I think, in the end, curiosity and pure horniness won out over common sense. I ripped open the wrapper and tentatively slid the condom onto my hard cock. I maneuvered myself between Jenny's legs. Jenny held her arms out to me and I fell into her, kissing her as I lined myself up with her.

I wasn't expecting how hard it would be to actually enter her. I had heard some of my more perverse buddies go on about 'tight pussy' and 'loose pussy' but I didn't really understand what any of it meant until then. I had to reach back with my hand to find the entrance, somewhere below the lump of flesh that Jenny liked me touching so much. Once I found it I tried to jam my cock against it. Nothing happened. I probed around with my fingers, finding her opening and sliding one of them in a little to show myself that it could be done. Jenny squirmed beneath me. Eventually I was able to push the tip of my cock into her pussy. Once I was able to establish a beachhead I slowly began to work my way in, bit by bit.

Jenny gasped once I was about halfway in. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked.

"A little bit," Jenny said truthfully. I felt awful that it was making her uncomfortable, and wondered if I should stop. "But it'll get better," Jenny said. "Just go slow."

Encouraged, I worked my way in a little more, and then started rocking back and forth a little, just moving my dick around in the same area. It started to get a little easier to move around. I was able to slide in deeper still.

Jenny gasped. "Yeah, that feels good," she said. "Keep doing that."

I kept it up, sliding in little by little and rocking my hips around to loosen it up, until I was all the way in. I felt my pelvic bone against hers. I pulled back a bit and thrust myself back in.

Jenny gave a little cry. "Did I hurt you?" I asked. Jenny nodded, tears in her eyes. "Slower," she whispered.

I stopped moving altogether and wrapped my arms around her. We stayed like that for the longest time. Occasionally I would kiss the side of her neck or her cheek. After a while I began to rock my hips again, moving myself around inside her in tiny increments. I could feel there was a little less resistance. I started to move myself around a little more.

"That feels better," Jenny said. We graduated to small thrusts. I would move in and out, in and out. I got a little rhythm going. It started to feel really good for me.

I think it began to feel really good for Jenny too. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, locking her ankles against my legs and trying to control my thrusts. "Harder," she whispered.

I began to move faster and thrust deeper, letting Jenny help guide me. The problem was the more I was able to move the more stimulated I got. Within a minute or so I could feel my orgasm building. "I'm gonna cum," I whispered in Jenny's ear. I had the idea that I should pull out of her to further minimize the risk of anything happening, but Jenny held me tightly to her, and before I could do anything else my orgasm hit me, and I felt myself cum inside of her, thrusting for all I was worth.

I lost track of Jenny, I don't know if she had an orgasm or not, but when I was done I fell against her, spent and exhausted. I pulled out of her quickly, and we lay there, sweaty and out of breath.

We were quiet for several minutes, but eventually Jenny spoke. "Thank you," she said, "I never met anyone else I trusted to be my first. I knew you would be gentle, patient, and understanding."

"No problem," I said. "Thank you," I added. We were silent for several more minutes. "So what happens now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I mean, I'm going off to college soon, and I don't know if we... umm... what this means... I'll be home for a while longer... and coming back for breaks..."

Jenny quieted me with a kiss. "Stop thinking like that," she said, "You have to learn to live for the moment. You always let your head get in the way."

"You're right about that," I said, and right then I told her everything. All about how I felt about her all that time. How much I wanted to tell her. How I was afraid of ruining our friendship. How much I hated it when she would talk to me about liking other guys. How heartbroken I was when she started going out with someone else. All the while I was hovering over Jenny, trembling with the effort of pouring out years' worth of feelings. Jenny gazed back at me. I don't think she could have stopped me if she tried. She watched me attentively, her eyes glistening.

When I was finished Jenny kissed me again. "I knew how you felt, and you frustrated the hell out of me," she said. I laughed. "I... couldn't wait for you forever," she said, "And I thought that maybe if it was our friendship that was holding you back, that if we weren't friends anymore, maybe then something would happen. I wish it didn't take us this long to get here. But I have no regrets."

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, first I think we should clean ourselves up," Jenny said. "Then, maybe we can go back in the pool? I'd love to play another game of damsel in distress."

I laughed at her.

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SmallWunderSmallWunderover 6 years ago

Very good story. Seriously if you have more chapters I think you could be published. I liked the background story and the build up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

The way you wrote about the things he was thinking.. It was perfect. Very realistic in almost every way :)

Chaser56Chaser56over 12 years ago
I like it!

I really enjoyed reading this story.because it was a nice change of pace. I hope that you'll consider maybe writing another chapter (or maybe two) just to see where your imagination takes these two characters next. Whether you do write another chapter or not, do keep writing more stories because you're good. Keep up the good work!

FerdGerfelFerdGerfelover 12 years agoAuthor
You're right

I didn't mean for this to be this kind of story, it kind of found its own way there. I thought about putting it in the first time category but in the end I left it here. I'm not sure if there's a way to change the category after it's posted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Sweet, but perhaps mischaracterized

Definitely one to pull on the heartstrings. I think though it more properly belongs under the First Time category instead of the Erotic Couplings, if only to avoid building up false expectations of what the story might contain in people's minds. I was all ready for a hot, bend-me-over and fuck me type story. What I got was a tender, glad I could share this special moment with you story.

Still good, regardless.

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