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Not So Lonesome Lake

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Birthday trip to the White Mountains in NH.
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During the pandemic (which started less than a year after we graduated from college together), my girlfriend Stephanie and I went from "people who appreciate nature and being outdoors" to "people who hike every weekend possible and go camping at least twice per year." We love going and staying in the White Mountains in New Hampshire for a long weekend for each of our birthdays, and I even proposed to her in Acadia National Park!

For Stephanie's birthday, we had done our 4-day weekend at one of the beautiful campgrounds in the White Mountains National Forest, as had become our tradition. We had an amazing time enjoying being out in nature, hiking the mountains every day and falling asleep in each other's arms every night. Of course, after days of adventure in the pristine wilderness, we made love every night we were there, struggling to keep relatively quiet so as not to alert the other campers too obviously of our activities. I made this very difficult for Stephanie on her actual birthday, with a dedicated 30 minutes eating her beautiful pussy before I handed her one of her gifts: a new vibrator with an incredibly long battery life and a setting and shape that I thought, correctly, would drive her wild while I fucked her.

She actually broke her concentration and let out a brief scream the first time she came with that toy's help! "LEO! YES!" rang out clear as day, but at least she hadn't shrieked anything like what she had been moaning to me before: "holy shit yes! Fuck my tight pussy so fucking hard! Oh baby do you feel... oh yes! Make me cum! I love you, I love you, yes, yes, I love your cock! Fuck meeeeee!" Her scream was relatively innocent, and she had the decency to look mildly embarrassed before her lust overcame her and she started quietly begging for more orgasms.

Before we go any further, let me describe the love of my life. Stephanie is petite, but the perfect hourglass shape, with the most gorgeous face I have ever seen. Of Russian-Jewish descent, she wears 30C bras, has a 25 inch waist, and 35 inch hips that I love to hold onto. She has long, silky, light-brown hair; high, prominent cheekbones; and brown eyes that sparkle with curiosity, excitement, and sometimes frantic passion. Her adorable 5'2", 95 pound frame somehow has curves in all the right places, and I think every part of her body is sexy as hell. Her perky, sensitive tits are only outdone in terms of sensuality by her perfect, toned ass and her tight, wet pussy. She can squirt, but doesn't usually like to because it tires her out. Sometimes, though, if I hit her buttons just right, she can't help it!

I'm a fairly ordinary dude. Of Greek and Italian descent, I stand only 5'7" but because of daily workouts my 160 pounds contains very little fat. One thing that does make me a bit extraordinary, I suppose, is my 8" cock, which is thick enough that I can't quite reach a hand all the way around it. This is actually a bit annoying sometimes, as Stephanie can't really get her mouth around it, and if we fuck for long enough she gets considerably sore. We like to joke about "big dick problems" and we love how intense our sex can get, but sometimes her being so petite and my cock so not can make things difficult!

Anyways, for my birthday several months after hers, it's usually getting cold enough that it starts to be less comfortable being in a tent for the whole weekend. The previous year, we had tried renting a cabin, but it lacked the sense of "hiker/camper community" that I so enjoy. This outdoorsy social dynamic is so much fun, and is epitomized by the AMC huts, which we always try to do at least one hiking trip to each birthday weekend. So for this year, I decided that I wanted to spend my birthday weekend staying in one of the huts, sleeping in the coed bunkroom and eating meals with the "croo" and the other hikers. "You know, that means birthday sex will have to wait..." Stephanie had warned, and that was unfortunate, but seemed well worth it for our first experience staying in one of the huts we so loved to visit.

When Stephanie asked, while riding me at home a month before my birthday, what I wanted, I don't think my answer surprised her. "I know full-on sex is probably not going to be possible, but I would love a blowjob out on a trail somewhere!" For those of you who have never been blown out in nature, with the fresh air and the sounds of birds to calm you while your lover looks up at you adoringly, her tongue lovingly lashing your shaft while she bobs back and forth trying to coax you to climax... I highly recommend it.

She smiled coyly and said "I'll keep your request in mind," making me look forward to our trip even more. As thanks for her apparent willingness, I made her cum a few more times that day before giving her what she begged for and filling her pulsing pussy with my cum.

Fast-forward to the first day of my birthday weekend, and we were just getting to the Lonesome Lake hut. The huts are fully "off the grid," meaning only accessible by hiking, so we had driven up early in the morning and taken a nice, slow first trek of the trip carrying our supplies for the weekend. Fortunately, the croo would be feeding us, so it was mostly clothing in my day-pack.

We looked at each other triumphantly when we crested the last ridge and came into view of the hut; we had made it! We walked into the building, greeted our fellow nature-lovers, and checked in. We were given both cots of a bunk bed, and decided to use the upper one as storage and share the bottom one for cuddles. Dinner would be at 6:00, so we had a few hours to explore the area's trails and the lake, and were excited to get going! As we unloaded the pack and started to repack with only essentials for our excursion, we heard a commotion from the main room of the hut.

"You know what, Beth? Fuck you!" a man's angry voice called out. Leaving our pack where it was, we hurried out to see what was going on.

A young woman was crying, sitting at one of the tables with her head in her hands. Her shoulders trembled and we could hear her sobs, but the guy didn't seem fazed. He stood over her, practically hyperventilating and shaking with rage. "But honey, please! I don't want a baby yet! We're so young!" she wailed, and the man just scowled.

"If you murder my son, I'll fucking murder you!" he ranted, and the other hikers started to show signs of understanding. It seemed Beth had just told her boyfriend she was pregnant, and didn't want to keep it. He, obviously, disagreed. That was an understandably tense issue, but no excuse to be threatening a young woman!

I volunteer with a few charities, all focused on helping kids and families in bad circumstances. All too often, men like this asshole were responsible for those circumstances. I thought of some of the single moms I tutored through getting their GEDs after they had gotten pregnant in high school and been unable to finish, who had been abandoned by the guys that knocked them up, and my stomach turned to ice.

"Okay, let's just settle down. Maybe you should just step outside and breathe for a minute?" I growled, moving closer and staring at him meaningfully.

"Who the fuck are you?" he snarled, turning on me and stepping closer. He stood a few inches taller than me, but clearly didn't exercise often.

"Nobody. But she's clearly upset," I nodded towards Beth, "and I think everybody just needs to settle down."

"Fuck you. We don't need your bullshit help. We're going home!" He grabbed Beth's arm and moved to drag her to the door. A pair of other hikers, by the looks of them veterans who had just planted a flag on one of the nearby summits for the anniversary of 9/11, moved to stand in the way of the door with grim expressions. I placed my hand on the seemingly abusive guy's shoulder and shook my head.

"Let's stay calm..." I began. He had other ideas, it seemed. He spun quickly, dropping Beth's arm and swinging his meaty fist at me. I ducked the blow, stepped within his reach, and brought my knee up to impact his crotch with force before he could react.

The abusive shit hit the floor whining, and everybody just stood, staring in silence. "Anybody not 100% certain that was self-defense?" I asked the room. Everyone agreed, and we tossed the asshole out of the cabin.

Now, in all of my experience working with single, all-too-often battered mothers and helping them deal with trauma and hardship, I have learned many things. One of the most important, though, is this: Sometimes, if a woman has just been abused by a man, it doesn't matter how good of a person you are; she just doesn't want to be around other men. I know this, accept it, and am completely okay with it. So when Beth nearly collapsed onto the floor bawling her eyes out, the other men in the room and I went outside to chat while Stephanie and the other women comforted her.

After we'd been discussing past hikes for about an hour, Stephanie came outside to get us. "Beth is doing a lot better now that the dickhead's gone," she said with a smile. "And she wants to thank you all for helping her get away from him, especially my Leo!" She winked at me and turned back to the hut, walking in with a deliberate sway of her hips and hinting at good things to come for my righteous behavior. I love her! The other guys patted me on the back, clearly envying me, and we walked into the dining hall.

"Thank you all so much!" Beth said very loudly, rushing forward and nearly bowling me over the second I entered into her field of view. She gripped me in a tight hug, and everybody just laughed, clearly happy to see her energized and not feeling so helpless anymore.

"It was really nothing..." I started, but some of the guys I had been outside with immediately cut in, telling me that it had, in fact, been something.

I explained my volunteer work to them, and everyone seemed to understand why I was the one to step in, but "that doesn't make you less of a hero!" Beth stated with determination, almost daring somebody to question her on the point.

Once everyone was settled down and we were convinced that Beth was okay, we set about figuring out a plan of action for her. Her shit boyfriend, who we learned was named Mark, had been her ride to New Hampshire, but she actually lived fairly close to us in Boston. The crop were happy to give Beth a bunk for the weekend, and then we would be bringing her back home and helping her file a restraining order and make sure that she got the medical care she needed.

"I just..." Beth shuddered, "I can't tell you how gross it feels to know that man's baby is inside of me!" The other women in the hut agreed, and the men just nodded sympathetically; it did seem like it would be stressful! Thankfully, Massachusetts was one of the states where she had the decision over what happened to her own body, so it was a very transient issue.

With the dramatic start to our weekend more or less settled, and a new friend tagging along like a puppy, Stephanie and I set out on our first quick hike, a lap around the lake. "You know, if we get away from Beth..." Stephanie whispered to me, "I'm feeling very eager to give you your birthday present..." She winked at me and kissed me on the cheek, clearly feeling turned on, and I groaned a little. Beth was great, but after a trauma like that it would be difficult to get time away from her, and I really wanted the special birthday blowjob Stephanie was all but promising!

We hiked along, with me lost in thought trying to come up with a way to gently, discreetly ask Beth for some alone time, when I bumped into Stephanie on the trail. "Oh, sorry babe! Why did we stop?" I asked, confused. Stephanie was always quick on the trail!

"Well, Leo... Beth mysteriously seems to have gone up ahead on the trail, and I suddenly noticed what a beautiful, secluded spot we're in..." she breathed. It was true, there was no sign of Beth, and we were at a bend in the trail between 2 imposing rock outcroppings, effectively isolated from view from the rest of the trail.

"I... uh... well, that's interesting," I gulped, pretty sure I knew what was happening but not wanting to assume and risk ruining whatever Stephanie had in mind.

"That girl is completely smitten with you," my betrothed teased, sticking her tongue out at me. "I tried to hint at wanting alone time with you, and she just didn't get it," she chuckled, "so I had to eventually come out and tell her that I wanted to give you a birthday blowjob, and needed some privacy!"

"Wow!" I beamed at her. "So..."

"Yeah, Leo," she giggled at my uncertainty, "I found us this secluded spot so I could suck your cock, to show you that being such a good man does have its rewards..." Stephanie practically moaned, stepping closer to me and dropping to her knees, her ponytail bouncing behind her head as she settled into a semi-comfortable kneeling position.

I was in heaven. Stephanie's mouth may be small, and she may struggle with deepthroating me, but she always makes up for it with genuine enthusiasm, and her talented tongue started lathing over every inch of my rigid cock as soon as she pulled my hiking pants down to my knees.

"Oh my god, Stephanie..." I moaned, listening to the wind through the trees as background noise for the slurping of her mouth on the head of my cock while her small-ish, pouty lips rubbed around the ridge.

"Ooo iye iii aayy" she mumbled around the helmet between her lips, looking up at me with glimmering, loving eyes and blinking cutely.

"Fuck yeah I like this, baby!" I grunted, my hips bucking unintentionally and sending me a little bit deeper into her unbelievably sexy mouth.

Stephanie pulled back for a second, stroking me to keep me hard, and panted before saying, "if you want, you can fuck my mouth honey. I know you love it, and I am soooo fucking horny for you today!" I was ecstatic! I put my hands gently on the back of her skull and started gently thrusting into her warm, slobbery mouth.

I kept this up for a few minutes, loving the feeling and getting gradually more enthusiastic in my movements, when Stephanie pushed against my hips, prompting me to pull back and slide from her mouth. "It's very sweet of you to be all gentle, babe," she purred, "but it's your birthday weekend, and after that display at the hut... I want you to take me! Fuck my whore face, baby Show me who -" her erotic pleas were cut off as I slammed my massive cock deep into her throat, causing her to gag and give me a startled, though happy, look.

"This is what you want, Stephanie?" I asked while thrusting powerfully into her gorgeous face. She made a happy, affirmative noise as I pounded her mouth and throat, eyes bright and with strands of spit hanging from her chin. She was still in her full hiking gear, which honestly added to the sensuality for me. This was my Stephanie, the brilliant and sweet and outdoorsy girl who I loved to hike with, showing me how much she wanted me to feel good by turning herself into a wanton slut for my pleasure in the middle of an already-wonderful hike. Have I said how much I love this girl?

I have trained myself over the years to build up quite the impressive sexual stamina, and can usually fuck Stephanie for almost an hour before I'm unable to hold back. But in this case, with the incomparable eroticism of the situation combined with knowing it would be pretty uncool to take too long to cum for her while she choked on my cock, I only lasted a few minutes.

"Baby! Oh my god, Stephanie, I..."

"Cum in my mouth, baby!" Stephanie begged, pulling back briefly before surging forward and taking me deep into her throat again. I was powerless to resist, not that I wanted to!

"I love you so much, baby," I muttered, feeling my balls pull up and my cock start to throb between her perfect lips.

"Aaaaa uuuu oooo ooo," she gurgled, beaming up at me as my cum started to rocket down my shaft and into her amazing, eager mouth. She swallowed rapidly, taking everything I had to give her and massaging my cockhead further with each squeezing pulse.

"Holy shit..." I gasped when I was finished cumming. Stephanie giggled, letting me fall from her lips, and gave my head a final kiss before pulling my pants back up and wiping her chin with her forearm.

"Happy birthday, Leo," she smiled at me with big eyes, "and thank you, on behalf of women everywhere." We hugged tightly, and after taking a few sips of water from the day-pack to wash out her mouth we shared a gentle, loving kiss.

"You're literally the best," I whispered to her.

"I know," she teased, kissing me on the cheek before turning back to the trail. "Now come on, hiking time!" I laughed and followed her as she skipped along, looking by all rights like the cat that got the cream.

When we rounded the next corner, we were both somewhat shocked to find Beth sitting on a rock by the side of the trail, just out of view of where we had been. "Uh... I thought you were going farther," Stephanie inquired, suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry!" Beth apologized seriously. "I just didn't want to lose you guys!"

Stephanie and I shared a glance and shrugged; if that made her more comfortable, then who were we to tell her what to do? It's not like she had interfered at all in that beautiful event!

We finished up the hike at a leisurely pace, enjoying the sights from the overlooks around the lake and loving being in such a serene natural environment. When we made it back to the hut, it was almost dinner time, and we unloaded our gear before heading out to the dining hall and greeting our weekend companions again.

Stories were traded back and forth, and advice was given for which trails seemed to be the most fun, the easiest, the toughest, etc. between the different groups and the solo trekkers. Obviously, our little side excursion didn't make it into the dinner conversation!

When everybody was finished eating and we were getting sleep, we all bade each other goodnight and heeded off to our bunks. Beth gave us each another hug and a 'thank you' kiss on the cheek before going to her bunk on the other side of the room, and Stephanie and I settled into our twin bed for some well-deserved snuggles.

We were exhausted from a long day full of big events, and from that unbelievably perfect blowjob on the trail, so we were out cold almost as soon as our heads hit the pillow. We still had the whole weekend of hiking and adventuring to look forward to, and our dreams were full of excitement and love.

Until, of course, I had a dream where I relived the blowjob Stephanie had given me during our hike. It was just as perfect the second time around, with the same loving attention paid to my throbbing member, until all of a sudden it felt different. Instead of telling me to fuck her face, Stephanie started locking my balls while urgently stroking my shaft. Stephanie never did that, and the dream started to feel weird...

I jerked awake when I felt teeth drag along my shaft. Like I said before, Stephanie isn't a huge fan of giving head, but I have gotten plenty of blowjobs from her over the years, and she has never once used her teeth on me!

I started to make a sound, demanding to know what was going on, only to have a hand clamp down over my mouth. "Shhh, baby, it's okay," Stephanie whispered in my ear. "Beth woke me up and begged me to let her 'thank you' in a way you'd really enjoy." She said it like everything made perfect sense, but when I looked down and saw Beth licking my cock I just couldn't believe this was happening.

"MMM!" I mumbled into Stephanie's hand, and she giggled when she moved to allow me to speak. "What the fuck is going on?" I demanded, still completely flustered at the compromising position I found myself in. I would never cheat on Stephanie! I felt like I had been 'caught' cheating on her, but had no say in the matter myself!


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