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Not What We Planned Ch. 01

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A couple finds a new life as a cuckoldress and sissy.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/29/2020
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"Dude, you gotta check out that club I've been telling you about! It totally transformed Steph's sex drive. Trust me, you won't regret it."

Ray and I had just finished our last league game of the season at the gym, and our last league game together in general. He was moving to Houston next week for a promotion at work. As goes with general locker room talk, I was complaining to him again about my lackluster sex life recently. Abby and I had been together for 17 years, and while our relationship overall was great, our bedroom life had fallen off the last few years. Our "horniness" schedules never seemed to coincide, and within the last few months we were down to having sex 2-3 times per month. Ray had been telling me about the local swingers club he and his wife Stephanie had been going to, and I do have to say it sounded amazing. According to him, his sex life had never been better, and his wife had become insatiable.

That night, I was cleaning the kitchen when Abby walked in. I definitely don't mind doing my fair share around the house, but I know how much my wife hates doing dishes. This is usually my first attempt at helping to set the mood. It didn't work though. Abby rinsed out her wine glass, and immediately went back to her laptop, obviously stressed over a pending project. As we were getting ready for bed that evening, three weeks since the last time we had sex, I figured I had nothing to lose.

"I feel like we're in a rut, Abby"

"What do you mean?", she replied.

"I mean our sex life." I said. "We haven't fooled around in 3 weeks. And I have to let you know how crazy I'm going. I know the timing doesn't always work out, but you need to know that I picture us doing it every time I check out your ass. It's like a prison for me."

That was the truth. Abby was hot. Amazing ass. Amazing tits. In general, I would say that we were a very attractive couple, but Abby was next level to me. At 38 years old, I could honestly say I had never found her more attractive. Her breasts had stayed incredibly perky for years, but now more recent, they were the perfect set of tear drop double Ds. She wasn't a gym rat by any means, but somehow her ass was just perfectly plump. She also was getting just a few gray hairs, that to me, made her even sexier.

Abby glanced over at me, somewhat sheepishly "Well thank you for the compliments, and I'm sorry things haven't been like normal. I feel like we get busy with life, and it sex gets pushed to the wayside. I actually came to bed last Tuesday night and was super horny but you were already passed out. I probably should have woken you up."

Tuesday is league day, so usually I'm in bed pretty early those nights. That comment definitely made me feel my age though.

"What are you thinking? We can run to the sex shop this weekend. Maybe gets some toys and lingerie? We could dedicate the whole weekend to spending time with each other."

My stomach turned a bit, as I was nervous. Abby was no prude, but going from sex 3 times a month to checking out a swingers club, that seemed like a stretch.

"This might sound crazy. Actually, it is crazy, but Ray won't shut up about the local sex club. He and Steph started going last year, and he swears it has completely changed their sex life."

Abby started giggling. This was a good sign. I thought she might be upset.

"You too, huh? Stephanie told me the same thing 2 months ago. I jokingly asked her what she was going to do when she moved and she just told me she was working on that solution."

"Really?" I said. "That's funny. Ray mentioned it to me last year, but has really been pushing it for the last two months as well. I just avoided it because how awkward would that be to see them there?"

"Yeah, as much as I love Ray and Steph, I certainly don't want them involved in our sex life. Now that they are leaving, though..." Abby trailed off, looking me right in the eyes. Was this going to happen? I had a serious case of butterflies. That night we did end up having sex, and it was incredible. At that point, it was exactly what I thought we needed. Little did I know how different our lives would be three weeks from now.

"Well man, are you excited for the move?" I asked Ray

"At first it was hard to think about giving up what we had built here, and all our friends, but come to find out, we have some good contacts in Houston already. Stephanie is really looking forward to that, and obviously the promotion and pay can't be beat." Ray said. "Not excited about the heat all summer, but hey..."

"I hear ya. That will be rough." I quipped. "So, um, I had a good chat with Abby last night. I just laid it out there and mentioned your club. She didn't slap me. I think we are going Saturday night."

"Wow!" Ray exclaimed. "That's exciting man. But, I'm just letting you know, Friday night is the night to go. Way better crowd. Trust me. Too bad we are leaving early Saturday morning, or we would totally go with you! Your life is about to get way more interesting my friend"

I was secretly glad that they wouldn't be there. I felt like the chances of Abby and I actually playing that first night were slim to none. More of an exploratory night than anything.

"Yeah, ok. We can probably make Friday night work if you say it's worth it." I replied

"Trust me." Ray replied

Friday afternoon rolled around and I couldn't concentrate. I ended up leaving work around 3:30 because I was basically useless. When I got to the house, Abby was already there. It seemed she had the same predicament.

"I'm excited, but I feel like there's a weird amount of pressure around tonight. Steph has texted me three times telling me how great tonight is going to be. It's a bit cryptic. I'm not sure what your thoughts are, but I feel like we commit to staying for at least an hour, but we don't try to force anything the first night. Steph didn't seem to like that comment though."

"Definitely. We go, look around, have some drinks, and make a decision on what we think based on our comfort level. Hell, we might be the old, gross people there that no one wants to fuck." I said.

Abby laughed. "I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I'm pretty sure we will see plenty of those couples, but hey, if they're having fun, more power to them."

We walked in to the club, and I personally felt like a million bucks. Abby looked stunning in her little black dress. I've never felt insecure in the looks department, but tonight, she would definitely be the draw, I was pretty certain of that. The entire environment was very interesting. The parking lot was packed. What we didn't know though, was there was a hotel attached to the club. Condoms were in a bowl at the exit. They had made hooking up as easy as possible. That made me laugh to myself. Sex is a powerful thing. The bar was packed, but I squeezed in and ordered drinks. As Abby and I scanned the crowd, it was a bit underwhelming. Ray had assured us that Friday was the night to go. If that was the case, I was certainly glad we didn't go Saturday. Like Abby said earlier, more power to them, but these couples weren't really going to get our juices flowing.

Abby and I stood next to each other, somewhat awkwardly in no mans land. Not quite on the dance floor, not quite at the bar. A number of couples seemed to be checking us out. I felt like we had "newb" written on our forehead. Abby and I occasionally glanced at each other, sipping our drinks uncomfortably, while slightly swaying to the music. It was like an "adult" version of prom.

Abby asked if I wanted another drink, and proceeded to work her way up to the bar again. I scanned the crowd about, but this time someone caught my eye. A tall woman with platinum blonde hair was walking through the crowd toward the back of the room. Her "bob" haircut was so blonde, and the cut so precise, I was fairly certain it was a wig. She had a short skirt, and tied off shirt. Very school girl/Britney Spears esque for the outfit. She glanced my way. My stomach churned. This really was like prom.

Abby tapped my arm to hand me my drink and I jumped a little.

"See something you like, stud?" Abby asked.

"Haha, maybe." I said

The woman had disappeared to the back of the room and I had lost site of her. I turned to Abby. "What are you thinking so far?"

"Well, I hated prom, and this is certainly bringing back these memories..."

I laughed. "I had the exact same thought. Why did you hate prom though? The guys weren't fighting over you?"

"I know you've seen those pictures. 21 year old me that you met, and 17 year old me, were totally different. Braces, acne, and flat chested. I was the proverbial ugly duckling. I went to prom with three girlfriends and we left early"

I had seen the pictures. I was a bit of a jock in school, and Abby was right. She probably would not have been on my radar in high school. I thought I was top shit. Those 4 years made a world of difference for Abby though. When I met her in college, I was blown away by her beauty.

"We are going to fuck your brains out tonight."

Abby and I both were startled. I turned to my right, and the blonde woman was standing right next to us. We both stood there, frozen, not knowing what to say. The woman looked back and forth, intently at Abby and I.

"Hahahahahaha". She busted out laughing. "The look on your faces is priceless! I apologize, but I know how awkward this can be. I use that line for an icebreaker just to see the reaction I can get. Let me guess, your first time here?"

I nodded, and Abby laughed as well. "Ok, that was a good one. Is it really that obvious though? I was just telling Anthony how this seems like Prom."

"If it's your first time, it can definitely seem like that. And yes, it was obvious. One, I can see it in your posture, and two, my partner and I frequent this club often. We haven't seen you before."

Abby looked around the room, seeing if she could identify this man, but it wasn't obvious at that point.

"Reggie is in the back corner. He's getting a blow job right now, so he can't come over. We both saw you when you came in though, and we liked what we saw. We wanted to see if you were going to dip out quickly though, so we've been watching your awkwardness for the last half hour." She smiled coyly at us. Her demeanor was intimidating to me.

Abby laughed again, this time a bit shocked by her comment. "Wow, isn't it a bit early for that? Is that even allowed inside the actual club? The night is young. He needs to save some for later."

"Not for Reggie. He'll want to cum at least three times tonight. It's exhausting to me. Especially opening my mouth that wide. That's the reason he likes it here so much. Trust me though, you're going to love it when it's your turn." she said very matter of fact to Abby. This time though, she didn't break eye contact, and she definitely didn't laugh.

"What about you stud? Are you ready to open your eyes to another world of pleasure?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say. Frankly, I was uncomfortable. I had never been around a woman that was so blunt and forceful.

"Um, well, yeah, I, we kind of just came tonight to check things out." I stammered.

"Showing up here is 90% of the work. You're on the goal line. Don't fumble the ball now, stud." She said.

"Look, I know this can be a bit overwhelming. You two are hot though. Reggie and I are hot. This is the scenario that everyone hopes for. Look around. Your other options are older couples with saggy boobs, and a 5 inch dick. Based on the boobs you're used to, that's not what you're looking for, and I can guarantee your wife isn't looking for a half hard 5 incher."

My stomach churned again. Dick size hadn't really even crossed my mind. I had never once had a girl complain about my size, but at just slightly less than 6 inches, I wasn't breaking records at all. Would this woman be impressed? My head was really spinning now.

"Let's order another round of drinks, and go sit in a quiet room and we can all chat. What do you say?"

Abby answered immediately "That sounds great!" This surprised me. While she hadn't been reluctant to come, I didn't expect her to be so open to the first invitation that we received.

"Hey Stud, we'll be in the room in the back left corner. 8 shots of tequila, and don't buy the cheap shit." She grabbed Abby's hand, and they headed off.

I made my way to the bar, and placed my order. When the bartender brought my drinks over, he looked up and said "You two are a lucky couple!" He winked as he walked off.

The hierarchy of the whole scene once again reminded my of high school. I found it very strange.

I made my way to the private room. I ducked between the current to see a dimly lit room with a round booth style table in the corner. Much to my surprise, Abby was sitting next to the man I could only assume was Reggie. His left hand seemed to be resting on her leg. His right hand was up on the table. The woman, who still hadn't introduced herself was on the other side of Abby.

"You must be Anthony." Reggie said.

"And you must be Reggie." I commented, trying to sound as confident as possible. Reggie wasn't a huge football player type, but he was definitely a good looking guy. The fact that he was black was a bit unexpected though, as I assumed swinging was for bored white people. I put down the drinks and took a seat.

"Yup. I'm Reggie. This is my partner. She goes by Eden."

"It's nice to meet you both" I said, trying to figure out the power dynamics that were going on.

"Your lovely wife Abby told me this is your first time here. What do you think so far?", Reggie asked.

"We had some friends recommend this place to us. We weren't really sure what to expect." I replied

"Now those are some good friends, Anthony. Eden and I are here often. Maybe there's a chance we played with them." He said smiling. "So, are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Variety is the spice of life." I quipped back.

"Ah, yes. Yes it is. Even with attractive couples like yourselves, it seems like you can get stuck in a rut sometimes. Look Anthony, we are going to make this easy for you and Abby. We have a room upstairs. Eden and I want to play together with you. Most couples don't play on their first night, I know, but most couples don't meet us their first night either. I'm pretty sure that Abby is game. Are you?"

My head was spinning. This was intense. Eden and Reggie seemed to feel that tonight was a forgone conclusion. I tried looking at Abby for guidance, but she wouldn't look at me. She seemed overwhelmed also, but not in the same way I was. Her demeanor seemed as though she was embarrassed to admit she wanted to play so quickly. IT was very unexpected. Eden was sexy, but I found her intimidating. Would I be able to perform? If I said no, would Abby use that as an excuse to never come back? Would we go on for the next 30 years with a boring sex life? Fuck it.

"We're in." I said, looking Reggie straight in the eyes.

"My man! Let's go have some fun." Reggie replied.

Eden clapped excitedly. This was odd though, because it showed an emotional side come through that hadn't been present in the short time we had known her.

Abby was biting her lip, in a nervous, but excited way. She still hadn't looked at me.

"We need to get our bags from the car. What room are you in?" I asked

"Upstairs, on the left. Room number 214. I only have one key card, so I'll leave the door blocked open for you." Reggie said.

We took our shots, and headed out of the club. The booze had actually calmed me down some, and walking out in to the cool fresh air helped as well. When I looked back over my shoulder to see where Abby was though, Eden and Reggie both had her hands and were walking towards the stairs. I was hoping to have a quick chat with her to see if we could game plan if things got too intense. I took a deep breath though and told myself that this was the fun we were looking for. I grabbed our stuff and made my way towards the stairs. As I got to the stairs, an older couple was just ahead of me. While I assumed they were going to have their fun tonight as well, Eden was right. They were not the type of couple we wanted to play with. I followed them down the hall, and could see that the door to Reggie and Eden's room was propped open. The older couple glanced in, and something made them giggle.

What I saw next truly caught me off guard. Reggie was standing naked in the middle of the room. Eden was on her knees in front of him, her hands rubbing his legs. He was definitely well defined. I could imagine he had no trouble meeting women at this club. What happened next though, I was not prepared for. Abby was sitting on one of the beds watching in awe. Eden moved her head to the side and lifted up Reggie's cock. It was huge. Like porn huge.

"What do you think Abby?" Eden asked. "This is what you came her for, right? To get fucked by big black cock?"

I stood at the door in disbelief. Again, my head was spinning. I had never met people like this. The door was wide open. I realized we were at a swingers hotel, but this was just so blatant. Reggie didn't care though. Eden, on her knees, lifting up that huge cock, almost taunting my wife with it. She didn't care either. I felt like we were merely pawns in their world.

Abby hadn't answered. She was just sitting there watching. Her hand seemed to be rubbing the inside of her thigh.

Reggie barked at me. "Anthony, just in time." He broke the tension. "I can tell that your wife's pussy needs some attention. You should help her out."

So much for starting this off with a clear head. I looked at Abby and asked "Is that what you want?"

She final made eye contact with me, but didn't speak. She just nodded her head yes as she scooted back on the bed. I closed the door behind me.

"Aw, come on. I like an audience." Eden exclaimed.

I just ignored her, not knowing what to say. I slid up between Abby's legs and pushed her dress past her ass. She didn't have on any underwear. I wondered if she had just gone commando for the night, or if she had already taken them off before I got in the room. Her pussy was soaked. I had never seen her so wet. Not that there was ever an issue in that department, but this was excessive. Her back arched fiercely as she felt my breath on her. As soon as I licked her, she bucked her hips. I had never seen her so turned on. I looked up at her, hoping to make eye contact again and share this moment with her, but her gaze was directly focused on Eden and Reggie's cock. I have always loved eating her pussy, even if there was nothing in return for me. I always felt very confident in my skills in this department. That being said though, her almost immediate orgasm caught me by surprise. Only 30 seconds in and she was cumming. That had never happened before.

With my head buried in my wife's pussy, I wasn't able to see what else was going on in the room. Eden and Reggie had moved directly next to our bed and she was sucking his now rock hard cock.

"Don't lick up all the juices, stud." said Eden. "She's going to need those to take this huge cock."

Again with the forgone conclusion. I glanced up from my wife's pussy and could see exactly what Eden meant. My first thought was there was no way my wife could take that monster even with a bucket up lube. It had to be 9 inches long, and so thick that Eden wasn't even able to get her fingers around it. I looked back at Abby, and her eyes were still locked on the scene. As I moved around on the bed, I became aware of just how hard I was. Why would my subconscious be so turned on? In my head, this was absolutely nothing like I had expected. As Eden stroked Reggie's cock, and shoved her mouth back down his shaft, Abby forcefully grabbed me by my hair and pushed me back down on her pussy. Within 20 seconds she was cumming once again.


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