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Nude Surprise

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Naked siblings meet unexpectedly.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/07/2016
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All characters are over eighteen. Thanks to snerpyloo3 for editing this entry in the 2016 National Nude Day contest. The contest asked for stories involving "surprise meeting". Lisa never expected to caught in the nude by her brother and OMG he's naked too.


"Shit!" Lisa exclaimed. "I broke another needle. I can't believe I hit a straight pin again." She laughed at her bad luck and put a new needle into the sewing machine.

"What are you complaining about? At least you've chosen your entry for the fashion show," her classmate Nell said.

The two young women were taking a summer college course in fashion design. Everyone had to make an outfit and present it at the school's fashion show.

Nell was new to the school, her family only recently moved to the Philadelphia area. She stood in front of a pair of dressmaker forms looking at two possible outfits. She said, "I'm still unsure which one to choose. I'm torn between my shalwar kameez (loose pajama-like trousers and an ornate long shirt) or the red lace romper with a plunging neckline."

"They're both cute. From a marketing perspective, you might want to go with the tunic and pajama bottoms since you can sell it to men as well as to women," Lisa said with a laugh.

"There is that, but the other is so fun and sexy. I'm going with the romper!"

"Good choice," Lisa said. She stopped sewing. "There. All done."

"Let's go try them on and see how fabulous we look," Nell said.

The two twenty-one year-olds headed to the dressing rooms. Nell didn't bother with the curtain. That wasn't unusual. Fashion majors were always trying on clothes. They had long ago lost their shyness and were comfortable exposing their bodies. She quickly stripped down to her G-string thong.

Lisa carefully hung her dress on a hook and fluffed up the long skirt. When she turned around, she saw the other girl was nearly naked. She gave the pretty girl a good look. Nell had long blonde hair, a slender body and an adorable little butt.

Nell looked up and caught the other designer staring at her. She gave her a friendly smile. She didn't realize Lisa had been checking her out. She assumed she wanted to see her in the elegant red playsuit. Nell stepped into the shorts and pulled the attached top over her shoulders. The plunging neckline showed off her firm round breasts.

"What do you think?" Nell asked.

"Its beautiful. Your body is perfect for that outfit. It highlights your long, toned legs and big boobs. I hate you," Lisa teased.

"Thanks." Nell looked down at her chest. She said, "My boobs aren't any bigger than yours. 34 B, right?" Like most dress makers, with a glance Nell could determine any woman's measurements and dress size.

"Yes. Your boobs just look so full and sexy. Maybe it's because you have no tan lines."

Nell giggled and said, "I've never had tan lines."

"You sunbathe topless?" Lisa asked intrigued.

"I have no tan lines anywhere. I'm a nudist. Born and raised. My family frolics in the sunshine free of textiles."

"Oh. I see."

Nell stepped out of her cubicle and went to Lisa. She said, "Do you need a hand putting your dress on? With all those cut-outs, you'll have to be careful it doesn't rip."

"Yes. Thanks," Lisa said. "Boy! I sure went wild with all these geometric cut-outs. I love the dress, but all those holes is going to cause another problem. I won't be able to wear a bra or panties."

"Yes, any under garments will showed through the openings. That'll ruin the look."

Lisa handed the gown to Nell. Then she took off her clothes including her bra and panties. Her pale boobs did compare size-wise to Nell's although hers had larger and darker nipples. She also had a full bush in contrast to Nell who was smooth and hairless down below.

Lisa was embarrassed about her big bush. She explained, "I'm not some hippie chick or super feminist who thinks no woman should ever trim or shave their pubes. I had a painful break up six months ago. I haven't been dating. I've had no reason to shave it so I just let it grow."

"No worries. It looks good on you, very retro."

Nell helped Lisa put on the dress. They were careful not to let it tear around the many cut outs. They went to the mirror and both girls checked it out.

"Killer dress," Nell said sincerely.

"Yes. It's strong and sexy, the traits I was hoping to express," Lisa said. "I find it distracting that some of the cut outs show tanned skin and others show pale white skin. "

"You've got time before the fashion show to fix that. Get a tan. You can tan with me if you like. My house is very private. We can be nude outside without being seen by our neighbors."


The green team took a shot. The lacrosse ball caromed off the post. Two midfielders on the blue team were near the ball and gave chase. A green player was also nearby.

Nick yelled, "Man!" and he engaged the green player.

Luke yelled "Ball!" and went to the ball. After he scooped up the ground ball, he yelled "Release!" That was the signal for Nick to disengage the green player. The two blue players ran towards the opposing team's goal.

Luke raced up the center of the field. Nick was off to his right. When a green player challenged Luke, he tossed the ball to Nick.

Nick made an ankle breaking move to evade a defender and got off a shot. Another green defender slid over and used his body to block the shot. Luke picked up the ricocheting ball. He faked a behind the back shot. As he hoped, he got the goalie to move. Then he fired a bullet high and to the other side. The goalie was unable to block the shot.

The whistle blew. The coach called the club team together and said, "Not a bad day for our first lacrosse practice. Looks like we might make the other teams stand up and notice us." The sweating players cheered in agreement. After a few more words, the coach sent them to the locker room.

Nick was getting out of his gear when Luke came into his section. He recognized Luke's number and said, "Nice play today #3. When I saw the missed shot ground ball in the scrimmage, I automatically made the "Man-Ball" call. Lucky for me, you knew what the hell I was talking about. I forget that not everyone on the club team is an experienced player."

"Thanks. I played in high school and I must have done that drill a thousand times. I instantly knew what you were going to do and what my role was. We executed it pretty well. My name is Luke, by the way."

"Nick." He reached over and the two shook hands.

Luke said, "You have some wheels and moves. I thought you were going to make that fullback fall on his ass."

"I was able to clear one defender, but his partner filled the void and blocked my shot. You had a nice finishing move."

"My old coach would have my head for that hot dog move," Luke said and laughed. "In a real game I'd have done a simple dip and dunk. But what the hell! We're here to have fun."

"Yes we are. Want to grab a beer after we knock the crud off?"

"Sounds good to me," Luke said. The two hit the showers.

One of the other guys razzed Nick while he was in the shower. "Hey man, what's up with you? You're monochromatic. I understand our brown and black brothers being a single shade, but I've never seen a white guy with an all-body tan."

Another player said good-naturedly, "Are you like a spokesmodel for a tanning bed manufacturer?"

Nick rolled with the ribbing. He said, "Fellows, I'm a nudist."

The other team members laughed thinking it was a joke. They had heard of nudists, but no one actually knew one.

Nick said, "The joke's on you guys. While you all are trying to imagine what a woman looks like naked, I'm chilling and seeing everything God gave that hot girl and her older sister and the MILF that birthed them."

That shut the gang up.


Lisa turned about in her dress to view it from different angles. She said, "I might just take you up on your offer. This dress demands an all over tan."

"The weather is supposed to be bright and sunny this weekend. You want to come over tomorrow for lunch and an afternoon of sun worshiping?

"Emmm . . . who will be there?" she asked, a little hesitant.

"Just us. There's no bacchanalia planned if that's what you're worried about," Nell said with a kind laugh. "My parents play golf on Saturday and my brother is never home."

The women exchanged phone numbers. Lisa got the address.


After the second beer, Luke asked, "So you're a nudist?"

Nick laughed. "Born and bred. It's a very freeing choice and I wasn't kidding about the visual benefits concerning the ladies."

Luke said, "When I was five, my father was really sick. My sister and I were sent to live with our grandparents because Mom was so busy caring for Dad. Nana and Papa were naturists. We had the run of the farm. We played with the animals and went swimming every day. We had a great summer. We were naked most of the time.

"Our father recovered and we returned in time to start school. My sister and I were as brown as berries. Mom never said a word about it. We went back for a month the next summer and again had a ball. Papa died that winter. Nana had to sell the farm so we never got another chance to be naturists.

"My experience with naked females was not as much fun as what you've described. Nana was in her sixties and the only other female I saw naked was my seven year old sister. Yeech!"

"Well brother, we can change that. Come with me tomorrow and I'll guarantee you will see some bangable, babelicious naked females."

Luke smiled, lifted his bottle and tapped Nick's beer. He said, "I'll drink to that."

Nick asked, "Have you ever seen a fire crotch? I know a redhead you'll drool over. She's throwing the pool party. The fun starts at 2:00 o'clock."


Lisa followed the GPS directions to Nell's house. It was in the sparsely populated horse country outside of Philadelphia. This area was all farms and stables with the neighbors well down the road. The long, winding driveway further emphasized the house's secluded location.

Nell greeted her with a hug at the door. She was naked except for an apron. "Welcome. So glad you could make it."

Lisa had worn a bikini under a brightly colored beach cover-up. She said, "Thanks. The weather is cooperating. It's warm and sunny."

Nell turned and nonchalantly showed Lisa her tiny, firm ass. She said, "Follow me to the kitchen. As you can tell by my garb, I've been making us lunch. We'll grab our plates and eat on the patio."

The two young women sat at the umbrella table. Nell was nude. She had left the apron in the kitchen. Lisa was still dressed. As she set her food down, she asked, "Should I take these off now?"

Nell couldn't have been more gracious. She smiled warmly and said, "No worries. No pressure. Do whatever you like, whenever. I'm naked because I want to be."

"Maybe after lunch," Lisa said.

"Whenever the spirits moves you. We have the place to ourselves. The 'rents are at the club and my brother told me he had a pool party to go to this afternoon."

The women ate and talked of fashion. They got along famously. Lisa felt very comfortable around Nell as if she had known her for years. After lunch, she stripped without any concerns. The girls headed to the pool to lay out. Lisa didn't comment one way or the other after Lisa disrobed. Her smiles were just as warm and genuine.

"I'm going to turn the radio on," Nell said as she slipped into the pool house. She came out with towels, floppy hats and her suntan kit.

Lisa was moving a lounge chair. "There. Now they're aligned with the sun."

She reached into her bag for her sunscreen. The women quietly coated the front of their bodies. Their malleable breasts rippled and bounced as they rubbed in the lotion. Nipples hardened at the touch.

Lisa said, "Our breasts might be the same size, but yours are more rounded, pert."

"Yours are pretty with the upturned, puffy nipples. Men like puffy nipples. Well, if you can believe my brother. He raves about them. You're lucky, you also have large, womanly areolas. I still have tiny, dime-size nipples like a ten year-old."

"A super hot ten year-old," Lisa said with a laugh. "You have full tits, narrow hips and an adorable little ass. I've got wide, child-bearing hips and a fat ass."

"Oh, now you're exaggerating. You're a size six for goodness sake. Your hips give you an attractive hourglass shape. I'm a girl without any curves. Your butt is fine. Baby's got back! I hear boys like a little junk in the trunk."

"From my recent lack of dates, you couldn't prove your theory that boys like what I've got."

The conversation died out as the women stretched out and soaked up the sun. Lisa luxuriated in the sunlight. She said, "I've forgotten how nice it is to feel the warm sun and light breezes on bare skin. It's intoxicating."

"Yes it is," Nell agreed.

"Bbrring" the wind up alarm rang. Nell said, "Time to turn over. Twenty minutes per side. My mom swears by it."

Lisa examined her body and said, "That's a good rule. The parts of my chest that normally don't see the sun, are a little red."

"My Dad also has a twenty minute rule. He says that when you're sunbathing, every twenty minutes you need to have at least one beer."

Lisa laughed and said, "Those are two rules I can live by."

Nell went into the pool house and returned with two cold ones. The girls toasted each other and enjoyed the chilled brew. Nell let loose a particularly unladylike belch and then said, "Lie down and I'll put lotion on your back."

Lisa complied. Nell hopped over over and applied the sunscreen liberally. She wasn't hesitant to touch the other girl. "Emmm. Soft boobs," she said playfully as she coated Lisa's pale flesh and caressed the side of her boobs.

Then she went to work on her friend's legs and butt. Nell slipped a hand into Lisa's butt crack. She touched her anus and her sex. "Oh!" Lisa cried out in surprise. She flinched and closed her legs trapping Nell's hand.

"Girlfriend, I'm doing this for you, not me. These area are the worst possible places to have a sunburn and the most susceptible since they never see the sun. Newbies, often neglect to protect them. I'm sorry if you find this uncomfortable, but I have to be certain that these tender areas are protected."

Lisa was ashamed that she'd mis-interpeted the other girl's action. She should have know better, Nell had been nothing but kind and gracious to her. She apologize, "I'm sorry for how I reacted." She unclenched her legs freeing the hand. "I appreciate your concern. You surprised me. I can honestly say no girl has ever touched me like that."

"I'm glad you understand. Will you do me, now? Here's your chance for payback," Nell said with an infectious giggle.

Lisa took the bottle of lotion and did as Nell had done, including touching her nether region. The difference was Nell didn't flinch. She spread her legs, sighed and enjoyed being caressed.

"Emmm. Nice job. You have a gentle touch. Thanks for being so thorough. FYI, I have built up my tan over years. My boobs and sex aren't in danger of being sunburned, but I enjoyed your touch."

"Ohh," Lisa said quietly. Suddenly, she was very embarrassed for having unnecessarily groped the other girl.

The women lay down and let the sun do its job. The timer went off and they rolled over. Lisa had gotten over her embarrassment of touching Nell. She showed it by saying, "Ah the bell again. Nell, if you need me to, I will cop a feel of your breasts and finger your sleek pussy, but first I need another beer."

"Ha!" Nell laughed. She got up to get the beer and said, "Thanks for the offer, but I am saving myself for my husband."

They both laughed. The women chatted and drank the cool beverage. They each reapplied their own lotion and lay down on their backs. The heat and the alcohol caused each of them to doze. Lisa sprawled out on the lounge. Her legs were askew. One foot rested on the ground.

Nell's parents strolled out to the pool. They were, by habit, nude. Her mother, Ruth, said "Hello ladies, enjoying the sun?"

The young women were only lightly sleeping. They each woke and looked toward the voice. Lisa was embarrassed to be discovered nude by Nell's parents. She was horrified to discover her legs were apart meaning her pussy was on display. She moved quickly, bringing her legs together and brought an arm up to her breasts. She succeeded in covering her nipples.

Nell did not move to cover any of her body. She casually said, "Hi Mom. Hi Dad. You're home early."

"Yes," her mother explained. "Your father was having problems with his balls."

Nell and Lisa both looked to her Dad, specifically his exposed and shaved genitals. It was obvious where their eyes were focused.

"Really Ruth?" Roger said in an exasperated manner.

His wife giggled and said, "Come on, admit it. That was funny!"

Roger shook his head, but he smiled at his joking wife.

Ruth said, "Girls, there is nothing wrong with those balls or anything in that vicinity, I might add. Your father was having a problem controlling his golf balls. He was playing poorly today because he was worried about something at work, so we decided to come home early."

Her father said to his daughter, "Nell, I see you have a friend. Please introduce us."

"Oh. Sorry, Mom and Dad, this is Lisa. She's in the summer fashion program with me. Lisa, my parents, Roger and Ruth."

"Hello dear," Ruth said. "Am I correct in assuming that my daughter explained that we are nudists? And that no one that doesn't want to be unclothed has to be naked at our house?"

"Yes, Ma'am. She did." As she spoke Lisa realized that she must look as if she was uncomfortable. She had her legs clenched and she was attempting to hide her boobs. She lowered her arm and uncovered her breasts.

Nell's parents were pleased to see the woman relax. Roger went up to her, extended his hand and said, "Hello, I'm pleased to meet you. We were worried that our little girl had lost the ability to make friends."

The whole time he talked to Lisa he looked her in the eye. Lisa appreciated that he did not check out her exposed girly parts. She, however, did not extend him the same courtesy. As he walked towards her, she couldn't help glancing at his bare, bouncing member. She had never met a man who shaved his privates.

Nell reacted to her dad's comment by whining, "Ah Dad, that's not funny."

A phone rang. Roger reached into his pool bag. He pulled out his phone and said, "Yes." He listened intently and then said, "I'm be at the plant in twenty minutes."

"Sorry everyone, I have to go. There's a problem at work." He left quickly.

The women watched him jog to the house. Ruth noticed that the girls were staring at her husband. She laughed and said, "He has a nice ass, doesn't he. That cute bum, ladies, is why I married him."

Nell turned to Lisa and said, "As you have probably noticed, my mom thinks she's quite the comedian."

Ruth defended herself, "That was funny and it's true." Lisa hadn't laughed, but she did agree that Roger was a hunk.

"Tough crowd," Ruth muttered. Then she asked, "Do you mind if I enjoy the sun with you?"

The young women insisted she stay. They talked, drank light beer, enjoyed the sun and each others company.


Luke's phone rang. "Hello."

"Nick here. Change of plan. Fiona's pool pump has crapped out. She has 20,000 gallons of green slime. The party has been moved to my house at 3. The address is . . ."


Luke wasn't sure how long it would take him to get to Nick's house. He showed up at 2:40 just as Nick was arriving. Luke said, "Sorry I'm early."

"No problem, man. You can help me set up. Grab a case a beer and let's get those bad boys on ice."

They each picked up a 24 pack and headed to the patio. They set them down and heard voices, female voices, coming from the pool. Ruth had the girls over by her roses. She was telling them about the different varieties.

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