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All Comments on 'Nudist Family Holiday Ch. 01'

by Dick_Spanker

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great start to this story, i hope you keep your reluctance/regret theme going with this story

5 stars

crawler101crawler101almost 8 years ago

not a single plausible thing in this story.

Epiphany_JonesEpiphany_Jonesalmost 8 years ago
Nice introduction. Looking forward to further chapters.

And to Crawler: Stretch your imagination. It's not all that improbable. The age of the siblings in the story makes their actions a bit more believable than you're giving the author credit for. A teenage guy will get hard at the drop of a hat. And a teenage girl, especially one obsessed with her appearance (dressed or undressed), will find a reason to be "grossed out" by her brother, just as easily. The premise that he can walk around with an erection and not get in trouble isn't as impossible as you seem to think: They went to get groceries while there weren't that many people around to observe. And they probably didn't have to walk very far.

I just wish this first chapter had been a bit longer. Or that maybe they returned sooner than their parents were expecting them. It would have been exciting if the siblings had returned to the camper and caught Mom and Dad getting busy. After all, if Kevin was "backed up" after traveling in the camper, you'd expect the parents to be just as "wound up".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Research, research, research. Study RV terms, and study nudist resort policies. Plausible helps sell the story!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Fictional story relax people!

Use your resources? Not possible? This story is a great start! The author has a vivid enough imagination to write this and you guys are killing him with details? He's not writing a best seller, you need to relax an just enjoy and get the sticks or whatever out of your butts! Looking forward to chapter 2!!!!

rodavrodavalmost 8 years ago
I like this story

Hope in the progression of the story there will be a lot of accidental or casual spreading of legs and flashing their pink inner pussy lips, and the sister gets embarrased when the brother or father saw it.

Hope you also continue the "Mothers helping hand". A lot of us still wants to see some more continuation of that very hot story. As Allison and Bobby continue their intercourse when they get home with a little bit of reluctance from the mom. And also when they meet a father and a daughter. The Mother's coulegue and the son' classmate that are also into incest.

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69almost 8 years ago
I think this

is a great start! I believe that most teenagers act this way and you nailed it! Looking forward to more chapters! I own and live in an RV and the terms you used were pretty close. I assume you live in the UK where RV terms might be a bit different than the US. It's all good, I enjoy reading nudist stories.

normusrectionnormusrectionalmost 8 years ago
This is GOLD!

A perfect mix of tension, family dynamic, humor and erotic build up. And you totally nailed the banter between brother and sister! I'm waiting with bated breath for the next installment. 10/10.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 8 years ago

I loved the start. I just hope that chapter two is coming out ASAP.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not Plausible?

Maybe not - but entertaining nevertheless. So, complainers, please stop it! Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Made me laugh out loud !! Could go places with his sister and mother, here's hoping !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
the start of a superb series by the great Spanker

I love the reaction of Kevin's mother when she's confronted with her naked boy and his hard young cock. "She'd not seen him naked since he was younger, and was unprepared for the fact that he had clearly developed a lot since then." That's how most all mothers feel when they catch sight of their bare-ass naked kid, now 18 or whatever years old. The boy sure as fuck has "developed" between his legs. Now he's sporting a real mommy-pleaser and mommy is aghast! As is typical of young males, Kevin is a proud exhibitionist, especially when it comes to his sister and, above all, his own mother. He even has his poor sheltered sis watch as he blows his balls and shoots his semen all over the place. Kevin is clearly the dynamic element here, and I expect that he, his fat young cock, and his heavy hanging loaded balls will play a leading role in the gifted Mr. S's saga.

tendernsweet2tendernsweet2almost 8 years ago
could ....

This could get very interesting in the following Ch. for sure.! '5' atw

I say he nails his Sister before a week is up.!*** LOL Heads up.^^

lone_wolf716lone_wolf716almost 8 years ago
Great start DS

Will be waiting for the continuing of the story line.....

On a different note did you finish with Alison & Bobby.... Love your Work...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Your story is just beginning. Finish it before you publish!

DevonnudistDevonnudistalmost 8 years ago
Good start

Great introductory chapter, hope there is more action in following chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Looking forward to more of this great story! Maybe the two girls he ran into earlier could buttfuck him while sucking him off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Can't wait

Like it, looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yeah, keep deleting comments....

..........and are you done with Alison & dickBro?

It wasn't going anywhere sensible BTW, so I guess its no loss

catimanncatimannalmost 8 years ago
Laughed a lot reading this.

Enjoyed this first one and hope to see a few more. The brother sister relationship is great. I could just see them getting back as Mum is giving Dad some service and they are interrupted. Sister could be shocked some more and the son would be hard for a week.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Crap Start

What a load of bull made very little sense!!

Where to start

So can understand brother being into nudism no problem all good and fine!

But #Really the bro just gets undressed and comes out with his "very large hard on"in-front of mom sis(don't think the dad got a mention in that part) & can understand he'd be hard but #Really he had no qualms worries coming out from getting undressed and showing mom sister & then go to shop with hard-on No Embarrassment at all then to top it off has a wank on the path with sister there #ReallyReally #Really

Like Stories premise lot of possibllties in there but its not a good start hopefully will get better in next chapter/s

Just two ore little thing wanted a place to stay so could get out of RV but still in RV at the nudist camp Thought they'd have a hut or house or something

And Where's the Incest ? bro having a wank don't really count

carmel12carmel12almost 8 years ago

looking forward to the next chapter. Possibilities, endless!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I love that Beth is so grossed out by Kevin's cum to begin with, because knowing DS, she's going to be getting a lot more familiar with her brother's semen as the story progresses. Yes, I think familiar is exactly the right word. I can't wait to see how that develops, although Beth has already shown she's susceptible to blackmail and bribery from her brother. She will develop a love for his semen in time, but let her absolutely hate it for her first several experiences. I'm sure Kevin can talk her into agreeing to some deals which gradually escalate over time, making her take his cum despite her clear revulsion.

And I'm sure Angela is a loving wife, but I bet she's an even more loving mother. It would be great if she ended up doing things for her son that she has never done even for the father of her children, let alone anyone else. Maybe a situation comes up where to avoid getting caught by her husband and daughter, by her son's father and sister, Angela has to get rid of all the evidence, which means taking her son in her mouth and swallowing his entire battery of cum. The very first and only load of cum she has ever swallowed. Her son's cum. The only cum that this loving mother will bear to swallow, over and over again.

A boy can dream.

Mona_NovaMona_Novaalmost 8 years ago

Great Premise! I LOVE your writing and I can't wait to see where you take this new story.

My personal wishlist for the story include:

- Mom helping perpetually erect son go soft by taking matters into her own hands...then mouth...over and over. It becomes a morning routine, in front of Hubby and sis?

- Sister and Mom getting jealous of who gets son's cock and cum. They use cock-dazed chick logic to decide who gets to work on son's big cock...and who gets the load. They reluctantly learn to share :)

- The Dad is left out of the fun. Light cuckolding is a fave theme of mine. I would love to see son become the de facto king during the vacation...the one who gets all the attention...all the blowjobs...all the devotion from Mom and sis, while Dad is left neglected, outclassed by the younger, bigger cock that seems to produce endless (and better tasting) loads..

So happy you started a new story. Your first series was amazing, but I agree it lost focus and heat towards the later chapters.

Looking forwards to more chapters in this new saga! Please post soon :)

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankeralmost 8 years agoAuthor

To answer a few questions, no Bobby and Alison are not finished yet, MHH22 is almost done.

Seems a mixed reaction to the new story, but as long as some of you like it I'll keep writing, this isn't an original premise as with Bobby and Alison. If anyone has read the original version of this you'll have some ideas about where things are going.

Keep the comments coming, I don't delete any of them, even the trolls are welcome here!

OedipusRex68OedipusRex68almost 8 years ago
Off to a great start!

Looks like you've got another hit on your hands:)

I look forward to the next chapter.

mammoetmammoetalmost 8 years ago
great story start

ch.2 soon please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Good story but...

I've deduced that you are from the U.K. or Australia, yet your stories feature American characters. Which is fine, obviously, but you should write in a more American manner then. For example, you refer to the temperature in this story using celsius, which we don't use. Also, we don't use the term "holiday" in the sense you use in the title; we say vacation. You also have in the past spelled words like "favour" and "colour." Again, these might seem like nitpicks, but it is a bit distracting. If your stories had taken place in the U.K., it would be correct obviously, but they don't. Anyway, enough criticism, I really do like your stories; the CFNM angle is a real turn on for me, especially when it involves family members. Keep it up.

JagnagJagnagalmost 8 years ago

Some comment lefy says "write in a more American manner"

Whats that mean, a story is a story, and this is not hald bad at all so stfu and enjoy it for what it is, a dirty story, just like all the rest, some folk are so fickle oh yea n stupid too.

Anyway, good story look forward to more.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Jagnag, if a story is a story then let me write one I think you'll like:

"A family goes on vacation at a nudist camp and they get naked and have manual, oral, vaginal, and anal sex. It's really fun. The end."

Did that do it for you?

The way an author chooses to tell a story is everything, and that's why Dick_Spanker is so highly revered. He's the best of the best here at Literotica, and that's not only because he has a natural talent, but also because he cares about the details you might think are unimportant. When the wording aligns with the story, that helps with immersion, meaning the reader's head won't be taken out of the story world to consider a word choice or spelling they might notice to be incongruous with the setting.

Constructive criticism is a good thing, and Dick_Spanker has never shied away from any kind of feedback.

Speaking of which, some of you guys have great suggestions! As an ardent fan of Mother's Helping Hand, all this talk of the mother swallowing her son's massive loads is making me feel right at home. I like the idea Mona_Nova and some other Anonymous posters have suggested about the light cuckolding theme, with the son getting special attention that isn't offered to the father.

I think it sounds fitting that the mother and sister take it upon themselves (pun?) to relieve the son of his inconvenient erections and almost endless supply of semen while at the camp, and of course to continue even after returning home.

I also really like the idea that neither the sister nor mother have swallowed before. The sister learning to do it through innocent coercion and the mother through pressing circumstance, then ONLY doing it for their son/brother. The mother reminding her husband that he knows she isn't comfortable swallowing, even after doing it right in front of him multiple times a day, and that he knew that when he married her. Likewise, once home, the sister telling her boyfriend "that's gross" with the taste of her brother's potent seed still strong on her tongue.

My god, this comment section has been worth the price of admission! Good stuff, boys.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
to the previous guy

all really good points but i dont think beth has a boyfriend and i like it better that way

i hope she loses her virginity to her brother

Mona_NovaMona_Novaalmost 8 years ago
Wish all comment sections were as active as this one!

You gotta hand it to Dick-Spanker...he writes stories that get his readers invested. I love the comments for this story and I hope it means it blows up and turns into another classic like MHH. Can't wait!

In the meantime, the comments for this story have shown me my kinks are shared by others. Sooooo....while I wait for the next installment of Nudist Family Holiday, I'll be working on a new story of my own. Starting today! It makes a big difference knowing I'm not just writing for myself! Thanks for that little push I needed to get started guys. :)

authorhackerauthorhackeralmost 8 years ago

Very good start to hopefully a great series looking forward to more. Only complaint is the language in it like most people commenting but it's only a minor issue the rest of it is great man keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

That's awesome! I can't wait to read your story too. I like what you've said so far and you seem like you would be a good writer. I think I'm starting to see a trend with people whose names are two words separated by an underscore...lol

One thing I like about Dick_Spanker's writing is that the mother (and now sister) are very reluctant to begin with, but situations come up that make certain acts reconcilable and thing's progress from there, the mother (sister) still very reluctant at each step but ultimately complying with the belief that it's somehow their duty.

Can't wait to read chapter 2 and I'm sitting on my hands waiting for more MHH!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Loving the story

Very well written. Please give us chapter 2 soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The author is big on things not happening. The attitude among the family members is not friendly or comfortable. "Strife" Seems to be the theme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Unable to wear clothes while reading

This is a wonderful set-up. Looking forward to the mother and daughter bouncing on the son and fathers massive cocks respectively in some casual outdoor family orgy :D

BogartsBossBogartsBossover 7 years ago
How old are these kids?

I'm sorry, but one third of the way through page one of chapter two - I just can't go on. The dialogue between two eighteen year olds (?) sounds like a pair of pre-teens.

I lost all interest in continuing.

Many will like this story. I'm just not one of them.

goducks1goducks1almost 6 years ago
good start

but i hope the banter back and forth improves as we move along. i like a good tease - so hopefully thats what chapter 1 is.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

*****Very Hot start good storyline. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Jesus, is Beth ever a bitter cunt.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not enough. I'm shattered.

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