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Nursed Back to Life Ch. 03 - Training Day

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Stephanie helps teach a young new nurse the ropes.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/17/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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Gladys led Jillian down the hall, showing her how to tend to the patients one by one. She could tell Jillian was a good student, and thought she could be a very good nurse, with the right training. The girl didn't seem squeamish, and she was reacting well and professionally to the uglier sides of the job. They had already helped one older man who had soiled himself in bed, and Jillian had helped Gladys clean the man up without seeming disgusted, though she clearly was, as was Gladys.

Jillian had indeed been disgusted, but she knew this was part of the job. She had wanted to be a nurse since she was a little girl. She had watched her mother and older sister care for their grandparents in their later years, and Jillian had been both proud and impressed. She had only done half a year at college before entering nursing school. Now she was twenty-one years old, and ready to become a full-time nurse. She had excelled so far at all facets of the job, and was now being trained to work in this hospital. She hoped that the other nurses she would be working with would be more friendly than Gladys, but she could tell the older woman was a very good nurse, and so she tried to learn all she could.

"Now I'm sure you already know that a big part of this job is having to bathe the patients," Gladys said in a strict clinical manner. "Often by hand with a sponge."

"I know," Jillian said in her soft eager voice. "They had us practice on dummies at school."

"Really," Gladys laughed. "Things have changed since I was there. They made me learn on an old man who had lost a leg in the war. Of course that was thirty-five years ago." Jillian just gave an awkward smile, not sure how to respond to that. "Well, you're in luck dear," Gladys said with an amused smirk, knowing Jillian was about to get quite the surprise. "I'm going to show you how to do it on someone that might as well be a dummy. He's been in a coma for two weeks now, and we're not sure when he'll wake up. But I think you might enjoy learning this part of the job on this particular fellow."

"Um, ok," Jillian said, not quite sure what the older nurse meant by that. She knew that bathing the patients was part of the job. She had seen it done at an early age, and she wasn't put off by it. But the way Gladys was talking sounded weird. Gladys led the young student down to room three, and opened the door.

The man lay there, as still as ever, a light brown beard slowly growing on his cheeks. Jillian looked at him, and was surprised to see that he was a very handsome man. Now she thought she understood why Gladys had said she would enjoy learning on him. The unconscious man was very clearly well built, and it would obviously be nicer to bathe him than the other patients.

"Ok," Gladys said with a slight grin, "you said you know how to do it, so why don't you go ahead and begin." She took a step back, and held a clipboard at the ready, as if she were going to grade Jillian on her ability to bathe this man. Jillian nodded, and stepped up to the bed. She first took a moment to look at what was attached to the man, knowing she needed to be careful. She moved the IV stand aside, and then gently began to roll the blanket off him, and then his gown. As she lifted the gown, she took an instinctual peak at the man's crotch. Jillian intended to be a good and professional nurse, and she knew the boundaries of the job, but this guy was hot, and she couldn't help looking. As she took a quick peak, her eyes went wide. She let out an audible gasp, and took a step back, letting the gown fall back onto his body.

"You'll find they come in all shapes and sizes dear," Gladys said, smiling behind Jillian's back. "And you'll have to remain just as professional with all of them. Sometimes you might find a patient to be disgusting, but you have to suck it up and do it anyway. And then, sometimes, you might find the patients to be rather, well, intriguing, let's say. And you'll have to be just as professional with them. Now someday you might have to be doing this with a man like this who isn't unconscious. And you won't be able to gasp and back away. You do understand that, right?"

"Yes, sorry mam," Jillian said. She had not been at all prepared for what she had seen under the man's gown. She thought that the joke was that he was hot, not that he had a gigantic cock. But Gladys was right, and Jillian understood the lesson, and why it was important. She moved back up to the man, and removed his gown. She tried not to stare down at the huge cock, but it was difficult.

Gladys wasn't even trying, she just stared down hungrily at the large cock. She had been married for forty years, and her husband was a far cry from this man. She had been a nurse long enough to know that it was good to enjoy this side of the job, since it happened so rarely. She wished she could be like some of the younger nurses, who she knew took much too long with this guy. She knew that Stephanie and Jackie liked to bathe him together, and she could only imagine what they did when they were alone in this room with him. She just hoped it wasn't anything too out of line. She knew that Maria also enjoyed coming in to look at him. Gladys had actually caught Maria one day just staring at the cock openly. And they weren't the only ones either.

Jillian took the gown off the man, until he lay there naked. Her eyes took a brief moment to look the man over. The rest of his body matched his face and cock. Jillian thought he was the most handsome, manly looking man she had ever seen. But she was well aware that her new boss was behind her, watching and judging her, and she quickly went about her job. She wet the sponge, and began bathing the man as she had been taught in school. She wished she were alone, and could go much slower, and get a better look and feel of several places on this man's chiseled body.

As Jillian bathed the man, she noticed the cock shift slightly. She pretended to ignore it, but now she was watching it as she cleaned him. The cock twitched, and then began to lengthen. Jillian remained professional, and kept doing her job, though now she was openly watching as the large cock got even larger. Gladys watched as well, a little surprised at the reaction of the man's body to Jillian's touch. The young girl wasn't doing anything she wasn't supposed to. She was doing the job just as instructed, but the man was clearly reacting. Gladys had bathed the man on two occasions herself, but he hadn't reacted that way. She guessed the young nurse must have very soft hands, and the man's body was just reacting naturally, though she did wonder if maybe some of the other nurses had unintentionally trained this man to react in this matter.

Jillian washed the man's back, trying to ignore the cock that was only getting bigger. It was already much bigger than any cock Jillian had ever seen, and now it was beginning to lift itself up. She wanted to reach out and grab it, but she resisted. It slowly rose, until it was standing straight in the air, hard as a rock, pulsing slowly with his heartbeat. Jillian couldn't believe it. She had heard that men could achieve an erection in a coma, but knew it was very rare. And she never thought it would be like this. The huge cock looked like it was practically begging her to touch it. Normally she would be quite intimidated by a man as large as this, but him being unconscious made it different. Again she wished she could be alone with the man, without Gladys watching on.

"Well, um, this is rather unusual," Gladys said, stepping up beside Jillian.

"I didn't mean to," Jillian said nervously, afraid that she was in some kind of trouble. She really hadn't meant to make that happen; she had done the job just as she was taught. But this had never happened with any of the dummies. "I was just doing what I was taught, and...."

"I know dear," Gladys said in a kind understanding tone. "You didn't do anything wrong. I think maybe some of the other nurses might have though."

"Um, what should I do now?" Jillian asked, staring at the hard cock before her. She knew what she wanted to do, but that definitely wasn't allowed. And for all the training she had received at school, no one had ever taught her how to handle a situation like this.

"Well, I don't think it's safe to leave him in this sort of state," Gladys said, frowning despite her own pleasure at finally getting to see this huge cock in its full state of glory.

"So, what do we do?" Jillian asked. She had not been trained for this at all. She had done some of her own training in such matters, in private, but always with conscious men that were very eager and willing participants. Even if she could handle this large problem on her own, there was no way to get any kind of consent from the man.

"Well, there are probably a few ways to handle a situation like this," Gladys said, sounding clinical once again. "We could drain blood from the, um, the member, until it returns to its normal state."

"You mean with a needle?" Jillian asked, sounding put off for the first time that day.

"Yes," Gladys nodded. "But I don't think that's necessary. I have a feeling some of the other nurses have experienced this problem with this patient before. I'm guessing that's why his body responded so quickly. He's been trained."

"You mean, the other nurses have been making him hard on purpose?" Jillian asked, still staring at the cock. Her mouth was beginning to water, and she really wished Gladys would leave. "Then what do they do?"

"I don't know," Gladys said. "I guess I'm not privy to all that. But I know someone who is. Wait here, I'll send her in."

"What should I do?" Jillian asked.

"For now, nothing," Gladys said. "When the other nurse comes in, just do as she says, and hopefully the matter will be handled without any trouble."

"Ok," Jillian nodded. Gladys left the room, and then Jillian was alone, staring at the naked hunk of a man lying before her, with a full massive erection. She had no idea what was going to happen next, but this was not what she had expected on her first day here. She decided to finish the job while she waited for whoever was coming. She went back to washing the man, only now she wasn't looking at anything but the giant cock.

When the door opened, Jillian flinched and jumped back, as if she had been caught doing something wrong. A very pretty nurse stepped into the room, saw the man with his erection, and Jillian staring at her nervously, and started laughing. For just a moment Jillian thought she was in trouble, but she quickly realized she wasn't. The tall, beautiful nurse was amused, not angry. She walked over to the bed, and checked the man's vitals, and then reached out and grabbed his cock. Jillian's eyes went wide again as she saw the pretty nurse begin to stroke the hard cock while the man lay unconscious.

"I see you've met our friend," the pretty nurse said, and let out a soft pretty laugh at the look on Jillian's face. "It's ok, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm Stephanie by the way."

"I'm Jillian," Jillian responded. Stephanie gave her a kind smile, and then took a moment to size the new young nurse up. Stephanie had only just recently begun to notice women, but she found this young lady quite pretty.

Jillian was about five foot four, with a small slender build. She was definitely skinny, but she looked strong too. She had light auburn hair that fell around her face quite nicely. Her face was rounded well, with light freckled skin that had a cute rosy quality to it. Her cheeks were round, without being fat, and her nose was a little button in the center of her face. Her lips looked soft and full, and as red as if she had just sucked a lollipop. Stephanie glanced down, and saw that Jillian's breasts were not small, though not huge like hers.

"Our mystery friend here has learned to like his sponge baths a lot," Stephanie smiled. "That's probably my fault. But I don't think he minds, and I don't mind either. You're going to have to bathe a lot of men in this line of work, and it will never be as fun as it is with him." Jillian just watched her stroke the cock, looking intimidated.

"I'm guessing you have at least some experience with this sort of thing," Stephanie said, and then nodded her head down to where her hand was stroking the hard cock.

"I mean, ya," Jillian said awkwardly. "But not with guys that are unconscious. And not with guys that are that big either. That thing is massive."

"I know," Stephanie smiled. "He's so hot." Jillian met her eyes briefly, saw she was being serious, and nodded her agreement. "Look, this isn't exactly how we're supposed to handle a situation like this," Stephanie explained. "But I already know it works. I wouldn't use this as a rule of thumb for other patients, but with this guy this is how we've been handling it." To Jillian's complete surprise, Stephanie bent down, and took the big cock in her mouth. She took it deeper into her mouth than Jillian would have expected, clearly struggling a bit, but pushing herself.

"I've been practicing," Stephanie laughed as she came up and saw the shocked look Jillian was giving her. "That might be the problem. But why don't you come give it a try?"

"You mean," Jillian started, even more shocked.

"You don't have to," Stephanie shrugged. "But it is fun. He tastes good. And it feels really cool to have one this big in your mouth. You might never get the chance again." Jillian hesitated for a moment, knowing she wasn't supposed to be doing this. But the older nurse had said she knew, and had even sent Stephanie in. And Stephanie had clearly done this before. Jillian waited a second longer, and then stepped up to the bed. Stephanie stood up, giving Jillian an encouraging smile. Jillian took a deep breath, and then bent down and wrapped her lips around the huge cock.

She found she had to stretch her lips extremely wide just to fit the tip of the cock in her mouth. She knew she wasn't going to be able to take it much further, like Stephanie had, so she decided to do what she could with her tongue. Jillian let her tongue slide around the large head of the cock, with her lips still wrapped around it.

"Don't be afraid to use your hands too," Stephanie suggested. Jillian reached out, and took the base of the cock in one hand, while she continued her efforts on the tip. She brought her other hand down to the balls, and rolled them around. She was instantly shocked at the size of the balls, though she knew she shouldn't be surprised, considering the size of the cock. Jillian used her hands and mouth, trying to pleasure the unconscious man, while Stephanie watched on.

Stephanie found it quite hot. She had been watching Jackie do this for the past week and a half, but there was something especially sexy about watching this young girl try to suck a cock that was clearly much bigger than any she had ever seen before. Stephanie was already biting her lower lip, and she slowly brought her hands up to her own body, and rubbed her tits as she watched the show. Jillian noticed her do it, but kept her focus on what she was doing.

Jillian was focusing hard on sucking the cock, and she didn't notice when Stephanie walked around the bed. When Jillian felt hands on her waist, she flinched at first, but the hands were soft and gentle. She kept sucking the cock, as the light hands moved slowly up her body, until they were on her breasts. The hands began to caress her, and Jillian was shocked at how good it felt. She had been with other girls before, at college, but Stephanie felt more experienced.

Jillian sucked the cock for what felt like a very long time. She was used to guys cumming very quickly when she blew them, but this guy still hadn't. She guessed that was because he was unconscious, and couldn't see her, but she was getting tired. Her jaw was beginning to feel sore, and she came off the cock, gasping for air.

"Um, how long does he usually take?" Jillian asked in a soft breathy whisper, as Stephanie continued playing with her tits.

"It depends," Stephanie said, letting go of Jillian and stepping up beside her. "I think he likes when we can take it deep. Don't worry, I couldn't either at first, it takes practice. One of the other nurses is really good at it." Stephanie bent down again, and took the cock in her mouth. She was taking it deeper than she had when she first tried it, and much more than Jillian, though still not as deep as Jackie could. Stephanie brought her hands in, and tried to finish the man off, knowing Gladys would be impatiently waiting.

Stephanie thought the guy might be getting close, and then she felt Jillian's hands move onto her body. She kept going, enjoying the delicate feel of the young woman's hands on her. They moved along her hips, up her stomach, until they took hold of her large breasts. Stephanie let out a long sensual moan around the cock as she felt the hands caress her. Jillian seemed to know what she was doing, as she was already playing with Stephanie's hard nipples in a very sexy way.

Stephanie tried to take the cock deeper into her mouth as she got felt up from behind. She could feel it getting harder, and the balls tightening, as they always did when he was ready to cum. She knew he was going to expel another massive load, and she didn't want to make a huge mess, especially with Gladys outside. But she did want Jillian to get to see what the guy could do. Stephanie pulled off the cock, still stroking it and playing with the balls.

"He's about to cum," Stephanie said, her voice surprisingly breathy to her own ears. Jillian's touch had really turned her on. "He shoots really big loads by the way," she added. "Like really big."

"I'm not surprised," Jillian giggled softly. "Everything else is big."

"Get the sponge ready," Stephanie said, and Jillian quickly sprung into action. "Gladys might get pissed if she sees how much of a mess he can make. I'm going to try to swallow it, but I wont be able to take it all, no one can." She dove back down, and began moving her tongue in the soft circular motion that she had found the guy liked. It only took another moment of this before she felt the cock jolt in her hand, and then begin to fill her mouth. Stephanie gulped it down as it entered her. For a moment she thought she might actually be able to take it all this time, and then she felt an especially thick jet of cum shoot into her mouth. Cum burst from the sides of her mouth, and began spilling down over the cock. Stephanie kept on sucking, until it was finally done, and then she stood up, trying to gulp down her mouthful.

Jillian stared in awe at all the cum. She had seen guys shoot big loads before, but never like that. She knew Stephanie had already swallowed a lot, and her mouth was still full of cum. Jillian felt a tiny shiver go through her body as she looked down at the giant cock covered in its own cum. She looked back up just in time to see Stephanie close her eyes, and then take a big gulp, swallowing the rest of it.

"Wow," Jillian said, in total awe of her new peer.

"I told you," Stephanie laughed, taking a big breath. "This guy is really something special."

"Ya," Jillian agreed. She looked back up at the man's face. He was still out cold, which seemed odd after what he had just done. He did look even more attractive than before. Jillian could see why Stephanie and the other nurses had been training this guy. Getting to practice sucking a cock this huge without having to deal with the guy was pretty great. It was almost like a dildo made of a real man. Jillian already knew she wanted to do this again.

Both nurses went about cleaning up the mess as fast as they could. Jillian didn't want to upset Gladys on her first day. And Stephanie knew she was on thin ice with Gladys just lately. As much fun as her little sessions with the mystery man were, she knew how unprofessional it was. Stephanie cleaned the sheets, and got the gown ready to put back on him. Jillian was cleaning all the cum off the man's cock. It had slumped down again, though it still looked massive.


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