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Off Broadway Public Theater Pt. 03

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Auditions, Practice and husband's questions.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/19/2019
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Jack is confident Stacy will continue as the lead in the play, but there will be a few more hurdles to clear, before the school district issues their final approval. He put out a casting call for the remainder of the parts first thing this morning. The Director has a few prospects for the three parts left to be cast, Mrs. Worthington's husband Wesley, Arthur's Mother Tammy, and Victoria Worthington's friend Mariel. The number of parts in the play is limited, but there is a need for a large crew to construct the movable sets, props, and the lighting. The director needs to have understudies for all the parts, but is concerned he will not find anyone willing to read for the main characters, because of the explicit nude scenes in the play.

Stacy will need to talk to Jack about the conversation she had with the school Principal when she sees the Director at rehearsal. The school administration wants to see a rehearsal, before they give the final approval to the request by Stacy to act in the play.

When the mature woman arrived home after work, she took a shower, dressed in a skirt and blouse with heeled shoes. She put her lingerie in the large purse/garment bag, in case needed for rehearsal, which held the three pieces of negligee from the previous rehearsal.

Bill arrived home and changed into casual attire as Stacy applied her make-up, he admired his wife, as he got ready to go. They were ready to leave for dinner at four thirty, before going to rehearsal. Stacy could see there was something that bothered Bill.

"You want to tell me about it? Stacy asked while they rode to the Diner.

"I'm confused about something; now don't get mad I want to understand. Why did you make the decision to act in this play?" Bill looked at his wife out of the corner of his eye while he drove toward the Diner.

She could see he was not mad, so she said. "We need to perform the play to keep the Theater open. You know I always like to help. When I read the script, I was under the impression that the most I would expose is my lingerie, but once I started to rehearse for the part, and I found out in most scenes I would be exposed in some form or another, I could not back out. Besides I found out I like being exposed and Bill don't tell me you don't enjoy me nude in front of other people, you can't lie to me, because your pecker gives you away."

"Okay, now I think I understand." Bill said as he tried to digest his wife's comments.

Stacy thought of the coming rehearsal throughout the quiet dinner. Bill wondered if his wife would be required to strip nude tonight or rehearse in one of her lingerie. Stacy mentally prepared herself for the rehearsal and wondered if Jack will become angry the school committee has not given final approval to her. The couple rode in silence to the rehearsal after dinner. Stacy concerned she will lose her nerve to perform nude in the show and Bill wondered what the principle cause of Stacy's compulsion to be nude in public, even though she gave him an explanation tonight when he asked. He is not totally convinced she has told him everything.

The couple arrived at the theater ten minutes early, many cars were in the lot tonight, and Keith was there already. They walked into the rehearsal hall to see ten to twelve men and women in attendance.

When Stacy spotted Jack, she went to him and said, "Hi Jack, I need to set up a time for the school administration to attend a rehearsal, before they give their approval in writing, so I can continue to act in the play."

"They can come to any rehearsal they would like. I scheduled rehearsals Monday through Friday from six to ten and on Saturday from ten to six. Sunday we will take off." The director stated without impute from the cast.

"Don't you think you should ask the cast if this will work for them, before you set a schedule?" Stacy asked she became angry at the Directors arrogance.

Jack could see Stacy was upset with him, so he said, "I think you're right, I should consult the cast and crew, before we set a rehearsal schedule."

"That's better; we will get along if you consult us, before you make any decision about the schedule. We do have a life beyond the theater." Stacy commented and added, "Why are there all the people here tonight?"

"Casting call, for the remainder of the parts in the play, we need to get started on rehearsals to present the play in July." The director stated, he continued. "Stacy do you have your negligees with you?

"Yes, which one do you want me to wear?"

"Pick one and put it on you're going to work with the men that will read for the part of your husband along with the other two parts the actors will read for. I will tell you what to wear for each scene."

Keith and Bill stood next to the mature woman when Jack gave her instructions for the costume for rehearsal.

"Bill, do you want to come with me while I change? Keith if you want to come too take my garment bag and follow us." Stacy said as she headed to the dressing room.

Both men followed her to the dressing room with anticipation. While the assembled casting call members, stared after the lead with her contingent in amazement, that the mature actress would dress in front of the young man. They knew Bill was her husband.

Stacy stripped off her clothes and gave them to Bill. "Could you fold these and put them in the garment bag for me? She handed her surprised husband the clothes as she continued. "Can you pick out what you want me to wear tonight for rehearsal one of the nighties is what the Director wants me to wear."

Keith pulled out the red lingerie and asked Bill. "Do you think your wife should wear this tonight?"

"Yes I love to see my wife in that nightie." Bill stated to the young man.

Keith gave the red nightie to the nude woman with the panties. The two men were stunned when Stacy put on the negligee and gave the panties back to Keith to put back in the bag, as the garment exposed her pubic hair and vaginal lips when she stood in front of the awe struck duo. The transparency of the outfit has her breasts exposed also, so in reality she was naked in public.

Bill said concerned, "Don't you think you should wear the panties tonight for the rehearsal?"

"Why bother they are see through anyway." Stacy said as a way to justify her exposure to her husband.

"Suit yourself," Bill said concerned his wife is going down a road that will be tough to return from after this play is completed.

Stacy walked out to the rehearsal hall without a robe on; everyone stopped to watch the mature lead actor make her grand entrance, her near nakedness elicited a gasp from most people gathered that will read for the available parts.

The flabbergasted director spotted the lead actress as she walked into the rehearsal hall he said, "Stacy you can put a robe on and the panties for the nightie also, you don't have to be so exposed for the readings."

"Oh I thought you wanted me to get used to my part," Stacy said, she turned red when she realized she misunderstood the Director's instructions. She then brightened, "I'm comfortable in this outfit. I don't need a robe." She did not mention the panties, as she wanted to watch the expression on the faces of the other actors in attendance.

The director explained the scene to Carl who will read for the part of Wesley Worthington, "You are getting ready for work and Vicky wants to play."

Stacy, reverted to her character Mrs. Victoria Worthington who stated to her husband, "Wes do you have to leave now you're going to work an hour and a half early can't you stay for a little while? "As Vicky pulls up her nightie to show she is bottomless as she faced the audience, this brought a gasp from, all present.

"I don't have time for this, I have a project due." Wes stuttered surprised at the mature actors nudity, as he went to the bedroom door and left.

"Cut that was good thanks Carl. We will have the next contender for the part please." The director, Stated.

There were three more men vying for the part and each actor read the same scene for the director. Each of the actors had a close up view of the mature woman's hirsute bush. He had all the actors meet together with him, He stated. "Everyone did a great job it is going to be difficult to pick the one for the part. We will contact the successful actor in a week."

The next part that they read for was Arthur' mother, the Director said, "Mrs. Tammy Murdock comes to see Vicky because Vicky called her to discuss her son Arthur's insecurities when he dealt with women his age.

Bill set up the living room set, Keith helped the older man. They brought in a couch with a footstool, and set a chair to the side.

Maria was the first actress to read for the part.

Vicky sat on the couch, she put one foot on the stool, and the other on the couch, and she sat in the corner. All present viewed the mature woman's vaginal area as she read her book. The doorbell sounded.

Vicky got up and walked to the door, opened it to find Tammy there, "Come in, how have you been?" Vicky stated as she walked to the couch that faced the chair. "Sit down. Would you like a beverage?"

"No I'm fine." Tammy stated.

"I would like to talk to you about Arthur he has confided in me about his challenge with women his age." The mature actor stated as she sat back on the couch revealing her womanhood to the surprised female actor causing her to have some problem with her lines.

They interacted a few minutes and the director called, "Cut, thank you for reading for the part we will get in touch with you to let you know if you have the part?"

There were four women, which read for the part. All received a close up view of Mrs. Worthington's flower of life.

The last part was her best friend. The director said to Stacy. "Put your dress and top on, we are going to read for the part of Mariel." Looking at the set crew he said, "Scene crew set up the Diner set."

Both women were sitting at a Diner table when the scene started. "How have you been Mariel?"

"I'm fine how are you doing Vicky? I could be better; my husband never wants to be with me. He is a workaholic and doesn't have time for me anymore, since the kids have grown."

"Cut that was good, we will be in touch with you to let you know if you have the part." The director stated.

There was another woman who read for the part they used the same scene for her to read.

The director said after the last woman read for the part of Mariel, "Thank you for reading for the part, we will be in touch with you next week to let you know, if you have the part." The director continued, "We will wrap it up for the night. We will have rehearsal the rest of the week from Six to Ten for Vicky and Arthur. If that is acceptable to all and I would like to rehearse all day Saturday also."

They all agreed with the Director's schedule he said. "See you then, thanks to everyone that read for the parts."

Everyone started for the door, Stacy was not very happy tonight with the rehearsal although she flashed all the men that read for the part of her husband; the only bright spot in her opinion when she did the part run though with the actress who read for the part of Arthur's mother. Stacy sat on the couch exposing her womanhood to the audience, while she waited for the actresses to ring the bell and then flashed the actors that read for the part. She removed her negligee, put on her skirt, and top while both men were in the dressing room as she conversed with them.

Bill and Keith escorted the mature woman to Bill's SUV the young man opened the door for Stacy, she became precocious, she let the young man see her womanhood while she entered the car. She sat exposed as she talked to the young man. He did not hear a word she said his attention was on the mature woman's pussy. Stacy turned the heater on after Keith said good-by and closed the door.

As they left the theater Bill asked, "Did you have fun tonight?"

"The rehearsal didn't excite me as the last few did; maybe I've become jaded in the part of Vicky?"

"What would have excited you tonight?"

"If I was nude for the rehearsal I would have enjoyed it more, let all present see all of me." Stacy said softly, she became embarrassed with the admission; she likes the exposure, "I know you want me to be nude in public." This is a way for the reserved woman to rationalize her urge to want to be nude constantly.

"Stacy I have never forced you to do this play this is something you want and I am in back of you. I do like to see you nude in front of the troop and an audience, but do not do this because of me. Do the play because you want to." Bill explained to his wife, he is upset she is using him to justify her part in the play and her compulsion to want to be nude.

The mature woman did not want a confrontation tonight about her part, so when it was warm enough in the car she removed her blouse and asked, "Bill can you massage' my breast for me?"

Bill reached over the console and massaged her left breast as he drove, thus the conversation was short-circuited. "Do you need to be rubbed somewhere down lower?" He asked hopefully.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm yes my kitty needs attention when we get home." The mature woman purred as she enjoyed her breast massage'.

Bill drove his SUV into the garage and Stacy exited the vehicle topless, the cool night air caused her nipples to become elongated and her areolas more pronounced. His wife's arousal did not escape Bill.

"Are you cold or aroused, your nipples are becoming erect." Bill asked.

"I'm a little of both," the mature woman stated, with a blush, as she proceeded to the house not the least bit concerned with the light on in the garage, people driving by could see her topless.

Bill followed his wife into the house, "Stacy we need to continue the dialog we started in the car on the way to rehearsal tonight."

Stacy turned to face her husband; she noted the concerned look on his face. "What's the matter Bill, your expression tells you're not satisfied with the explanation I gave you tonight?"

"I still don't understand how you can go from a very modest woman to one that has the uncontrollable urge to be naked, even if the Director says you can cover yourself?" Bill asked he wanted to know how this transpired.

Stacy stripped off her skirt, the only article of clothing she has on besides her shoes, while she answered her husband's question. "When the Director asked for a mature woman to play the Part of Mrs. Worthington, I took the script home to read it. I am embarrassed to say it turned me on, as we have gotten into a rut lately. Our sex life has been predictable; I am scared I have gotten too old to turn you on anymore. You said you wanted me to play the part and I want to please you. When they cast Keith in the part of Arthur, I was concerned he would think I am too old and I could not turn him on, but when we rehearsed in our undergarments, the way he looked at me sent shivers to my neither region. The day I dressed in nothing but a skirt and blouse and we went out to eat turned me on because you paid attention to me. I decided I like the attention."

The mature woman told her husband this as she stripped him and played with his manhood. They lay on the bed; Stacy held her head up in her hand as she related her views to him.

"You decided you like to be nude in public, and because I like to see you nude." Bill said to verify his wife did the nude scenes because she enjoyed her exposure.

"Yes I like the exposure and the adoring looks I get from other people. I have found that a nude woman has control of the room and is the center of attention. Most of my life I have been in the background, while other women made bold statements. I like the thrill I get when I am nude in front of people. You want me to continue as Mrs. Worthington?" The mature woman asked before she went down on her husband's organ as she stroked his stem.

"OHOHOHOH yes I love you nude." He groaned as the mature woman brought him close to completion.

She stopped abruptly to climb on board of his pleasure instrument rubbing her clit on his tool as he manipulated her breasts; he pulled on her nipples as she rode him. This caused her to moan. "I'm getting close, AHAHAHAH I'm thereerrrrrrrererrrrrrrrrrrrr." Stacy screamed.

Her husband coated her cervix with his offering simultaneously as she came.

After catching her breath she said, "Can I act in the play or not?"

"Yes you can, I just want to make sure we're not going down a road that we will be sorry we took that is all?" Bill said concerned for their future.

"It will only get better from here Bill you mark my words." The mature woman said as she gave him a passionate French kiss that the couple felt in their groin area.

They took a shower together and went to bed nude, as is the norm presently, after they sated their sexual urges for the night.


Stacy awoke she thought she had a wet dream, but her husband had morning wood as they spooned, so he soaked it in her honey pot, slowly stroked her inner fires. Her desire reached a boil, when Bill started to pump faster. She rubbed her clit, as he stroked his piston in and out of his wife, He reached around, and played with her breast he grabbed her for leverage, as he pleasured her. He could not hold back, he blasted his load into her and he left her to her own devices to finish. She used her fingers on her clit.

They had to take a shower before they left for work. Stacy getting to school twenty minutes early, she needed to find the Principal.

Stacy walked into the office and signed in. She went to the Principal's office, knocked on the door.

"Come in," a voice said out of sight of the Teacher.

"Rex where are you?" Stacy asked.

"I'm in the closet."

"It's the twenty first century, you can come out of the closet, and there are laws to protect guys like you." Stacy giggled.

"Don't get wise, you don't have the approval to act in the play young lady." Rex ribbed Stacy and they both laughed.

"Jack said we are rehearsing during the week this week six to ten and Saturday ten to six. The group is welcome to visit any of these times, we just have to know when."

Almost before Stacy got the words out of her mouth for Saturday, Rex said. "We will be there Saturday at ten AM."

"Make it eleven, to give us time to set up." Stacy said nervously, as there will be some very conservative members of the school board, attending the rehearsal.

The day went by slowly, as Stacy anxiously anticipated the night's rehearsals, furthermore she had to stay after school, for a teachers meeting. Word got out that she was a lead actor in a play, and some of her colleagues' wanted to know about the production.

"It is a stage production with mature subject matter." Stacy stated mysteriously. "You will have to come to see it. I can't divulge any more information than I just did." The mature woman stated turning red with embarrassment.

Rex saved Stacy; he came in the room, and called the meeting to order. The mature woman scooted out of the meeting, before anyone else could corner her, about the play subject matter.

Bill met Stacy at the Diner, as she did not have time to go home. The couple arrived at the theater at five twenty, the first one's there. Jack showed up at five forty and Keith right behind the Director.

The Director opened the door to the theater; they all walked to the rehearsal hall, after Bill turned on the lights.

"I want Keith and Stacy to practice the parts in the play they think will be the most embarrassing or troublesome parts for both to prepare for. Stacy and Keith it is up to you how you want to be dressed tonight. I would like both of you to work on the dialog tonight and then on Saturday we can work on your character and next week we can start dress rehearsals." The Director said.

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