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Off Broadway Public Theater Pt. 03


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"Well, we have a decision to make boys." Stacy said with a sparkle. "What should I wear while we practice the dialog?" She teased the men she wanted them to tell her they want to see her nude.

"There is only the director, you, Keith, and I why don't you wear your birthday suit tonight Stacy?" Bill stated as he knows his wife likes to be nude in public.

"I want to make sure I won't upset anyone's sensitivities, so Keith what about you, how do you think I should dress for rehearsal tonight?" Stacy asked precociously.

The young man turned red he really wanted to see the mature woman nude, but was afraid to voice his opinion, he said. "Whatever way you're most comfortable Stacy."

"Okay I will stay in my skirt and top then rehearse this way, but I will remove my panties." Stacy teased the young man as she flipped up her skirt to her waist and removed her panties in front of the men. She threw the intimate garment at her husband she continued, "Check out my panties dear."

"Bill and Keith can you get the couch, stool, and chair out of the prop closet to set up the living room scene?" The Director asked after he asked the two lead characters what scene gives them the most trouble.

Both men had the furniture on the small stage in minutes and set up.

Stacy sat in the corner of the couch, she faced the chair, put her left leg on the couch and her right foot on the stool. "Sit on the chair Keith and we will get started." Her skirt was long enough to cover her womanhood, the mature woman watched the young man as she recited her lines, and covertly she raised her skirt to her waist. She felt pride as she exposed her pussy to the young man, she witnessed the rise got out of him. Stacy looked at her husband he laughed at her shenanigans.

Bill laughed as he said to Jack. "Be the director, tell Mrs. Worthington she needs to strip nude, so Arthur gets a lesson in the female anatomy."

"Bill I think Arthur should tell Mrs. W. he would like her to strip nude for a lesson in the female genitalia." Jack said to tease the young actor about is inability to state his desire to see the mature woman nude.

"Mrs. W. I would really like you to remove your clothes, so I can become accustomed to interaction with a naked lady." The young actor stated his face almost purple with embarrassment.

"I think you should call me Vicky from now on in private. We have become better acquainted in the last few days." The mature woman said, as she removed all her clothes in Mrs. Worthington's character. She stood nude and proud in front of all present.

The mature woman walked to the couch laid on it with her back in the corner her feet up on the couch and the footstool. She showed all her womanly charms to the men present, as she and Arthur practiced the dialog for the play.

The two actors spent rest of the week rehearsing the dialog and doing many walk through of the erotic scenes of the play. When Stacy took on the persona of Mrs. Worthington, she would strip nude and perform the parts the director requested.

Friday afternoon Rex went to Stacy's classroom. "Hi Stacy, we will arrive at your rehearsal at eleven AM tomorrow, unless there has been a change plan?"

"We will see you then," Stacy said, concerned the Director will require her to be nude for the day.

It was a very stressful night for Stacy. She will perform for the school committee tomorrow. The mature actress knows they have to give her permission to act in the play or risk a law suit. They just want to humiliate her, she thought.


Saturday morning Stacy awakened to the sound of rain hitting the roof of their home. The day resembles the way she feels today. Depressed, she does not know if she will be able to perform in front of her peers. Her conservative values resurfaced, faced with the prospect of a performance for the school committee. She is scared of what the school committee members will think of her after her performance. Stacy always gave the outward appearance of a conservative person in actions and dress. Will they respect her after they see the rehearsal today?

Stacy was in the bathroom taking a shower, when Bill came in. "It's your big day today, you will get final approval to act in the show." He said with conviction.

Stacy started to cry. "Bill I don't know if I did the right thing to act in this play? What will the school committee think of me when they see me nude? How will I be able to face them after today? They will look at me and see right through my clothes when they talk to me at work." The poor woman was sobbing hysterically as she sank down the wall of the shower, sitting on the floor.

Bill entered the shower, and helped her up. He was concerned he didn't talk to her about her values before this; he was intrigued with her reason to be more liberal in dress and to act in the play. He felt bad when he saw his wife so upset, he said. "We can call Jack tell him you're not feeling well today, if you like?"

"Hold me please," the distraught woman asked. "Bill you still love me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, if you want you can quit the show, I will still love you, or if you want to continue acting in the show, I will still love you." Bill said, as he held onto his upset wife.

"I thought you said you wanted me to be nude in public?" She sobbed.

"I do, but only if you're comfortable being nude. I do not want you to do the play for anyone else but yourself. You have to be comfortable, with the part and also you have to realize that there will be people that will ostracize you for doing the mature scenes, just as people do, if you were too conservative." Bill explained to his wife compassionately.

"So you think I should continue acting in the play?"

"Yes if you're comfortable with any detrimental comments you will get from some people that are jealous of your ability to act in a mature production. Your cause is to save the theater, so that is what you should tell the Nay Sayers." Bill told his wife.

Feeling better about the rehearsal today, Stacy dressed she wore a matched bra and panties, black skirt, white button front blouse and black shoes with three inch heels. They left for Friendlies, to have breakfast before they went to rehearsal.

"Do you feel better now?" Bill asked his wife, as the hostess escorted the couple to their table.

"Yes I am finally at peace with my conscience now." She said as she smiled at her husband. "Thank you for all your help my love." She said and she gave him a kiss.


The couple arrived at the theater at nine thirty; they found Jack in his office.

"Hi Stacy and Bill, I'm glad you're here early. Stacy the scene you should work on today is the first time Arthur comes to see you after he mows the lawn. I think you should wear the outfit you have on now going through that scene." Jack said concerned the school committee will give them a difficult time if Stacy reads the part in her negligee.

Stacy said, "I think that is a great idea Jack." She gave him a thankful smile and a hug.

Keith came in the theater a few minutes later, he asked. "What scene will we rehearse today to start with?"

"The living room scene, can you help Bill set up the furniture on the main stage, because we have a group coming in today, to see the rehearsal." The Director said to both men.

When the main stage was set Stacy went to the couch and sat down with her leg on the couch and the other leg on the stool. Keith was disappointed, he could see her panties; he wanted her to have on one of her negligees.

Mrs. Worthington and Arthur practiced the scene a few times before the guests arrived.

At ten minutes to eleven, the School administration arrived to witness the rehearsal.

"On what stage will the rehearsal be?" Rex asked the Director with anticipation.

"The rehearsal will be conducted on the main stage." The Director said.

Stacy's co-workers walked into the theater and sat in the front rows, all toll there were fifteen people to view the rehearsal.

The Director went onto the stage and described the scene to the audience and commented. "We are practicing the lines this morning.

"The first act, living room scene," the director called.

Mrs. Worthington was sitting on the couch, her feet up facing the audience. There was a knock on the door. She got up and went to the door. Mrs. Worthington looked through the peephole, saw it was Arthur, and opened it.

"Hi Mrs.W I just finished cutting your lawn." Arthur stopped. "I'll come back when you're dressed." He said looking embarrassed.

"Come in I want to pay you." Mrs. W said as she went to her purse to retrieve the money. She continued. "Sit down; do you want anything to drink?" The mature woman said when she went to her purse to get the money to pay him.

"Cut," the director called disappointed the scene was not believable.

The school committee members conversed quietly among themselves disappointed with the rehearsal so far.

The cast was concerned the school committee was not happy with the performance.

Rex was the spokesperson for the school administration he stated. "This scene was done as a dress rehearsal, when I saw in last week. How come you are doing the scene today differently?" The Principal asked the Director.

"We are not doing a dress rehearsal; this is a practice of the lines for the acts." The Director said concerned if he had the actors do a dress rehearsal the school administration would give Stacy problems at work.

The Principal conversed with the school board and then stated. "We want to see a dress rehearsal for the play and we will give our approval today. We have our Lawyer here with the papers to sign." Rex said smiling with anticipation, at the thought of seeing Stacy again in all her naked glory.

"On Saturday we practice the lines we do the dress rehearsals one scene at a time during the week," The director stated, frustrated he has to bend to outside pressure, while he tries to put this performance together.

"Jack, can I talk to you?" Stacy said, as she looked down at the ground in discomfiture.

"What is it Stacy?" The director said tersely, to the actress as he wants to have a rehearsal the way he sees appropriate, not dictated by outside forces.

"We need to do this scene the way it will be done for the show." Stacy whispered to the director, embarrassed she is the one to suggest her exposure. She continued, "Rex said they will sign the authorization for me to perform in the play after they see a dress rehearsal."

"Get ready then and we will do a dress rehearsal of the scene."

Stacy left the stage. "Bill come with me, Keith bring my purse/garment bag with my negligees. She directed the two men as Bill and Keith followed her to the dressing room.

The audience in attendance was surprised when the two men left the stage with Stacy, but the only one to realize that Bill and Keith were going to the dressing room with Stacy was Rex.

"The two men that went with Stacy will help her dress for the part." The Principal whispered to the person next to him and in turn, the information went down the line.

Stacy entered the dressing room, but left the door open. "Pick out the negligee you want me to wear today boys." The mature actor stated, as she removed all her clothes, and gave them to her husband, she continued. "Bill, fold my outfit, so it won't be wrinkled when I put it back on after rehearsal. I will perform in my negligees for all the scenes. That should make the school committee happy, so I have a signed agreement from them to act in the show, by the time today's rehearsal is over."

The men were looking over the nighties. "What do you think about the white one Stacy?"

"I will wear it if both of you are in agreement." Stacy said that as she stood in front of the two men nude, she noted with enjoyment they showed signs of interest in her nude form.

"Stacy you look so innocent standing in front of us nude." Keith stated with respect for the mature woman.

"I'm amazed at how comfortable you have become nude in front of us." Bill stated in support of his wife, as Keith handed the mature woman the white negligee with the panties.

"I hope I don't forget my lines in front of my peers, and they won't be offended, after they see the dress rehearsal. I know the men will like it, but I am concerned the women will be appalled with my performance." Stacy confessed, she was nervous about her exposure on stage and this is only rehearsals. She has another attack of conscience and modesty as she dressed in the negligee.

Jack came into the dressing room, as Stacy got ready. "Can we move along, so we can rehearse the scene?" He noted she did not put on the panties with the outfit he stated. "You can put on the panties for this rehearsal if you want to?"

"I'm good." The mature actor stated she might as well perform the dress rehearsal as the script states.

The Director walked out onto the stage and stated. "We will perform a dress rehearsal of Mrs. Worthington in her living room receiving young Arthur, after the older couple had an argument about their love life."

After setting the scene, the Director walked off and Mrs. W. went to the couch and sat down to read a book putting on leg on the couch and the other on the stool, she exposed her intimate area to the audience. The audience present gasped, when they realized the mature woman was bottomless.

The doorbell sounded, the mature woman went to the door, peeked out, and saw it was Arthur, She let him in. "Hi Arthur you're done with the lawn it looks great." Mrs. W. said as she came out from behind the door.

"Hi Mrs. W I...oh I will come back when you're dressed." The young man stuttered, as he looked at the almost nude mature woman, he performed a look of embarrassment.

"Non-sense, come in, and I will pay you. Sit down would you like a cold drink it is warm out today?" The mature actress stated as she grabbed her purse, put it on the foot stool, she bent over, this gave the young man an unobstructed view of her feminine parts, from the back as the intimate garment she wore rose up to the middle of her back.

The audience did not see her lady bits, but she exposed her whole backside in a side view.

There was a murmur from the audience and Stacy could hear it. "Hopefully, it was an approval of her performance," she thought.

Mrs. W. Went off stage and came back with a pitcher and glasses she said, "Have a glass of lemonade before you go," as she poured a glass for each. She handed the glass to Arthur and sat down. She absentmindedly exposed her womanhood to the young man, when she positioned her legs on the couch and the footstool. The audience could see her exposure also. "What have you been up to this summer do you have a girlfriend?" The mature actress asked.

"Cut," the director called. "That was fair, we will take a break. Bill could you set up the bedroom set. Keith, help him." The director said.

The director and Stacy went to the end of the stage. The audience looked up at both. They could see the mature woman's pubic hair and her nipples, through the transparent intimate garment and her slit, with her legs spread the way she stood.

The director said. "As you can see there is a lot of work to be done before the play is ready to be viewed by the public. Is there any questions?"

One of the women stood up and asked. "Stacy I remember you as very conservative, how can you do a show like this? I am surprised how comfortable you are exposed as you are."

"The theater is in jeopardy of failure. This play has helped any theater it was presented in become solvent. My first love besides my husband and a teacher is an actor; I took performing arts as a minor in college, before Bill swept me off my feet. Now I have a chance to act again, and help the theater at the same time. As far as the nude parts, I did not know how exposed I would have to be, I thought the most exposure would be in my undergarments, but the financial backers wanted full nudity to fund this production, so I have to woman up and strip nude. I have overcome my modesty issues and I am used to the exposure presently. Hopefully the school committee will see the merits of this play." The mature actress stated to the assembled group humbly.

"I have to say you make a lovely Mrs. Worthington." The woman who asked the question stated and all in attendance clapped their approval.

"One of the men raised his hand and asked. "Can we stay to see more of the rehearsal?"

"I will have my lead actress answer that question; it will be up to her?" The director stated.

"Everyone can stay to watch as long as I get my written approval from the school administration to act in the production, and everyone who stays buys at least two tickets each. I will have my husband come around, take your names, and phone number, with the amount of tickets you will purchase for the show." The mature woman stated she used a sale person tactic she learned from her father.

"Bill, go around to the nice people in the audience that are getting a free preview of our production and see how many tickets each one of them would like to purchase. Take their names and phone numbers." The mature actress said to her husband when he finished setting up the props for the next scene. She disappeared through the door set up in the back of the stage.

The director set up the next scene. "Mrs. W. husband left for work early. He has not paid attention to his wife's intimate needs in a long while. Arthur is shy and needs direction to become comfortable, knowledgeable in the treatment of woman and their likes and dislikes.

From behind, the door is heard, "Arthur, come with me I will help you over your shyness with women." Mrs. W. said, as she came through the door to the bedroom, she held Arthur's hand as he reluctantly followed. She sat on the bed and positioned Arthur to the side; she slid up on the bed and had Author sit beside her, they faced the audience. Mrs. W. pulled her lingerie up to expose her pubic hair and pushed her strap down to expose her breasts, the intimate garment was in her lap. "Arthur take my breast into your hand and gently massage' my breast. Some women like to have their breasts massaged as you are doing to me now, I like it, but other women like their breasts handled roughly. You will have to figure out the type of woman you are dating."

Arthur continued to pleasure the mature woman's breasts for about five minutes. Mrs. W. could see the audience was spellbound by the manipulation of the mature woman's breast by the young man.

"Thank you Mrs. W. for the instruction and your breasts feel very nice." The young actor stated with a staged innocence.

"I want you to get off the bed and kneel in front of the bed." The mature actress stated breathlessly as she removed the nightie entirely and threw it on the bed in back of her. "I will show you where the most pleasurable spot is on a woman." She said as she slid forward and opened her legs wide she put two fingers from each hand in her vagina and opened her womanhood to his gaze. "Rub that little button there." She said anxiously pointing out her clit to the young actor.

"Cut," the director called.

The performance of the two actors captivated the audience. You could hear a pin drop. It was about a minute before they started to clap.

Her husband was super horny as he watches his wife on stage with the young man. He thought he would be jealous but he loved to see his wife exposed and the young man touch her womanhood.

Arthur turned to the audience and bowed, he had a tent in his pants. Mrs. W. was still sitting on the bed with her legs spread; she had a big smile on her face and waved to her peers.

The nude actress, was helped off the bed by her second and both walked down to the assembled group. They loved her performance. The rest of the day, she remained nude and her peers did not leave until the end of rehearsals. The school committee saw all that the actor had to offer. She has no secrets from any of them. The lawyer gave her a written document that stated she was within the law and her contract. She could continue as an actress in the play.

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