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Omega Pride Ch. 05


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She, in the mist of all the pain, felt her flesh burn in her left shoulder. He had...shot her there. Delphi's cries echoed throughout her hurt body, but as much as it hurt, she couldn't stop, couldn't shake the undeniable terror that told her he would come and finish the job.

She couldn't move, and she didn't know if that was what scared her more: knowing that the person who killed everyone she loved was after her life as well, or knowing that said person was leisurely approaching her, and she was in a position where she not only couldn't help herself, but she couldn't see him coming.

Delphi's tearful whimpers got louder after several minutes passed and she heard the sound of boots crunching through the melting snow and cool, wet ground. She watched painfully as he looked down at her with a smile, his boots on either side of her head. Delphi cried as she stared up at him in the silence.

His warm grin that didn't reach his eye implanted itself inside her mind and would haunt her forever as he tapped the side of her face twice with his dirty shoe, going around so that he stood over her near her side.

He lit a cigarette, smoking it as he held up his gun and reloaded it slowly in front of her. Taking out the cigarette, he breathed it in her face, and it hurt too much to turn her head away from the dreadful smell he covered himself with.

He then pointed the gun in front of her face, "...Miss Méraudin, look this way please. No, no. Don't close your eyes. There we go."

Delphi lips trembled violently as she stared dead at the center of the barrel of the gun.

"....Now...that was rude. I was just talking to you, Miss Méraudin. That was no real reason for you to just hit me in the head with that pipe," He told her, and Delphi could finally see the blood that trailed down the side of his head and neck from under his hat.

His blood, his true scent, smelt strange to her. Not human, not wolf, or any animal species she's come into contact with, but she wouldn't dare say anything else with him looking down at her.

He saw her eyes on his blood and kicked her side hard, making her let out a scream to the added injury, "...Eyes back on the barrel, Miss."

Delphi did as she was told; her heart beat to furiously along with her trembling body with each passing second.

"Fortunately for me, it will only take a few days to heal," He took another breath from his cigarette, making sure that every time he exhaled, he did on her, "...Now....I have no real reason to tell you why I did what I did...or why I'm doing what I'm doing...but I'm feeling courteous today. It is a good day after all."

More tears fell from Delphi's dread-stained eyes as they shook.

Once again, he kicked hard in her side, pulling another scream, "On the barrel, Miss. Now...where was I...Oh, I remember...for what it was worth after all these years, Miss Mé're pack didn't need to die. They were all good wolves, every single last wolf. Love. Kindness. A sense of unity. Very good qualities in a pack, and I respect them for that. But when they refused to give up who we asked for....they signed their own death warrant. Unfair, I know, I know, and I almost wish I hadn't done it.... But then again...I'm thankful to the Deities...wait a second. That's right. You and every pack out there believe in the Moon Goddess, I'm I'll thank her instead. ...Why? Well, seeing you, laying in this very spot, in this very position, with you looking helplessly up at me. Alone. Staring at my barrel."

He let out a silent chuckle and shook his head slightly, "It reminds me of her. Your mother. No really, it does. I mean, who would have thought, that after all these years of trying to find the last Méraudin pack member, that I would find the daughter of my last kill here? In the backwaters of this forsaken place of all places? The Deities... No, my bad, forgive me...the Moon Goddess must be smiling on me today."

Delphi stared up at him, this...this insane man. Her body continued to tremble painfully.

He then cocked the gun and neared her face with it, causing it be at a range that even if she wasn't in so much pain couldn't avoid.

".....Now...I know I spoke too much, and I must say this. Thanks so much for finding me. It's been a pleasure," He then winked at her, and rubbed her messy hair as one would a kid, "....Good night, Miss Méraudin."

And Delphi stopped breathing.

A blur flashed over Delphi, charging straight into the man, and sending him flying backwards. She heard a gunshot fired as he flew back.

What..? What happened? Delphi couldn't see any much but peaks of light from the blur that covered her.

"Wait," she thought and sniffed weakly, smelling the smell of pine, sage, and myrrh....

on black fur...

that shown dark brown in the sun.

"...W....Wyatt....?" She asked weakly before she was cut off with the sound of a deep, throaty growl accompanied by a booming, enraged bark,



Wyatt couldn't believe what he saw when the man held a gun to Delphi's head. He didn't even think twice as he threw the door open and charged out, his body breaking and reshaping bones in painful, boisterous cracks. He saw red all the way there, his body growing in size and shredding through his clothes. He watched as this man cocked the gun and was about to squeeze the trigger.

Wyatt lunged at the man just as he looked up, sending him flying backwards into the dirt. He barked sullenly at him.

"...W...Wyatt?" He heard his mate ask weakly from underneath him.

He dare not look at her right now. He already had an incentive to kill this fucking bastard, but he knew that if she looked as bad as he knew she felt, he'd make sure he suffered.

Too late.

The thought put him over the edge as he pictured what he did to her, how he shot her twice, made her fall of a truck, break her wrist, and injure several areas on her body, and terrify her to tears.

He watched as the man tried to get up and Wyatt charged again, this time pinning him down by his throat as he literally disarmed him, ripping the arm that held the offending gun clean off.

The man let out a scream, but Wyatt silenced him as he slashed him across his face, tearing his ear off his face, slicing his cheek and eye socket open as well. He stared down at the man, his canines bared at him with menace.

Logic wanted to ask him who the hell he was, and why he hurt her, but the thought of his mate hurt and in fear, and the familiar smell of this man's blood deposed logic as grabbed the fucker's jaw from the bottom, digging his large claws deep into it and underneath tongue and out the side of his sliced open mouth.

He bit down hard onto his neck, shattering his spine and cutting straight through the spinal cord as he ripped his face and the bone structure in it off, breaking it from the back of his skull.

Wyatt started down at the now distorted, defaced man, a growl in each heavy breath he took. His breathing started to slow down even further as his man's heart came to a stop.

He stood up at his full height and wanted to let out a howl, but refused against it since the last thing he needed was humans to get curious enough to investigate where it came from.

Wyatt then turned and looked at Delphi, and his heart sank. He wished he could bring that bastard back to kill him again.

She was shot in her left shoulder and right thigh, just like he had felt. Her right arm's wrist was bent in the wrong way and her face was cut up, most likely when she fell.

There was definitely more to her pain underneath her cloths as he saw blood stains all over his white shirt and reach the surface of his pants and the holes in the jacket.

As he neared her, he turned back to his human form, the same agonizing sounds occurred as he did so and the remaining strands of clothing slid off his human frame.

"...Delphi," He whispered to her as he bent down to her where she could see him.

"...Wyatt...?" Her lips trembled and her words dipped, " I dead....?"

"...No, beloved," He brushed her hair out of her dirty and beaten face.

"'re here....?" Her words became a whisper as another few tears fell from her eyes.

He nodded, "....I'm going to get you home. And out of this state, okay?"

He then put his hands under her to lightly lift her up, earning from Delphi a yelp of pain as her body contracted at his gentle touch.

This made Wyatt's wolf whimper inside of him; he doesn't mean to hurt his mate, but had no choice, "Easy now."

Her body fit easy in his arms as he held her close, resting her head lightly against his chest and under his chin. She looked up and then looked down again as he carried her, remaining silent.

"Emmanuel, go and bury that filth," Wyatt commanded him firmly and with disgust as Emmanuel closed the front doors and opened the backseat door for them, knowing that his Alpha would want to sit with his mate.

"Yes, my Alpha," Emmanuel nodded and went to go do as he was told, glancing only once at Delphi's state.


Holding her, Wyatt maneuvered his body so that Delphi didn't move much.

She let out a whimper in his arms as he continued held her close and closed the door.

Wyatt glanced down at her and their eyes met.

In the silence, he whispered in her mind a gentle command, "....Sleep now, Delphi. You've been through enough."

The haziness in Delphi's eyes heard that command, and after an inhale of Wyatt's scent, she finally let herself black out.


Thanks for reading everyone!
Once again, sorry for the wait
I have had to balance between school and a new job
But I'll hop to the next chapter soon!

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago

When a bad guy harms his girlfriend, a good werewolf boyfriend rips the dude's arm off and then bites his face off. I bet that hurt... briefly. I'm all in favor of that.

MsQueen713MsQueen713over 10 years ago
Wyatt !!

Omg I Think Im In Love -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This was a thrilling story. Good job:)

PeepItPeepItalmost 12 years ago

I hope I am reading a completed storyline cuz I WILL BE PISSED waiting on you to finish. Sheeeiiittt you're pretty good. Your universe pal....I'm just a Peeping Tom passing through...

ElhazElhazabout 12 years ago
Great storyline

Really enjoying your story. You have got an interesting story going here, not your ordinary girl falls for guy, mate and all is happy, looking forward to more of the same.

oneboobeeoneboobeeover 12 years ago

Loving this story so far!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The only thing I can suggest for this whole story is that you really need an editor. Love the story. Dephi maybe be weak, but given the life she has led is it surprising?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This is to the person that posted a comment entitled weak!

People can be so cruel sometimes. Its one thing to make constructive critism and another to be so cruel. If you don't like a story don't read it ,there is no need for you to leave nasty comments. This author had the courage to step up to write something then post it for us all to read. If you think you're such an authority on writing werewolves stories why don't you write something of your own. Don't be a hater! because only those who can't write ,criticise.

WerefanWerefanover 12 years ago
Not your average Omega

You are creating interesting characters that are more than expected. I eagerly await your revelation of Delphis true nature and ability, which is obviously more than the run of the mill Omega.

Thank you for sharing your imagination in this creative and well written story.

PS, Hope your new job is going well. Good Luck!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This is one weak ass chick. I thought it would get better as I read but she is a scared weakling and how the hell is ahe gonna be mated to an alpha as weak as she is. I have to say that this is one of the sorriest stories have read and I suggest that either you rewrite to make her a strong coming into herself woman or remove this story and try again. I wonder if the person you are claiming is copying your story on some other link is doing it better justice. I think I'll check it out and see.:-(

SampopbobSampopbobabout 13 years ago
Not wanting to rush you but ...........

not so patiently waiting for the next chapter - I love this story, its so different. I love these characters & want to know more. Please - pretty please - update soon :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Love, love, love this story! I wish I could say that I am patiently awaiting the next chapter...but I'm not; I want the next chapter soon. Pretty please! Keep up the great work; you've got a gift!

LatinaramosLatinaramosabout 13 years ago
Please write more!!!

I love this story!! I need to read more!! I check everyday to see if you have written the next chapter. Please take me out of my misery!!

jadekat8jadekat8about 13 years ago
More please!

More please... a great story so far, look forward to the next...chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Please Please Please

Please update soon - I am dying to know what happens :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
dying a S L O W D E A T H ......... HERE!!!!!!!

Please when are you going to write a new chapter or 3 chapters.. I am dying here!!!!!

huntersangelhuntersangelabout 13 years ago
really lovin this story

i really love this story. i like your different approach to a topic that has been so written about. i'm glad that you have decided to continue with this and am looking forward to chapter 6.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
please finish this story

I really hope you plan on finishing this story. I hate it when authors don't finish what they started.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Love it!

Please update this soon! I haven't read anything this good in so long!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
still waiting

Pls update soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
More, please?

Patiently awaiting more.

arelativearelativeabout 13 years ago

this series is awesome and needs to be continued indefinately!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
can't wait

hey great story with all the twists and turns, can't wait to see whay happens next!

SuperCerealSuperCerealabout 13 years ago
More please!

I hope you plan to updated soon. I really like how different this story is. Always keeps me guessing what Delphi will do next. She is one messed up chick, lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
me too... checking daily...

Please please let us know what happens next! Why did the bad guy want to kill her? And, is she really an omega after all? She has proven to be very resilient!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Please post more!

Please, please, please! I look every day! I have to know what happens!

I love the story! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Thanks for the update Canis, I eagerly await the next installment, keep up the great work.

Canis_CrazyCanis_Crazyabout 13 years agoAuthor
Wanted to Suprise

I really wanna say thank you to all you guys that helped me, and did what you could to remove that bugger from the site. I will let you know that I will be updating either this week or the next. Thank you all again, and there will be a lot more there that came from.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I know you are busy with school, work & then there has been that bullshit (hopefully we won because I could not find the copy cat on there) but I was wondering when we can expect another chapter?? - I check daily for updates :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I'd never even heard of until today, but I hope the situation with the stolen story is indeed resolved. I have to find out where it goes from here!

lili82lili82about 13 years ago
fellow readers

I think we did it! I can't find the story at all on Please don't take this down or not finish this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Loving it....

I went to but I could not find the story so I am hoping that it means the person has been removed - I don't get why people do shit like that. Hope that you will continue the story on here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Loving this even more....pls update soon

I've only just checked back to see if you had updated and you have and boy did I enjoy it.

Can't wait to read chapter 6 - I'm sure Wyatt is not going to let Delphi out of his sight now.

Saw your comment about the person on passing off your story as their own. I think you're the 2nd Lit author I've read today who has been plagarised like this on Mibba. Hope whoever it is gets outed big time and banned.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Like the above commenters, I both reported the story, and left a comment that included a link to your submissions page on Lit.

I really hope this doesn't make you stop writing. Though the spelling & grammar often bother me, the story is so interesting and strong that I find myself overlooking those issues (and trust me, that takes a lot because I am a definite grammar nerd). So keep writing. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Went to Mibba

This what i posted on their site.

This story is by someone else they are copying her. This is her story not this person. Here is her site to the story.


We are behind u. Please dont stop writing because of this ass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I never comment but I love your story please don"t let one person let you quit call them out and keep going please. I can't stand people that do ish like this. Sorry ass excuses that don't have an orginal bone in their body. To be inspired is one thing but to just steal somebody's work is low. Be orginal and get your own.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I made an account on and reported it. Under the comments section on the report I put the link to this story. Hope this helps!

Canis_CrazyCanis_Crazyabout 13 years agoAuthor
Listen Up

A note to EVERYONE! Some asswhole on is using my story for themselves. Type in Omega Pride on the story search. If people can, do what ever is in your power to shut them down. I am putting this on all my stories as if it continues, I will more than likely be taking my stories off. Thank you all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Update - please :)

Please update soon, am honestly hanging out for the next chapter, read this one as soon as it was updated & have been checking daily for the next chapter. Love your work & don't want to rush you but I am loving this story.

Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaabout 13 years ago
love it x 1000000000

amazing story! you describe delphis feelings and thought process so well, I fell so sad for her but hopefully Wyatt can make her happy

cant wait to read more

devilcowgurl6devilcowgurl6about 13 years ago
more please!

I really can't wait for the next chapters of the story. Please hurry! PLEASE!!!!

amienicholeamienicholeabout 13 years ago

SO SOON?????? PLEASE!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

OMFG!!!!!! Pleeeeeeease hurry with the next few chapters!!!!!!! I die a little bit inside every day I have to wait!!!!!!!!

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